Even if Lorea was cold to her workers, they still loved her, she never stresses them too much as long as they do everything they are meant to do, she pays them every 25th of the month and give them extras the last day of the month. Madeline has just been here for a week and they all can feel bad aura from her, she treats them like garbage and shout at every single mistake, most of them feel like leaving but where can they get a boss that pays his workers 3,000USD. They all discuss their pain on their group:  Chef:[This Madeline is evil 👿 she said my food taste bad😭no one has ever degrade me like that].  Jenny:[@Chef sorry🥺 That lady is trouble, I hope she does not sack us anytime soon, you should have seen the way she shouted at Cara, I feel for the girl].  Nanny Mary:[I want everyone to be rest assured that Avia has the upper hand in this house, she can't decide without Avia's concern and Avia can't decide without my opinion]. Immediately they saw Mary's message they became relax and happy, who would have thought that Madeline is just a guardian here and nothing more.  Mary decided to let Avia know how Madeline is treating the workers, she went to Avia's room and requested to talk to her.  "Nanny, what would you like to talk about?"Avia asked looking at the angry Mary.  "Avia, Madeline is treating the workers badly and they are all sad, some even thought of quiting"Nanny Mary said with sadness written all over her face.  "Nanny, I will like to have a meeting with all the workers and Aunt Madeline"Avia said and Mary left to prepare the workers and Madeline for the meeting.

It was time for the meeting, Madeline sat on the couch waiting for the annoying little girl then the workers appeared, Madeline already know what this is about, she was about to talk when she saw Avia dressed in a beautiful long gown and Mary following her. The workers bow their head to greet her and show respect, she sat down on her Granny's throne like chair and clear her throat.  "Sorry for this urgent meeting, I heard somethings and I hope they are rumors, Aunt Madeline anyone working in this mansion is working for me and not you so they are to answer to me and not you Aunt. They know what to do, they are to clean your room, do the laundry and cook healthy food for you, everyone assigned to those things knows when to do them, they've been working for Granny before I was even born. Just because they work here doesn't make them a garbage you can throw around, they are human like you and me, if there's anything else you can see Nanny and she will let me know"Avia said with no emotion. For a while everyone felt Lorea's presence in the house, she has taken after Lorea, straight to the point and talks with zero emotion, how can this little seven years old girl handle such situations like an adult? she's so smart and a genius of course. Avia left with Mary and Madeline who is very angry followed them, Mary stopped her from coming in but Avia allowed her to come in.  "What is it Aunt?"Avia asked looking at her straight in the eye.  "What was all that you pest?"Madeline shouted pointing to the sitting room.  "Aunt, I only said what granny would have said if she was alive"Avia replied reading a book.  "Oh I see, that evil witch thought you all her scheme too"Madeline said angrily. "The next time you call my granny evil witch I won't hesitate to throw you out of my mansion"Avia said sternly. Madeline was shocked, she did not expect Avia to say such things, she left the room angrily which made Avia hiss loudly.

In Madeline's room, she is on call with someone. "I underestimated this little girl"she said angrily. "She's really getting on my nerves now, I just want to squeeze her and kill her with my hands"she added demonstrating every word.  "Calm down dear, you just have to get on her good side"The person said and Madeline hissed. "If only it was that easy, that stinky nanny of hers won't let me"Madeline replied angrily. "But I know what to do, that little Avia can't be ruling while I'm here"She said with fire in her eyes.

In Avia's room, Nanny Mary and Avia were talking about her decision earlier. "Do you think I was rude to her?"she asked with concern on her face. "Not really dear, you could have just discuss it with her privately and not degrade her in the presence of the workers"Mary replied brushing her blonde hair.  "I just wanted to handle it like granny would have, I know granny won't let anyone treat her workers badly"Avia said resting her head on Mary's lap. "You are too small for all this trouble but there is nothing I can do to help you"Mary thought caressing her blonde hair.

In Simpson's group of company, the board members thinks it's time for someone else to step up as the CEO, they decided to visit Avia since she's now the owner of the company. On getting to the mansion, the bouncers helped them in and told Mary about the board members arrival, Nanny Mary went to dress Avia up for the greet meeting, she was dressed in an expensive suit, she looks like a young CEO. The board members acknowledge her arrival, she sat on the throne like chair. "Good evening great men and women of Simpson's group of company, I know why you are here, you need someone else to step up as the CEO, I am too young to step up but I have a candidate in mind. I will like Ms Mary to be the interim CEO, according to research she once worked with Simpson group of company as the head of the marketing department and she studied Business admin in University so I don't think anyone can be a better candidate except her, any contrary opinion?"Avia said with zero emotion on her face. For a moment again, everyone thought Lorea was talking, none of the board members could say a word they just nod their head accepting whoever she chose, Madeline who has been eavesdropping came out from her hideout. "Avia, why Mary when I'm here and also Lorea's daughter"Madeline said walking towards them, everyone look at the direction of the voice and surprise to see Madeline, the same daughter that followed Lorea's ex husband to marry another woman before Lorea got married to Honorable Simpson, only few people know this story. "Nice to meet you all once again"Madeline greeted sitting on the couch. "So Avia you were saying?"Madeline asked looking straight into her eyes.  "Final decision great men and women"Avia said and left the sitting room to her room. Everyone look at her then Madeline, they all congratulate Mary before leaving for their respective homes. The embarrassed Madeline stormed to her room to cover her shame.  "I thought I was going to get the company but no this same Mary, I have to act fast before everything becomes here"Madeline said to herself.

The surprised Mary announce the good news to her colleagues before going to Avia's room to meet her, she saw Avia looking at her Granny's picture and smiling.  "Avia, thank you for getting me back in the company"Mary thanked her.  "Its nothing Nanny or should I say CEO Mary"Avia said and they both laugh. 

Mary started the next day as the new CEO of the company, everyone in the company enjoyed her reign and her former subordinate were happy to have her back after eight years. The company start flourishing and in no time it became the no.1 company in the country, no.2 in the continent and no.4 in the world in just a week of Mary ruling.  Madeline was not happy with this news, she wanted the company to flourish only under her reign so she can talk Avia into giving her the company and other properties but Mary ruined her plan.  Avia on the other hand knew she did not make a mistake by choosing Mary, she was happy to see how the company sales was going high and how popular it became in no time, she is so young but can make adult decisions. Along with the company, Mary became popular, modelling job starts popping up, endorsement deals, she made sure to ask Avia before accepting any. Avia also became so popular and she decided to go into kids modelling for now and school too. All this progress annoys Madeline alot but all her plan to destroy the progress always fail all because of Avia and Mary duo.

A year later, Avia became the richest kid in the country with recognition, the kids super magazine wants her to be their April cover and her story in their magazine, they discussed with her manager who happens to be Mary about it and she agreed. The theme of the Magazine is; LITTLE AVIA IS RULING. In no time the magazine became so popular and 1.5million copies were sold out in two days, the kids super magazine were so happy, this is a big shot for their company.  Madeline who has been sleeping, waking up and eating in the mansion also bought a copy of the magazine, she wants to know the secret of her ruling but found none. "Hey little Avia, continue progressing, I'm not ready to bring you down, I want you to be old enough to witness your downfall"Madeline said laughing wickedly.

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