"This race shall be known as, Terrans," said Tristan proudly
After several moments of silence, a sudden noise could be heard.
"What, what is so funny!" yelled Tristan in annoyance
"Haha, o-oh I'm so s-sorry, it's just- Hahahaha!"
The figures laughing fit went on for another few minutes before he could finally calm himself down.
"I'm sorry for laughing it's just, the name, it's so unoriginal!" said the figure wiping a tear from his face
"Seriously, you couldn't have come up with anything more original or different?"
"Well, I'm sorry my naming sense isn't always the best," said Tristan slightly agitated
"No no, it's fine." chuckled the figure
"Anyways, once again I have to admit, these specimens are truly well made and interesting."
"Their physical looks and body types are nothing short of exquisite, and the affinities you gave them are truly perfect for a nature-dwelling species."
"At least, that is what you were going for, correct?" asked the figure
"Correct, that is exactly what I was aiming to accomplish with this race."
"Back on earth, I got tired of seeing how we as humans were destroying the planet."
"As a kid, I loved reading about the creatures who came before us and what they were like. but don't get me wrong, I know that some creatures go extinct due to natural causes."
"But that never stopped me from being fascinated by them. I also loved reading about what the world was like before there were cities and concrete jungles all over the place."
"And so, with that in mind, I wanted my first race to be one that will cherish and live side by side with nature, I also gave them a studious, history-loving nature with some innovation and curiosity mixed in there as well."
"I can't wait to see what kind of grand libraries and collections of knowledge they will amass over time," said Tristan with a glint in his eyes
"Bravo, you have truly made a masterpiece."
"I say this hoping you won't get an inflated ego, but you have truly made a species that is quite honestly one of the best original creations I have seen in the past million years."
"Most new Origin Gods tend to create a race that mostly resembles humans or elves, and they just give them a different color scheme, or they change one part of their body and call it a new race.
"But what you've done is go in and create a species that you thought about the long term with, you not only gave them the right affinities and traits that would help your world grow and stay naturally beautiful, but you also gave them a perfect nature for the first race born in this new universe."
"Now, let's get into some of the details, how long will these people live on average? What role will they play in your new world? And lastly, do you think this is a species who should live all across your universe once it is completed or will they be a "rare" species?" asked the figure
"To answer your questions in order, this species will live on average 600 years without taking into account them extending their lives using mana. The role they will play on the planet Saxonia is that of the keepers of knowledge, I wish for this race to document all of their history as well as, the history of the world once all the other races come into contact with each other. And to answer the last question, I haven't decided yet, but for now, this race will most likely be limited to the galaxy Saxonia resides in."
"The only race that will truly span across the whole universe would most likely be humans, and I'm not saying that because I used to be one, no, to be honest, I detest humans as a race. They lie, cheat, steal, and wage war for the pettiest of reasons, however, I cannot overlook the good due to the bad, while humans may be terrible creatures on a fundamental level, they are also a race who can build each other up and help those in need during times of crisis."
"With that being said, another reason why they will span across the universe, is I wish to observe how they will evolve and adapt to different climates and environments."
"Depending on the conditions and other variables, humans may go extinct on one planet, thrive on the other, or even evolve and adapt into a whole new species due to their living conditions."
"Humans will be the wild card of the universe," said Tristan
"W-wow, in all my years of living, I don't think I've seen many creators with a mindset like yours, truly impressive Tristan." said the figure clapping
"Now, on to the next step, you have already created your original intelligent species, so, will you place them on Saxonia alone?" asked the figure
"What do you mean?" asked Tristan confused
"Are you going to place down the Terrans and speed up the flow of time or will you create the rest of the intelligent species that will inhabit Saxonia and place them down all at once, giving each race an equal opportunity?"
"Hmm, I am going to create the other 5 races and place them down as well." declared Tristan
"Great, and I noticed you said 5 races, right?" asked the figure with an interesting smile
"You heard right, there will be 6 intelligent races that will inhabit Saxonia, at least for now that is, who knows what will happen in the future, but I digress."
"These 6 races will be the following, Terrans, Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Demi-humans, and finally the Orcs," said Tristan with a pleased smile
"Orcs huh? I'm guessing you're going for a more civil breed of orcs?" asked the figure
"Ah, yes that is exactly what I am going for."
"Instead of the huge brutes who feast on human flesh and live for the carnage that orcs normally are, these orcs are more civilized, now don't get me wrong, I still input a love of war into their very DNA, it's just I tweaked it to where they are open to the thought of a civilization of sorts."
"Here let me show you, while you were examining the Terrans, I created the template for all the other races," said Tristan puffing his chest out
"Wow, that was fast." said the figure in genuine surprise
"Well, it's not that hard considering I know all of their traits and specs."
"Although the other 4 races besides Terrans were relatively easy to make, it took me a bit longer with the beastkin." said Tristan
"Well, that's a given considering how many different types there are, so, how many sub-races of Demi-humans did you make?" asked the figure
"I made 4 types of Demi-humans, namely the Wolf, Cat, Fox, and Bear people," said Tristan
A quick explanation of the 4 sub-races of demi-humans:
The Wolf people have the physical traits needed to be great trackers and hunters, they have lean but strong physics that help them run for long periods at fast speeds, and they also have a boundless pool of stamina that will help them on long hunts. The wolf people are also great hand-to-hand fighters and have great skills when it comes to using aura, which is a form of mana that strengthens the body instead of casts spells.
The Cat people are the stealthiest of the bunch, their bodies are built to be lean and fast. The cat people have all the physical skills necessary to be an assassin and great archers. while not as proficient as the wolf people, the cat people also boast a great affinity with aura and are good melee fighters. But as mentioned before they are most suited for the assassin/rogue and archer occupation due to their crazy fast dexterity.
The Bear people are the tanks and manual laborers of the Demi-humans. The bear people have huge strong bodies that are built to take a beating, they boast strength that is on average twice that of a wolf person. Standing at an average of 215 cm and weighing in at a good 158kg the bear people are the personification of THICC- *ahem* I mean, Huge. but don't let the weight fool you, the bear people are pure muscle, and they also clock in at speeds on average as fast as a human.
And last but certainly not least, we have the Fox people. The fox people are an anomaly to the demi-humans of Saxonia, instead of boasting great physical prowess and skill with aura, the fox people are insanely adept at using mana, and they are also great at using spiritual energy as shamans.
Back to Tristan and the figure's conversation...
"So, you mentioned how the orcs of Saxonia aren't savage and brutal creatures who live for carnage, and you said they look different as well, so don't leave me hanging go ahead and materialize an example." said the figure
"So, have you ever seen a half-orc from earth media?" asked Tristan
"Yes, I have." replied the figure
"Good, then put that picture in your head but make the half-orc individual bulkier and slightly more savage, and boom, there you have it the orc species that I made."
Standing in front of the figure was a man who was 200 cm tall and had green skin with red tattoos across his right arm, the orc man had black hair with white streaks in it, and he had a humanoid face that wasn't too savage and ugly like normal orcs but also wasn't to human-like, one of the major discerning features were his two, white tusk-like teeth coming out from his mouth.
(A picture of what the orc looked like. I do not own this picture. --->)
"Hmm, not too beast-like but also not too human-like, not bad, not bad at all." said the figure nodding
"Now that I have shown you the "Saxonian Orc" so to speak, I think it is time I place the intelligent races into my world and being some sapient life to this planet ruled by beasts." spoke Tristan stoically
"By all means, no need to wait for me." said the figure ushering Tristan to go on
And with a smile on his face, Tristan started placing different pockets of each race all across their respective continents.
The way Tristan was going to spread out the races was he was going to put them all on their own continent out of the 6 normal continents, that way the two supercontinents: Lupin and the newly dubbed Efos would be empty, and all the races would over time colonize the two and Tristan wanted to see how that would go over time.
"Now that there are roughly 10,000 of each race scattered across their own continents, I think it is time I speed up the flow of time," said Tristan
And with that being said, Tristan using the method he was taught, spread his divinity across the whole planet and started making it spin faster and faster until the time interval was 1 minute of omniversal time was 100 years on Saxonia.
"Well, it looks like the 6 races are out of the danger zone, for now anyway." said the figure
For the past few minutes, the figure and Tristan had just been observing the 6 races and see if they would be able to survive in the harsh climate of the world, and thankfully the populations of each race eclipsed 50,000 after a few hundred years so for no they should be safe from early extinction.
In the beginning, Tristan was a little worried for the humans and dwarves due to them not having any crazy affinities or physical prowess like the others, but thankfully the two races were the second and third to start creating shelters and sturdier stone tools.
The reason for them being the second and third place is obviously because the Terrans had quickly created homes within the forest, and some even started creating a symbiotic relationship with the creatures around them.
And of course, due to their innovative trait, they had experimented with different ways to create stone tools, and some even started using obsidian to create stronger weapons.
Although they had ventured out and around the continent, the 6 races even within their own continent were pretty isolated, in the few hundred years Tristan watched, there were only a few tribes of Terrans and two human tribes that made contact with another tribe of the same species.
For the Terrans, the meeting of two tribes usually resulted in a merging of both to where they had more numbers and hands to help as well as, more hunters to help get food.
Plus, since they had more people, more minds were working together to innovate new things and after 2,000 years it looked like the first kingdom would come into existence.
After another thousand years, the Terrans gained the title of the first race to create a kingdom and the first race to enter the bronze age, when a tribe that numbered 5,000 had set up the first permanent village outfitted with stone houses, and they had melted tin and copper together in an experiment and got bronze.
Although it would take another thousand years for the blacksmiths to perfect the method of creating bronze, it was still a great accomplishment, nonetheless.
The leader of this southern tribe, Belhorn Vraetia, had officially set up the first city-state, called the Vraetia Kingdom on the southern coast of the Terran Continent, of course in their native language it was called something else but that's pretty much what it translates to.
After that major event not much happened for a few thousand years, seeing this and getting bored Tristan decided to turn his attention elsewhere.
Now that souls were entering the realm of the dead, he needs someone to send the souls into reincarnation, and he couldn't think of anyone better... Then a God
And so, Tristan set the time difference to every hour is 10 years and started creating the perfect God to rule over his realm of the dead or, the underworld.