After Madeline left, Rita called Avia but she did not pick up because she doesn't want to transfer aggression to her. She asked chef to prepare lunch for her before going to her room to rest.   Madeline in the cab taking her to the airport, looking very angry, the driver can see her from the  mirror, he wonder what happened to her, Madeline call the mystery man up "Pick this god-damned call old fool"Madeline said angrily and the mystery man picked up knowing very well she's in a cab and can't say much she decided to speak Spanish (translation of everything she said instead of Spanish) "That little rat just sent me out of the mansion"She said trying to calm down  "Why?"The man asked  "I will explain everything to you"She replied almost breaking down at the thought of the embarrassment she faced in the company.


I and Mary left for the office after Avia asked her to let me fill in the vacancy at the office, I dressed up as an office woman feeling happy about the whole situation. Soon we got to the office, everyone greeted Mary as the CEO and they greeted me as a guest, I walked majestically till we reach the big CEO office, it was so beautiful, I was looking at it imagining it was mine when Mary brought me out of my imagination  "You can start working"Mary said, I was confuse "start working?where?"this were the questions in my mind then I noticed a cleaner with us in the office holding a broom, mop and some cleaning equipment, looking at her she was eavesdropping "Start cleaning and stop eavesdropping low-class"I shouted at the cleaner and she smile a bit, I wonder what made her smile "Steve Madeline right?"The cleaner asked, I was so surprise a cleaner called me by my name, I was about to lash out when I hear her talk again  "Change into this cloth and clean the CEO's office right now then report to me later so I can show you around"The old cleaner said before leaving, I was do embarrass, so the vacancy I'm filling up is a cleaner's post.


"I left the office angrily to meet Avia at the mansion but things didn't go well and she asked me to leave her house"Madeline explained sadly  "Okay, just go back to that house, you cannot let that small issue ruin our big plan, try to be on her good side again, don't let useless things like this break you down"The man said as Madeline frown "I will go back, small issues can't ruin big plans"Madeline said with a little frown before hanging up, as much as she wanted to leave the house so the disrespect can stop, her father won't let her leave. The mystery man is her father Mr Steve, Lorea's ex husband, he's taking revenge on Lorea using his daughter. Madeline asked the driver to turn back to the mansion which he did, when she got to the mansion, Avia was not in the sitting room so she sneaked in making sure no one saw her but the maids saw her and were laughing at her. Avia did not later eat the lunch prepared, she asked the chef to take it to the orphanage so the kids there can have something nice to eat for lunch, it is time for dinner, she came out of her room and from the stairs she saw Madeline and Mary sitting already "I know you will be back"Avia muttered with a smirk. Immediately, Madeline saw Avia, her heart was racing, her ego was shattered, the pride in her sinker, Avia noticed this, she sit with them as the chef served the food, they ate dinner peacefully but Madeline's mind was not at peace, she felt sad with low self-esteem. After dinner, Avia decided to bring the topic up  "welcome back Ms Madeline Steve"Avia greeted mockingly, Mary who heard everything from the maids was about to laugh when she saw Avia's look  "Avia sorry for shouting at you earlier, I was just pissed, I felt like I deserve more not just a cleaner"Madeline said emphasising on "CLEANER".  "You said you wanted to work in the company and I honored you by giving you the job many people are dying for, infact you were assigned to be the CEO's special cleaner but you refused the job opportunity anyways no more vacancy in the company"Avia said with no emotions on her face, she left the dining without waiting for a reply.  "Erm, Madeline I think you should just take the job, the vacancy is still open"Mary added before leaving the dining. Madeline look at the duo with frustration, she doesn't know what to do about it but she as to take the job or her father will shout at her.

The next day, the school announced the date of the camp on their telegram page. Social director:[It is a great honor to announce the upcoming camp date, the school wants us to leave for camp in two days and payment ends tomorrow, any student that fails to attend the camp, fails this semester], the students start commenting on the message. Avia saw the message and chat her best friend up. Avia:[What's up Riri?] She calls Rita;Riri when she knows she has offended the girl unknowingly, she sent her out of the mansion due to anger. Rita on the other hand saw the message from her Best girl❤️🥂(the way she saved the contact)pop up, she smile before replying her [hey little devil😈]. Avia smile seeing Baby girl🥰💃(the way she saved her contact) message pop up [We are leaving for camp in two days, do you like everything you got or want more?]  Rita:[I have more than enough Avia. Thank you, I just notification of payment, I'm really grateful] Avia:[anything for you]  Rita:[I love you❤️]  Avia:[Keep them for your future husband😂].  Rita:[such a mean girl😒]   Avia:[cherish you💞].  The two best friend continue chatting non-stop, Rita is the only one who has the power to make Avia smile, most of the time Mary thinks if she is into girls but also happy someone makes her smile.

The day they all have been waiting for is finally here, they are going to the camp vacation, Avia gave strict rules before leaving which everyone must follow, she left the mansion in a luxury black limousine to pick Rita up before they head to school which is the meeting point of the students. Immediately they get to school, the maids that followed her help with her and Rita's luggage, the students were not too shocked with this act because they know Avia to be a billionaire at eighteen and also a proud girl that rolls with a middle-class, all attention turn to Avia and Rita, their luggage was put inside the bus taking them, other students have been waiting on the queue but this two came and got in the bus before anyone, some students were frustrated with this kind of treatment, some hope they could get this kind of treatment and some just want to get inside the bus and leave. Avia wanted to queue but the long queue wasn't for her so she just board the waiting bus and watch the students groan, after thirty minutes the three buses they were taking to the camp vacation was ready to take off, the students were excited, they can't wait to get to the camp area.

After two hours of long drive, they arrived at a very big open space beautifully decorated, it has a gate and a security guard to keep them save, the students alight from the bus after the school social director make sure everyone they brought was out of the bus safely, the students gathered at the middle of the open space waiting for announcement.  "Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the school camping area"the social director announced and the students roar happily except Avia who was so tired and did not even find any of it fun. "Let's start setting up our tent, you've been paired with one tentmate each, make sure you are nice because whoever you are paired with is your teammate in all the games that will played here"the social director added and students wait to hear the name of their tentmate and teammate of course. Soon, they were done doing so, Rita was paired with a girl named Katy Green, she really wished she was paired with her best friend, Avia on the other hand was paired with a boy named Carl Gordon, she didn't care less who she was sharing her tent with or not, she just wants the god-damned camp to end soon so she can go back to work. The tent has been prepared and students chose their choice  "This tent will be good for us"Carl said pointing to a multicolor tent, Avia did not respond, he took the sign board and turned the side where taken was bodly written then he went to bring his luggage. Rita was busy dragging her luggage on the grass when she saw Avia standing by a tent, she was standing there but definitely somewhere else. "Avia, are you fine?"Rita asked on getting to her but no response, she touched Avia and she was startled "What?"she shouted not knowing it was Rita  "I'm sorry"Rita said sadly and left without waiting for Avia's response   "Riri"Avia called out but no response, she decided to let her be, she will talk to her later, she went for her luggage so she can have a sweet rest, she's so tired from the long ride.

Inside Avia and Carl tent, Avia was arranging her luggage in a side of the tent, two beds was inside the tent, she drop herself on one and slept off, Carl who had chosen a bed before Avia saw the tired girl on the bed he choose, he just admire her without saying a word so he won't wake her up, he move to the second bed to sleep too but he could not sleep because of the beauty sleeping next to him. Carl Gordon the son of the third richest family in the country, a very handsome slender young man, his physique is one to die for, his green eyes compliment his looks, his dark which he always comb to the back make him look so handsome and dashing, he's the most handsome guy in school and every girl's crush, he's also a playboy knowing that no girl could resist him but he has his eyes on only one girl the great Avia Simpson, the girl is in love with is right beside him, his heart skipped a beat earlier when their name was called together but the girl doesn't seem to care about it, he knows she is a tough girl and it will be hard to make her fall for him but he still wants to try. He look at her once more before sleeping off. All the students were allowed to rest till evening when the real camp activities will begin. Rita and Katy were getting along well but she was still worried about her best friend and what might have happened to her earlier  "Maybe she doesn't like her tentmate"Rita thought, she knows how her friend can be when it comes to socializing, most of the time she wonder how she got into the entertainment industry.

It was evening already, all the students gathered at the middle of the camp, the space was left for meetings and games. "We are starting the camp with a game but the teachers and younger people are not invited(the Juniors roar loud) the Juniors are to go to the assistant Social director, he's waiting for everyone of you there(the Juniors left) now the game you will be playing tonight is Truth or Dare and I'm sure you are matured enough to play this game on your own, everyone must participate"the social director said making sure they understand before he and the teachers leave them to enjoy. All the students were happy, it was just Avia's level mate playing the game and they are just twenty playing the game, the junior student were more than the seniors. Truth or Dare keeps ringing in Avia's head "oh shit"she cursed inwardly. The game started after they sat down rounding the camp fire.

Author's note: The romance is about to begin!!!!! Romance and Mystery at the same time, y'all not ready for this!!!!