I. 10

"Peter what, why w.. W. Would you say such a thing" Naomi says tearing up

"That's so mean" she says crying

"Wait, are you crying I didn't mean that I was just mad" he says

"No, what if he gets hurt Peter, there's already soo much violence we shouldn't be wishing it on each other" She says 

"Damn it Naomi it's not that deep," he says

-Naomi runs off crying

"What the" Peter says

"Wow nice job Peter" Julius says

"She's probably going to go run and tell Andrew" Peter says

"Well I mean you aren't the best leader out here but I guess you're trying" Julius says

"Yeah well try having the idiot you're supposed to count on shitting on you every chance he gets" Peter says

"Hey, Peter the forensics are done getting Ida's DNA and right now Andres wait a minute where's Jack" Levi asks


"Damn it I'm going to be so late, how is there traffic the fucking station is right thereeee" Jack says


"Welp, here's the stop" Andrew says

-The plane lands as the Nebraska boarders get off

"Wow, it's been awhile since I've been here" Andrew says

"The hospital is just up the street, just a little longer and I can see them again" he says smiling

"Maybe I should pick them some food up" Andrew says walking in an Italian restaurant


"Well thank you, Levi for the work with the forensics" Peter says

"So we found her body or since we doing DNA samples, now or what" Peter asks

"No, we're just collecting the DNA to be sure" Levi says

"To be sure? What why would, so no one is bothering to look for her" Peter asks

"Peter there's a chance she might be dead" Levi says

"And why is that, Levi since you know everything under the damn sun, you know I think you should calm down you think you're running everything better than us" Peter says

"Peter what the hell are you talking about" Levi says

"You, you're doing all this fucking extra shit did you even let me know" Peter says

"Excuse me, Mr. Watson you were the one who told me to extract the DNA just in case so don't come at me for your failed ass memory" Levi says storming off

"Peter I think you need to chill man, you're forgetting what you even did around here" Julius says

"Julius you're one to tell me to chill you fucking hated, Andrew for I don't know how long, fuck you" Peter said walking off

"Naomi!!" Peter said

"What" She said

"Call the fucking search team tell them to search around Ida Hillard's plant home and a get away house she owns" Peter says

"Okay, Peter" Naomi says slightly upset

"Damn, she would've never acted this way with, Andrew you really fucked everyone up around here, Pete Pete" Andres says

"Damn dude do you really think Andrew orders us around like this" Andres asks


"Peter, Hey man calm down, alright" Andres says

"We know you can't run it like Andrew none of us can" Andres says

"But we still try our very best and bring each other up not yell when we make the slightest mistake" Andres says

"Andres you don't understand, I can't lead okay I CAN'T I'm second in command" He says

"Exactly which means you are not always the leader but when the leader leaves you have to be no matter what" Andres says

"Leading doesn't mean just getting the job done, it means working with everyone and being on as much good terms with one another as can be" he says

"And looking at the team I don't think they're on good terms" Andres says

"I guess you're right, damn they probably hate me now" Peter says

"Ha, they very well probably do" Andres says

"But you can make this right man come on" Andres says punching his arm


"She'll like these, toys for the baby and the kids" Andrew says

"I'm not sure what you get for your pregnant sister but I'll get her flowers" Andrew says walking into the shop

"Hello" a girl around the age of 18ish says

"Hi, uhh do you have like pink flowers any type of flower" He asks

"Try those over there" she says pointing to pretty pink flowers

"Ahh thanks" he says

"Hey you look like that one guy from Tanic" She says

"Wow you kids pay attention to stuff like that" he said laughing

"Yeah I like politics" she said

"Jeez that guy is running fast" she said

"Who" Andrew says

"I dunno some man ran by the window look like he had a pink thing in his hand maybe purple" She said

"Hey can u ring the flowers up and watch my suitcase please" Andrew says

"Uhh sur-

"Okay then I could steal something but I'm not that evil" she says

-Andrew ran to catch the thief


-the man keeps running,

-Andrew nearly hits a stand of food




-The man cuts to a corner with a dead end,

"Got you" Andrew says tackling the man

"Gimme this" he says taking the wallet

Andrew calls the police

"Thank you, Sir" they say

"No problem but could you find out whose wallet this is, here" Andrew says giving the man the wallet


"Hello, I'm back again" Andrew says

"And your stuff is here too" she says

"So did the hero save the day" she asks

"Yeah turns out the man was a known thief" he says

"Alright have a good day Sir" she says


"Alright, everyone I know you all probably fucking hate me right now" Peter says

"But I'm sorry alright I truly thought bossing everyone would make you all work, I really did I'm sorry" Peter says

"I thought I wasn't good enough to be Andrew so I his behind being shitty" He says

"Jack I'm sorry for storming out of the car" Peter says

"You stormed out of the car, damn Peter you're insane" Avena said

"Was insane, and Naomi I'm sorry for making you cry I know you didn't want Jack to get into a car accident I should have never said that" he said

"Wait you wanted me to get in a car accident" Jack says

"And Levi I'm sorry for yelling at you as a matter of fact I did order you to gather the DNA" He says

"I'm sorry guys, I can take the case if you all don't wanna work with me I completely understand" he says walking out

"Wait" they say

"Peter we know you're no Andrew but as long as you're a leader who tries we would love to work with u" Naomi says

"Really" he says

"Yeah, just try not to be an ass hole" Avena says

"Okay, I promise he says, after this case I'll take us all out to eat at the chandelier" Peter says

"What the hell you can afford that" Julius says

"Yeah I mean the money I have should be spent on things I need and right now I need all of you to get to work, NOW" he says

"Just kidding let's all get to work" he says

They all laugh


"Hello" Andrew says

"Mom it's me, Andrew" He says

"Hello, baby how are you" she says

"I'm good mom I just want to know if you're home or with Saraette" he asks

"I'm home baby, Garrett is with Saraette" She says

"Alright mom thanks" Andrew says

"Well I had better get there" he says


"Peter, Peter" Naomi says

"We have the results back and Mrs. Dolen has been found alive, but she has bruises however the co-worker and friend have nothing to do with it" She says

"Huh that's strange why'd that guy run" Peter says

"Well I suppose that's good news anyway" he says

"Yeah, Mr. Dolen called saying thank you" Jack says

"What a strange case" Avena says

"Yeah but thank God it's over" Julius says

"Hey Peter, about that restaurant" Julius asks

"That's right I promised you all" He said

"Alright how about 7:00 p.m tonight" he asks

Everyone agrees

-Knock Knock

"I wonder who that could be" Sheryl says


"Hey, Mom" Andrew says

"Oh, baby you must be hungry" Sheryl says

"Oh I have Italian food and some gifts for Saraette" He says 

"Ohhh, no no here eat some food I made your favorite, a steak sandwich with apple juice" She says

"Oh mom no way, really" he says

"You even put a plate out for me, like when I was younger" he says

-They both sit down

"Andrew you've gotten so mature, oh I'm so proud of you" She says

"Thanks Mom, at the office I gotta work super hard I never worked so hard in my life before" he says

"I know Andrew, Garrett and Saraette all had jobs but you always hated work" She says

Andrew laughs

"Hey, Mom you made another sandwich maybe" Andrew says

"Heavens Andrew you ate it that fast" she says laughing

"Of course I have a sandwich for my baby, I don't want him going hungry" She says

"Thanks mom, I'll get it" He says

"Oh, Andrew I remember when you and your dad would have those little contests, you'd always win too" She said

"You know your dad would do eating contests when we were in college together and he'd always win" Sheryl says

"See" she says taking out a picture

"Oh I remember that day, it was the thanksgiving meal, dad still has a lot of food on his plate" Andrew says smiling

"Yes he does" Sheryl says

"Andrew, I know I tell you this all the time, but your father is really proud of you" She says

"If he were here he'd tell you how proud of you he is and brag to everyone about his, son" She says laughing

"I know Mom, Dad would be really proud of me" He says

-Knock Knock

"Ohh Garrett" Sheryl says

"Little bro????" Garrett says

"Hey Garrett" Andrew says

"Oh, Saraette must me at the hospital, is Matthew there too" Sheryl asks

"Yeah, but they are letting him wait, he keeps getting nervous" Garrett says

"Oh I'd better go then" Sheryl says

"Alright see ya Mom" Garrett says

"Bye Mom" Andrew says

"Oh wait Mom, take the food to them Garrett you can get some Italian food if you'd like too" Andrew says

"So, Andrew I haven't seen you in a while" Garrett says

"Yeah, that's because I'm working super hard, hey how's your surf shop coming along" Andrew asks

"Good, good good, best part is when the hottest girls walk in" Garrett says

"Sounds like a lovely job, Garrett" Andrew says

"Yeah, but your job is cool too you work all the way in Tanic, kinda strange you moved countries though" Garrett says


"Hello Hello everyone" Peter says

"Wow, you three ladies look very beautiful and I mean that in the most non creepy way ever" Peter says

"Thanks, Peter we know" They say

"Alright, seats everyone" Peter says

"Did you give us the most expensive seats in the house" Avena asks

"Yeah, of course I did" He says

"Damn you must've really felt like shit" Julius says

"What can I get you all" The waitress asks

-They all take their orders

"The bill will probably come out to like 50k but that's fine" he says

"Oh my, are you sure" Naomi says

"Yeah yeah it's fine" He says

"Isn't your family like really rich" Julius asks

"Yeah they are" Peter says

"Wait, I thought they abandoned you" Jack asks

"Well, yeah they kinda abandoned me I mean my Mother and Father did my siblings didn't, but they barely send me anything which I really don't need anyway" Peter says

"Then how the hell can you afford to eat here" Julius asks

"Ways people Ways" He says


"Andrew not gonna lie your life sounds like a movie, dude I mean you meeting some top guy and stuff like that" Garrett says

"Yeah, Garrett I guess you're right" Andrew says

"I joined the job to help people and give justice not for movie aesthetics" He says

"Wait, Andrew how is your personal life" Garrett asks

"Garrett if I'm being honest, I don't even think I have one anymore" he says 

"Damn that job takes you away that much from actual life" Garrett asks

"Well, before I got promoted to Lead investigator I had a personal life now, I'm so busy it seems everything just gets pushed away" Andrew explains

"I'm sorry little bro, maybe you could come work with me" Garrett says 

"Ha, no way I do love my job though Garrett" Andrew says

"I wanna go visit Saraette, now" he says

"Yeah I'm sure she'd like to see her famous baby brother" Garrett says

"I'm not famous alright" Andrew says gathering the gifts

"Alright, But we saw you on TV so that means you're famous" Garrett says

"Oh not that again I have a story to tell you" Andrew says


"This food is actually good, it doesn't taste cheap like trash" Julius says

"Again guys I'm sorry for being so shitty I know I shoul-

"Peter, that's all over just eat your food" Naomi says smiling

-Peter eats his food

"This is my favorite crab steak and steamed potatoes with a shrimp bowl on the side" Peter says

"Some of this stuff you can get at a regular restaurant" Julius says

"Yeah, I agree... Hey guys look over there" Levi says

"What, Levi" Jack asks

"Isn't that the guy Andrew apparently doesn't like and is always talking about" Levi asks

"Wait that is him" Francesca says pulling out a picture she saved

"Why do you, never mind" Julius says

"He's eating with Gabriel Parker, what the hell is happening over there" Jack asks

"They're probably doing that agreement shit again, wait till Andrew here's about this" Andres says

"I miss Andrew" Francesca says

"Yeah me too" Naomi says

"Yeah I miss him smiling and ready to get to work" Avena says

"Why do you three miss him?" Julius asks

"Well, Julius it's not just the ladies I miss him too" Franco says

"Yeah he is kinda cool" Jack says 

"How do you think second chain feels" Julius says hitting Peter 

"It's fine I kinda miss him too" Peter says

"Let's call him" Avena says

"N.n.n.n.n.noo no no no we're not going to call him on his vacation" Peter says

"You call that a vacation he is visiting his pregnant sister" Avena says

"Well we are not interrupting him alright vacation or no" Peter says

"Excuse me I don't mean to interrupt this important dinner, but are you all the Scoic's investigation team" Ciro Bouchard asks

"Uhm, Ahem Yes Sir we are, we are" Peter says

"Gabriel and I were just talking about Tanic's enforcement agencies they are agreeing to raise everyone's pay by 10k" Ciro says

"They also agreed each individual agency can decide whether or not they want to make this decision" Ciro says

"So maybe, we can meet in your office tomorrow" Ciro asks

"I can't help but notice you all have someone missing" he asks

"Oh yes our lead investigator Andrew Hampton he is on a leave right now, Sir" Peter says

"Alright just let me know any time tomorrow" he says

"Damn, 10k what do we make about 80k this could be nice" Julius says

"Yeah well with Andrew gone I don't want to make any important decisions that may affect him" Peter says

"Plus why'd that man come over here I feel like he did that on purpose" Peter says

"Yeah and with a deal like that there's bound to be something behind it" Jack says

-They all agree turning to look at him