I. 5

"Andrew I want to give you another congratulations for your work in this recent case" Allard says

"Thank you, but I think the entire team should be congratulated for their work too" Andrew says

"You're right, good on not being arrogant" Allard says

"Oh, I want you to take my place at the Tanic Officials tonight" Allard says

"Wait what!? I can't go to that" Andrew says

"Too late I already told them plus get to know more people in the province, Andrew" Allard says

"Sir, I don't go to things like that you know I keep to myself" Andrew says

"Andrew the people wanna know who ya are, kid" Allard says giving him a little punch

"Find a suit and go, they ain't gonna be all in your face talking to ya" Allard says

"Sir, I really wish you talked to me first before making these arrangements" Andrew says

-Allard laughs

"Hey, Andrew, coffee" Francesca says

"Coffee, oh sure thanks" Andrew says

"Hey are you alright, I can work on your files for you if you'd like" she says

"Oh, my files I completely forgot" Andrew says

"Andrew you alright" Francesca asks

"No I'm not alright, Allard set me up to go to this party thing tonight" Andrew says

"Uh really the Tanic Officials I'd be jumping up and down in excitement" She says

"Well clearly I'm not, I don't attend events like that" He says

"You'll be alright, Andrew plus you'll move up in the ranks of people's opinions" She says 

"Yes that's the problem everyone thinks working in this job is based on people's opinions and getting people to do your dirty work for you" Andrew says

"I joined this job to get things done myself and help out in this place I want to be able to see people sleep safely" he says

"Andrew you have a good attitude about you" Francesca says smiling

"Well I'd better go through these names" She says

Andrew gets to his office going through his files

"There is no way I'm going to get all of this done before the day is out" he says

"Knock knock" Someone says

"What Peter, what do you need" He asks

"What's wrong with you" Peter asks

"Aren't you proud of your work lead investigator" Peter says

"I'm proud of the closure I gave second lead investigator" Andrew says

"Ohhh you're filing good thing I got my files done took me five days" Peter says

"Five days what the hell were you filing" Andrew asks

-Knock Knock

"Hey Naomi" Peter says

"Hey Peter" She says

"Uhm Andrew you've got a guest" She says

"Who is it" he asks

-A woman with a worried look on her face walks in

"Alright Andrew good work again" Peter says leaving

"Hello ma'am take a seat" He says

"Is there something you need come to pick something up" Andrew says

"No no no it happened three months ago" She says

"Alright, thank you for coming here but can I get your name please" He asks

"Elle Curand" She says

"Alright thank you Mrs. Curand" Andrew says

"Wait just a minute please ma'am" He says

-Andrew walks to Naomi's office

"Naomi could you write down the woman's explanation please" he asks

-They both walk back to Andrew's office to figure out why the sad woman is here

"Could you explain to me why you are here please" he says

"Well my main reason if being here is my son" she says

"He's gone and I'm scared he may have been murdered" The woman starts to cry

"Ma'am let me assure you we will do our best to bring any news about your son right to you" He says

"His name is Jake Curand 19 years old he is in his first year at Grand University of Scoic" she says

"He is getting a degree in business and he wants to open up a trade he said" She says smiling

"I'm sure your son will be successful he could come fix up around here" Andrew says

The woman begins to smile and laugh

"Is there any known person or people you have in mind about who may know where he is" Andrew asks

"Well he hangs out with these three boys as far as I'm concerned they're good boys" She says 

"Could you list the boys name please" Andrew asks

"Tyler Lambert, Albert Tremblay and Johnny Andrews" She says

"Oh and Jake said that Johnny is a foreign exchange student well he is just from the U.S." She says

"I'm not sure what part though" She says

"You have no suspicions about these boys correct" He asks

"No I don't they all have degrees in engineering surely these boys are good" She says

"Alright ma'am thank you, again we'll try are very best" Andrew says

-The lady thanks him and leaves

"Hmm, she seems devastated" Naomi says

"Hey aren't you from the U.S." Naomi asks

"Yes I am from the U.S. could you send the team a notice we need to go investigate that college I mean university and could you type up her report" Andrew says

"Got it" Naomi says

-Andrew calls the team to the planning room

"Now me and Naomi have already met this woman Mrs. Curand she has a son that is missing" Andrew says

"His name is Jake Curand" He adds

"I want Avena, Andres and you Franco you four come with me gather detail about Jake from other students in his classes" Andrew says

"Franco coffee boy getting to do something important" Peter says laughing

"Peter shut up" Andrew says

-They all hop in the car

"Hey uhm Mr. Hampton" Franco says

"Why'd you ask me to come along" Franco asks

"I ask people who I know will get a job done and you're the youngest in the group maybe you can get through to these colleg- Uni kids" Andrew says

"You got promoted to Lead Investigator here and you still refer to University as college" Andres says

"I may work here but I was born in the U.S." he says

"It's the same thing anyway higher education college uni whatever" Andrew says

They all laugh

"Well you better say university around the students here they'll look at you weird or probably not talk to you" Avena says

"Well now that's just rude all these kids these days are the same, no ooffense Franco" Andrew says

"None taken I'm 25" he says

"They're all disrespectful and mouthy, my pregnant sister told me she was in line and some girl was filming something and almost hit her" Andrew says

"She didn't even say sorry" he said

"Yeah children these days film a lot of stuff even my little sister does and she's 12" Franco says

"I didn't know you had a little sister" Avena asks 

"I have a little brother too, he's 18" Franco says

"Huh, I have an older brother he's 34" Avena says

"I have no siblings" Andres says

"Well growing up with siblings is fun kind of" Andrew says

"I'm a younger sibling myself" He says

"So am I" Avena says

"I'm the oldest" Franco says

"You're the oldest sibling but youngest here" Avena says

-They arrive

"Wow look are those like detectives or something" 

"We got detectives on out campus I wonder what they're here forrrr"

"These kids are recording, they should have a take your phone rule" Andres says

"Guys focus" Andrew says

Knock Knock

"Come in" Chancellor Moulin says

"Sir you have visitors the investigators from the Scoic department" 

"Oh well let them in, woman" Moulin says

"Please come in investigators" She says

-Andrew and Avena walk in nodding at her

"Close the door Fraya" Chancellor Moulin says

"So what do you all need investigating a party that was too loud or what" the man laughs

"No sir, we are here to investigate allegations on a boy who has apparently went missing who was last seen here on your campus" Andrew says

"His name is Jake Curand, we have reason that you may know something about him give us some clues" Avena says

"Alright girl I don't know you but clearly this gentleman here was doing the talking" Chancellor says

"We give them rights and they walk all over us, like it's nothing" The Chancellor laughs

"Excuse me -Andrew says beginning to get up- Mr. Moulin we're sitting in your office trying to gather details on a missing persons case and you're sitting here disrespecting my partner" Andrew says 

"I saw how you talked to that woman before she left I suggest you fix your attitude toward the opposite sex, Sir" Andrew says leaning back crossing his arms

"Huuuuh" Avena breathes Sir we would like to know about all the classes Jake takes here and we are going to need footage which we will come back for so don't do anything with it" She says

-They both get up 

"We'll be back hopefully your attitude won't" Andrew says storming out

"Who the hell gave that man permission to act like that" Andrew says

"I it's nothing you get used to it" She says

"No you shouldn't if someone said something like that to me I'd straight punch them square in the face" Andrew says 

"I'm sure of that Andrew, thanks though" She says smiling

"You're welcome, anytime Avena let's see if Andres and Franco gathered anything" Andrew says

-Andres and Franco came back to the car

"So we know that he wasn't the type of kid to do anything crazy like drugs or drink as a matter of fact he didn't go to parties or anything" Andres says

"However we will need to interrogate the boys oh and he has a girlfriend too" Franco says

"A girlfriend? Mrs. Curand didn't say anything about that" Andrew says

"Or maybe Jake didn't" Andres says
