The Realm of the Dead

Now that Tristan's first planet, Saxonia, was teeming with life, he decided it was finally time to introduce the first intelligent race as well as his own original creation, he hopes it is original that is.

"Wow, I honestly didn't see that coming, the wolves already formed clans this early."

"Hmm, interesting." said the figure

"What is it?" asked Tristan a little worried

"Oh, it isn't anything bad, in fact, this is most definitely beneficial to you."

The figure looked over to Tristan and saw him just floating there (They're in space) with a dumb look on his face.

"Sigh~ you have no idea what I'm talking about, do you." said the figure

In response, Tristan just gave a nod

"Let me explain then, the reason I said interesting, is because of the amount and density of mana in Saxonia."

"Due to the high density of mana, the inhabitants of the planet will see faster development evolution and magic wise. Over time there may even be some natural occurring mythical beasts that come into existence."

"To put it into perspective, the average human could live for 200+ years on Saxonia due to the sheer density of the mana, and that's not including the mages and mana wielders who extend their lives.

"Wow," said Tristan with a shocked look on his face

"Will the amount of mana affect how strong people become on Saxonia?"

"Yes, it most certainly will."

"The inhabitants of Saxonia, no matter what race, will all be able to use mana in some way shape, or form, while you would still need the aptitude to go further, the average person could conjure a small fireball or slightly enhance themselves with mana to help with manual labor." explained the figure

"Hmm, I see." nodded Tristan

"Now that the explanation is over, it's time to accomplish the last step before you show me your original sentient race." said the figure while clasping his hands

"Well, technically it's multiple things but that's whatever."

"So, first what you need to do is determine what you want to do with all the souls that will start popping up as people die off."

"Actually, I had given this some thought," said Tristan with a proud look

"Oh really, do tell." said the figure interested

"For starters, I'm of course going to create a cycle of reincarnation, I mean, if I created a heaven and hell of sorts, they would both be overrun by souls after a few millennia."

"Hmm, not bad, not bad at all, however, it would still be a good idea to create a divine kingdom of sorts as well as, go down to your planets or send some proxy to get the people to worship you, that way you'll gain a huge amount of divinity, and you could also rank up as a creator." said the figure

"Hold on, what do you mean by rank, and you mean to tell me, that the peoples' worship gives me more divinity, what would that even entail?" said Tristan with audible shock

"Well, you see, I told you earlier about how there are the universal creators such as yourself, then the multiversal creators who task people like you to help expand their multiverse, then on top there is the omniversal creator, an existence that is trillions of years out of your reach."

"What I didn't tell you though, is there are ranks among universal creators and multiversal creators."

"They go as follows, Beginner Creator, Amateur Creator, Moderate Creator, Veteran Creator, High Creator."

"This classification is used for both levels."

"That's kind of cool how there are ranks among creators, but do they mean anything?" asked Tristan

"Yes, they do, you see, there is this thing called, The Gathering of the Creators, this event is like a get together of sorts for universal creators such as yourself."

"There are recreational games, snacks, shows, and even battles."

"One of the biggest events held is called "The Tournament of the All-Mighty" in this event, creators lead an army of their universe's best warriors of old and recent."

"For example, Valhalla was used as a way to create an army for the said tournament, actually, there were several different afterlife's that great warriors of different cultures and religions would go in wait of the tournament."

"And before you ask, this event is held every 1,000,000 Omniverse years."

(A/N I'm changing multiverse years to omniverse years, simply because it sounds better and makes more sense)

"That sure is a lot to take in," said Tristan while scratching the back of his head

"Well don't worry, the last one was held only a couple of omniverse years ago." said the figure

"Sigh, that's a relief, didn't want to be thrown into something like that fresh out of the gate."

"Now onto the whole divinity thing, can you explain more?" asked Tristan

"Sure, so as you could've guessed, the more mortals that worship you, the stronger your divinity is, but to be honest, this only makes things like creation and using magic easier for you, while that is still a good thing, it isn't anything drastic."

"Now that the explanation is over, time for you to form the circle of reincarnation."

"I already have a plan in my head for that, all I need is your help in actually forming said cycle," said Tristan

"So, what do you have in mind?" asked the figure

"Well, first I would need to somehow create a warden almost to inspect the deeds of the person's life, and depending on what kind of life they led, that will determine if they are reincarnated into a favorable situation unless I intervene of course."

"Oh of course." replied the figure a little sarcastically

"What it sounds like you will need is a god of the dead."

"So, how am I supposed to create this, uh realm, I guess," asked Tristan

"It's quite simple actually, all you need to do is channel both your power of creation and divinity at once, however, this will be quite taxing on you so be prepared."

"With that being said, once you have harnessed a good amount of both of the powers, you spread it out into the void and just imagine a realm to your liking, make sure to imagine every last detail. Don't be too vague, you need to be extremely specific with something like this or the laws of the omniverse will just fill in the blanks, while this may help sometimes, for others it's a burden."

After the figure had finished explaining, Tristan started the process, he imagines a wide expanse filled with the feeling of death, a cold desolate place.

He saw a sprawling forest of dead trees with nasty and vicious creatures of death roaming around, then he imagined the grand city of the dead.

The architecture style was late medieval, all buildings were made out of a brilliant-looking black mineral that emanated death.

He saw vast streets and huge areas full of nothing but souls, then he envisioned a grand palace made entirely of this deathly black stone, he saw the giant steps leading up to the grand archway of an entrance.

There was a river of beautiful flowing crimson water, this river zigged and zagged all across the realm.

One major thing to notice was how all directions of the river seemed to meet in the grand dark palace, Tristan envisioned a grand hall with a throne sitting at the top of a ledge overlooking a great expanse of the crimson liquid.

This palace that Tristan saw would be the main area of operations for the future god of death and all of their minions and followers.

Once the layout was finished, Tristan started visualizing what this crimson liquid would do, that's when the pool of the red "water" started pooling and whirling around the palace and decorated the walls and floors.

The once empty and dark palace was now full of magnificent banners and tapestries, the crimson lining could be seen all across the place, and even the throne changed.

What was once a pitch-black stone throne was now a gleaming black and crimson throne that shone like metal, the throne also emanated this shadowy power that would make any mortal kneel before its sheer power and presence.

After another few days of creating the new realm, Tristan had finally finished.

All of sudden, as Tristan finished and was pulled out of his trance-like state, a tear in space could be seen, this tear was like a window that looked into the new realm of the dead.

Now that it was completed, Tristan being its creator, could open a portal to it and enter anywhere at any time.

"Sigh, I don't know why I'm even surprised he was able to create a realm that would take decades in a few days." thought the figure while shaking his head.

When Tristan opened his eyes he saw the figure in front of him, however, in a matter of moments, his eyelids grew heavy, and he felt his consciousness slipping.

After fighting his exhaustion for a few more seconds, Tristan finally fell asleep, the figure moved forward and caught Tristan's body and just made him float next to him.

"I wonder how long he'll be out for, well no matter, I can now just watch Saxonia as he sleeps."

And with that being said, the figure did just that, for a whole 1,000 years




"Yawn~ what happened?" said Tristan a little befuddled

"You were asleep."

Tristan jumped back after being startled by the sudden voice.

Once he calmed down, he then remembered the figure was still there, and he started to think about what happened before he fell asleep.

"I had completed the realm of the dead and was about to close the portal when my vision got fuzzy, and I felt like I had been awake for weeks." thought Tristan

"What happened to me?" Tristan asked the figure

"Due to the exhaustion of creating a major realm, you fell into a dormant state called "The Creator Sleep" this is a state where an origin god like yourself uses too much of your divinity and power of creation thus causing you to fall into a dormant sleep-like state so you can regain some of your power."

"Once you get more proficient in your powers, the amount of time you sleep will also decrease. Your reserves will also increase every time you rank up as a universal creator.

"I see, so, how long was I asleep for," said Tristan while scratching the back of his head

"1,000 years." said the figure plainly

"Hmm, that's not too bad I me- WHAT I WAS ASLEEP FOR THAT LONG!" yelled Tristan


"Don't be so nonchalant about this!" screamed Tristan

The figure proceeded to look at Tristan with a deadpan expression and said.

"Kid, you do realize I'm millions of years old, right?"

"Oh, uh, y-yeah o-o-of course," said Tristan with an embarrassed laugh

"Anyways, isn't it time you unveil your original sentient race?"

"Oh, right!" said Tristan

"Let me just design them real quick."

Tristan pulled up the creation panel and proceeded to design his first intelligent race.

For a base, he chose a humanoid form, for abilities Tristan chose magic affinity and nature affinity.

He wanted this race to be adept at using mana, not only because he wanted them to thrive in his world that was full of powerful monsters and beasts, but also because he wanted to watch and learn from them, he wanted to see what kind of spells they would come up with.

Tristan also gave this race the ability to freely use mana to form different types of magic, he called it "Imagination Magic" with this system of magic, this new race would be able to create anything out of mana as long as they had a clear picture in their head, and they had the needed amount of mana to form said magic.

With this, he was hoping their imagination would run wild and create some interesting types of magic.

For the nature affinity, he gave them this to that they could live side by side with nature and the creatures Saxonia, while he was kind of copying elves, he didn't care, he just wanted to make sure this race wouldn't needlessly destroy the planet as humans did.

With that being said they would still need meat to survive, but with this, they will only hunt for food and not for sport.

For the build of this race, he chose a slim but streamlined build, with this they wouldn't be the most physically fit people, but they also wouldn't be considered weak like elves usually are.

For the looks, he gave them pointy ears that weren't as long as elves but were still longer than humans, for their skin tone, he chose to give them a light bronze tan-like complexion, not too dark but not too light, a perfect balance.

For hair color, he made dark green the most common hair color, however, he also included in their genes several other hair colors, light blue, brown, strawberry blonde, these 3 would be the recessive hair colors.

On the side of their heads, he gave them a pair of horns, that were slim but not too skinny that they were brittle, instead of pointing up like the horns of a demon that stick up vertically or the horns of a minotaur that go forward, these horns went out a couple of inches and curved back for a length of 8 inches.

The pair of horns these creatures would have, would just barely stop at the back of their head.

The average male would be 185 cm while the average female would be 175 cm.

Once Tristan finally finished airing out the kinks of the race, he created two specimens, of course, they wouldn't have souls as these two husks were just to show what they would look like.

And with that, two forms started appearing in front of Tristan and the figure.

The figure gazed upon Tristan's creations, even he had to admit that this race was an attractive one, their beauty could even rival elves.

As the figure was checking out the details of the two "examples" in front of him, Tristan was still on the creation panel fixing and tweaking the average personality of the race.

He made them a calm and peaceful race, however, if attacked, then they would gather together as a powerful force and crush whoever dared to attack them.

Unlike elves, Tristan made sure that this race wouldn't be overly egotistical, he also made them love nature and made it to where they would cherish all kinds of life.

and with that, he had officially completed his first intelligent race.

"I have to admit, these creatures are quite fascinating."

"The build is exquisite, and the abilities are powerful but not unbalanced."

"All in all, this is quite an impressive race Tristan, good job"

"Now tell me, what will the race be called?" asked the figure intrigued

"Hmm, this race shall be known as..."
