I. 7

"How old is he" Ciro asks


"And he's the head of the investigation team in Scoic" Ciro asks

"Hmm, when I met him he didn't seem like the type to barge his way through ranks to get to the top" Ciro says

"As a matter of fact I don't know what he seems like, but whatever it is I can tell it's rare" 


"Alright Franco don't be nervous alright, that chancellor will try and work his way around you but you can't let him" Andrew says

"We must get the information regarding Jake Curand in from the moment he went missing to those three months up to now everything we know about him" Andrew says

"Yes Sir" Franco says

"You know Mr. Hampton if there's anyone I ever wanna be like it's you" Franco says

"That's nice to here, Franco" Andrew says

"Sir they're back again" 

"Alright get them in here and get your pretty legs moving out of here" The chancellor says

"Yes Sir" she says

"Sirs" she motions Andrew and Franco to come in

"Take a seat gentlemen take a seat" he says

"Alright Chancellor Moulin, we need the information regarding Jake Curand's actions on your campus in the past three months" Andrew says

"Uhm- Andrew motions Franco to keep talking

"I have the date where he was last seen and that is uhm January 21st 2022" Franco says

"Which is also close to the returns most students made after winter break" Franco says

"From the first interrogationwe held it seems Curand was visiting someone" Andrew says

"He was last seen by all three of his friends- Ring Ring

"I have to take this, Franco you got this" Andrew says punching his shoulder

"He was last seen on January 18th by his friends from our information gathered Jake Curand was visiting someone or he would've been with his friends" Franco says

"So if you could gather everything based on him up to when he went missing" Franco says

"Well kid we have no information on him as of now" Chancellor Moulin says

"What do you mean of course you have some information, we can't expect any now but from November through January there must be something" Franco says

"Sorry Kid" he says

"Alright listen Mr. Chancellor Moulin I'm Investigator Barbeau that's what you will refer to me as not "kid" I've already gotten my high school diploma and college degree" Franco says

"I'm respecting you and I wish to expect the same of you" Franco says

"And right now you're hiding something from me so if you don't mind we need footage and information" Franco says

"Run his name really quick and tell us his classes we will go to his professors" Franco says

"You're asking of too much" Chancellor says

"How am I asking of too much I'm trying to solve a case here, Sir" Franco says

"Well Investigator Barbeau maybe you should've learned a little about where you're at before coming here" Chancellor says

-Franco breathes madly, Andrew walks back in

"Andrew I can't do it I can't get anything out of him" Franco says

"Chancellor Moulin run Jake Curand's name through the system we have a warrant" Andrew says

"Oh a warrant, go ask the college kids maybe they know more than me" chancellor says

"That's is, Franco let's go" Andrew says

"I thought you s-

"Exactly that's why we need to go come on" Andrew says

"I don't know why the hell you're so set on stopping this damn case but this is going to look horrible on your school Sir" Andrew says

"If word gets out this happened on your campus the vulnerable 18 year olds are going think twice about dropping their few thousands at your doorstep, have a good day Chancellor Moulin" Andrew says pissed off

"Andrew why is that guy acting so stubbornly" Franco asks

"I don't know why these guys get a taste of their power and think no one can boss them" Andrew says

"But we aren't bossing anyone here we're trying to help a mother find her son" Franco says

"That's the thing, Fracking they don't care these men love the power they hold, get in the car please" Andrew says

"I think I can find us a way through though" Andrew says

"Alright, jeez my first kind of very own case and I have to deal with a selfish chancellor I hope I never have to encounter something like this again" Franco says

"Franco I've said that a thousand times and still counting" Andrew says

-they arrive at the station

"Come on Franco" Andrew says

"Allard" Andrew yells

"Oh Andrew surprise seeing you here" He says

"I know, uh I'm sorry a-

"Don't worry about it Andrew I know you only meant well" Allard says

"Thanks, we're here because Chancellor fu- Moulin won't give us any detail on Jake Curand he has vital information" Andrew says

"I remember that man he's horrible and disgusting yeah I got this covered" Allard says

"See, Franco I may be over you but he's over me" Andrew says

"You guys back" Peter says

"It's that fucking Moulin I wanted to punch the guy square in the face, oh Franco he didn't disrespect you did he" Andrew asks

"Well he did keep calling me kid but I told him I'm Investigator Barbeau and I already got my educationa and higher so that's what he should refer to me as" Franco said

"Yeah good job Franco, this guy thinks he can go around disrespecting my co-workers" Andrew said

"Andrew, what was that call about" Franco asks

"Oh, I almost forgot Naomi!!!!" Andrew said

"Could you please call in Mrs. Elle Curand" he asks

"On it" she says

"So apparently, Jake Curand had a girlfriend, from the information Andres gathered" Andrew said

"So I wanna call in Jake's mom to see if she knows anything about this girl" he says

"From the guy's accounts it seems they really didn't have a lot of contact with her but were on mutual relations" Andrew says

"You are about that, that tyler kid said she tried to kiss him" Peter says

"Recorded here on paper "I mean I guess like I really didn't have any issues with her but like she tried to kiss me I think Jake had a fight with her I don't know" is what he said" Peter says

"That's after a fight, but still you don't go around kissing your boyfriends friends, sounds like she's to you with Jake" Andrew says

"I had a girl in my class do things like that" Franco says

"Franco I'm sure we all did" Peter says

"Andrew she's here" Naomi says

"So, Franco how was your first "mission" Naomi asks

"Eh that chancellor guy I don't like him at all he was constantly trying to make me frustrated, but I think I enjoyed this" he said

"That's nice" she said


"Hello Mrs. Curand, how are you" Andrew asked

"Oh please tell me this is news about my Jake please" she asked

"I'm sorry ma'am but have you heard of a girl named Lucy Monroe" Andrew asks 

"No I haven't why, who is she" Mrs. Curand asks

"Well she is your son's girlfriend" he says 

"No way my son never had time for girls though I tried to make him" she laughs

"Well she is listed as a person of interest as of now" He says

"Oh I hope she hasn't done anything crazy to my baby" Mrs. Curand says

"We'll try our best to evaluate this situation ma'am thank you for coming" he says


"So you all should see some information in the whereabouts of Jake and Lucy" Allard says

"The chancellor was forced to go through with it after I called the head of Scoic" Allard says

"The head of Scoic is the same as that, Ciro guy" Andrew asks

"Yeah except his name is Gabriel Parker he should've been there" Allard says

"Yeah he said a speech, he seems like a simple guy I wonder why Ciro Bouchard is soo popular" Andrew says

"Hmm, anyway come on Franco let's go check out this information" Andrew says

Andrew and Franco go 


"So Jake's last class before winter break was math at 9:45 he left at 10:15" Franco says

"And then when they began to return classes didn't start yet I think we should bring in, Lucy" Franco says

"I agree Franco" Andrew says

"Where is her address" Andrew asks

"She lives in an apartment but apparently she's from Nery" Franco says


"She must've decided to attend college classes here then" Andrew says

"Wait a minute, Andrew Jake Curand is originally from Nery" Franco says

"What?? his mother said he was born here in Scoic" Andrew says

"Right here on his documents, see" Franco says pointing

-They both look at each other

"Let's start with Lucy Monroe first" Franco says

"Franco this case is probably going to attend horribly and someone knows this already" Andrew says
