Avia adores those dolls so much, she sees them as a representative of her parents, she is just seven years old and very smart. She was still talking to her dolls when the door open.

"What are those?"Nanny Mary asked as she saw Avia hiding something from her

"Nothing Nanny"Avia replied hiding the dolls from her

"I think I know what those are. Dr Simpson and his wife, am I right?(Avia nods)I thought Ma'am Lorea disposed them the other day"Nanny Mary said sitting next to her

"Nanny, please don't let granny know about this, I hid them in the flower pot"Avia pleaded with fear.

"I won't tell on you Princess but don't you think it is bad to disobey Granny?"Nanny Mary asked looking into her eyes.

"But they are my favorite doll"Avia said with hint of unhappiness in her.  "Because you chose them to be the representative of your parents, granny is just protecting your mental health and I'm sure your parents are better than this dolls"Nanny Mary explained while caressing her blonde hair.

"Nanny, I miss my parents so much, I really want to know how it feels to have a super daddy and beautiful Mummy"Avia said sadly

"I understand how you feel my dear, you are just seven years old yet life has taught you a lot already, it simply means you will grow to be a strong woman"Nanny Mary thought with a sad smile on her face.

"Nanny, do you know what happen to my parents? Granny said they slept and did not wake up the next day"Avia asked waiting for a reply from Mary who did not even hear everything she said.

"Nanny!"Avia shouted shaking her hands.

"What is it my dear?"Nanny Mary asked coming out from her thought. 

"Nevermind Nanny, I need privacy"Little Avia said and Nanny Mary left without saying a word. She knows Avia is angry for spacing out .


It is Saturday morning, time to take Avia shopping, the workers resumed to their chores, they work where they are assigned except Avia's personal maids who are to clean Avia's room and Nanny Mary who was supervising. Soon everyone was through including the chef, he set the table up for little Avia, they all waited for her to come out, Nanny Mary dressed her up earlier. She walks out like the Princess she is, she has taken so much from Lorea, the maids bow their head a little while she passed. After breakfast she was taken to the biggest mall in town, she bought new clothes, shoes, bags and a doll house for her dolls, she also got Nanny Mary and her personal maids something, she spent 6,000USD on shopping and they went back home.

At the mansion, one of Avia's personal maids sent message to their group chat:  [Avia shopped till she drop today!!! This little girl is money herself, she spent my two months salary in a day...I want to be rich too o😟] everyone read the message immediately.

Chef:[@Jenny in your dreams to be rich 😂Avia will grow up soon and be richer than this, she's the heiress] everyone read the message again.

Nanny Mary:[@Jenny & @Chef can you both stop gossiping and get back to work]

Everyone read the message immediately, Jenny and Chef stopped shading themselves.


Avia is in her room talking to her dolls when her Granny called, she kept the dolls away so her lovely granny won't get angry with her. She answered the beeping phone

"Hi granny"Avia greeted looking at her smiling and beautiful granny. 

"Princess, how are you doing?"Lorea asked adoring the pretty little Avia. 

"I miss you Granny"Avia said with a sad smile. 

"I miss you too Princess, how was shopping today?"Lorea asked opening a book in her front. 

"I loved everything I bought granny, I will love to go to the Cinema next week, my favorite Disney cartoon will be aired"Avia said with happiness. The conversation lasted for two hours, the Granny and Granddaughter duo are so fond of each other. Even as little as Avia is, Lorea discuss her business issues with her and make sure no secret between them but is there really no secret???


The sun is bright in the sky, Avia is still on her bed half awake, the ray of the sun is disturbing her peaceful sleep, Nanny Mary seeing the bright sun knows Avia beauty will be disturbed, she came to the little girl's room and saw that she was half awake. 

"Avia, are you fully awake?"Nanny Mary asked dropping the thick curtain blind. When there was no reply she left the room to supervise the workers. Avia's personal maids leave to clean her room up, the chef cooked healthy food for her and others did the house chores, same ritual continue for six months.


Cars were coming into the mansion, Nanny Mary was confused, she went outside to check what was happening, Lorea is not meant to be back yet. Avia heard the horn of the cars and thought Granny was back in grand style, she has not talk to Lorea for two weeks now. 

"Oh so granny was planning to surprise me"Avia said keeping her dolls away so she can greet her granny. 

In the mansion compound, a coffin was dropped on the floor from one of the cars, Nanny Mary was shocked to see who was in the coffin, she sits near the coffin and started mourning the person in the coffin, other workers who came outside to welcome their Madam saw the scene, they went close to the coffin and was surprised to see who was there, they all started mourning with Nanny Mary. Avia who was outside to greet her granny also saw this scene, she also go close to the coffin and she fainted seeing her granny lifeless, that was when reality hit Nanny Mary that Avia wasn't meant to see this, one of the bouncers lift her up and took her to the mansion. The chef called the family doctor to check on her, he came there as soon as possible, the coffin was still outside and some workers were there with the coffin and the people that brought her home.  Soon Avia wake up, she saw the doctor talking to Nanny Mary, he told her she has to stay away from anything shock and stress that was when reality hit her once again.

"Where is my granny?"Avia screamed, the doctor and Nanny Mary went close to her to calm her down. 

"Princess, granny is fine"Nanny Mary calm her down as the doctor inject her. 

"This will keep her calm for twelve hours"The doctor said and leave.

The preparation for the burial ceremony started, Lorea was taken to the morgue for proper care before the burial ceremony, Nanny Mary has a lot to do and the other workers too. After 12 hours of working non-stop, they have finally finish the preparation, Lorea will be buried in her own mansion beside the bury of her husband, son and his wife. Nanny Mary decided to check on Avia, she enter the room quietly but Avia was awake already and was shedding tears, she saw Nanny Mary coming in but could not stand because of the injection. Nanny Mary console her and she was calm afterwards. 

"This is too much for you to face, at age seven you've experience another great lost"Nanny Mary thought as she hug Avia tightly.

The burial ceremony started, every important person in the country and overseas came to pay their last respect to the agile Lorea, a great woman who made a life for herself, her child and grandchild. Everyone present mourn her and pay their last respect, some even offer to give Avia little assistance like money and scholarship to school. This is such an unfortunate happening.


A month after Lorea's death, her lawyer Barrister Fred came to visit Avia, Nanny Mary knows what his visit was for, she brought Avia to him.  "Good afternoon Barrister Fred"Avia greeted, this is not the first time she is seeing him, he's her granny most trusted worker. 

"Afternoon Princess"He greeted back. "I'm here to read Late Madam Lorea's will to your hearing but since you are still young there is really nothing to read for now than to tell you that Ms Madeline will be your caretaker, she will nurture you till you are eighteen years old and capable of handling your properties"Barrister Fred explained. A lady in a short black and white stripe gown and black stiletto walks in majestically, she removed her sunshade as she approach them, Avia and Nanny Mary look at her with their mouth agape. 

"Hi princess"She greeted after sitting down.

"Barrister Fred, why does this lady have the right to be her guardian till eighteen?"Nanny Mary asked.

"Oh sorry for my ill manner Nanny Mary, I am Lorea's daughter, her last child"Madeline replied making emphasis on "NANNY MARY". 

"Granny's daughter? I thought Granny said you died a long time ago"Avia said still confuse.

"Avia, she is not dead, she is ma'am Lorea's daughter"Barrister Fred cleared the air.

"Avia aren't you happy you still have someone to call a family"she asked giving Mary a dirty look.

"Seems I'm not needed here anymore, if I may ask, I will like to take my leave ma'am"Nanny Mary said bowing down and about to leave. 

"Nanny, you are a family too, why should you leave?"Avia asked after seeing how happy Madeline was. 

"Yes, Avia is right atleast you are her nanny"Madeline said emphasising on the word "NANNY". Nanny Mary sit beside Avia back and continue to listen to Barrister Fred. 

"The top rule of being Avia's guardian is that you can't make any decision without her consent, knowing Avia is still little and the only person Avia trust as at now is Ms Mary, so Avia is allowed to ask her for opinions and Nanny Mary can't be sacked no matter the offence"Barrister Fred said reading everyone's reaction, Avia and Mary were so happy about the announcement and Madeline seems sad and angry. 

"This stupid man just ruined my plans, unfortunately I have to cope with this stinky nanny and that little girl, what next Madeline?? Think Madeline!Think!!"Madeline thought, she did not hear Barrister Fred calling her till he snapped his fingers loudly.

"What??"Madeline asked looking startled. 

"Sorry Ms Madeline but I've been calling out to you to sign the agreement of what was said earlier"Barrister Fred said giving her a document and pen. Madeline signed it and returned it to Fred. 

"Any contrary opinion?"Barrister Fred asked looking at both parties

"If there is none I will like to take my leave"He said and bid them goodbye.

 "Mary arrange a room for me"Madeline ordered. Mary looks at Avia and she nodded before leaving for her room and Mary left too. 

"I will win this battle Avia"Madeline promise.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Which battle is Madeline talking about?? My people are you ready for an adventure??? Let's go!!!!!!