
Adam started to touch her face to get a good 'look' at her. Finding out exactly what she looked like,

Two pointy ears and a symmetrical face. Which was getting hotter when he touched her down.

Their French kiss was like a flood of data…

The gamer pinned her on the bed and continued the deep intertwining locks between the tongues.

Like dragons wrestling for supremacy.

Even without his eyesight, the specifics of how she looked and powered innately was passed onto him.

Her physical health condition, ailments, colour of her skin, shape of the bones, organs, muscles, etc.

The 'Universal Digestion' part of his 'Deep Eyes Digest All Things' allowed him to decrypt her DNA.

Adam managed to 'see' her after a while.

The filtering of information, he realised that she had pale skin and red eyes… like that of a demon.

She was once bald, but now a blonde lock of hair was flowing down from her head like a model.

The rest of her seemed more like an Elf.

It started from the ears and likely affected her chest too, which had become modest and shapely.

Adam touched them himself to have a good look.

"Mmph…!" SS06 reacted. She felt like he was toying with her flesh mounds to his amusement.

They fit into his palms. His fingers grazed her nipples while trying to understand the shape.

She felt him squeeze them to check the elasticity and flexibility of the fat lumps. How they kept form.

He realised that with each pluck and squeeze, the lumps of fat on her chest wouldn't lose their shape.

Like rubber, they both pulled themselves together.

Perhaps it was thanks to the specific size…

Larger chests tended to sag around, while the flatter chests tended to barely have much to touch.

SS06 seemed to be directly in the middle.

You'd think she had a boob job done to get them such a fine shape. Not sagging nor too modest.

Making pushing them around interesting…

Maybe because of her physiology, but her smooth skin made playing with them amusing and fun.

The Cambion Elf felt like he was really making her wet, but the stimulation of them was manageable.

But things started to change at a certain point…

Every time his fingers brushed her cherries, she felt like a sharp stimulation would raise her hair.

This gave him interest in her nipples specifically.

His two fingers gripped the ends of her boobs and started to pinch them. Messing with her chest.

"Mmmm~" SS06 held in her moan. Seeing that his sightless eyes were staring directly at her mounds.

'Is this his first time?' The curiosity he had in her made her feel alive. Like she was owned by him.

A thought process that was embedded into her.

Since she had never saw herself as a person, his objectifying gaze to her breasts felt really nice.

She wanted to be his.

Wanting him to declare that no one could touch her but him, because she wasn't anyone else's 'object'.

Rather, the girl was HIS.

A possession only he was allowed to play with and use as a masturbation tool. She let him 'study' her.

Squirming when he pinched he nipples harder.

SS06 felt like lightning struck. She threw her head back and buried herself into the bedsheets more.

"Haaa… Haa.. Ha~" Her heavy breaths became a high-pitched moan from him grabbing her nerves.

When he finally stopped, she took the time to catch her breath again. He stopped his plucking.

Adam leaned towards her chest and stimulated the tip of her right mound with his tongue, then licked.

The half-altered wolf-like tongue drenched the top of her tit, then scared surprised her with his teeth.

A canine touched the centre of her nipple.

This seemed to have been an honest mistake on his part. He lips coiled her mounds and sucked.

His mouth started to make sounds of suckling her.

Like an infant baby trying to be fed.

"I… I don't have 'milk'. Please… just put it in." She begged, feeling like her organs was being delayed.

Adam didn't react to her writhing whatsoever.

He kept his pants on and continued to lower his mouth down her body. Tasting her skin and sweat.

The taste of an elf…

She was like a mint. His mouth felt refreshed from using his mouth to clean her dirty bellow button.

His universal digestive properties were still active.

Adam felt his feral and animalistic instincts were being awakened the more he licked and played.

SS06 could see the hunger in his eyes…

Maybe because he wasn't used to his senses as a first generation Beastkin, but his eyes were sharp.

They were interchanging between extremes…

A part of him wanted to truly bite down on her flesh and gobble her up to the very last strange of hair.

His Skills had affected his urges and instincts…

Normal animals knew what they couldn't eat to a certain extent. Having preferences as their species.

Carnivores, herbivores, omnivores… Whichever the type of animal, they had specific tastes and traits.

But Adam was different.

Anything from sickness to health could be placed in his mouth and 'devoured'. Turning into his nourishments… Everything was his sustenance. All things in the world merely a part of his meals.

The gamer started to fear his own instincts…

SS06 noticed his face twisting while he was about to move away. His eyelids and empty irises shook.

She grabbed his hands and locked her legs around his waist. Uncaring of the consequences of it all.

"W-we should stop now. I… can't control myself. It feels like I could gulp your flesh down at any time."

Adam said while looking at her face. Since their bodies were connected and he'd already had data on her face, he could 'see' the way her facial muscles moved. Able to figure out her expression.

She honestly seemed indifferent to his statement.

"It's fine… I'm yours. All from top to bottom." SS06 spoke with an amorous gaze filled with pleasure.

"That's- Mph!" Before he could speak any more persuasions, she put her hand in his mouth.

Her face hardened while looking at her partner.

"Bite me. Use me. I don't care about it. As long as I'm yours, everything is fair and just." She looked him in the eyes with the gaze of a demon. The deep possessiveness as a Qarinah had awoken.

She pressed the tip of her finger on his canine…

Blood flowed onto his tongue, and he had his first taste of her flesh… which assaulted his senses.

But he managed to pull her hand out of his mouth.

"Don't ever do that again…!" His eyes were barbaric while wiping the blood off of his lips.

He was not an animal!

This conviction suppressed his instincts, but they could do nothing to stop his hormonal urges to her.

His eyes stared straight into her own and spoke:

"Open your legs up." He spoke with anger, and the Cambion Elf felt the steel-like disposition behind it.

She started feeling embarrassed.

"Okay…" She slowly twisted her thighs to reveal her lower hole. Naturally clean from things in the way.

Without prompting, she 'opened' her ripe pussy up in front of him. Fully ready to accept his manhood.

Adam felt stimulated by the sight…

"Lift them up and don't move around." He spoke while 'helping' bring her knees next to her face.

The rest of her lower body was revealed to him.

Though because of his eyes, it was too unknown.

Adam started to wonder something. He brought his face closer to her vagina and licked its exterior.

The elven woman suddenly felt her nerves jolted.

It wasn't just the inside of her pussy that had pleasure points. The outside had some too.

Which was why Adam moved closer to her.

'Eating' her from below.

"Eeigh~ Wayt… I wan ya dick…! Shtop… Just give it to me!" She writhed with slurry sentences.

Unable to stop herself from convulsing when he bit down and put his long tongue into her lower body.

Her hands gripped the bedsheets under her.

Adam was able to stimulate many of her pleasure points in this position. It opened up her inner parts.

Thanks to her 'accepting' him, his tongue was able to reach deep places while nibbling on outer parts.

This scene lasted for quite some time…

SS06 believed she might have provoked him a little too much. The stimulations was flooding her mind.

She could think of nothing at that moment.

Only strongly convulsing at times when she couldn't hold it in anymore and started to cum.

Her climax wetted the mouth gobbling her pussy.

But no matter how many times she climaxed, the mouth would continue to stimulate her for a while.

Leaving her body limp…

Gradually, strength started to leave her body as the Qi Centre in his brain sucked away at her stamina.

It didn't matter if she had become immortal…

The 'Deity Rank Wood Immortality' Skill couldn't keep up with the rate her body was being fatigued.

Gradually giving her no choice but to sleep.

A rare occurrence even for an ordinary elf.

When his eyes that hadn't left her face for a moment saw her falling asleep from the fatigue, he let go of her. The legs lifted high powerlessly dropped onto the bed. Her nether regions wet…

He wiped his lips and spat onto his hand unconsciously, then continued to stimulate.

Adam ignored her writhing in pleasure and used his spit as lube. The rest of his body sat composed.

He had 'swallowed' a lot, and now was the time to fully 'digest' the information he had got from her.

"Quiet down…" He spoke to the girl moaning in the background, then picked up a phone at the side.

It was connected to the rooms the others were in.

The former office administrator installed these tools for practicality, but didn't intent to use them.

But now that he could no longer go around the house without the chance of tripping over, he found these house phones much more useful. It was the dead of the night, but he dialled keys in.

The ringing sound followed…

Someone who probably wouldn't mind the noise in the background picked up the phone pretty fast.

"Daddy Hyuk can still hear~! Are you in the middle of something? How? Since when?! And can I join in?" Hyuk spoke on the line. Unaware that the girl in question was trying to cover her unwilling mouth.

There was no way to stop this involuntary reaction.

She tried to move away her pleasure centres by closing her legs and turning, but it was useless.

His hand merely changed directions of attack.

Clinging onto the woman.

"What's the situation with Lucia and is Simon at home?" Adam ignored his nonsense and spoke.

"You're finally calling him by his name!"

"And why wouldn't I? So can we move on…?"

"So no threesome plan? Seriously?"

"If you bring that up another time, I won't care who you are. Like hell I'm ever having a three-way!"

"Don't be like that. I don't know who you brought home, but I'm welcoming this positive growth."

"Just answer the question." Adam was about to lose his patience with this perverted bastard.

"Alright… Sebas is putting Lucia to bed, and Simon has gone to save your marriage at my request."

"…" Adam wasn't sure what to say to this, his fingers continued to stimulate SS06's inner parts.

He didn't even have to look to 'see' her condition.

Her chest was heaving up and down, which shook the mounds on her chest. It was truly eye candy.

"Isn't Lucia a teenager on the inside?"

"You're also old now after that incident with Simon before, but we still treat you the same. So does he."

"That guy didn't have to do it for me." The gamer felt moved… and sighed in relief for the moment.

Sebas seemed like the type to threaten his woman for being a demon too, and Lucia was immature.

Leaving only Hyuk as the type to accept her.

"Oh, and one more thing." Hyuk added: "Lucia's mother and older sister are visiting this afternoon."

"You want me to be there too?"

"You're still the landowner." The perv had a point.

"I'll definitely be there. Anyway, there's someone I need to introduce to you and ask you a personal matter. Do you still have time?" Adam made an appointment, which the pervert jumped happily for.

"You can visit right now. I'm awake." Hyuk spoke.

The composed landowner put down the phone.

SS06 was finally exhausted while letting out her climax on the bed. Which stained it with her juices.

Adam stopped his actions…

He got up spoke without much fatigue:

"Right… I'll have to buy you some clothes, but you can wear my shirts and pants for now. We gotta go meet someone who could protect you." The gamer felt filled with energy after siphoning on her own.

He got ready to grab something for her to wear, but was suddenly stopped by her grabbing his wrist.

The miracle gamer didn't even have to look to know she had dragged herself and leaned on her breasts. Her eyes were filled with tears, but only pertly filled with sorrow and the other recovering.

She no longer hid the intensity of her emotions:

"WHY WON'T YOU FUCK ME…?" Her voice was soft, but Adam felt threatened by her presence.

He told her honestly:

"I don't trust you."

"W-why…? I love you so much. I'm loyal to you and you only." Her other hand grabbed onto his wrist.

"…You know you're a Succubus."


"You COULD kill me if we had sex. Drain out my life force." His eyes regained some of their animosity.

The remnant taste of blood on his mouth didn't help. He didn't appreciate what she'd done earlier.

"I… can have your babies. You can use me to incubate them if you want." Her words became more composed. She was regaining the usual tone of her voice after her regenerative factor kicked in.

Adam's gaze were still cold. He leaned down to look her in the eyes, even if he couldn't see her.

"If we had kids, would you love them?"

"That… Umm… I mean… I don't need to."

"It's exactly because you think this that makes you unworthy of being a mother. Don't think I don't know what you were thinking. You know my nature and wanted to use 'children' as a way to chain me down." The gamer revealed her true intentions.

"N-No…! I really DO love you. Don't ever leave me alone. I'll be in danger. Someone will kill me!" She became a bit hysterical while grabbing his waist reverently. Her eyes filled with real heavy reliance.

"I respect your loyalty, but I can't trust you." Adam shook his head and felt disappointed in her actions.

He understood that her doing anything to harm him was unlikely, but he didn't trust 'emotional people'.

He still felt betrayed for when Sebastian almost hurt Lumina and with Simon causing two incidents.

He wasn't so easily going to trust this 'Demon'…

Adam helped her get dressed and lead her towards Hyuk's room. Clinging onto his arm the whole time.

They arrived in the room of the Harem King…