I. 13

"Andrew sense you are lead investigator I picked you for this job" Allard says

"Lemme guess you're sending me to Nery to meet with this Ciro guy" Andrew asks


"Alright why do I have to meet with him shouldn't Gabriel Parker do all of this?" Andrew asked pissed off

"About that, he already did and Ciro Bouchard asked if he could meet with each lead in Scoic's law enforcement" Allard explains

"Okay, then he can meet with you instead, you're above me" Andrew said putting two fingers on his head

"Yes right, there you're correct but, he requested you for some reason" Allard says

"What why" he asks

"Well he said it was quite impressive of how you made it so far, plus I wouldn't wanna be bothered with that anyway" Allard says

"Me either" Andrew says

"Too bad, Andrew welcome to work" Allard says


"I swear, these people around these provinces piss me off" Andrew said picking up a paper and reading it

"Why is that, is it something to do with Ciro Bouchard again" Naomi asks happily

"Well... Yeah" Andrew says

"Andrew, I'm sure you will be fine in whatever you do there" She says

"Yeah but I don't want to work with some man who wants to know about my life, I feel like he's teasing me" Andrew says

"I mean how do you make ME, who is an lead investigator go to meet with you, and not the guy who is literally over us" Andrew says

"I don't know, but if I were in your place I'd be happy to go" she says smiling


"Peter how's your case going" Andrew says taking a seat

"Levi got the forensics back, and the man who ran away apparently tried to stab the other man before he shot him" Peter said

"Yes and they were both business partners, guess one got mad and snapped" Andres says going through a folder

"Hey Levi do you have the documentation on the fire arm" Peter asks

"Yes the forensics have it" he says

"Alright lemme look over it, then send it over to Naomi" Peter says

"Yes Sir" 

"Huh, shot a business partner, what an uncontrollable temper" Andrew says

"Yeah, Andrew and how's your temper going with Mr. Bouchard" Peter says eyeing him

"Huhhhh well" Andrew says leaning back in the chair "I apparently have to meet up with the guy Friday and pick up the Oliver Holly kid" Andrew says pissed off

"Well, I hope you have fun on your little trip, maybe you could bring us back some souvs" Peter says highlighting something

"Damn it, I forgot to add the dead man's description" Peter says

Andrew goes to his office and thinks

Knock Knock

"Hello Francesca" Andrew says 

"Hey Andrew I heard about your meet up with Ciro Bouchard, while I was filing some kidnap cases" She says

"Do you see any we need to open up?" Andrew asks

"No they're, all solved some ended good others not soo much" she says

"We should try hard to make them end well, we should also try doing that with no extra pay" He says

"Andrew are you still mad about the payment rising" Francesca says sitting down

"It's not that I'm mad it's that fucking Ciro Bouchard guy, he pisses me off and there something about him that seems strange" Andrew says

"Well what makes you think that?" She asks

"When I was at the party he got a little too personal, like he wanted to toy with me questioning my intentions" he said

"I'm sorry about that I didn't know he made you feel so uncomfortable" Francesca says

"I understand everyone wants pay, it's just going to be hard to work with this guy, he only brought all this shit up after he met me too" Andrew said

"Maybe he sees something in you but if you feel like that's not the case then keep your guard up around him" Francesca says

"Francesca you're very aware of the world, I thought you weren't" Andrew says with a half smile

"I'll take that as a compliment" she says leaving

Ring Ring

"Hello" Andrew says

"Andrew Hampton you got my call about Friday correct?" Bouchard says

"Why is this man calling me" Andrew thought

"Yes... I got your call, Sir may I ask why we are doing all of this" Andrew asks

"We'll talk all about it when you get here, tell me what is your favorite food" Bouchard asks

"Sir I believe I'm too ol-

"No one is too old to talk about their favorite food, Hampton what is it" Bouchard says

"Uhh caviar and wine" Andrew says 

"Is that actually your favorite food" Bouchard asks

"Yes it is, why are you judging my favorite food Mr. Bouchard" Andrew says

"I don't know, it doesn't seem like it'd be it seems you don't want to tell me what's truly in your heart" Bouchard says

"FINE" Andrew says slamming his hand on the desk

"It's a steak sandwich with apple juice there" Andrew said

"You have a good taste Sir, we will make sure to have that for you Friday, I look forward to making deals" Bouchard says with a slick smile

Andrew slams the phone down in rage


"What the hell" Andres says

"I'm so fucking tired of that Bouchard guy, I'm going to that meet up and leaving I don't want anything to do with him" Andrew says 

"Damn, did you really have to scream that loud" Julius says

"Well when some fucking ass hole keeps pissing you off, you'd do the same" Andrew said

"Peter I have the copies for both weapons" Naomi says handing the work to him

"Oh, uh Andrew was that you screaming" Naomi asks

"It's Bouchard he needs to keep his nose in his province damn it, he's worried about me for what reason" Andrew says

"I don't know Andrew, I can't help you with that I'm sorry" Naomi says

"Andrew when you go to that little meet up make sure you sort out that problem you have with this man" Julius says

"Yeah, because all of this screaming and complaining is outrageous" Peter says highlighting again

"I'm sorry guys, alright I'll go and sort out my problems it's not fair to you guys to hear about all of this" Andrew says

"Yeah everyone around here is kinda annoyed" Andres says

"Andrew you are kinda like a high school student "I don't wanna do this or that" Peter says


"Hey, Allard I noticed you haven't been very involved around here, you feelin okay" Andrew says

"I'm alright son you should be worried about the team" Allard says

"Yeah but I'm just being helpful you know u seem kinda like you have something inside of you" Andrew says

"Andrew kid go do your job I'm good" Allard says laughing

Andrew hesitantly walked out

"Something strange is going on here" Andrew said
