I. 12

"HE GAVE WHAT" Andrew said pissed

"Andrew calm down you literally just came in happy about your new nephew" Peter said


"He probably thought he could get to us easily" Jack says

"We didn't make any deals we just waited until you came back, Andrew" Peter says

"Basically you need to meet with him, Allard knows about this too" Peter said

"Damn, and he didn't even bother to tell me" Andrew said

"That's probably because he knows about your rage toward that man" Andres said

"We know you hate the man, Andrew but the money sounds nice" Naomi said

"Yeah Andrew some of us would love a bit more pay" Julius says frowning

"Guys I understand and I'm not trying to stop any pay here bu- 

"Excuse me" the secretary said interrupting

"But there's just been a argument between two men and one shot the other" She said

"Well damn" Andres said

"Alright, uhm Peter, Julius and Andres you two think you can handle this case" Andrew asks. 

They  all agree

"Anyway what I am trying to say here is it's not always about the money you know" Andrew says

"Alright Andrew you have your reasons for why you work here, you may not care about a 10k bonus but I think most of us do" Jack says crossing his arms

"Jack's right though, you are always talking about doing right but wouldn't getting extra pay be doing right" Levi says

"I mean you basically get to do your work and get extra pay, Andrew come on man" Levi says

"Andrew just because you don't like the guy doesn't mean that you can't work with him" Avena said playing with the fan

"Yes Andrew plus I'm sure nothing horrible is going to be forced upon you" Naomi says writing on the board

"Huhhh, fine I'll do it" he says

"Great 10k bonus" Jack says balling his fists up


"Hey Allard that Ciro Bouchard guy I'm going call him we've agreed that we'd like the 10k bonus that is if you are in agreement" he asks

"Sure I am, go make your call, Andrew" Allard says

-The men arrived at the scene

"Goodness" Andres says 

A car was flipped over with blood flowing out

"Damn, did anyone get the fucking ambulance" Peter says

"Yeah they're on their way" Julius says pointing

"I need everyone to keep driving avoid this scene keep the road moving" An officer said

"Hello, Sir Peter Watson with the Scoic Investigators these are my partners, Julius Adler and Andres Miller we're here to investigate" He says

"Alright Sir let's let the ambulances do their job then you can override the scene with your so I'm gonna need ya to wait over there for about hm 30 mins" The officer responds 

"Yes, Sir" Peter says partly pissed

"It's sounded like he was shading us" Andres says

"I have no idea why these police around here hate us soo much" Peter says

"His wife or what ever ended up dead then he'd be begging for us to investigate" Julius says 

"I wonder if Andrew came to a conclusion" Andres asks

"Probably, Andrew is kinda dramatic, dude's all about doing the right thing, I'm thinking you wouldn't want more pay for doing the right thing" Julius says

"I mean jeez just cuz they're doing a higher pay doesn't mean we are robin hoods doing shit for free" Andres said

"You boys don't understand him, he's like that because he was taught that all his life" Peter says

"Before being promoted I was his partner, all he talked about was doing good helping Scoic taking out bad guys" Peter says

"So he could careless about the pay as long as he gets to help people" Peter says

"Though I don't agree with his ideals I respect him, the man is very admirable" Peter says

"Don't people in America work like hell" Julius says

"Well let's just hope his wallet was helping him make the decision" Andres says

"You boys can do your dirty work now" the officer said

"Yeah because dealing with these type of people you're going need some extra pay" Julius says pissed off


"Oliver Holly who the hell is that?" Andrew asks

"He's a 20 year old college student who is attending law school and he wants to volunteer around Scoic with the investigators" Ciro says

"What?" Andrew says

"We are doing a program me and Gabriel where we give students a chance to be close with real work" Ciro asks

"Well if he's going to law school shouldn't he volunteer with a lawyer?" Andrew asks

"Mr, Hampton" Ciro says putting the phone up to his lips "Don't question your opportunities" get says hanging up

"That has to be the weirdest man in existence" Andrew says

"I don't want any snobby rich kid around here"

"SO Andy we gettin a 10k or what" Jack says putting his arm around Andrew

"Yes but some kid named Oliver Holly is going to be volunteering here" he says

"Well we do need someone to take the trash out" Francesca says

"Oh well I hope this Oliver doesn't cause a TWIST!!!! HAHAHA" Jack jokes

Andrew rolled his eyes and took a seat

"Don't worry Andrew I'm sure having an extra hand around here won't be to bad" Levi said

"Yeah well that's the thing what the hell out we need help with" Andrew says

"Hey y'all we back" Peter says

"Hey Naomi could you type these papers up please, seven pages of thoroughly investigated evidence" Peter says

"Oh and make a copy for Levi" he adds

"Hmm, maybe Naomi?" Levi asks

"Well then that'd take away from her pay" Andrew said

"Well then Franco won't need to be coffee boy anymore" Jack says grabbing Franco's shoulder and laughing

"We clearly don't need another fucking person but how would that Ciro guy know he doesn't even work here" Andrew said

"Oh, how was the scene" Andrew asks

"Bloody" Peter responds sipping coffee

"Apparently the car flipped over caused three more accidents just now" Avena said

"Well the police better do their job to guide everyone to safety" Peter says putting his coffee down

"They shaded us the who entire time it's like everytime we're around any scene they're at, they switch up" Andres said

"You guys are just doing you jobs guess there's adversity among the supposed good guys" Franco says

"Franco it's always been that way 

,son" Andrew says

"Jeez Andrew did that baby mentally age you" Peter asks laughing

Andres rolls his eyes

"Oh can we see some pictures" Francesca says smiling

"Yes I want to see a chubby baby leg" Naomi giggles

"Videos too" Avena said

"Bruh why did you mention that baby the ladies are all over it now" Julius says

"And Franco" Andres adds

"Peter, Jack, Levi, Julius, Andres you guys wanna see him" Andrew asks

"He's soo cute Awwww he's giggly" Naomi says

"Look at his eyes awwww he's soo cute, wittle oneee" Avena says

"He's saying those baby noises now AHHHHH" Francesca says

"I suppose he's a cute little guy" Franco says smiling

"Uhh no thanks Andrew the girls and Franco are all over it" Jack says

"You guys wanna get something to eat I'm hungry and it is our break" Peter asks

"Sure" they agree
