Katy was to spin the bottle after she was dared to compliment any boy in the group, she spins the bottle and everyone anticipated where the head will face and boom Avia  "Truth or Dare"Katy asked   "Truth"Avia replied sternly   "Do you like any guy around?"Katy asked as everyone including Carl anticipated her answer   "No"Avia replied rolling her eyes. She spins the bottle and the head faced Carl who was sitting with his friends   "Truth or Dare"Avia asked   "Dare"Carl replied with a smile. "Kiss the girl you like, if there is none then don't bother"Avia dared, she doesn't know how this game works but she's a fast learner and could see how they were playing. Carl stand up and move closer to Avia and linger a kiss on her cute love like kissable lips, everyone including Avia was stunned, she slapped Carl so hard and left for her tent while cursing him and the camp on her way, Carl left the scene to explain things to the angry Avia. He saw her running inside the tent before she zipped it, he manage to enter.  "What do you want?Are you here to kiss me again?"Avia asked angrily   "I'm sorry Avia, I only did what you dared"Carl said trying to calm her down   "Really? Is that how the game works? You kiss whoever dares you because you don't have someone you like in our midst?"Avia asked angrily   "No Avia, you are the one I like"Carl said looking into her angry eyes  "You must be stupid Carl! Hey guy, get those foolish feelings off your heart because nothing will make me fall in love with you or anybody"Avia said rudely and leave to sleep on her bed. Carl's heart was shattered into pieces, he knows this won't be easy knowing the type of girl Avia is and he doesn't want things to go between them like this. He leave so she can have some space for herself.

The other students that witnessed the kiss and the slap could not continue the game anymore, they sat in group of two, three or four to gossip about what just happened. Smith, Carl's best friend saw his friend coming so he went to meet him before he gets to the gathering of gossipers  "Guy, you fucked up big time"Smith said patting his shoulder   "I know right! I just can't hold myself anymore"Carl replied with a sigh.  "I understand but you could have kiss Bella or Zoe or forget it the way she said"Smith said shaking his head   "I can't kiss other girls when she's truly the one I love and you know how those two can be, they will just fight each other"Carl replied "So is she still angry?"   "Of course infact she asked me to erase those feelings"Carl chuckled    "who doesn't know Avia can be so difficult to socialize with?You just have to give her time and solve the issue you will be facing with Zoe and Bella"Smith said after seeing Bella from far. Carl leave to meet Bella so she doesn't cause issues for him again    "where's that witch you just kissed?"Bella shouted angrily   "Can you just calm down Bella?"Carl said with hint of anger in his voice, he's frustrated and sad already and doesn't want more    "Why did you kiss her? Do you like her?Are you in love with her or you want her to be your third after Zoe?If you think I will accept this one the way I accepted Zoe my dearest boyfriend you are mistaking"Bella said angrily, after six months of dating Carl, she finds out he was dating Zoe and they've been dating for three months now, there was nothing she could do but to accept Zoe as her boyfriend's other girl and seeing Carl kiss Avia right in front of her made her feel her world is about to end, Avia is way more beautiful than her and more classic, which guy will resist the great Avia Simpson. "We will talk about this tomorrow, I need to sleep"Carl said leaving her alone. Rita on the other hand still could not picture what happened, she wanted to check on Avia but knowing the kind of friend she has, she probably wants her alone time "I will make sure I talk to her tomorrow"she promised

The next day, all the students gathered at the center of the camp after taking their bath and breakfast, the social director have important announcement to make "Dearest students, it came to our notice that the Juniors can't take great care of themselves here so we are sending them back home with their teachers of course and they will be going on a tour instead, a mother and child tour which will be organized for you seniors later, so seniors you have the camp to yourselves now"The social director announced and the students roared happily. The Juniors bus took off after few minutes, they is nothing to do for now since its still morning, Rita saw Avia sitting alone and she looks sad  "Avia"Rita called out as she moves closer to her  "Avia, how are you today?"Rita asked knowing well she's sad  "I'm fine, excuse me"Avia replied and leave. Rita understands her friend's dilemma, she had to come here to take a break from Madeline and now she has to take care of a stolen kiss. Avia still can't get what happened later that night off her head.


Avia was dozing off already when Carl entered the tent, Avia pretend she was asleep because she does not want to see his ugly face, she was still cursing him in her mind when she felt someone's touch, the touch sends adrenaline rush down her body "why am I feeling like this"she asked herself but still stay calm "Avia, I know you are asleep and can't hear me right now but I truly love you and you are the only one I want to be with, I don't want to erase this feelings because I don't think I can leave without you, I know it will be very difficult to accept a playboy like me but you can still accept me if you give me a chance to love you and take all your pains away, let me taste the sweetness of your lips and drown in your scent"Carl said before placing a soft kiss on her lips, he could not stop himself and continue forcing his lips inside her mouth with his hand caressing her soft milky skin, Avia has never felt this way before, the adrenaline rush in her body was more and the room became stuffy and hot, the only thing she wants right now is to make herself warm because she was so hot inside and she could feel her pants were wet from his touch, she opened her lips a little and let him in, he kissed her so hard and hungrily and she kissed him back after wrapping her hands on his neck. The tent became hotter as Avia let out a soft moan when his hand touch her oranges with hard nipple, he twisted her nipple which made her moan loudly "Ahhhn", he loves the way she moan and continue twisting her nipple and using the other hand to squeeze her left orange, this made Avia want him badly but she can't just let him take her innocence, she pushed him away "Get off me pervert"she shouted her adjusting her top that was pull down earlier by Carl. Carl smile and leave her alone.


"Oh my world, I really need to get this out of my head"Avia said to herself holding her hair tight as if she wants to pull them out  "In few days, I will forget about every that happened here"Avia said to herself with a smile before leaving for her tent. Immediately she entered the tent, she saw Carl shirtless, his fine physique left her agape, he was creaming his body with care, she tries to stop looking at him but she couldn't, he was just like an angel sent down from heaven "Get your eyes off him Avia"she scolded herself within. Carl saw her looking at him, he smirk and moves close to her "You like what you see Baby?"Carl asked sexually sending adrenaline rush to her body  "Who gave you the right to call me baby?You pervert"Avia said pushing him aside "don't be too hard Avia, please just give me a chance to love you the way I want"Carl said softly but loud enough for her to hear  "I don't need any love in my life because they all end up leaving me alone in this world"Avia said and lay on her bed quietly. Carl knows what she was talking about, his father already told him what happened to Avia when she was young, he knows that is why she is being difficult and won't give anyone a chance to come to her life, but he was ready to love and protect her from any danger but she won't let him. He left the tent after dressing up.

Avia look back to see if he was gone, she sits on her bed and bury her head in her hands "I need you Rita"She said with tears, She Rita laughing and playing with Katy while she was sad. "I thought my pain was your pain and my happiness is your happiness but why are you happy with your new found friend when I am sad and sulking"Avia said with more tears, now the flashback of her grandmother's death, the pains she went through and the things she had to do at young age started floating back into her head, the pain she has been hiding since years has found a way to take over her, she could not take the pain anymore as her head was banging from the memories and tears, she fainted in the tent.

It was time for all of them to gather to play games, when the social director noticed the absence of the great Avia Simpson, he checked who her tentmate was "Carl, your tentmate is not here, any issue?"the social director said and Carl look around to confirm "A moment sir"He said and left for the tent. After some minutes, they saw Carl carrying Avia in his hand and running as fast as possible, the social director and some boys run to help him carry the lifeless looking Avia, Rita seeing her friend being carried like a child run to them shouting her name. They tried to revive her but all their effort was in vain so they had to take her to the nearest hospital, only Carl was allowed to follow the social director to the hospital, she was taken to the emergency room. The doctor came out after few minutes and talk to the social director and Carl "She needs proper rest, she seems to be overworking herself and seems she's thinking of past events which made her faint, she needs to get those past events off her head before she develops mental disorder"The doctor said and leave to attend to other patient. Carl understand what the doctor was saying and he blame himself for what happened "I will protect you from all the hurtful memories"Carl said to himself. The nurse announce to them that they can see her now, Carl was the first person to go inside, Avia was happy and disappointed to see him, she was expecting Rita "How are you feeling now Avia?"Carl asked with concern on his face "What do you expect?"She asked hiding her happiness "Where is Rita?"She asked looking around "She could not follow, she was crying bitterly"Carl said sincerely "oh, can't I leave now?"Avia asked hiding her smile with a stern look "the doctor asked you to rest well after this and not stress yourself"Carl said softly "I will, thank you"Avia said turning her face. They did not notice the social director was watching them display hidden love, she was discharged after two hours of resting.

Author's note: Did you enjoy this chapter? Are you expecting more romance from the two lover?