After two hours of sleep, Avia was finally discharged, she was taken back to the camp as she already called her driver to pick her up, she doesn't want to spend one more minute in the camp. Immediately Rita saw her friend walking with the help of Carl, she run as fast as possible to her with tears in her eyes, a part of her feel like it was all her fault, she shouldn't have abadon her after last night, she looked at her friend and hug her tightly "I will die if you don't loosen your grip"Avia manage to say something amidst Rita's tight hug "I'm sorry"Rita said leaving her friend and wiping her tears "stop crying little girl"Avia said coldly "you are still acting strict when sick"Rita said pushing her shoulder. The social director and Carl thinks the two best friends need alone time so they excuse them. Avia has a lot of catching up to do with her friend but she is not ready to talk to her yet, they leave for Avia's tent so she can rest before her driver arrives. In the tent, Carl and a girl were heard talking and probably arguing, the argument was all about the way he cared for Avia "Zoe, I don't know what issue you have, all I did was to help a dying girl"Carl screamed as if he was loosing it "did you help a dying girl last night too?"Zoe asked angrily "That was mere truth and dare, why take it seriously?"Carl explained "when we are back to school, we talk about this again"Zoe said and leaves the tent not noticing Rita and Avia, it was only Avia that heard the conversation, Rita was on call with her mother. The two enter the tent, Carl moves close to Avia to talk to her "How are you feeling now Avia?"Carl asked with a smile "Miss Simpson please?"Avia said coldly, Carl smile and leave the tent. "That was too much for someone that saved your life Avia"Rita scolded making sure it sounds like she was just saying "I don't want him to get too friendly with me and not only him, everyone in that school"Avia said packing her things, Rita join her in packing, she knows the type of friend she has, so strict.

Three hours later, Avia was set to leave, her driver and Mary are here waiting for her, immediately Mary saw her, she knows something was wrong with Avia "Those memories showed up again, what made it happen after a long time?"Mary thought looking at the pale beautiful girl coming towards her with the help of Rita, the driver run to collect the luggage from the guy following the girls. Rita and Avia bid each other goodbye and the driver zooms off. Immediately they left the camp gate, Avia became the Avia she was years back before Carl interfered with her personality, she forgot everything that happened in camp except the fact that her friend was being friendly to another girl, she set to question Rita once she's back from camp. They got to the mansion after two hours of long drive, the workers and Madeline were standing outside to welcome her back "Welcome back ma'am"The workers greeted in unison "My Avia, how are you?"Madeline greeted with a forced smile, Avia ignored all of them and went to her room. After taking a cold shower, Avia went to the study to start working so she can cool off for sometime, Mary who was worried about her followed her to the study "Avia, isn't it early to start working?"Mary asked softly "I have a lot to do, I can't lazy around"Avia replied not looking at her "I just feel like you should rest today and continue tomorrow"Mary said hoping she will listen "please lock the door on your way out, I don't want to be disturbed"Avia said writing on some documents, Mary understands her very well and she leave the study before she gets angry.

Avia continue working herself out, she now goes to the company to supervise things herself, Mary wondered what happened to Avia during the camp that makes her more energetic, strict, cold and heartless. In a week, she sacked ten workers in the company for silly mistakes, Mary thinks of talking to her but she was too scared to talk to the girl she was once a Nanny to, even Madeline noticed this, she just stay in her lane and work as the company receptionist since the former receptionist was fired for inappropriate dressing. Rita on the other side was enjoying the camp and totally forgot about her best friend, she did not even text her since she left the camp and Avia did not bother checking on her too. Carl tried contacting Avia after getting her personal number from Rita's phone, he stole the number because he was worried she won't give him but the number was not available, numbers not saved on Avia's phone can't call her. Camp is ending today and Avia is going on a business trip, Rita is so excited to go back home to see her family but sad she won't have fun anymore "Katy, I will like to see more of us in school"Rita said holding Katy's hand "won't Avia get angry?"Katy asked looking straight into her eyes "No she won't"Rita said with a fake smile after realizing she abadoned her friend and was chilling with someone else "immediately I get home, u need to see Avia"Rita said to herself feeling guilty for what she has done. That same day, Avia was in her way to Tokyo to get some business done, she did not even remember having a best friend, her new life doesn't involve anyone just her and herself. 

Carl and his friend Smith were discussing about something when Bella interrupted them  "I want to talk to my boyfriend"she said authoritatively, Smith left without saying a word "what is the meaning of those text you sent to me?"Bella asked angrily "exactly what you think it means"Carl said softly, earlier that day he sent a breakup message to Bella and Zoe [@bella💦 you are a rare gem💎 you accepted what millions of girls won't accept, but at the long run I realize I have to stop playing games with a kind-hearted person like you🥺 I want you to go out there and find someone who will love you the way you loved me. Have a happy life ahead❣️] "really? You think you can just break up with me after everything?"Bella asked angrily with tears "As I have said I just have to let go off you"Carl said leaving her on the spot "Carl"she shouted touching her chest but Carl did not look back. On his way to cool off from Bella, he met the furious Zoe "what was that message for?"Zoe asked angrily [@Zoe🍑 the relationship was a worthy one👏I just have to let go off you and let you meet the person that will love you the way you loved me. Be happy💘] "exactly what you think it is for"he answered angrily and leave without looking back at the furious Zoe. "Finally, I am single, I can now chase my dream, Avia I'm coming for you"he said to himself with a smile.

Author's note: Sorry for late update😁 So what next?? The romance just started, get your popcorn and juice.