Ten years later, Avia is still ruling the company, country and mansion, Nanny Mary made sure she makes good decision, Simpson group of company has grown big, the workers receive their salaries early. Madeline traveled overseas when Avia clocked ten, she promise to come back when Avia is old enough to take in more pain. Avia's schooling was not ignored either, Nanny Mary made sure she had good grades, everyone in school thinks she's proud because of her status in the country. The nice and kind Avia has now grow to be a tough, strong and heartless lady, it was what life taught her, all her experience from seven years old made her cold and strict. Despite not socializing with other students, she has a best friend Rita Wolff from a middle-class family, other students are jealous of Rita, they want to be her friend and mingle with her but she chose Rita. Rita knows she's lucky to have Avia has best friend, she understands her pain and ready to listen to her, she sees a different side of Avia from what she's showing the world.

Avia has grow to be so beautiful, her havel eyes are so pretty and bright, her blonde long hair compliment her always, her small kissable love lips are irresistible, the way she walks, dress and interact professionally with people made her more classic, she's the most beautiful girl in her school and also won most beautiful girl award in the country.

The school organized a camp vacation for the students, everyone is talking about the camp and activities they will do, this is the first time in four years, everyone is happy except Avia. "Why is this god-damned camp compulsory?"Avia asked with frustration.  "Is it clashing with any of your shows?"Rita asked with concern on her face.  "No, I just don't want to go, I can do better things at home"Avia replied with a frown, ever since her granny died she doesn't have fun, she hates vacations or shopping, she only shop for her business, she doesn't celebrate her birthday.  "Work everytime, can't you just take a break"Rita said trying to be careful of her words.  "You won't understand"Avia ended the conversation.  Rita knows Avia doesn't like playing when she's meant to be working, she thinks she needs the vacation to cool off and be off work.

Avia got home, she met Mary and a guest at home, she doesn't know who the person is, the person backview looks familiar but she doesn't seem to recollect. "Who is this?"she muttered.  She walk closer to them so she can see who it was but the person was quick to notice footsteps and turned to look at who it was.  "Hey love"Madeline shouted as she run to hug the surprised Avia.  "Hi Aunt"Avia greeted hiding her surprise emotions, Madeline hugs her tight and kissed her hand.  "I missed you so much"Madeline said with a smile.  "You did not even call me or check on your guardian"Madeline said acting like she's angry.  "Excuse me Aunt"Avia said and left without greeting Mary.  "What's up with her?"Madeline asked looking at Mary who shrug before leaving for Avia's room.  "Avia my dear"She called out as she is approaching the room but the room was locked, she knows what it means, she wants alone time. "Come down to eat dinner when you are ready"She shouted before leaving.

Avia in the room listening to Mary look at the door with frustration, she's angry with Mary, she expected her to tell her about Madeline instead of the crazy surprise. The next person to talk to is Rita, she brings out her phone and started messaging Rita.   Avia:[Hey babes].   Rita:[Best girl, are you home now?].  Avia:[of course and I hate the surprise I met😡].  Rita:[surprise 🙄].  Avia:[Madeline is back 😡].  Rita:[really? And nobody informed you not even Ms Mary?].  Avia:[That is exactly what pissed me off, nanny Mary did not inform me ahead].  Rita:[Any plans?].  Avia:[Thank your stars, you gain yourself a companion to the camp].  Rita:[really 💃💃 Thanks for coming Madeline 😅].  Avia:[shut the f*** up🔞].  Rita:[🤤🤪😝We chat later, I have to help Mrs Wolff in the park].  Avia:[Okay Rita].  She felt better after chatting with her best friend, after Mary, Rita Wolff is the only one that can make her happy. She went to the bathroom to take a cool bath before attending to business issues, she has a lot in her front right now, the study is full of files and documents she has to sign, she just wants to get done with it before the camp vacation.

In Madeline's room, the maid just finish cleaning the room for her, she's been gone for eight years and won't stay in a dusty room, she look at the room, nothing much changed, just the interior and furniture. "You can leave"she told the maid who were waiting to see if she will like to change anything. Immediately she saw that they were gone, she brought out her phone to call someone. "Hello, I'm here already, you should have seen Avia's reaction, it was as if she saw a ghost"Madeline said laughing hard. "Now is the time to bring the Simpson down"The receiver said with a thick voice. "Yes, I've waited for this day since I was a child and I can't miss the opportunity now"Madeline said with a devilish smile. "That's my girl"the voice said again before Madeline hang up.  Someone was knocking on the door, she look at the door and hiss thinking the maids are here to ask her to eat dinner. "Come in"She said waiting for someone to enter, immediately she saw who it was, she stands up to receive her."Avia come in my dear"Madeline said helping her in, Avia sit on the couch before Madeline asked her to. "So rude"Madeline said under her breath. "Did you say something?"Avia asked wanting her to repeat what she heard. "No my dear"She replied with a fake smile. "So why are you here?"Madeline asked as she sit on her bed. "Aunt, now that you are back, I want you to know things have changed here"Avia said with no emotion. "Everyone living in this house brings food to the table, that everybody is I and Nanny Mary, we both have something we do for a living"Avia added reading the reaction on Madeline's face. "I want you to think of a business idea and let me know in two days. Before I forget everyone living in this house now shares the rent including the workers, so if you want to continue living in this mansion, you are paying rent, I will let you know how much the rent is"Avia concluded before leaving, she did not even wait for Madeline's reply. "What did I just hear this girl say? Pay rent?Work to bring food to the table?"Madeline ask herself before calling the mystery man again. "What is it this time?"The Man asked.  Madeline explained everything Avia just told her to him and he started laughing hard. "What's funny?"she asked angrily "She's just trying to get on your nerves and send you off, don't fall for it, continue the plan the way we laid it down, no time for mistakes"The man said and hang up. "Oh so this is your plan, a very smart girl I must say"Madeline said to herself. She started thinking of what to do, which business can she make high profit and a plan came to her mind, she laugh so loud at her plan "I'm so smart"She laugh again

Avia went to Mary's room immediately she left Madeline's room, Mary knows she's in trouble immediately she saw Avia's face, the only thing she can do right now is to shut up and listen to everything she's going to say. "Ms Mary Hart, can I have a discussion with you?"Avia asked without looking at her face  "sure Avia"She replied showing her where to sit, Avia sit and Mary sit opposite her. "First of all, I hate the surprise I met, you know I love to be informed ahead of anything. Secondly, my school organized a camp vacation which is compulsory for every student, I will be going too, I need your help to finish those work on my table. Thirdly, we will be paying for two people, I and Rita, we are funding anything she needs for the vacation. Lastly, pend any documents or file that needs my permission from coming to my desk till after camp."Avia said sternly with zero emotion. "Okay Avia, apology for earlier"Mary replied feeling guilty. "I asked Madeline what she will like to do for a living, inform her that I want her reply in two days"Avia concluded and left without waiting for a reply. "Thank God she was not angry or I won't hear the end of it"Mary sighed heavily, she was breathless throughout the conversation.

Avia went to her study room which was formerly for her granny, she locks the door behind her and look around the study, it still feels like her granny is around. "I miss you so much granny"she said tearfully. She sit on the office chair and started working on the files in front of her, she needs to get them done tomorrow so she can take Rita shopping for the camp vacation. She spent three hours in the study and did not know it was time for dinner till Mary knock on the door to inform her dinner is ready, she went out for dinner, Madeline and Mary were there already waiting for Avia. She walked majestically to the dinning table, prayed before they started eating.

In the Wolff's small house, the family are having dinner, Rita, Mrs Wolff, Mr Wolff, Mark - Rita's elder brother and Angelo - Rita's younger brother, they were all eating peacefully. "Mum, Dad, my school is organizing a camp vacation and it is compulsory for all the students to attend because this is the first time in four years"Rita said after drinking water "That will be so expensive, doesn't your scholarship cover the camp?"Mr Wolff asked dropping his spoon  "It cover just half of the payment"Rita replied with a mouthful of food "So how much is the remaining half?"Mr Wolff asked looking at his wife who have stop eating after Rita's announcement "6,000USD"Rita replied with shaky voice, the family look at each other "Will get back to you tomorrow, anything else?"Mr Wolff said with hint of sadness in his voice. Rita knows this will cost her family a fortune, her father Mr Wolff works as a driver in Angelo's school, his salary is 200USD, her mother is a food vendor in the train park, the highest income she brings home when there is more sales is 120USD, her elder brother a dropout working as a cleaner in the public health center receives 70USD as salary, their income is not up to the amount. "I really want to go to this camp"she thought

It is morning already, Avia slept in the study, after dinner she went back there to work, the ray of sunlight woke her up from the office table, she is use to sleeping on the office table, this is her life for years, she prayed to God before unlocking her phone to text Rita. Avia:[Rita Wolff!!!]. Rita:[HRM Avia Simpson]. Avia:[I'm skipping school today]. Rita:[I know right, this is past nine]. Avia:[Come over tomorrow for camp shopping]. Rita:[Erm, I don't think I'm going to camp, failing this semester doesn't mean I won't pass next time]. Avia:[You are going and that's final, come over tomorrow 9am, don't be late, I cherish my time]. Rita knows what Avia mean, she smile happily as tears drops from her blue eyes "I am blessed to have you as my friend"Rita said hugging her phone. Avia went to her room so she can bath, eat breakfast and start the day's work, she's half done with the work. She met Madeline in the dining room, she smell trouble "Good morning Avia"Madeline greeted as she sit on the biggest dining chair "Morning Aunt Madeline"Avia greeted back as the chef start serving her food "About our discussion yesterday, I know what to do already"Madeline said waiting for Avia to reply "You only have one minute to tell me your business plans, I don't like being disturbed while having my breakfast"Avia replied with zero emotion "I won't need up to that, I want to work in Simpson group of company"Madeline said with a smile "Okay, consider it done"Avia said with a smirk "Thanks princess"Madeline said happily and leave the dining since she was done eating. Avia smile at her behavior before eating, she knows what she wants and will give it to her, give what belongs to ceaser to ceaser, after breakfast she went back to the study so she can complete her pending work, Mary left for office already, she did not bother to check on Avia knowing well she slept late from working.

It is evening already, Mary is back from office and Avia is done with her pending work, they were at the dinning area waiting for the chef to serve them dinner "Ms Mary Hart, come for the files and documents, I'm done with them"Avia said after drinking water "okay"Mary replied "What about me Avia?"Madeline asked looking at her face which is blank "Take Aunt Madeline to the office tomorrow for her to fit-in the vacancy"Avia said turning to Mary who is sitting by her right "Thank you dear"Madeline said happily "does this lady even know which post is vacant"Mary thought looking at the happy Madeline. The dinner went peacefully, Madeline was eating with happiness.

The next day, Rita was in the Simpson mansion already waiting for her friend to come out, the maid had gone to tell her about her arrival soon the beautiful Avia appear, Rita stands up to greet her friend "Good morning Avia"she greeted "morning, eaten breakfast?"Avia said "Not yet"Rita replied and she follow Avia to the dining after her hand gesture. After breakfast, they leave the house to shop, Avia took her best friend to the biggest boutique in the city, immediately she entered the boutique, the owner came out to welcome her since she called her earlier, they were shown around by the owner and two attendees, Rita shopped for all the designer item she will need for the camp, Avia only shop for new designer casual wears. They went back to the mansion afterwards, they met Madeline in the mansion walking up and down the sitting room, immediately she saw Avia, she ran towards her "What was that all about?If you can't help me then you should have said it instead of embarrassing me"Madeline shouted angrily  "Why are you shouting"Avia asked looking at her angrily  "why the post of a cleaner when they are other post in that company?"Madeline asked angrily  "ohh so that's the issue here, if you can't do it then leave it, go out there and look for a job Ms Madeline Steve"Avia said angrily before leaving for her room, the maid, bouncers and Rita that witnessed the argument follow Avia immediately. "Who does she think she is? A queen that deserves to sit on the throne of my company"Avia said angrily slamming the door behind her. Rita enter the room to calm her friend down, the maid and bouncers carrying their load drop it in the room and left immediately "Someone should drop Rita at home"Avia told one of the bouncers Rita stand up to take the stuffs she bought, the bouncer remaining help her with it and they left, when she heard the car leave the mansion, she went out to meet Madeline, she was still pacing up and down the room. "Aunt, it is either you accept the job or leave my mansion, you can't wake up in my house, eat my food and expect me to foot your bills"Avia said angrily "you should have said this earlier before embarrassing me in that company of yours"Madeline shouted pointing outside "Stop shouting at me in my house, leave right now before they bounce you out"Avia shouted with frustration before leaving for her room. Madeline went to her room, pack her things and leave the mansion without thinking twice, Avia saw her leaving but didn't stop her.

Author's note: This is getting hot🔥Will Madeline come back?Watch out!!!!