I. 11

*Lullaby Music

"Google Haha djikdsswyjkbnaababbjd" the new baby says its first noises

Everyone looks on, Saraette's husband Matthew begins to cry

"Matthew, aww honey don't cry the baby isn't even crying" Saraette says

"Congratulations, Saraette Congratulations, Matthew" Andrew says shaking his hand

"Thanks man" Matthew says hugging Andrew

Andrew is thrown back again but hugs him back

"Oh, Saraette the baby is so beautiful, dear" Sheryl says

"I know Mom" She says

"Can I hold its little finger" Andrew asks

"Yes, Andrew please" Saraette says

The baby wraps it's hand around Andrew's finger and begins to laugh

"Awwww" everyone says

Andrew smiles

"Sir you have a very beautiful baby go see it" Andrew says to Matthew 

"Wait Ette is it a girl it boy" Garrett asks

"It's a boy" she says

"Oh you got two boys and one girl" Garrett says

"Yes and they're going to be very protective of their big sister, aren't you" Saraette says kissing the baby's head

"Mom, this is a beautiful moment but I think we should let Saraette and Matthew have this moment" Andrew says

"I think soo too" She says


"Mom let's get something to eat I'm hungry" Garrett says

"Alright Garrett, Andrew you coming" She says

"Yeah, you guys go ahead I'll be there" Andrew says

-Ring Ring

"Andrew is calling again" Naomi says

"Alright no one tell him about Ciro Bouchard's deal" Peter says

"Heyyy, Andrew uhh your sister had her baby yet" Jack asks

"Yeah she did it's a boy, he was such a beautiful healthy baby too and strong" Andrew said laughing

"Aww pictures," Naomi asks

"I have pictures I'll show em when I get back" Andrew says. 

"I wonder how it feels to have a baby" Avena asks

"So what are you doing now Andrew" Julius asks

"My Mom, Garrett and I were going to eat, how's everything at the office" Andrew asks

"Oh uhh we have everything covered" Peter says

"Yeah Peter was a little hard to work with he even made Naomi cry and ran out of a car" Franco said

"Franco!!" Peter whisper yells

"Sorry" Franco says

"Woah, Peter be nice to Naomi she works hard" Andrew says

"He has he learned to be a better leader" Naomi says giving Peter a mini hug

"That's what I like to hear" Andrew says

"Hey guys Ciro Bouchard real- SHUT UP SHUT UP LEVI!! 

"Uhh guys is everything alright are you hiding something" Andrew asks laughing a little

"NO!! no no we are hiding nothing at all" Peter says

"We gotta go now, the cases aren't going to solve themselves" Peter says

"I wish I could come back too, but I'm happy to spend time with my niece and nephews" Andrew says smiling

"Aww, Andrew that's so cute" Avena says

"Make sure you take picturessss" Naomi says

"And videossss I wanna see that baby" Francesca says

"Would you three let the man live" Julius says

"I will I will" Andrew says laughing


"They are acting very strange" Andrew says


"You dumb fuck" Peter says

"I mean you, Levi I told you don't mention Ciro" Peter says

"I'm sorry but there is really nothing he's hiding, basically he is trying to bring the Provinces together" Levi says

"Look I don't care, okay we wait until Andrew is back not making dumb decisions" Peter says

"Plus he can't make the decisions on his own" Peter says

"We just wait until everyone is here and together" Peter says

"Now go file some papers or something" Peter says


"Saraette's third child, I wonder what his name will be" Andrew asks

"Also all the women at my work were eager to see pics and vids" Andrew says

"Awwww, I would too" Sheryl says

"All the women at my wor- never mind" Garrett says

"Good Garrett if it's not appropriate don't say it" Sheryl says in a serious tone

"My co-workers are cool though" Andrew says

"Oh, how's that Peter boy" Sheryl asks

"Well apparently he was shaky at first but he's doing good now" Andrew asks

"Isn't he that guy from that rich family" Garrett asks

"Yes, Garrett" Andrew says

"I still don't know why you took a job all the way over there I mean I know we lived there for awhile but still" Garrett asks

"Andrew was very close with that lead investigator" Sheryl says

"Oh yeah I forgot about that" Andrew says


"We should open up some of these old cases" Naomi says


"How's everyone's work coming along" Peter asks

"Other than filing like 10 million files, good" Julius says

"Does anyone want any coffee" Franco asks

"Hey can you give me the information that goes in this folder" Naomi asks

"Alright, wait do you have the purple folder with the number three on it" Francesca asks

"Filing is the worst" Avena says

"I agree, Levi where's the forensics file for Dolen I need to go through that one again" Jack asks

"Right here" Levi says giving it to Jack

"Hey Peter how come when, Andrew is here there's an abundance of things to do" Levi asks

"I really do not know, probably some lead investigator privileges" Peter says


"My room is still inact" Andrew says 

"There's my "delete the crime" poster" Andrew says

"Man you were obsessed with the law dude" Garrett says

"Yeah Garrett I wonder what your room is full of" Andrew asks

"Hey, here's my journal" Andrew says

"I really hope to help out with the law one day"

"Jenny Melle's pencil was missing but I found it for her"

"Mom just told me- oh

"Huh I forgot about this" Andrew says putting it back down

"So Garrett let's see your room" Andrew asks

"Jeez man, these are just a bunch of women in bikinis and an old computer no one uses anymore" Andrew said

"Yeah I did like my room" Garrett says

"BOYS!!! I MADE YOU NUGGETS" Sheryl says

-Andrew and Garrett both race to the food

"I made it first"

"No I did"

"You two, now all that's missing is Saraette already here" Sheryl laughs

"I remember she'd always make it before us" Garrett says

"I never told her anything was ready she just knew" Sheryl says

-The two brothers take their nuggets and eat

"You two" Sheryl says


"Damn this Ciro guy wants to be on good relations with Scoic" Jack says

"Ever since Andrew was invited that's all we have seen" Peter says

"What the heck happened at that place that the man can't stay away from here" Julius asks

"Maybe they got into some kind of argument" Francesca says

"Why would someone get into an argument with a guy like that" Peter asks

"Maybe Andrew didn't know anything about Ciro you know he's always in his own mind" Avena says

"Yeah but if someone has an argument with you why would one be so desperate to come back again and again" Jack asks

"Some people are strange and just operate that way" Andres says


"This may sound weird but, I wanna get back to work so badly" Andrew says

"I don't know I enjoy making my province a bit safer" Andrew says

"That's a good thing, Andrew but sometimes you can relax" Sheryl says

"Yeah but still" he says

"I understand it's hard for people to be away from something they love soo much" She says

"I don't care I love breaks" Garrett says

"Yeah how'd you hate working now all of a sudden it's all you want to do" Garrett asked

"People change their priorities in life, Garrett wait aren't you 37" Andrew asks

"Yeah why" Garrett asks

"I'm 32 but it seems like you should he my little brother" Andrew says

"I sure hope everything is okay" Andrew says

"Let's call Saraette and see that baby boy again" Sheryl says 
