The house is burning, everyone in the area is running helterskelter to quench the fire. No one knows what happened in the mansion, soon the fire fighters arrived, they stopped the mansion from burning to complete ashes. They tried their best to save the family in the house but they were only able to save a month old crying baby, that is the newly born daughter of the Simpson family.

"They were able to save the little girl"One of the neighbors shouted for others to hear

"I feel sorry for the little girl, she lost her family in the fire" Another neighbor said with pity in her eyes

The media arrived to take account of what happened in the house, they saw the head of the fire fighters team coming towards them, they rush to get him to say two or three things.

"Chief can you please answer two to three questions?" The female reporter asked and the Chief nodded

"What do you think caused the fire?" One of the reporters asked as others were waiting for his response so they can jot down

"We are not sure if it is the leaked gas or the candle light or the two but we won't stop investigating" The Chief said politically

"Any survivor from the fire"Another reporter asked

"Yes, a baby girl"The chief replied pointing to the girl his subordinate is holding

"Oh poor thing, what will you do with her?"The female reporter asked

"Take her to the hospital for proper care, wait for anyone to claim her within twenty-four hours before taking her to the welfare" The chief replied preparing to leave

"Thanks for your time Chief" The reporters said. They continue their report to the people watching and wrote some key points for tomorrow's headline.


The baby girl was taken to the hospital for proper care, the doctor was preparing her discharge papers so the chief can take her to the welfare when a woman in her early fifties approach them.

"Good afternoon Doctor" She greeted with sadness

"How may I help you ma'am?"the doctor asked trying to recollect if she's one of his patients.

"I am Dr Simpson's mother, Avia is my grand daughter"The woman replied sadly pointing to the little happy girl on the bed.

"Oh sorry for your loss ma'am"the chief said, he was lucky to hear what she said. The doctor and the woman look back to see who it was.

"Good afternoon ma'am, I'm in charge of the little girl, before you can take her with you, you will need to sign some documents as she's the only survivor and you need to bring identity card and birth certificate of Dr Simpson to clarify you and be sure of who you are" He added, the woman nod and leave the room without saying a word.

Few minutes later, the woman was back with the necessary documents, she signed the document and took Avia with her.


Eight years later, a beautiful fair girl with blonde hair and blue eyes playing with mud, she was talking to herself, suddenly she ran inside the mansion after hearing a loud horn.

"Nanny, is that Granny?"The little girl asked running towards a lady probably in her late thirties or early forties, the stress in her eyes did not portray her real age.

"Yes Avia, wash up before she sees you like this" Nanny Mary replied as Avia run towards her room so she won't get caught. Nanny Mary shake her head with a smile, she has grown to love the little girl since she started taking care of her.

The door open and a beautiful woman walked in majestically accompanied by bouncers and some maids holding her bag and suit, she's the same woman that took Avia after the incident eight years ago. She walks majestically to her throne like chair ignoring the Nanny greeting her.

"Where is Avia?" She asked looking around

"In her room ma'am Lorea, should I get her for you?"Nanny Mary replied with her head down, no one dare looks at her when she's speaking

"Right now!"She said as Nanny Mary went to get Avia from her room.

"Welcome back Granny"Avia greeted hugging her Granny, she has been gone for more than a week now.

"How are you little princess?(looks at her from head to toe)seems you didn't wash up well, where have you been?"Lorea asked sternly knowing Avia can't stand that attitude. Nanny Mary was sweating profusely, she knows Lorea won't spare her.

"I was in the garden granny"Avia said looking at Nanny Mary who warned her earlier not to go the garden.

"Garden again?(looks at the Nanny) wash up well and rest for a while (Avia leaves after her Granny kiss her on the cheek) Will you like it if I sack you Nanny Mary or report you to your organization?"Granny said with bit of anger in her voice

"I'm sorry ma'am Lorea, Avia is just so stubborn and adamant"Nanny Mary apologize while cleaning her sweats.

"Let today be the last day my princess will touch mud, royalty doesn't touch mud. Get the chef and others, didn't they acknowledge my arrival?" Lorea said adjusting on her throne like chair

"They are not here ma'am, it is time for their break"Nanny Mary replied looking at her shoes. Avia bought it for her when they went for shopping the last time.

"When will they be back?"Lorea asked with hint of anger in her voice

"In an hour ma'am"Nanny Mary replied sensing the bad aura around

"I want them back in thirty minutes"She said and leaves without waiting for a reply.

Nanny Mary sent a message to the maid on the WhatsApp group they created for easy communication.

[Bad news everyone!!! Ma'am Lorea wants everyone in the mansion in thirty minutes, please be back soon! She seems angry] Everyone replied with the sad emoji [😟].

They have no choice but to be back to the mansion in thirty minutes, they can't afford to lose their job because of an hour break.

"They only get to rest for an hour on Fridays and now they've not even spend thirty minutes with their family, they have to be back , I feel for them"Nanny Mary thought before shaking her head.


Three hours later, Lorea's workers gather in the sitting room, all her workers including the Gardner was there waiting for their Madam.

Lorea walk majestically down the stairs in her nighties, as everyone acknowledge her presence, they stopped chit-chatting and bow their head a little not wanting to look at their Madam, she looks at them and ignore their greetings, she sits on her throne like chair. She started talking after clearing her voice.

"The purpose of this meeting is to announce the new laws of my Mansion, as you all know I'm a business woman and I travel around the world to solve business issues, most of the time I take my princess with me if I will be gone for long, this time around she will be staying in the mansion, I will be going on a business trip for a year. I want you all to take care of Avia, make sure royalty doesn't touch mud, I will be employing a home teacher for her, Nanny Mary and Avia's personal maids must stay with the tutor in the study room, make sure you take her to luxurious places every Saturday accompanied by three bouncers and those in charge of Avia. It is important I video chat Avia every Sunday 7pm privately, don't forget to cook healthy foods for her. About your salaries, I will pay at the usual time, you all just have to take care of my princess very well. Nanny Mary will be in charge of the house and orders, she will take orders from me. Before you decide to disobey me don't forget I have cameras everywhere"Lorea said with no emotions on her face. She looks at all her workers and dismiss them with hand sign.

"Nanny Mary, bring Avia to my room"she said while leaving for her room.

Avia enter the room after knocking, Granny told her to always knock before coming in. Lorea saw her coming in but did not pay attention to her.

"Granny, you called for me"Little Avia said with little worry. She doesn't like it when Lorea calls her to the room, it means they are going on business trip or she's going for two weeks business trip.

"Yes my dear.(Avia sit beside her) Avia darling, granny will be going on a trip for one year to China and this time it is granny only, I don't want to bore you with my business meetings, the servants will take great care of you and I employed a home tutor for you, learn well my baby girl, you have a lot to learn, you are just seven years old. Listen to Nanny Mary and don't go to the garden, royalty doesn't touch mud"Lorea said holding Avia's hand in hers.

"I would have love to follow you Granny. So I won't see or talk to you for a year"Avia replied with sadness written on her face

"Princess, you will video chat me every Sunday 7pm"Lorea said with assurance

"Sunday only? So I will only talk to and see you for forty eight days in a year"Avia replied looking so sad.

"You are so smart my little girl, I will call you when I don't have business meetings, Sunday is just like a fixed day, do you understand?"Lorea said and Avia hug her with tears in her eyes. She's just seven years old and she has travelled more than some adult, if not Japan this month, it will be Korea next month.


Next morning, Lorea is set to leave for her business trip, the workers help her with her loads to the hanger where a private jet is waiting for her, Avia also saw her off, they hugged for a while before she depart.

Everyone went back to the mansion, all the workers are happy she's out but they can't misbehave, they have to obey their Madam rules. The chef was the first to drop a message on the group:

[Finally 🥳🥂 the madam will be out for a year, I'm so happy right now]

Nanny Mary:[hahaha @Chef Cameras are watching you, cook something healthy for Avia right now]

Everyone on the group sent a laughing emoji[😆]. Avia saw her Nanny laughing on the phone and she smile too.

"Nanny, can I go to the garden"Avia asked doing the puppy eyes

"Madam is not even gone for an hour, we are about to start breaking rules, just go for some minutes"Nanny Mary said with a smile she can't resist Avia. Avia left for the garden and was back in her room after some minutes holding two opposite sex dolls, they look like they were brought out of mud, very dirty.

"Finally, we are back here. Mummy, Daddy, granny is out for a year so don't worry about being thrown out. I will clean you up(bath for the dolls)Dad, your wife is now pretty, I know it has been tough in the garden but you will be fine now. I will be going for shopping tomorrow, I will get you a mansion, you will have to stay away every Sunday because I will be on video chat with granny, please stay away so granny won't scold me. I'm too young to know what happened eight years ago but I'm sure you are a good person"Avia said talking to the dolls.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: How was this first chapter? I hope you enjoyed it. Drop nice comment 👌