I. 14

"JURY DUTY!!" Jack and Andrew said ensemble

"Yes it just came in I'm not sure why they didn't send it to you two individually" Naomi said

"Are you serious right now, I can't do duty, I'm busy" Andrew said

"Yes, I'm busy too" Jack said

"Yeah, busy filing papers" Andrew said

"Naomi, there's got to be some mistake, or something right?" Andrew said 

"No, it says you two, I'm not sure why I agree they should've picked someone else" Naomi said getting up

"You boys got jury duty, don't you that's what all this screaming is about" Francesca said laughing

"Yes and it's not funny, they should've sent for you instead" Jack said pissed

"Nope I already went last month, the case was pretty boring it was about a dog and a cat being kidnapped by another person and the owner filed a lawsuit, something" Francesca said

"Well I don't think I want to sit through something like that" Andrew said

"Bet he's going to go running to Allard" Andres said 

"Allard!!!!" Andrew went screaming

"You were right" Avena said laughing

"Why is he running to Allard again?" Levi asked

"Because some thing is not going his was again" Andres said


"Allard!! What the hell is this" Andrew said slamming the paper down

"Jack and I have received the lovely news of jury duty, and we're wanted" He said pissed

"Well, jee Andrew I mean if you're wanted there's nothing I can't do, son you know you can't keep running to me for everything" Allard said

"What about my job here though" Andrew asked

"Easy, Peter will take your place he's been getting better at being a leader" Allard says

"What about my meeting" Andrew asked

"Andrew, he said anytime this week" Allard said

Andrew walked out pissed, everyone laughing

"What are you all laughing about" Andrew said

"Damn, you got jury duty, that's crazy" Peter said

"Well, Peter since you are second in command, can you lead around here please" Andrew said sadly

"Sure, buddy" Peter said grabbing Andrew's shoulder

Andrew rolled his eyes

"Come on Jack our future awaits us" Andrew said pissed

"I wonder why they asked us, seems like they would've asked you and Peter" Jack asked

"I don't know and I don't care, I just need to get this shit over with" Andrew said turning

"Hey you excited about your meeting tomorrow" Jack asked

Andrew gave him a blank stare

"So, no got it, maybe he's not that bad" Jack said

"The man was getting too personal, he never wanted any of this meeting shit before he met me" Andrew said

"It can't be that harmful sometimes we take things to s- Andrew look over there" Jack said

"What" Jack asked


"What? You dumbass we're going to be late" Andrew said 

"Andrew, please I hadn't seen one since I was a boy" Jack said 

"Jack you're thirty one years old, what the hell" Andrew said

"Andrew, please" Jack asked

"You know what, find fine" Andrew parked the car

"I'm going to be the blueberry mint, me and my big sister would always trade our ice creams" Jack said

"Jack would you just order it and go" Andrew said

"You want an- NO

"Alright alright" Jack said

"What can u get you two sirs" a girl said

"Oh no I don't want anything my "friend" here insisted we come so he wants something" Andrew said

"Well I don't care about your reasons, just gimme your money" She said

Andrew looked shocked

"Here you go, little girl" Jack said putting three dollars on the counter

"Here, enjoy" she said counting her money

"Very respectful enthusiastic child" Andrew said pissed

"Hurry up, and eat that Jack, or we'll be late" Andrew said

The two sat on a park bench

"I remember si-

"Jack would you just eat the damn ice cream so we can go" Andrew said 

"Eeshhh mister why so rude" A kid with a British accent said

"Who the hell are you" Andrew said turning around

A boy with blond hair and bright greenish blue eyes wearing a dark Navy shirt and khaki capris pants stood up

"You want some ice cream" Jack asked

"No, Sir but it seems your friend here may need one to cheer him up, right I'll be on my way" He said leaving

"Andrew why'd you have to be rude to the kid, come on I know you're mad and all but don't take it out on others" Jack said

Andrew knocked the ice cream out of Jack's hand 

"Andrew why the hell would you do that" Jack asked

"Because you were annoying me and taking five years to eat it, NOW GET IN THE FUCKING CAR" He said yelling


"They're going now, on their way to jury duty" 

"Alright, I'm going to talk to him now, you follow them" 

"You mean sit through, the damn duty"


"I don't wanna sit through that boring shit"

"Have you forgotten who is getting you through school, GO!!"

"Fine, you Fucking old people always bossing us about" 


"I wonder how, Andrew and Jack are doing" Andres asked

"I'm sure they can survive" Naomi said

"Poor, Andrew always so dramatic" Peter said laughing

A man with shades walked in 

"Hello, Sir" Naomi said

"Hello, Madam I'm here to see Allard, he should be expecting me" The man said

"Oh, let me check, yes sir he is expecting someone at this hour" She said

"Right up those stairs it'll have his name on the door" she said smiling

"Thank, you and may I just say you have such a beautiful smile, it seems you have been blessed by Venus" he said 

"Thank youuu" she said

"You can tell women anything, and they lose all since of reasoning" the man



"Ma'am did you really vandalize this man's garden hose" judge said

"What kinda case is this" Andrew said

"I'm actually kinda enjoying it" Jack said

Andrew checked his watch

"One more hour in this mess" Andrew said


"Hmm," Knock Knock

"Come in" Allard said

"Hello, Allard" the man said taking his shades off


"Finally, damn maybe the people who force us to do jury duty need to do it" Andrew said fixing his jacket vest

"Aw come on Andy it wasn't that bad, you're being over dramatic dude" Jack said

"Damn, what the hell do people put in bags these days" A lady said trying to carry bags down

"Woah look at that cute red head over there, Andrew" Jack said smiling

"She looks like she's struggling to carry the bags down" Andrew said

"I'll go he-

"No, you might break something, Jack try to get her number go get ice cream or something" Andrew said

"Hello, ma'am it looks like you need help with that" Andrew said

"Thank you, Sir" she said smiling

"I'm carrying baggage in for the judge, he seems to have brought a lot this time" she said

"Here let me get that end" Andrew said lifting the baggage into the truck 

"Thank you, Sir here five dollars it's not much but thanks for the help" she said smiling

"Oh no keep I just saw someone in need of some help" Andrew said smiling

"Thank, you then" she said getting into the truck

"Did you get her number" Jack asked

"No, you idiot the poor woman needed help, go chase after her truck and ask" Andrew said laughing

"Fuck you Andy" Jack said

"You two again" the familiar British accent said

"Hey it's the kid from the bench again hey kid" Jack said

"Hello Sir and I'm not a kid I'm a student though" he said

"You need something kid" Jack said

"No Jack I don't" The kid said

"What the hell" Jack said

"How do you know his name" Andrew said

"Because you two were talking earlier at the ice cream truck" He said

"Oh, I didn't think of that" Andrew said

"He's American he's not that smart" Jack whispered

"You were surprised too, Jack" Andrew said 

The kid walked off

"That kid is giving me a bad little vibe, something is off about the little shit" Andrew said

"Yes, I agree he keeps hanging around us" Jack said


"Sir taking a seat" Allard said

"So, Ciro what are we meeting about" Allard said

"Your new investigator isn't going to like this" Ciro said 

"What do you mean" Allard asked

"Well I met with Gabriel Parker and he gave me the okay to do this" Ciro said

"Mr. Bouchard what are you talking about" Allard said 

"Well, I'm going to merge the enforcements" he said

"Merge?" Allard asked

"Yes which means, we're going to be keeping close eyes on one another" Ciro said putting the shades in his mouth 

"And no telling your favorite little morsel either" Ciro said

"I didn't even agree to this" Allard said

"Look Gabriel Parker only agreed on this for the money as for me and my team we don't" Allard says

"You're going to agree, ALLARD" Ciro said 

Ciro looked deep into Allard's eyes

"Don't make decisions you'll regret, Allard" Ciro said walking out

"Ring Ring

"I'm going back, following those two idiots around, I feel like it has made me dumber" The kid said

"Alright, Oliver" Ciro said walking down the stairs

"Ladies" he said to the three women

"See that's him" Naomi said


"What a boring day" Andrew said

"Something about a vandalised water hose" Jack said

"Ah, Andy you're back" Allard said hitting Andrew's back

"How'd your meeting go, Allard" Andrew asked

"Meeting" Allard said

"Didn't you have a meeting today" Andrew asked

"Oh yeah yeah, yes also your meeting with Ciro Bouchard is tomorrow" Allard said

"Damn that's tomorrow" Andrew said rolling his eyes

"Hey, guys there's a case here, a girl missing who knows what may have happened" Naomi said walking in

"When did this come in?" Andrew asked taking the folder

"About an hour ago" Naomi said

"Allard, is it okay if we postpone this meeting for another day this week" Andrew said

"Sure, Andy" Allard said smiling
