Avia became stricter and more heartless as the day passes, everyone around her are being careful especially her employees. She now goes to the office to monitor their activity, yesterday she suspended the head of the marketing department for miscalculation. Madeline is also on the low to avoid being embarrassed and sent out of the house, today is her off, she's in her room relaxing after hectic weeks. Her phone beeped, she looks at the screen [Old fool😤](the way she saved her father's name), she picked the call up angrily. "Hey Dad"She greeted "Madeline are you fine?"Mr Steve asked "Yeah sure but what took you so long to call me?"Madeline asked slightly angry "I've been busy with our fallen empire"Mr Steve replied "So how is it?"Madeline asked touching her forehead "Same. Actually I called because I need money"Mr Steve said "I know! How much is it this time?"Madeline asked looking up at the ceiling "Five hundred thousand....."Mr Steve said before Madeline cut him off "Five hundred what? Where will I see such amount? Does it look like I'm living a comfortable life here? If I give you five hundred dollar, I'm being nice because you are my father, there's nothing like enjoyment over here, I have to work to earn the money I spend, I pay for food, rent, electricity and even transport. This place is like living in your own rented apartment and not a owned house."Madeline vented angrily "But I have to pay the loan or I will be sent out of our last property, do something about it"Mr Steve said angrily before hanging up "You son of a b****🔞"Madeline cursed angrily "I shouldn't have pick his call, that man is demanding"Madeline said angrily before continuing her nap.

Avia is at the office, she called a meeting earlier with all her employees at the company, she has over hundred employees, the meeting room is big enough for three hundred people, everyone is scared knowing this type of meeting happens when something is wrong in the company, Madeline had to rush down to the office because of the emergency meeting mail she got. Everyone is present at the meeting room including Mary the interim CEO.

"Good afternoon everyone"Mary greeted all the employees "Miss Simpson called for the meeting and as we all know there's no smoke without fire, I want us all to please keep quiet while she speaks and listen attentively"Mary added then signalled to the Chief secretary to take minutes. "I noticed a lot of things this few days that I've been coming to supervise my company myself. The first thing I noticed is incompetent employees, I don't know who interviewed you and how they think you are the right person for the job, I will sack all incompetent employees if they don't adjust to the work properly by next week Friday. Secondly, all head of department are incompetent, I think you all became the head because of your competency but I realized it was just favoritism or probably bribe that got you all the seat of the hod because why will the head of department make mistake in every transaction? Why? Why are you the head then? I noticed a lot of mistake in all department especially the financing department, I'm coming back to that. Thirdly, I sacked the receptionist few days back for inappropriate dressing and I realized that's what most of you are doing, why should you dress to the office like you are going to a club party? The only appropriate dress for an office is an office wear and not party outfits. Lastly, all secretaries are to take minutes during all meetings and not only the chief secretary, and after every meeting, I want an email of the minute taken five minutes after the meeting."Avia said angrily while the employees look at each other "Meeting dismissed. All head of department are to wait and the chief secretary" Avia added and everyone stand up to leave except the excluded ones. "Mr Luke, what is wrong with the financing department? What is all this error about?(throws the document on the table angrily) You want me to go bankrupt? Mrs Charles, I thought you are competent when it comes to balancing account but what is this? Do you all think I won't notice the glitch? Where the hell is the fifty million dollar? I need an answer now before I get everyone arrested"Avia said angrily as Mr Luke the head of the financing department and Mrs Charles the head of the accounting department sweat all over "Even if the air conditioner is on, you both are sweating profusely, I'm only giving the two of you five minutes to provide an answer for this error"Avia added angrily "Ma'am Avia, it is Mr Luke's fault, he keeps telling me to continue balancing what he gives me even if they don't correlate with the company's expenses, one time I told Ms. Mary about it, she said she was going to find a solution to it but did not get back to me after that so I didn't bother thinking it was solved"Mrs Charles confessed shaking like jellyfish "The fear of Avia is the beginning of wisdom"Avia said inwardly "Ms. Hart, is it true she told you about it?"Avia asked looking at Mary who is sitting next to her "Yes ma'am. She said something about unbalanced transaction, I checked it too and realize there was an error. I summoned Mr Luke and asked him about it, he said he was going to talk it over with the accounting department that they probably didn't get his last mail. I asked Mrs Charles about it later and she said they've sort it, my mistake I didn't try to cross-check after her response."Mary responded avoiding Avia's dead stare "How can I forget to tell Avia this important information?"Mary asked herself biting her lips "Looks like even the CEO isn't competent, Mrs Charles you said you thought they settled it right?"Avia asked looking straight into her eyes "Yes Ma'am"Mrs Charles replied with confidence. Avia laughed hard at her reply, everyone present was looking at her with fear, she might be small but she's mighty. "How old is your son again? Eight years old if I guess right (laughs again) Once I know the truth my bodyguards will let him go"Avia said heartlessly waiting for the woman's reaction. "Ma'am, please free my son, it is not my fault, he offered to give me twenty percent from every unbalanced transactions, I've only collected it once ma, no I mean twice or thrice" Mrs Charles said as fast as she could with tears and fear of what might happen to her son. The head of other departments, Mary and the chief secretary looks at the two of them in surprise, Mary feels sorry for Mrs Charles. "I might be strict and heartless but I will never involve a little child in his mother's mess. This is my judgement, Mrs Charles will be demoted to the post of a cleaner to pay off fourteen million, four hundred thousand dollar which means till she pays the company back she can't leave the company or she will be arrested. As for the real culprit, the court will be the judge (the police enters the room and took Mr Luke away)"Avia said with no emotions "As for every other person trying to fraud me, don't even think of it, I might be a teen but I am smarter than an adult"Avia said and leaves the meeting room. She looks so pretty in her office wear, the outfit shows woman is in power. Mary followed her immediately so they can talk about everything that just happened.

"Nanny, I am really not happy about what happened"Avia said sitting on the couch "I'm really sorry Avia, Luke has been one of our most trusted employee, he has been working in the company since you were just two years old"Mary explained feeling bad "People change Nanny, remember that always"Avia said with no emotions.


After a month and few weeks of being addressed formally, Avia finally called me Nanny again, my heart was beating fast and I feel like the happiest person alive. I want to embrace her, tell her how much she means to me and let her know she's the source of my joy but I don't want to ruin the moment, she's a chameleon, she can switch to seven different moods within a second.


Oh really did I just call her Nanny? For a moment my heart melted and soften, after she said Luke was the most trusted employee, I remember how human can change from being the sweetest to the wildest, most wicked and heartless. My heart became hard again thinking about how Rita treated me during the camp, it is really not that deep I guess I expected too much from her and it is hurting me right now. Carl's memory popped up too, he's been so close with Rita now and they look like they are best friends, people can really change because even this Carl confess to love me and now he's all over Rita and her new friend Katy. And again I guess I really don't need anyone to be me in this world, I already have everything I want and could have, thanks to my late grandmother and grandfather for the provision of a comfortable life.


After today's embarrassment and Avia's judgement I can really say she's not as heartless as we all thought. The part that got me was my kid's part, for a moment I was scared she will kill him but after what she said I can now confidently say she's just going through a lot right now and will be the sweet girl we all wanted her to be. I will enjoy my punishment of being a cleaner maybe if I do well I will be promoted and I will be able to pay off the debt and start as a normal employee back.

After the meeting and the whole scandal, Avia keeps going to the office day by day to check if anything is wrong somewhere. Finally after skipping school for two weeks she went to school and the scene she saw was an unpleasant one.