I. 6

Music and loud talking filled the huge event 

The event where workers in law gathered together: The Tanic Officials

"Damn it why'd he send me here, I don't know anything about these people" Andrew said

-Andrew went to the back standing with an empty glass

"Why is your glass empty" someone said 

-The man had olive tanned skin slicked back black hair and light green eyes 

"Oh I guess I drunk it all" Andrew said laughing nervously

"You uh are you, Hampton with the Scoic investigators" The man said

"Yes yes I am" Andrew said

"I heard about your promotion to Lead Investigator, congratulations" The man said

"Thank you" Andrew said in a question like way

"Enjoy your night" the man said walking off

"Damn it I forgot to get the man's name" Andrew said

-Andrew walked out of the building

"Hey Allard" Andrew said

"Why did you have to make me come here" He said

"These people look all stuck up" 

"You talked to anyone yet" Allard asked

"Not really I mean only one guy I just kept to myself all night" Andrew said

"Just one person what's his name then" Allard said

"I don't know he was tall and had green eyes and slicked hair" Andrew said

"Wait, you talked to a very well known and important man Ciro Bouchard" Allard said

"Who is he" Andrew says

"He's over the whole entire law enforcement agencies of Nery" Allard says

"It's extremely impressive for a guy who is just twenty-seven to make it that high make sure you represent us well" Allard says

-Andrew walks back in 

"Wine" a server says

-Andrew motions yes starring at Ciro Bouchard

"I wonder if he's one of those guys who only cares about moving up" Andrew says

-A few people say speeches before it's time to go

"Finally I can get out of this place" Andrew says

-Someone stops him

"Hey" The man from earlier says

"You like your job" he says

"What kind of question is that" Andrew asks

"I wouldn't be working it if I didn't" he says

"I get that you aren't from around here right you're from the states" Ciro says

"I just think it's weird for a man to relocate like that when he can easily change the conditions in his own place" Ciro asks

"What the hell are you even trying to get at" Andrew says 

"Nothing im-"

"I'm sorry, sir it's getting late I work tomorrow and I need sleep okay, so leave the playground questions to yourself" Andrew says walking off


Andrew arrives home parking his car

-he warms up a steamed chicken breast dinner turning on the TV

"Why the hell was that man so nosy" He says

"The weather seems to just stay the same no new weather this week" 

"I mean asking me personal questions the hell do you want from me, aren't you some powerful guy already" Andrew says

"New-" Andrew turns the channel slowly falling asleep




"I need to get ready" He says

-He brushes his teeth and washes up 

-Andrew then puts on his everyday dress shirt with a tie, his brown vest and Navy blue pants

-Making toast and eggs and drinking some apple juice and turns the tv on

"We're back with Tanic's morning news, the Tanic Officials kicked off last night what a lovely night described by some of the attendees"

"The entire law enforcement agencies all around Tanic was here tonight"

"Why are they treating it like some red carpet shit show" Andrew says 

"We are here in Nery speaking with Ciro Bouchard who was an attendee last night"

"Wait that's the guy I talked to" Andrew said turning the TV up

"Mr. Bouchard how was last night"

"Well last night was amazing as always, I'll let you in on a little secret I get nervous" he said

"You know being so young over the whole entire law enforcement of this city" he says 

"I also enjoyed seeing old faces and even some new ones" Ciro says

"New ones" he must be talking about me" Andrew says

-Andrews turns the TV off and gulps down his apple juice

"Damn I love apple juice" he says

-he gets to his car 

"Who is that man and what is he soo about" Andrew says

-Andrew pulls into a coffee shop

"I'm a bit early today so I'll get them some coffee" he says

-Andrew walks in


"That's him"

"Oh wow it is"

"That was the same guy on that case"

"What the hell why is everyone watching me" Andrew said

"Hello si- wait you're Andrew Hampton correct" the cashier says

"Yes I am why"

"You were on TV I guess everyone is happy that someone from Tanic made it" She says

"People from here make it all the time" he says

"Yeah but you're new aren't you also just became lead investigator" She says

"Yeah I know can I get 13 coffees and four boxes if mini donuts please" He says

"Hi sir"


"You really made it huh"

-Andrew hurries out of there 

"What the hell" Andrew says

"I didn't ask for all if this shit, you know what this is all of Allard's fault he got me in this situation" Andrew says

-Andrews begins to start his car up but got a call

"Who is this" he says reaching for his phone

"Oh, Hello" he says


"Yes I know mom" Andrew says

"I was going through daily headlines and I saw your named listed as one of the officials in the Tanic event" she said

"I jumped up in down in excitement, my baby is just getting every promotion coming his way" she says

"Oh, Andrew I wish I could come visit you" She said

"Yeah, I know I'm on my way to work now" he says

"Let me let my hard working son get back to work" she says

"Andrew I'm very proud of you and I know your father would be too" She says

"I know he is, mom he always told me "Work for Good reasons not Selfish ones" Andrew says

"Andrew you are just like your father in many ways" Mrs. Hampton says happily

"Thanks mom" Andrew says with a bright smile plastered across his face

"Bye now sweetie I love you and a

 Very very very proud of you" she says

"Bye" he says 

"Dad I am making a big difference in people's lives I want them to have closure even if it's not the news they want to here" Andrew says

-Andrew gets ready to start his car 


"GET OFF OF MY CAR, DAMN IT" he says yelling at about five people on his car

"This fame shit is not what I signed up for" Andrew says parking his car

-Andrew walks in the building pissed off

"Is the man always mad" a secretary said

"Hey I got coffee and mini doughs for all of you, and we need to get straight back to Jake Curand" he says

"Alright Alright Andrew" Peter says

"We heard you met Ciro Bouchard" Naomi says

"Yeah and I think he was talking about you when he said "new faces" Francesca said

"Was he very handsome uplcose, he is on TV that's for sure" Avena asks

"Yes" Naomi and Francesca agrees

"Did they have expensive wine" Franco asks

"Who else did you see did you talk to anyone" Julius asks

"You have got to be kidding me not You guys too" Andrew says walking out bringing a coffee with him

"Hey" Andrew says

"Andrew our very own star boy so how was it" Allard ask

"The event itself I didn't really enjoy it but I didn't mind, but the aftermath of it HORRIBLE" he said

"I barely got to go into a coffee shop without all eyes on me, I can't even drive in peace" Andrew says

"I don't ever want to attend something like that again" he says

"Andrew you don't understand it's how you get more people to know you, ya know how you move up" Allard says

"That's exactly it that's what all of this event shit is about " to move up" ,"to get higher in the ranks", "to get the right people to know you" Andrew said pissed off

"Well guess what I don't care about all of that shit I work here because I want people to be able to sleep better and live better knowing they're being cared for" he says

"Andrew I understand all of that, but how the hell are you to make such a change if no one knows you wouldn't you want to manipulate the system then somehow do your goodyboy work" Allard says

"That's what my lead investigator promotion was and don't insult my work like that again, Allard people get caught up in only wanting to move up they forget the moral responsibility in their job" Andrew says

"Andrew boy you've got to understand people don't join these things for moral work they do it solely for themselves" Allard says

"And you know what I think that's pathetic and they can go do that but me, me I want to help everyone here in Scoic, I don't want all of this fame I want happy smiling faces when I see people not fans, here's your coffee" Andrew says walking out and slamming the door behind him

"Andrew huh, he has to learn I guess" Allard says

"Hmm he got my favorite too" 


Knock Knock

"Hey Naomi" Andrew said

"Hello if you're asking about the college details on Jake Curand they've been emailed to you" she says

"Thanks" he says

"Wait Andrew" she says

"You alright, you look very tired and drained, did yesterday drain you" she asks

"Hey, Naomi can I ask you something" Andrew says

"Sure anything" 

"Why'd you join this job" he asks

"Uhh I knew it, I'm sorry this might be a bad excuse but I got a new kitten yesterday so I left a little earlier yesterday sorry if I didn't get the email to you fast enough" she says

"No no no that's not what I meant I didn't even know you sent it "late" " Andrew says smiling

"Oh you meant my motives, well I guess I do like being in charge of ringing documents up so why not and I guess you get to help people in the process something I like doing too" she smiles

"But why'd you ask" she asks

"Oh I just wanted to know because youre good at your job so I'm thinking surely she likes helping people too" Andrew said

"I know what you mean most people who join jobs like this want to get fame and glory" She says

"Especially someone in your place, Andrew" she says

"Thank you for your answer, Naomi and you do your job very well you keep us updated all of our jobs are important it's just I get signaled out the most because I'm the lead" he says

"Well Andrew you keep us on our feet and you're always ready to get the job done for the right reasons your heart is definitely in it and not just your bank account" she giggles

"I guess so" he laughs


"Hey Andrew" Peter says

"Hey what do you want Peter" Andrew says

"I want to know why you're doubting yourself, Mr. Lead Investigator" Peter says

"I'm not doubting myself, Peter where'd you get such a silly idea" Andrew says

"I heard you, you asked Naomi why she even does this job you wouldn't ask something like that if you're even sure why you do the job" Peter says

"Peter what do you even do go around and listen to people's convos" Andrew says

"Andrew all I'm trying to say is Naomi is right you're good at your job and very moral too obviously in it for the right reasons" Peter says

"But all of this fame and stuff I can tell it scare you and I know you don't want to he consumed by it" Peter says

"Just keep your head, and do what you normally do the only new thing is people annoyingly coming up to you" He said

"I come from a family like that so I'd know and trust me someone with your heart will forget the fame even exists, don't doubt yourself Andrew" Peter says

"The team doesn't need to know you doubt yourself especially guys like Franco he already is trying to keep his head since you brought him on that case" Peter says

"You're probably right Peter, I guess that's why you're second in command" Andrew says

"Also we really need to get back to that college show that shitty chancellor that we aren't backing down" Andrew says

"Peter go ask Naomi to set up three interrogations" Andrew said

"On it" 

"Hey Franco" Andrew said

"Hi Sir would you like a coffee too" he asks

"No thanks I prefer apple juice" he said

"I like hi-c or basically any fruit punch" Franco says

"That's awesome, Franco however I need you to come with me" Andrew says

"Why Sir something spilt do you need me to clean o-

"I'm brining you on this case, Franco we're going back to the college" Andrew says

"I can get Peter" 

"No Franco you're apart of my team and you're more than just a coffee boy" Andrew says

"Come on gather your stuff, Franco" Andrew says
