Avia is in a 5-star hotel in Tokyo for her business trip when she received a message from the school group [camp was fun!! We are back to learning😁] "oh, they are back"she said to herself then a message popped up from Baby girl🥰💃, she frown before opening the message [the great Avia Simpson, who should be called a bad friend if not me, I'm really sorry for not contacting you since, camp was stressful😫 all the games and late night discussion, I'm really sorry best girl❤️] Avia frown again after reading the message, she drop her phone on the bed before going to shower, she needs to get Rita off her mind since she chose a new friend.

Rita at the other side saw that Avia read her message but no reply "let me give her space, she must be really angry right now"Rita said to herself. She brought this upon herself so she has to deal with the consequences.

After a week of business trip and repeated apology message from Rita, Avia decided to go back home because she signed the deal already. Her trip was amazing and fruitful. She got back to the mansion, all the maids were outside to welcome her back, she did not acknowledge any of them, Mary followed her to her room. "I'm tired, I don't want to talk to anyone, dinner should be brought to my room, no disturbance"Avia said immediately she saw Mary, Mary left the room without saying a word "Avia has the trait of Lorea but something seems different"Mary said to herself, Avia's attitude has become worst and darkened. Rita heard from Mary that Avia was back, she rushed down to the mansion so she can see her long lost friend "Good evening Aunt, is Avia in?"Rita asked Mary who nodded slightly, Rita left for Avia's room, "Avia darling"She said as she entered the room "Ms Mary"Avia shouted angrily after seeing Rita, everyone in the house could hear Avia's voice that's when reality hit Mary that she doesn't want to see anyone "oh shit!! I totally forgot"Mary cursed before running towards Avia's room with sweat all over her face.  "Avia, any problem?"Mary asked pretending not to know what happened  "Any problem you say? I said I wanted to be alone, why do I have a visitor with me?"Avia asked angrily, the bad aura could be felt in the room  "Avia, what is wrong? If you have any issue with your best friend, you can sort it out peacefully that's why she's your best friend, you don't have to be this cruel and distance yourself from people, don't you care about your mental health?"Mary said angrily but with a calm voice, she had enough of Avia's behavior  "Best friend?"Avia chuckled "I thought best friends are always there when they are needed and not bond with other people"Avia said giving Rita who is quiet and shocked a dead stare "Nanny please just ask her to leave, I don't need her friendship anymore"Avia said sleeping on the bed. Mary signalled to Rita to leave before sitting beside Avia "Avia my dear, friends can fight and not come back together but best friends fight and stay forever"Mary said caressing her blonde hair "the moment your attitude changed, I knew something was wrong, can you please just forgive your best friend"Mary added now braiding her hair "I know you love Rita and you don't want to lose her so please let the past be the past"Mary concluded before standing up "I will bring your dinner"Mary said and leave the room. Avia turn to make sure she was gone before breaking down (so hard girls cry too w(°o°)w).

The next day, Avia seems like a totally different person, she dressed more beautiful as if she was competing for a beauty contest, she had call her glam team to glam her up for school, she wants to look unique and simple which the glam team brought out no doubt, her blue jean jacket and pants looks so beautiful, her black shirt and boots compliment her look, her braided hair makes her look more like a million dollar, the light make up and pink lip tint that grace her kissable love lips, she's sure to make a man drool and hard. Even Mary was surprised about the sudden change "Avia is a chameleon just like her father"Mary said inwardly with a smile. Avia went to school in her black 2021 Mercedes-Benz Maybach, everyone that comes across the car opens their mouth wide, the students even wait around to see who will come out of this luxury car, a slender leg was stretched out of the car, the whole body is yet to be out, soon the whole body is out, the most beautiful girl in the country came out and walk majestically like the queen she is. "Avia Simpson?"The students asked themselves, they've always said she's proud but she has never show off like this before, their mouth was wide agape even Rita could not believe her eyes "is this my best friend?"Rita asked herself, Avia had text her last night about their fight.


Avia took her phone after crying to her satisfaction and texted Rita [You are forgiven baby girl🥺 but I will never forget you hurt me and you owe me one for this], immediately Rita read the message sent from her best friend, she smiled and reply happily [I will definitely pay back best girl❤️ Forgive your baby girl🥺] and the two friends end their fight.


Seeing Avia all dressed up and coming in with luxury cars made her feel left out "I thought we were cool"Rita said to herself again. Carl who was there watching was drooling, he couldn't take his eyes off her "I just want to hug that pretty girl"he said with a smile, as she walked past all of them she gave a devilish and satisfied smile, at the back of her blue jean jacket something was written bodly in black "THE NEW AVIA". No one seems to understand what she meant by that including her best friend and Carl, but the aura around makes it known that it is a bad change and not good one.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry for late update, I've been so busy🥺 Thank y'all for 786 views on WEBNOVEL❤️😘 and 66 views on LIGHT READER ❤️ I need you to comment and add to collection (library) also recommend. Thank you 🙏❤️. Now are you ready for the NEW AVIA??? THE QUEEN IS HERE!!!