I. 9

-Andrew was on his way to the airport

"You know I had better call Peter and tell him he is taking over for me" Andrew says to himself

"I didn't even alert any of the team, damn that looks bad on my par- WOAH" Andrew says

-Andrew had got stuck behind traffic

"Ah shit, this is going to delay me" He said

"Well I better make the call any way"


"Come on Peter oh the traffic is picking up good" Andrew says


"Ah, what is the forecast today" Peter says checking his laptop

"Oh sunshine and a little clouds" he says

Peter glances at his family photo on his dresser and sighs

He goes to brushes his teeth

"Damn it I bet Andrew is already at the office probably breaking his back on 70 cases at once" Peter says to himself

"I'm going to make muffins, I'm feeling quite generous I think I'll make blueberry muffins for everyone I don't recall anyone having allergies" he says


"What in the fuck why isn't he answering, don't tell me he keeps his phone on silent when he sleeps" Andrew says

"Surely he'll have to scroll through it when wakes" Andrew says

-The oven beeps for Peter's muffins

"Alright", Peter says

"Container container" 

"There you are" 

-Peter begins to put the muffins in the container

"I really hope they like these, the team has been working extra hard and I'm sure Andrew will like them he'll probably eat five" Peter says laughing

"Oh, I don't have a shirt on" Peter says

-Peter goes to get dressed

"Alright now I'm prepared" he says

Peter grabs his wallet and phone which was off and on silent


"Alright you know what fuck this he isn't even picking up" Andrew says pissed

Andrew parks, getting out of his car he grabs his suitcase and walks to the airport

After going through security he waits to board his plane


"These muffins smell very good and taste very good" Peter says smiling

Almost reaching his destination, Peter takes his phone out

"I suppose I should check my phone now, I don't like distractions in the morning" Peter says

"Missed call from, Andrew?? Why would Andrew call me, must be something serious going on in the office" Peter says

-Andrew was now seated on his plane in the sky head to the United States of America

"Damn it, I hope they can handle things without me" Andrew says

He looks down at his phone then truns it off and looks at the window, since he was up all night he slowly falls asleep


"I'd better hurry up, before they all get mad at me my time is a little late since I decided to make these muffins" he says grabbing them out of the seat

"Good Morning, everyone" Peter says

"Uh Good Morning" Everyone says

"I brought muffins, but uhm where is Andrew" Peter asks

"We were going to ask the same thing" Avena says

-Knock Knock

"If you're looking for Allard he isn't here, apparently his wife's sister has a court hearing so he had to go too" Julius says

"What in the world is going on around here" Peter says

"What the hell I'm going to give him a call" Peter says

Ring Ring

-Andrew's phone was ringing but barely noticeable, he was sleep

"Are you fucking serious right now, why the fuck isn't he picking up" Peter says

"Maybe we can try emailing him" Naomi says

"Let's try" Peter says

"Guess we have to wait" Francesca says

"Excuse me guys" Peter says going to the restroom

"Damn it, I'm second in command but I'm not good at leading, Andrew is the leader what do I do what do I do" He says


"Hello" Naomi says

"Okay, yes Sir" She says

"Guy's where is Peter" She asks

"He's in the bathroom" Jack says

"Would one of you guys mind getting him" she says

"I got it" Julius says

"Hey, Second chain of command" Julius says

"Yes Julius" Peter says

"Naomi needs you for something" he says

"Oh damn, my first work of leading" Peter says to himself

"Yes, Naomi" Peter asks

"Well a man called asking if we open the case with his wife, another missing person, apparently there's already two suspects" she says

"Well uhm alright does anyone know what it's called" He asks

"Uhh, Peter you have to search the files in, Andrew's office" Avena says

"Oh yea yeah" he says laughing

-Everyone looks at each other 

"Andrew I'm horrible at this man, where are you" he asks

-Andrew awakens

"Did you sleep well" a woman with bright blue eyes asked Andrew

"Oh yes ma'am I did" he says smiling

She giggles and continues talking on the phone

"Hello Saraette" Andrew says

"Andrew, hey Andrew I saw you on TV little bro" She said

"I know you did, mom did too I'm sure Garrett did too" he says

"How are you, though you good" Andrew asks

"I am the baby is due to come in about 30 hours" she says

"Perfect I'll be there don't worry" he says

"I'm on the plane now" he says

"I can't wait to meet my new niece or nephew" He says with a big smile

"Alright, Andy don't show off your new niece or nephew too much" She says laughing

"OHH damn that reminds me I forgot to tell them I visiting you" he says

"Oh, Andy you're so forgetful, that trait will never leave you" she says laughing

"Alright Alright shut up" he says

"Your sister is having a baby is she" the woman asks

"Yes she is I'm going to go visit I missed out on the last two because work got so busy" he says

"Oh, I'm sorry well at least you get to see that little joy they have such a handsome uncle too" she says

"Haha, thank you ma'am" Andrew says 

-Andrew dials Peter to tell him about his situation

"Come on Peter" Andrew says


"Guys, Andrew calling" Peter says

Peter puts his phone on loud speaker

"Oh thank God, Hello" Andrew says

"IDIOT" Peter screams causing everyone to look at Andrew

"Peter shhh not soo loud" Andrew says

"Then mind telling us where the hell you are" Peter asks

"Ah, I was hoping-

"What Allard explains, he isn't here either" Peter says

"Oh, well I hope he's good, anyway I'll tell you all" he says

"We've been worried, about you Andrew" Naomi says

"Some of us" Julius adds

"Alright guys I'm sorry and thanks Julius, I'm on a plane" he says

"A PLANE" They all say in unison

"Yes I'm visiting my sister I should've told you guys all of this" he said

"She's having her third child and I wanna see it, so I promised her this a long time ago" Andrew says

"Awwwww send pictures" Francesca says

"Haha I will" Andrew says

"Alright everyone back to work I need to speak with Andrew" Peter says

"Andrew we have a case about a missing woman and we have two suspects" Peter says

"You need my help, Peter well who is second in command when I'm not there" Andrew says

"I know me, but it's just you're good at leading this type of stuff I'm good at backing you though" He says

"Peter I'm sure what ever you are dealing with you can get done they didn't pick you to be second for nothing" he says

"Interrogate the two suspects, for a start if they don't give you a lead question those close around her like co-workers, friends, family members come on Pete, u got this" Andrew says reassuringly

"I'll be here for about four days, now's your time Peter, don't you get tired of being in my shadow" Andrew says

"Thanks Andrew, bye" Peter hangs up

"Alright everyone, I'm going to go find the file uh Naomi what was the man's last name" Peter asks

"Dolen" she says

"Dolen Dolen Dolen" he says looking through the files

"Hey, Peter look at this" Julius says

"What, I'm trying to look for these files, Julius" he says

"Ha, Andrew is going to hate this one isn't he always talking about some guy name Ciro Bouchard ever since that event night" Julius says

"It says Mr. Bouchard had a meeting with, Gabriel Parker to bring Nery's law enforcement together and on better terms with Scoic's what the hell is this even for" Julius says laughing

"Well don't tell Andrew that stuff yet let him find out- Finally I've got it" Peter says


"Alright the two suspects are labled as a friend and a co-woker named Ida Hillard and Johnny Matty" Peter says

"Naomi could you get in contact with Mrs. Dolen's work and get in contact with Ida Hillard" Peter asks

"On it" she says

"Jack as soon as she confirms Johnny Matty is working we can go there and Andres and Avena will go give Ida Hillard a visit" Peter says

"Tell Levi to get with the Forensics I want to grab some DNA just in case, Thank you Naomi" Peter says

"No problem and Johnny Matty is working at the green and blue flower shop" Naomi says

"Come on Jack" Peter says


"Hello ma'am is there a Johnny Matty working today" Peter asks

"Yes I'll get him right away" she says

"Damn we didn't even need to introduce ourselves" Jack says

"Guess they know" Peter says

"Hello Johnny" Jack says

"We are Peter Watson and Jack Levine with the Scoic Investigation team we are here to interrogate you, come with us" they say

"The hell I didn't kill, Her if this is what u want" Johnny says

"Alright, we didn't say you did but we need you to come along, Sir" Peter says

"No, fucker" the man runs off

"Now what the hell" Peter says

"Jack go to the car send for the police" Peter says chasing the man


"Hey Saraette I'm about to land, Is Garrett there" Andrew asks

"Everyone is but u, Andrew" She says

"Tell them I said hello I'm gotta cover some work stuff alright, I'll be there in a little while," he said

"Mom he just keeps working, I think he should relax" Saraette says

"Your brother loves his job and when you love something you keep putting all your time and energy into it even when it tires you" Sheryl says kissing Saraette's forehead

"I'm proud of him too he always doubted himself being the youngest but look where he is" Sheryl says

"What about us, mom" Garrett says

"I'm proud of all of my babies" she says kissing Garrett and Saraette


"Sir you are under arrest for running from law" 

"This shit is hard how do you and Andrew do this on a daily basis" Jack says

"I don't know, let's call to see if Ida is in custody" Peter says

"Sir take him to your station correct" the officer asks Peter

"Yes, Sir officer thank you" Peter says

"Hey, Avena" Peter asks

"You guys got Ida" He asks

"Yes and from what she said which is basically nothing we don't know where to start maybe your guy has something" Avena says

"Good Lord" Peter says slouching in the seat

"We'll be there in short" he says

"Welp, Andrew ain't here, Peter you'd better find a way out of this" Jack said

"Jack, just drive please" Peter said

"I am but you know Peter sometimes titles aren't just titles they actually have meanings" Jack says

"Jack I fucking know that, damn just fucking drive to the damn station, I would've had this if Andrew hadn't run off like an idiot" Peter said

"Would you have really would you, you know I don't think this is Andrew's fault it's yours you thought you could hide under him, and no-

"Jack park the car"



"I thought I told you to drive so since you can't do that, I'll fucking walk it'll take me like five minutes anyway" he says getting out

"wait wait wait Peter are you crazy" Jack says

Peter runs to the station arriving he busts through the door pissed

"Hey, Peter where's Jack" Naomi asks

"A car accident hopefully" Peter says
