I. 15

"The last time I saw my daughter she had been walking our dog" the mother said

"I don't know what to do, anymore if she's found dead" the lady said crying

Andrew got up from his seat and grabbed the paper from Naomi

"Ma'am I'm sorry about your missing daughter, we will do our very best to find her" Andrew said holding her hand

Franco escorted the woman outside and talked with her

"Andrew, I know you're going to get on this case flat" Naomi said 

"That's correct, whoever did this, if they are still alive I may have to punch them square in the face" Andrew said pissed

"I'm just thinking I myself has a sister, if I found out someone did this to her I'd kill them" he said

-Andrew walked out 

"I'll call the police and see if they have the information on where she lives" Francesca said grabbing the phone

"So, so far we know her name is Addy Cher and she is 23 years old student and she seemed to be home that day" Andres said marking something down

"Do we know if she has friends or acquaintances" Andrew asked

"She went missing on the Pier Petit Road between yesterday at 2:30 P. M. And 4:00 P. M. She was ruled missing" Francesca said

"What we need to find out right now is if she had friends or not" Andrew says

"Three from Uni, Cardiff Levine, May Bouvet and Henry Lier" Francesca said

"Do we know what they're doing at the minute, where do they live we need to have a little speak" Andrew said

"Andrew why are you so hellbent on the friends" Julius asked

"I've been in Pier Petit before I'm not saying there is no crime, but I've seen four year olds out by themselves" Andrew said

"I'll go check with the police" Francesca said

"No let me do it" Julius said

"Julius, I've got it" she said

"No, you're gonna do it over the phone again I wanna see them in person plus you're a woman" Julius said

"Excuse me I'll have you know I have earned my place on this job just as much as you have JULIUS" Francesca yelled

"See, this isn't the time for hysterics" Julius said

"Hey come on that wasn't cool at all" Franco said

"Andrew do something" Naomi said

"Guys guys listen, Julius what you said was uncalled for and I will not have any form of discrimination on my team and Francesca has had this case down also Francesca, Julius is right by saying you should go in person of course" Andrew said

"Alright then I'll go in person, that's all I needed to know" she said

"I just told her that" Julius said

"A girl is missing and this is what we are arguing over, you all said Andrew was the dramatic one-oh" Andres said


"Man, I don't wanna spend my time in such a boring province, I wish I didn't have to come here" Oliver said on the phone

"Well if you want to become a lawyer you'd better do as I say, Holly" Ciro said

"Help, help me someone please" someone said crying

"I mean why make someone come and do your dirty work, I suppose him paying me isn't too bad, but his intentions behind it is extremely strange" Oliver said kicking rocks

"This place, what is even any of this soo boring" he said sinking his hands deeper in his pockets

"Help, ow ow please" 

"Sounded like some said -HeLP"

Oliver ran over to a buried little ditch in a mini looking abandoned place

"Oh-shit" Oliver said bending down


"Look I promise I'm not going to hurt you" Oliver said trying to look and remain kind


"Alright I promise I'm going to stay here by you alright, let me help you out of there" Oliver said extending his hand

Oliver grabbed the girl out of the ditch 

"Ah, see there ya go" he said smiling

The girl looked at him and started sobbing then landed on him

"What the hell girl girl" he said shaking her

"Well damn, I can't leave her here" he said

"Where the hell is even this, everywhere looks suburbia and then it's a rando abandoned museum type space" Oliver said

"I can try to carry her, I've been working out and she doesn't look big so I can try" he said


"Hello, officer I'm here about a girl, Addy Cher she has been ruled missing" Francesca said 

"Do you have any evidence about where the following people may live" Francesca said handing him a folder 

"Hmmm I can check in with the schools they attend" he said

"I'll have this set for you" he said 

"Is it okay if we keep a copy please" he asked

"Sure sir" Francesca said

"LYDIA, get a copy of this" he said


"What's disturbing you, Andrew" Peter asked

"I don't know man, but I feel like those friends need to be investigated" He said 

"You keep paying close attention and tabs on the Henry one" Peter said

"I feel like I've seen this kids name before" Andrew said

"Guys, I have information" Francesca said putting it out on the table

"Now all three attend the same university however Cardiff recently dropped out due to focusing on something else, May still attends the Uni and shares the same classes with Addy and Henry does too" Francesca says

"Alright but none of this tells me where I can find them" Andrew says

"Wait, Andrew sheesh right here" Francesca said

"So, May and Henry live on the same street as Addy but Cardiff, hmm he lives right up the street" Andrew said

"Avena, Peter go gather information from May and Cardiff I want to take care of this Henry kid" Andrew said

"Avena you ride with me, Peter you can walk or take the car" Andrew said

"I think I would very well love to walk" Peter said smiling

Andrew and Avena quickly hopped in the car and drove off

"Oh I sure hope they find her, hopefully she just got lost" Naomi said

"I doubt anything didn't happen to her, she probably got trafficked or something" Julius says

"Julius don't say such things" Naomi said

"He's probably right or maybe she didn't get trafficked maybe something else happen murdered raped who knows" Levi said

"You guys are so negative don't wish these things upon people" Naomi said

"No one is wishing anything upon anyone Naomi, we're just stating facts and statistical information" Julius said

"I know you run on emotions though, so nothing I can do there" Julius said sipping his coffee


"Alright we have arrived oh, she never told me her name" Oliver said


"Ciro what the hell, damnit" Oliver said

"Hello, I'm kinda busy" Oliver said

"I need you to find out something" Ciro said

"Look, uhm Ciro i-Uh what I'm doing may be more important" Oliver said

"The hell are you doing, Holly" Ciro asked

"Well right now there is a girl in my arms and we are about to walk into the hospital, because she looks like she may have been assaulted" Oliver said

"You had better be telling the truth Holly" Ciro said

Oliver hung up

He ran in holding the girl

"Hel- What uhm wait here" the secretary said


"All I know is I was walking I heard someone saying help help and I saw the girl beat up in the ditch" Oliver said

"Well it's a good thing you did what you did son, this girl has actually been counted missing and you found her" the doctor said

"I just found out from the police"

"Well I'm glad I found her, hopefully she's doing well" Oliver said

"Unfortunately she has been brutally assaulted, but she should be fine thanks to you" The doctor said

"She's resting now ,but she said she would like to see you, you can come in tomorrow" the doctor said

Oliver shook the man's hand and left


"Breaking news, Addy May found alive she was brutally assaulted laying in a ditch until one Person found her a boy Oliver Holly, Holly a university student from England who currently lives in Nery was taking a stroll when he heard help help, and he ran in to take action" 

"What???" Francesca said

"She's been found" Francesca said

"She's been found alive" she said happily

"By Oliver Holly" Andrew said confused

"How did he- no matter we still need to investigate the friends" he said

"Addy has been found" Naomi said happily

"By that kid, Andrew has to work with" Julius said


"I saw what you did, Oliver but you need to keep a low profile" Ciro said

"I understand but I couldn't just leave a girl who was brutally assaulted in the ditch what if the attacker came back again" He said

"Alright little, Holly" Ciro said

"Andrew must be confused as of why you were out there, but that's good he now has even more focus on me" Ciro said

Oliver hung the phone up

"Hey, you" a guy said

"Me" Oliver said pointing at himself

The man took a swing at Oliver

"WHAT THE HELL" Oliver said running

"AHHHHHH" he said running away 

"Listen man what is your problem" Oliver said running

The man sped up

"Why'd you bother with her" the guy said

"What with who, dude what do you want from me" Oliver said speeding up

"You ruined it all" the man said grabbing Oliver down

"Ah, hey please don't hurt me dude, you g..g.got the wrong guy" Oliver said

The man took a swing at Oliver but something stopped his arm

"Don't hit me don't hit me don't hit me don't hit me don't hit me don't hit me" Oliver said with his hands over his face

He opened his eyes to see a tall man standing over him and a lady with long black hair

"Uh Thank you" he said getting up

"You, come with me" Andrew said 

The guy was put in a police vehicle and was arrested for attempted assault

"Hey Avena you take the car back I'm going to go back with this guy" He said

"Again thank you sir" Oliver said

"Hey kid, your name is it, Oliver Holly" Andrew asked

"Uuhm Yea Sir you probably heard about it on the news" He said

"No I'm Andrew Hampton, the man who you're going to be working with" He said

"You're Mr. Hampton you're kinda cool you stop bad guys from hurting good guys" Oliver said laughing 

"You're welcome kid, I have to go back with this guy right now, don't let me see you in these situations again" He said

"Alright, excuse me officer take this guy back with me I need to question him on a few things" Andrew said

"Wait a minute" Andrew thought

"The jury wa- that was the same kid" Andrew said


"Levi" Andrew said

"Henry Lier's DNA has been found on Addy and he has brutally beaten and raped her" Levi said

"I should've punched him in the face" Andrew said

"What a horrible crime I sure hope Addy can heal" Naomi said

"You can come with me tomorrow to visit her if you'd like, they said she'd be able to reason" Andrew said

"I will, I'm going to bring her some stuff too" Naomi said

"Don't you have to meet Mr. Bouchard tomorrow" Peter asked

"Yes but, I can visit Addy too" Andrew said

"By the way I just met the Oliver Holly kid" Andrew said

"Hey Jack, you know that kid with the British accent at the jury duty mess yesterday, that was him" Andrew said

"Really that was Oliver Holly, huh he ain't seemed that bad I guess I can work with the kid" Jack said

"He doesn't seem as bad, but what about Ciro" Andrew said


"Tomorrow, will be the big day" Ciro Bouchard said

"Andrew I can't wait to see the look on your face when you realize you must work with me" Ciro said 
