The Birth of the Gods

In a traditional study sat a young man with strawberry blonde hair that parted down the middle and went a little below his jawline (A/N he has the same hairstyle as Tom Cruise in The Last Samurai), this young man had steel grey eyes, broad shoulders, and a physique that was lean but muscular at the same time.

On the two side walls and the back wall were bookshelves that went from floor to ceiling, the two side shelves were full of books, while the shelf on the back wall had what seemed to be different artifact type items, on one stand was displayed a bronze sword that seemed to glow, this sword had what seemed to be runes carved on it.

On the shelf below it was an iron spear, this spear had a generic iron tip but what set it apart was the shaft of the spear was decorated with many different designs, these designs were trimmed with gold.

While there were a couple of other items, for the most part, the display racks of the shelves lay barren with nothing in them.

in front of the back wall sat a young man at a mahogany desk that had golden trimmings all around it, this young man seemed to be sketching in a notebook, the notebook had a black leather cover on it with gold etching on the spine and all around the outer part of the front and back cover,

The young man sat there sketching for roughly a couple of hours. The young man seemed to be designing a humanoid sketch on the page of the notebook.

After a few more moments, the young man had seemed to finish his sketch, he closed the notebook, and now visible on the front were the words: "The Book of Creation"

The young man pushed his chair back and stood up, he then stretched for a few moments and sat back down, once he did, the young man seemed to materialize what looked like a monitor on the top of the desk, and with the monitor came a keyboard and mouse.

After a few moments of clicking, the young man spoke up and said.

"It seems 15,000 years have passed on Saxonia, let's see how the six races fared."

The young man of course was Tristan Aldrich, our protagonist and the God of Creation of a new universe and subsequently, the god who made Saxonia.

"Phew, I can believe it took me roughly 62 Omniverse days to create the Gods."

"Well at least I've created the template for the gods as a whole, but I still need to make specifics for different types of gods." Thought Tristan

As Tristan was wrapping up that thought he immediately stopped the acceleration of time on Saxonia so he could go back and see all that's happened.

Tristan left his desk and sat down on a couch that was positioned in front of one of the walls of books.

Once he sat down a T.V materialized on the opposite wall in front of him, the T.V was about 200 cm in width and 127 cm in height.

While the T.V was materializing, Tristan heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" responded Tristan

"How come the time acceleration stopped?" asked the figure

While Tristan was in his new pocket dimension/study room, the figure was out in space watching the events unfold on Saxonia in real-time.

Using some mysterious technique, the figure was able to observe the whole planet, or at least the populated continents, at the same time.

"Oh, perfect timing, I just finished creating the template for the Gods as well as the God of Death."

"And the reason I stopped the time acceleration, I was going to sit down and watch all of the major events that happened over the 15,000 years on this T.V," said Tristan

"Hmm, I see, I got to say, a T.V is an "interesting" way to check up on your world." said the figure

"Thank you, I think, anyway here is the model of the God of Death, do you want to see it?" asked Tristan

"Well of course." said the figure with a smile

The figure then went to the couch and sat down next to Tristan waiting to see what he has cooked up today.

A few moments after the figure sat down, a black smog soon formed a few feet in front of the duo, Tristan and the figure sat there and watched as the dense fog of black nothingness formed into a humanoid shape.

The smog only took a few seconds to form the shape of a human man.

This "man" was 2 meters tall, he had broad shoulders that went well with his bulky powerlifter-esque build.

The man had a skin tone that was a ghastly greyish white, he almost looked like a decomposing body.

For hair, the new God had long hair that reached his shoulders, however, instead of normal hair, his hair was blue flames.

on his arms, the man had black tattoos sprawled all over his forearm and biceps.

For clothes, he wore what seemed to be Arabian light armor, however, on the torso he only wore the leather chest piece without the cloth clothes below it, in doing so he had his bulky tattooed arms exposed to all.

(Concept for Arabian light armor, p.s I do not own this image.) --->

This man also had a thick bushy beard that was made of blue flames like his hair.

For eyes, the man had a pair of deathly blue eyes, his pupils seemed to flicker like a flame.

After a few more moments, the smog dissipated and the new God of Death was on full display.

"Although his look is completed, I have still yet to create a soul for him," said Tristan

"Magnificent, you have outdone yourself on this Tristan."

"Why thank you."

"So, what will you name the God of Death, it has to be something good since he is also your first god." inquired the figure

"About that..."

"Sofia, can you come here, please!" yelled Tristan

When the figure heard Tristan call for someone, he was confused but also a little curious, and luckily, he didn't need to wait long as a few moments later a woman appeared in front of both of them.

In front of the duo stood a woman who was roughly 175 cm, she had a curvaceous body that was perfectly proportioned, and she had luscious silky smooth, wavy, brown hair that went a few inches past her shoulders.

The woman had a pair of horns that resembled the Terrans.

Her eyes were a chilling light blue that seemed to pierce through your very soul.

The woman wore a pair of grey sweats with a dark blue hoodie.

All in all, even though she wore a casual outfit, this woman still gave off an air of intelligence.

"I would like to introduce you to the first god I have ever made, meet Sofia, the Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom," announced Tristan

"Brooooo, why did you call me here, I was in the middle of reading about the reign of Charlemagne," said Sofia pouting

"Bro?" asked the figure confused

"Ah, I forgot to mention that when I created her, I made her as a little sister of sorts."

"When I was thinking about what gods I wanted to create first, I came up with the idea of having the major gods be siblings of sorts and the rest of the minor gods be my "children" I guess," responded Tristan

"And what would a major god be classified as?" asked the figure

"The major gods, or as they will formally be called, the primordial gods, will be the gods who all the other races are shaped after, at least that's what the people of Saxonia will think anyway,"

"Plus, they will be my younger "siblings" per say."

"The story will still be that I created them, with the reason being that I was bored and lonely in the vast expanse of nothing that was around before creation," said Tristan with a grin

"Oho, I see you've thought this out huh, my question is, how are going to guarantee that is how the Saxonian races will believe in you?" asked the figure

"Well, it's quite simple, I'm going to descend as a "Messager of the true creator" and kick start a religion that worships me," said Tristan with a smug smile

"I see, that is quite smart." nodded the figure

"Ahem! you still haven't answered me, bro, why did you interrupt my reading!" shouted Sofia

"Ah my bad, once again, I would like to introduce you to Sofia, the Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom, also the Goddess who the Terrans are made after," announced Tristan

"Hmm, good choice, those Terrans are very knowledge-hungry, so the Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom would be perfect for them." nodded the figure

"Plus, the Terrans were already worshiping a Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom before I even created Sofia, so all I had to do was give the clergy visions of Sofia with her divine glory and they immediately commissioned statues of her, and they eve started a "Holy Library" called "The Halls of Sofia". explained Tristan

"Please tell me you didn't give them an image of her wearing what she's wearing right now though." chuckled the figure

"Oh of course not, in the image the clergy saw, she was adorned in an elven style dress that was dark blue almost black with light blue accents on the trim," responded Tristan

"And sorry Sofia, I wanted to introduce you to, Uhm, now that I think about it, what is your name," asked Tristan a little embarrassed.

"Hahaha, it's okay, my name is Jeremiah." said the figure is now known as Jeremiah

"Oh, cool name, anyway, you can go back to reading about Charlamange, Sofia," said Tristan

And with a Hmph, she disappeared from where she was standing just a moment ago.

"I think it's time to welcome the second "Primordial" God don't you Jeremiah?" asked Tristan with a smile

"Sure, but first what will his name be, and what domains will he be the god of?" inquired Jeremiah

"Ah, how could I forget, his name shall be Azrail the God of Death and Reincarnation." Announced Tristan stoically

"Hmm, taking some Hebrew inspiration, I like it, plus those domains go perfectly together," said Jeremiah

And with that being said, Tristan snapped his fingers and suddenly the pair of eerie blue eyes were filled with life and the body of the new god started to glow until it went back to normal after a few moments.

Azrail's body suddenly fell to its knees until he lifted his head and stood up.

The new God of Death and Reincarnation was looking around observing the study room Tristan, for a few moments he looked around inquisitively until his gaze finally met Tristan and Jeremiah's.

The moment Azrail made eye contact with Tristan, he went down and knelt on one knee and said in a booming voice that was simultaneously cold and eerie.

"Greetings elder brother, and my creator."

"Hello Azrail, please stand you are a primordial god," said Tristan motioning towards Azrail

"Be that as it may, you are still the supreme creator and the first god, all others who come after should praise and serve you," responded Azrail in his deep and eerie voice

"Of course, I'll give you a few minutes to look around in my study as well as the "Grand Library" there you will also find your older sister Sofia reading, I'm sure," said Tristan

After Tristan finished giving directions, Azrail disappeared from the study, most likely going to the dimension that the "Grand Library" is in.

"That girl sure does love books, and it seems Azrail came out as the quiet type, I didn't expect that to be honest." thought Tristan out loud

"Haha, well of course she loves books, it does come with the domain she rules over."

"However, I do have a couple of questions."

"Since when was there such a thing as the "Grand Library" and when did you make it and why?"

"Secondly, what do you mean you didn't expect him to have a personality like that, didn't you create it yourself?" asked Jeremiah

"To answer your questions in order, The grand library was something I created shortly after Sofia, not only did she ask for something like that, but I also thought it was a good idea to have a library that held all of the past knowledge of earth as well as the future knowledge of Saxonia and my future universe."

"The reason I said I didn't expect his personality to be like that was that I didn't make one, I let the creation process make one for him itself." Answered Tristan

"Hmm, I see, yes the idea of having a library full of knowledge that spans the universe is quite smart."

"As expected of such a scholarly mind such as yours." chuckled Jeremiah


"Well, I think it is time to see what's happened in 15,000-years on Saxonia, I'm quite excited," said Tristan clasping his hands together

Once he said that Tristan and Jeremiah sat down on the couch and turned on the T.V.