I. 8

Knock Knock

"who is it" Lucy says opening the door

"Oh my God" she said

"Investigator Andrew Hampton, Investigator Franco Barbeau"

"Who are here today on a warrant and we suspect you have some connections to Jake Curand the boy who went missing I'm sure you've heard" They ask

"Oh yeah he is my boyfriend, I guess" she says

"Alright well come to the car please so we can take you back to the station" Franco says

"Do you guys normally like interrogate like everyone or like do you guys like-

"We interrogate people we suspect, Miss Monroe" Andrew says a little annoyed

"You know uhm he's cute you and you're like really hot are you married" She asks

"No I'm not married" Andrew says 

"Oh okay" she says

"Franco" Andrew says

"Andrew you worked with many more horrible sounding people I'm sure you can deal with this" Franco says


"Alright Miss Monroe Mr. Andres Miller here will interrogate you alright so make sure you use as much words as you can" Andrew says

"Wow he's really hot are you married too" she says

"Franco, I don't remember kids in my day talking like that" Andrew says

"I guess things changed since we were younger" Franco said


"Hello Miss Monroe would you like some water" Andres asked

"Uhhhhhh yeah" she says

"Alright, on January 18th where were you" he asks

"Oh shit don't tell Jake but I was actually hooking up with another guy on the football team" She said

"His name is Anjelo Garcia but don't tell Jake he might fight with me again" She said

"Alright, how often do you two fight" he asks

"Like not that much but like about dumb things anyway" she says

"Alright you aware of Mrs. Curand's suspicions of you right" he asks

"Oh No I do not like her at all, and she HATES me like she threw a fricken spoon at me" she says

"Wait what" Andres says

"She threw a spoon at me it didn't hurt me though" she says

"You've met Mrs. Curand before?" Andres asked

"Yeah, like many times and every time I go she finds away to chase me away she's like one of those mom's who doesn't want their son getting a girlfriend or whatever" Lucy says

"But I like Jake's dad he's funny and he likes me too and I can tell he like wants the best for Jake" she says

"Do you know the Curand's status" Andres asks

"Oh they're divorced, but I think Jake likes staying with his dad more but his dad lives in Nery and his mom lives here in Scoic" she says


"I hope that girl really focuses this information is vital those guys even seemed half dead" Franco says

"Yeah, but I wonder why Elle Curand didn't tell me Jake was born in Nery" Andrew asks

"Andrew Andrew Naomi is typing up the rest of the interrogation" Andres said

"So what about it is it lining up or" Andrew says

"No not at all as a matter of fact Mrs. Curand she claimed to not know who Lucy was but Lucy sure knows who she is" Andres says

"So you're basically saying I've been lied to" Andrew asks

"Yeah" Andres answers

"I knew it I thought something wasn't right about this when Mrs. Curand claimed Jake was born in Scoic when he was actually born in Nery" Andrew says. 

"Well we have enough evidence to interrogate Mrs. Curand" Andrew says

"Damn I never thought I had to do this" he said. 

"Andrew the rest of the three guys' documents are filed in case you need them" Jack said. 

"Thanks, Jack these cases just keep on unfolding it's insane" Andrew says

Knock Knock

"Yes- Ohhh did you update any new news about my son" Elle Curand asks

"Ma'am, we are actually here to interrogate you" They say

"Interrogate me?? Why oh my" She says

"Ma'am just come with us this'll be done fast I promise" Andrew says

"After you" Franco says opening the door for her

"Thank you young man you are just like my baby" She said


"While you're interrogating her we're going to search her property" Andrew says

"Alright, Andrew got it" Andres says

"Mrs. Curand now that we got wherever you were during the dates how often does your son get to see his dad" Andres asks

"His dad? I don't let him see his dad because I don't want him to see him" She says

"Okay but why? Mrs. Curand" Andres asks

"Because my son wants to see me not his dad" She says

"Why is there any family issues" He asks

"No baby, my son just loves me more he doesn't want to leave me" She says

"Are you aware that your son visited his dad multiple times" Andres asked

"No why would he do that he promised to stay with me" She said

"May I talk to my husband" She asks

"I'm sorry ma'am you have to wait until we're finished" Andres says

"I just want my baby to be found" Mrs. Curand says beginning to cry

Knock Knock

"Andres" Naomi says

"Yes Naomi" he says

Naomi whispers in his ear

His eyes widen "really"

"Mrs. Elle Curand you are arrested on suspicions of First degree murder" A police officer says

"Where's my baby" She asks

"Oh we'll tell you where your baby is he's in your backyard in a homemade graveyard" Andrew says

"I just wanted the best for him that girl he was with was nothing more than a whore and those friends of his took him away from me" she says

"So you murdered him, lady you are crazy get her out of here please" Andrew says


"What kind of mother murders her own son" Andrew says

"See some people I'll make you believe they're innocent so bad you'll fall for it" Peter says

"The woman seemed so loving and worried but she was acting that's scary to me" Andrew says

"Yeah most things around here are" Peter says walking out

"Well I'm clocking out of here" Peter says

"Alright see ya" 

Knock Knock

"Allard, hey how are you doing" Andrew says

"Good but how are you I understand how you may feel about this case" Allard says

"I'm well I just don't want to believe a mother would kill her son, there's some horrible people in this city" Andrew says

"Andrew come here" Allard says

-Andrew gets up and walks

"You see that large building over there one day it's going to be all yours" Allard says

"Huhh not this shit again, Allard I don't care about that for the last time" Andrew says

"Andrew I know I however think it'd suit you to be in such a place of power" he says

"Well I don't, I'm not Bouchard or who ever he is" Andrew says

"Andrew you'd better be careful around certain people here in Tanic" Allard says

"The way you talk about Ciro Bouchard makes me think you hate the man" Allard says

"Well I d- Ring Ring 

-Allard nods for Andrew time answer his phone


"Really I'm going make it this time I promise I promise" Andrew says

"Damn I completely forgot about that" Andrew says

"Allard we gotta continue this later I gotta book a flight my sister is having her third baby in like two days" Andrew says

"I got caught up in everything I forgot, and I missed the birth of the other two" he said

"Alright Andrew take as much time as you need tell them I said hello" Allard says

-Andrew rushes out

"Man I wonder will the boy keep his moral code or will it slowly break him I hope he can fight it I don't know" Allard says
