I. 21

"Cough cough" Cora coughed a couple times

"It seems you'll still be out of school for a couple more days" Cora's mom said

"That is so sad what happened to Dominic, I hope his family is doing alright" She said

"Cora come down for breakfast" She said going downstairs

Cora opened up her phone and was faced with a bunch of news, about the murder

"By the way Cora, were u okay on the day of the murder" Her mom asked

"You seemed withdrawn, and u had blood on you face, it looked likeu got into a fight or something" She said setting down bacon

"Look at me, did that killer try something, dear" She said

"No no no no no" Cora said

"Okay, Cora, I need to go to the store to get some groceries, would u like to come along" She asked

"No, mom I'm good" She said

"I'll have to be extra careful especially with this killer running around, and Cora be safe please" She said leaving


"Far as I am concerned we got nothing on this guy but the crime scene" Julius said

"Goodness, what deranged psycho would want to kill a child" Naomi said

"I don't know but if I were to guess it'd be a deranged child psycho" Andrew said

"Oh, there is no way for kids to kill each other" Naomi said

"We'll just have to keep on investigating the crime scene, it should tell us something, Levi is with the forensics" Andrew said grabbing his coffee

"Hey, I got a call from the school, they are wanting to know if we see going to question the children" Peter asked

"We have to, but we can do it the day after they return" Andrew said


"Whoever killed this kid, did it in close range and it seems with other marks on his body there was a fight going on, so someone bought a gun to a fist fight" Levi said taking pictures

"I wonder what it was about" He said

"Hey Jack that kid had about 10 plus blows to the head before he was killed" Levi said with a folder in his hand

"The killer appears to be unstable, but It seems like it at least had to be three people at that scene" Jack said

"Three people, you say, maybe they'll be able to confirm that" Levi said

"Do y'all have footprints" Jack asked

"No it seems the person covered them up, whoever did this seems to have done the basics of getting away with murder" Levi said

"So in other words they probably looked up on the internet how to hide murder and followed the first three steps" Jack asked

"Yes pretty much" Levi said handing the papers to Naomi

"Hey, Andrew these are photos, I don't know if you wanna have a look at 'em" Levi said

"Obviously the gunshot wound was up close, seems like they had to be fighting, and both parties were tired in order for the other party to get so close" Andrew said

"What do you think" Andrew asked

"Well it seems they were fighting, the kid has about 10 blows to his head, it'd be a great thing to know what it was about" Levi said


"Hey, I found a foot print, it's not covered either, it seems to be, wait a second was it four people here now?" Peter said confused

"Andrew, I got the team investigating a foot print, it seemed to be a girl's foot print" Peter said.


"Ring Ring"

"Good morning, what would u like" The waitress asked

"One orange juice, please" Cora said

"Coming right up" the lady said

Cora liked coming to her favorite diner when she was feeling down, she often made little bird with the napkins


"You fucking bitch, I hope you know we'll kill you after this, you better do what we fucking say, I wanted to kill your pathetic ass the minute I saw you

"No. Please p. P. P. Please you please Nooooo" Cora continued to cry

"Shut up" Garrett said pulling out a knife

"I have permission to kill you if YOU DON'T DO WHAT I SAY" he said putting the knife to her throat softly stabbing it and making blood penetrate a bit

Cora continued to silently cry

"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP BITCH" Garrett said punching her straight across the face back and forth


"AHHHHHH STOP!!!!!" Cora screamed and knocked the juice out of the waitresses hand

"Huh, I'm soo sorry, I didn't mean to" Cora said crying a little bit

"Oh dear it's alright, but it seems like you're not okay, I've seen you in here before, you are usually happy" She said

"I'll get you another juice" The lady exclaimed

"That girl, doesn't seem okay at all" the lady said

"You should try to be more careful, Dear" An eerie but familiar voice mocked

Cora turned around to see an evil smiling Dex

Cora's eyes widened as Dex extended his arm to touch Cora's chin

"AHHH STOP AHHH DON'T. TOUCH. ME." Cora ran out of the store as fast as she could

"Ooh" Cora bumped into a man as she began to panic

"Woah, woah calm down there little girl" Peter said

"I'm sorry sir, I just really need to get home" She said

"Okay, well slow down" Peter said


"One coffee please" Peter said

"I just scared the bitch, I think she's running away now" Dex said

"You should scare her too" Dex said

Peter watched as the young man ran his mouth very derogatorily

It reminded him of his younger self

"Hey kid, mind if I sit" Peter said

"Hang on, Garrett some weird guy is asking me something" Dex said

"What the hell do you want" Dex said

"What's your name" Peter asked

"Why should I tell you" the boy asked

"Well you don't have to, but I would like to know does your mother see the same young man I, I see" Peter asked

"Why are you acting like you know me, mister, far as I'm concerned, you can fuck outta here" Dex said

"Kid, you need to fix your mouth, and who were you calling a bitch on the phone" Peter said

"I'm sure you go to the school where that young man was found dead, you shouldn't be pranking anyone" Peter said

"As a matter of fact, I just saw a girl running out of here scared" Peter said

"I hope you fix your self up before it's too late" he said thanking the lady for the coffee

"Now if you will excuse me, I have to go be an adult" Peter said leaving

"Well you're the one that came over here" Dex said rolling his eyes


"Any news on the foot print" Andrew asked

"This foot print is confirmed to be a girl's, probably between 15-17" Levi said

"The brand is Michael Kors" Levi said

"Specifically Metallic sneakers, Muse Metallic Logo Trainer" Levi said showing Andrew a picture

"So there was a girl involved, hmm" Andrew said

"Though the only person confirmed to be killed was the boy, Dominic no other body was found" Levi said

"It was also confirmed the blows were done by two males, which confirms three people got into a fight over what, we don't know" Levi said

"One thing is sure, I don't know why she was there or what she was doing, but she knows very well who killed Dominic" Andrew said


"Did you find her" Dex said

"No, I think she got away, should we break into her house" Garrett said

"I don't know, my mom doesn't really like me going out for too long, because the "killer" Dex said laughing

"That guy I met today, he seemed like some type of police he got mad at me because I called the thot a bitch" Dex said smoking a joint

"I hate that bitch, we should kill her" Dex said

"Dex you're fucking high" Garrett said

"Let's break into her house" Dex said

"No shit" Garrett said laughing


Cora cried on her bed

"How am I supposed to return to school" She said to herself

"I can't see those two, anymore" Cora said beginning to cry

Cora heard movement down stairs, so she ran down to see her mom

"Mom, you're back" Cora said walking into the kitchen

"M- Oh AHHHHHH" Cora ran out the house with tears in her eyes

"Chase her" they said

Cora's mom had drove in to see the door open

"She quickly got out of the car,

"Cora, Cora. Dear, Cora. Honey are you in her CORA!!" She shouted

"Mom, I'm right here" Cora said running to her

"Oh honey I didn't know what happened to you, I I'm just glad you're safe" She said kissing her head


"Shit that was close" Dex said

"Yeah her mom almost saw us, let's go back my dad will probably call me soon