I. 4

-Andrew pulls into his drive way 

-Throwing his keys into a bowl as he goes to make food

"Hello" Andrew says

"Hey Andrew" Peter says

"I understand you have three other people to catch and it's bothering u" Peter says

"But you do need a break sometimes, the night will go by fast and we can work again" Peter says

"Just try and relax for now, you will need it" Peter says

"Thanks Peter, you have a good night too" Andrew says hanging up

-Andrew gets his food and turns on the TV

"A fucking concrete documentary?" Andrew says

"I didn't know they showed these anymore" Andrew says

-Andrew falls asleep right there


"Right there leave it right there" 

"No someone will find it" 



"HUH" Andrew says waking up

"Shit- I'm late" He says 

-Andrew quickly showers, brushes and dresses

"Hello" Andrew says

"Peter I'm going be just a little late, but I may know something" He says

"What Andrew" Peter says

"Can't say right now, or I'll be late" Andrew says

"Alright, Andrew I'll let them know" Peter says

-Andrew hangs up and tries his best to arrive

-Andrew drives by the concrete place 

"You- I- alright" Andrew says pulling in

"Excuse me Sir" Andrew says

"Do you know anyone named, Jason, Jenny and Vincent" Andrew asks

"Sir, I can't give u information on any one who works here,  Sorry" The man says

"Alright, thank you I should've known that" Andrew says

"SORRY" Andrew says


"She's in there, she's got to be" Andrew says

"Where's Andrew" Jack asks

"He's going to be a little late" Peter says

"Why I thought he was the die hard one on this case, and he's showing up late" Jack says

"Not a good look for someone who just got promoted in less than like three days" Julius says

"Guys hey that's no way to talk about, Andrew" Francesca says

"Maybe he's finding info on the case" She says

"Wouldn't it make sense to come here, first" Julius says

"It would but maybe it's something he really needs to know like at the moment" Franscesa says

"Well wherever he is, he better have a good explanation as to why he isn't here yet" Julius says

"Julius stop being mad all the time" Naomi says

"I'm not mad, my co-worker is ghosting me, how do u all know I'm mad, I could very well be worried" Julius says

"Guys let's get back to work alright I'm sure Andrew will be here" Peter says


"Ohhh I'm going to be late" Andrew says

"Oh come on are you fucking serious" Andrew says gripping the wheel

-Andrew was stuck in traffic

"Goodness it's been thirty minutes already, Peter" Naomi says

"That's a lot of time for just coming to work" Francesca says

"Maybe he doesn't care about his job anymore, he some slacked" Julius says

"Hey, Julius don't talk about him like that he's in a higher position" Peter says

"And, just because he's in a higher position doesn't mean he can show up late and do what he wants" Julius says

"I know that but don't say he doesn't care he's been working hard on this case especially for the little girl's friend" Peter says

"I'm going back to typing reports, you all have fun with your deadbeat" Julius says

"Julius" Francesca says

"Leave him, he just needs time to himself" Peter says

"He isn't really fond of Andrew" Naomi says

"I know that, he has worked hard for that same position I think he feels like it was stolen from him" Peter says

"Well he needs to get over himself, a little girl's friend and family are going through sad times right now" Francesca says

"GUYS!!!!" Andrew says screaming and running through the door with a lot of papers

"Andrew what took you so long" Everything asks

"Sorry sorry sorry I have coffee to make it up" He says

"Anyway... Wait where's, Julius" Peter says

"He's been a little upset" Avena says

"He was mad because u showed up late" Peter says

"Alright well anyway I have inten on Jason, Jenny and Vincent" Andrew says

"Jason works at a packing factory, just like Adrie" Andrew says

"Jenny makes phone books" Andrew says

"That's kinda interesting making phone books that is" Jack says

"That sounds pretty weird and boring" Avena says

"And Vincent works at a construction site" Andrew says

"So Francesca and Andres I need you two to focus on Jason Surling" Andrew says

"Avena and Jack I need you to focus on Jenny Saint" he says

"And me and Julius will work on Vincent Durand" Andrew says

-The teams get right to work

-Andrew walks in on Julius

"Oh so you finally made it here, and decided upon me being your damn wingman instead of Pete" Julius says

"Julius, please get over yourself" Andrew asks

"You show up late like it's a family event, and you want to tell me to get over myself" Julius says

"Julius I know I showed up late and should've told everyone what I was doing, hell I even got a ticket for speeding" Andrew says

"I also got in trouble with Luka, I can't get away with things like you all can I may be in a high standard, but I'm also now held to a higher standard" He says

"However I just need you to put your hate aside of me, and focus on the case because somewhere there is a little girl whose heart is deep" Andrew says

"I don't need your pep talks, Hampton" Julius says

"Did you investigate the construction site" Julius asks

"Yeah the places they work at people are being sent out to 'em now" Andrew says

"Good because I want to investigate this concrete place" Julius says pointing at the computer

"I actually tried doing that this morning but I didn't have a warrant" Andrew says

"Let's go back there now" Julius says 

"Alright," Andrew says walking out the room


"Remember let's go to were Vincent works first" Andrew says

-the two arrive

Knock knock

"Good morning" a man says

"Good morning, how are you doing, Sir" Andrew asks

"Good morning" he says

"We are With the Scoic Investigators, Andrew Hampton, Julius Adler" they both say

"We have a warrant to investigate your workers, Sir" Andrew says

"I.. I understand" he says

"Good, if you just comply with us this'll be over soon, we are looking for a man named, Vincent Durand" Andrew says

"Description, Black, Male, curly hair, average height and weight last seen wearing grey sweat suit" Julius says

"Oh, Vincent no he is one of my best employees here" he says

"Well clearly not" Julius says

"He isn't working today so I can give you his address" the man says

"Thank you, Sir" Andrew says


"Make a left turn here, Julius" Andrew says

"Oh, Naomi is calling" Andrew says

"Naomi" Andrew says. 

"Hello Andrew I am coming to update you on Adrie Furnay, he has been tied to a sexual case against the victim his DNA was tied to hers" She says

"Also, Jenny Saint is in custody she has been linked to the planning of the crime" Naomi says

"We are still finding out what role, Jason Surling had to play in the case" She adds

"Alright, thanks for the update, Naomi" Andrew says

"Damn that poor girl I can't even imagine what she must've experienced before she was killed" Julius says

"Right here, Julius" Andrew says

Knock knock

-Vincent opens he door thinking it's a friend

"Hello, Sir you are under arrest" Andrew says

"What... I don't know what I'm being arrested for" he says

"Well youre about to find out" Julius says

"Get in" The officer says

-police station

"Jason Surling and Vincent Durand you two will be questioned for your alleged role in the murder-rape case of Ramona Toussaint" a woman says

-The two men are escorted back for questioning


"Well so far, the DNA from Jason and Vincent is the same as the DNA found on Ramona Toussaint's hair" Naomi says

"We can't finalize is until we have her body" Andrew says

"That much is true it seems, Jason knows where the body is but he won't talk" Jack says

"Her body is somewhere in that construction site where Vincent Durand works" Jack says

-Andrew walks out of the door

"He's going to the site isn't he" Jack asks

"Well he does have a warrant" Naomi says

"There's no way I'm letting that man get away with this" Andrew says

-Andrew calls the construction site ahead of his arrival


"Knock knock"

-the man opens the door to Andrew and assures him everything is ready to investigate

-Andrew looks around the site remembering a dream he had

-he quickly turns around and runs toward a huge truck

"Do any of you have a shovel" Andrew asks

-Andrew gets handed a shovel and starts to dig around the area

-He digs some more eventually finding what was expected

The construction site man is surprised


"Sir, there's probably so much more you don't know is going on on your site" Andrew says


"Andrew you are on in a few" Peter says

"Yeah, you know even though her body has been found it feels incomplete" Andrew says

"I remember this feeling but it wasn't so strong back then" Andrew says

"It's never going to go away, we signed up for this when we first stepped into the world" Peter says

"Just seeing her, I'm glad her friend didn't have to see that" Andrew says

"Yeah" Peter says


"We have found, Ramona Toussaint's body and the suspects in the case are in custody, though we are still investigating our hearts go out to the Toussaints and everyone who knew and loved little Ramona" Andrew says

-1 hour later

"Excuse me" a girl says to Andrew

"Hello" Andrew says

"Thank you for finding Ramona" She says

-Andrew hugs the girl as she begins to cry hard

"It's alright honey those bad people are put away and can't hurt anyone again" He says

"As long as Ramona is okay I'm alright" She says

"Promise me one thing, you'll look after yourself and be very careful of any and everyone around you" Andrew says

"Do it in Ramona's honour" he says

"I will" she says

"Thank you for giving everything you have for her, she'd appreciate you soooo much" she says

-Andrew smiles at the girl as she goes on with a new life without her friend

"My first case ended in how it began" Andrew says

"Well, the judges should be deciding those fucks fates" Julius says

"Yeah, hey Julius good work today" Andrew says

"To be honest I thought we'd never work together, but I guess anything can happen right" Julius says

"Yeah" Andrew says

"Anything" he says
