I. 20

"Excuse me" a student said

"Everyone take your seats" teacher said

Knock knock

"Come in" she said

"Oh Cora, honey take your seat, you're late" she said

"I'm sorry I overslept" Cora said taking a seat

Cora put her backpack by her feet and took out a journal

"Late again, Cora you should try this thing called being on time" Dominic said

"Haha" Briar said laughing

"I hate them soo much" Cora said

"Everyone in this school, they're all ass holes" Cora said a little mad turning a page


"Hey boys, look what I bought" Andrew said putting a flower vase down

"Why'd you buy a vase" Peter asked

"Well, I don't know I was talking to my sister on the phone" Andrew said

"I figured the place could use some livelynessnesss" Andrew said confused

"Some lady came in about a missing dog" Avena said

"She thinks someone may have stolen it, I told her to make sure she's sure about her decision" Avena said

"Maybe it ran away from her because it doesn't like her" Julius said

"What are you guys talking about" Avena asked

"Andrew here, brought in a vase, he said we need to lively the place up, I'm sure you girls can handle it, no" Julius said hitting Andrew

"I'm typing up a report about a missing phone case" Franco said

"Sounds very important and life threatening" Peter said

"Thank you ma'am for coming in and speaking with me we will look into it" Francesca said

"Thank you, I'm just so worried for him, he has good grades and does sports I don't want anything messing up my son" The woman said

"Damn, it we were never like that when I was in high school, what are kids getting into" Francesca said

"What's up Fran" Andrew asked

"That woman, she thinks her son is participating in drugs and drug related activities" Francesca said

"Ohh, maybe she should try and stop the child since she said he's a good kid" Julius said

"Maybe he's frustrated, either way kids shouldn't try to do drugs" Andrew said


"Hey, Dom you coming to my house today" Briar said

"Uhm I gotta see, maybe I can't, I gotta meet up with some people today about something" Dominic said

"Man is this about Dex and Garrett" Briar said

"Yeah, but it's not that, I promise I told them I didn't want anymore, and it was only weed so calm down man" Dominic said playing with his spork

"Hey look its Cora, wanna go bother her" Dominic said

"I'm already on it" He said laughing

"You should try to come to school earlier some time before the year is over" Dominic said

"You should try to be less of a fucking dick Dominic" Cora said getting up

"Hey hey we were only playing, don't go" He said

"The hell do you want" She said

"I don't know you never talk about anything" Dominic said

"Yeah we are literally just two guys trying to make friends" Briar said pointing at each other

"Well you two have each other, now leave me be" She said

"Don't you want friends, right? Dominic said

"Dominic everyone is not the same, therefore f off" She said madly

"You're sitting with her, you're a fucking weirdo" Dex said slipping by Dominic

"Okay, I don't know what this is about but I'm getting out of here" Cora said in her head

"Hey hey, you aren't going anywhere take a seat" Dex said grabbing her arm

"Let her go, Dex" Dominic said

"Dex, man come on" Garrett said

"Can you fucking wait outside, I'm trying to take care of business you fucking shithead, Go GO! Dex said

"Damn, man that was kinda mean" Briar said

"And who the hell are you" Dex said

"I'm hanging with my other friend, Dominic, Dominic he's your friend too" Dex said putting his arm around Dominic

"We aren't friends Dex" Dominic said removing Dex's hand

"You better have my shit today, you fucking bitch or I'll- lose my shit" Dex said whispering in Dominic's ear

"Well, I had better see what's plaguing Garrett, have a good day Dom" Dex said patting his back

"Oh and I'll see you in gym" Dex said gesturing at Cora

"Dude, what the hell was that about" Briar said

"Dex, he's being an idiot about stuff again" Dominic said eating a fry

"Excuse me, but couldn't you weirdos have settled that somewhere else" Cora said pissed

"Cora I'm sorry, I didn't mean to let you see all of that, I only came here to joke with you, that's it" He said

"Well then, I don't want shit to do with you or whatever you got going on" she said grabbing her stuff and leaving

"Why do we" bully" her do you like her or something" Briar asked

Dominic smiled a bit

"Ah you do, I knew it" Briar said

"But you can't tell her" Dominic said

"Alright your secret is safe with me" Briar said


"And the last place you saw your dog was by this table" Avena said

"Yes, dear and he's gone" the woman said crying

"Ma'am please don't cry, I need you to stay strong" Avena said

Scrrr scrrr

"What the hell is that" Avena said confused

"Ma'am there seems to be something under this porch, I'm going to check it out" Avena said

"Uhh uhhh, arf arf"

"Mrs. Yelin look what I found" Avena said holding the small dog

"Oh oh OH OH, oh my baby" The woman said grabbing and hugging it

"Oh, thank you so much dear" She said

"I thought, my baby would be gone forever, OH thank you" She said

"You're welcome ma'am, now get in the house and spend time with him or her" Avena said waving


"I have never seen something so dramatic" Avena said

"I mean goodness the lady has about six kids, I saw them on a family picture, but she's all dramatic over a puppy" Avena said

"Some people just love their animals, I love goldfish in particular" Franco said smiling

"Look who I just brought in" Andres said

"NAOMI" Avena said


"I missed you so much and you solved a case from a hospital bed, good job" Avena said

"Avena" Naomi said hugging her

"Naomi how's it been hospital is noisy isn't it" Francesca said hugging her

"Yes, I heard everything from babies to basically everything" She said

"Well we're glad you're out" Franco said hugging her

"Naomi, we're glad you're back" Andrew said

"Yeah, we missed you" Julius said

"Yep, Julius doesn't no how to organize" Jack said

"Hey Naom, I did not see you walk in" Levi said

"No wonder, I couldn't find Andrew, Naomi's back" Peter said laughing

"Naomi we're all happy you're back" Andrew said

"I missed the coffees you brought in, but mainly how happy and caring you are about all of us" Franco said

"Awwww" Naomi said

"Well what are you guys waiting for, aren't you gonna give her a hug" Avena said

"Oh yeah

"You're right

They all hugged her at once with the girls joining in

"We love you Naomi" They all said together

"I love all of you TOO" she said yelling

They all laughed


"I hate gym, so fucking stupid"

"Yeah I'm tired"

"Shit I forgot my stuff" Cora said running over to the bleachers

"Cora, hurry up you got math"The teacher said

"Well maybe if you let me take my stuff in the bathroom with me I wouldn't waste time, stupid" Cora said

"Damn" She said grabbing her stuff

"AH, I'm sorry I need to get to class" Cora said smiling

"Hey that shit can wait" Dex said grabbing her arm

"I saw how agitated you looked at the table" He said

"Why were you so agitated, you know what, it's probably my fault" He said

"Uhm, I need to go now" Cora said

"Are you still mad at me" he asked

"I was never mad at you, Dex please let me go I need to get to class, I don't want to be late" She said

"I'm glad you aren't mad at me, I got another question, do you want to fuck me" He said caressing her cheek

"What the hell, LET ME G-

"She already said it once that should be enough let her go, Dex" Dominic said

Cora ran off

"U got my money bitch" Dex said sticking his hand out

"Here, hey you leave her alone man" Dominic said

"You're giving me money for drugs this is a drug deal, who the hell are you to school me on morals" Dex said laughing

"This isn't the right amount you bitch" he said

"I'll pay the rest, tomorrow just give me time" Dominic said

"Hey aren't your parents like lawyers or doctors, bitch boy" Dex said

"Okay, you know what since you don't want to pay me, I'll show you what'll happen when you try and up me, bitch boy" Dex said walking off


Knock knock

"Cora. Come in, I was wondering where you had been" the teacher said

Cora took her seat and played with her pencil

-20 mins

"Now class I'm going to give you, worksheets" She said

Someone was trying to get in the class

"Huh, hello Mr. MetWell, you are late as always take a seat " She said

Dex took his seat by, Cora

"That old bitch yelled at you too" He said

Cora ignored him and did her work

"I know why you aren't talking to me" He said

"I know another way you don't have to talk to me, it'll satisfy us both" He said

Cora continued to work

"Mrs. Felto, may I use the restroom"Cora asked

"Yes, you may" She said

Cora walked out and ran to the bathrooms

"Why the hell won't he leave me alone, it's all of Dominic's fault" she said

"I hate him soo much he should've never came over there" She said

"I hate him and Dex and I hate all of those boys, why can't they just leave!!" Cora said letting her anger out

Cora walked out

"AH! you scared me, I need to go now" Cora said

"Cora, you're going to do what I say or I'm going to kill you" Dex said

"What the hell, can you please leave me be" Cora said trying to wriggle her arm free

"No, bitch" he said taking her to a room

"What the hell do you want" Cora asked

"I want you" He said

"You want me" Cora said confused

"I'm kidding, I don't want your weird ass, he does" Dex said

"What the fuck" Cora said getting up and going to the door

"Hey touch that door knob and I'll kill you" Dex said taking a gun out

Cora's eyes widened and she began to cry

"Please don't kill me, please don't kill me" She said

"Will you do whatever we say" Dex said

"Don't kill me" She said

"WILL YOU DO WHATEVER I SAY" Dex said banging her against the wall and putting the gun to her head

"Yes, yes, yes" She said breaking down again

Dex smirked at Garrett and walked out

"No, No noo!!!" Cora began to cry as Dex slammed the door

"Man, how the hell is this class still going" Dex said taking a seat

"What took you so long Mr. MetWell" Teacher said

"Have you seen, Cora, she's still in there, you kids really hate math that much" she said


"Alright, Briar I'll see you tonight after all" Dominic said

"See ya"

"Hey, Dominic" Dex said

"Dude I'll get your money tonight" Dominic said

"Nah, man I wanna show you something" Dex said

"Listen dude, I'll have it by tonight" Dominic said leaving


Dominic walked off


"I just had something to show you"

Very gruesome Picture* +10 and 5

Three Videos

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Dominic punched Garrett twice

"Where's Cora" He asked

"Probably, pretending to welp on the floor, she probably enjoyed it too" Dex said laughing

"Hey, she probably would've liked it if you joined in too" Dex said laughing harder

"Now you see what the hell happens when I say I want my money NOW" Dex said

"I'm going to make sure you don't see another day" Dominic said punching him repeatedly

Dominic got up to go see Cora

"Where are you Cough* going" Dex asked

"Where the hell is Cora" Dominic asked

"You aren't going to be able to see her" Dex said

"Why is that, Dex what the hell did you do, I'll kill you right here" Dominic said

"Because of this" Dex said pulling his gun out and walking up close to Dominic

"What d- BLAST


"What the" Andrew said

"Hey, Francesca I think we may need to talk about not doing drugs or something at that school" Andrew said

"Why" She asked

"I don't know I just got a weird feeling that something completely horrifying is being played out or just got played out" He said

"Oh, your feelings again" She said smiling

"No, something isn't right at all" he said
