The scene Avia met on getting to school is unpleasant and she's still trying to register it in her head. The whole school is talking about it so it is not easy to get it off her head or register it properly and accept it has happened. A message pop up on her phone it is from the school group, she opened the message and it a video of the scene she saw this morning, she clicked on it to watch and register it properly.


Carl is seen holding hands with Rita and smiling, Katy was standing beside Rita and was also smiling, Rita doesn't look shock or surprise she just has this happy smile on her beautiful face, Carl cleared his throat all of a sudden "Everyone I need your attention"Carl called out to everyone around them "You see this pretty girl right here, I want to ask her in front of everyone to be my girlfriend"Carl proposed and everyone shouted "Carl what are you doing?"Rita asked with a smile and shyness "Rita Wolff I want you to be my girlfriend, the one I will love and be able to cherish, the one I can share my problems with, this last two months with you has been the best of my life yet, you made me realize love doesn't come with status or beauty, it comes with being able to trust each other and be comfortable when around each other"Carl confessed his feelings and everyone around was feeling emotional. "Say yes friendship, grab your man before I grab him"Katy cheered and everyone laughed so hard "Yes Carl I will be your girlfriend, the one you can share every sadness and happiness with and I promise to love you forever"Rita replied then hugged Carl tight. Everyone was clapping their hands and Avia was seen passing the scene angrily.


"oh s***!🔞 Why did this foolish boy add me in this annoying video"Avia cursed angrily. Messages were popping up on her phone repeatedly it is from the group. Katy:[Congratulations bestest 🎉] Smith:[Congratulations man😝] Random:[The most beautiful proposal though🤗 Avia looks angry in the video though] and the comments went on and on.


The proposal was unexpected but it happened, after hugging Carl I saw Avia staring at me, I've not seen her in two weeks, she has been skipping school, I was really happy she witnessed the proposal not in a bad way don't get me wrong but then she walked past me angrily, the anger could be seen just by looking at her. Is she angry I haven't been talking to her? I thought she needed space or doesn't she want I and Carl's relationship? maybe she's just worried about me. Every possible questions keeps popping up in my head and finally I decided to talk to her and lash out at her for her attitude this days.

Rita looked for Avia and finally saw her in the school garden looking at the beautiful flowers, she moved closer and sits beside her on the garden chair. "Are they not beautiful?"Rita asked looking at the rose Avia is focusing on "Avia, I came here for you"Rita said touching the rose "For me?"Avia asked then chuckle "Yes Avia. I saw that you weren't happy this morning"Rita said waiting for Avia's response "Is there any reason to be happy?"Avia asked with zero emotions "Yes Avia, your best friend finally has a man, a boyfriend, her type of guy"Rita said smiling ear to ear "Best friend?"Avia asked then laugh so hard which change the expression of Rita "Rita, I taught we talked about you calling yourself my best friend. Girl, stop daydreaming, we aren't best friend and can't be best friend."Avia said then stand up to leave but stopped all of a sudden "You came here to disturb my peace so I guess you should leave instead"Avia said and sits down on the bench back waiting for Rita to leave. Rita left without saying a word.


When I saw her coming towards me I was happy for a moment until she brought up her and Carl's relationship, I felt like I was directly pierced with a dagger, my eyes became watery but the hard Avia wins always. Why am I not happy for her? Carl proposed to me too, he confessed to me, I was going to accept him if he was persistent but he wasn't, he just moved to the next. Why did I stay away from him before? Do you remember his conversation with Zoe? If you do then that's why I stayed away from him, I have enough problems to deal with already I can't add Carl to the list. I feel betrayed right now.


Oh wow! I shouldn't have gone to her, I should have just stayed and maintain my happiness, I really don't know why she's angry but I think it is because of Katy, it can't be because of Carl she doesn't like him and doesn't even look like she likes him. I was hurt by her words though, I feel sad we aren't friends anymore, she's still my friend though. I'm in between mixed emotions, I don't know how to feel right now but I will definitely be fine.


I am happy I proposed to Rita and she accepted but I still can't get the fact that Avia passed by us angrily off my head. Did I betray her? Definitely no, she did not accept my love and I moved on. I don't even love her for real, I just thought it was love because it was different from the feelings I had for Bella and Zoe but unfortunately it was just agape love. I will talk to her about us so things will be cleared.

Carl went to look for Avia and he also saw her in the garden, she looks hurt, he moves closer to her and sit next to her. "Hey most beautiful"Carl greeted "This flowers are pretty"He added trying to get her attention "Is this your first time seeing them?"Avia asked looking at him "Not really but this is my first time seeing them when you are there, I guess you light up the garden with your milk skin"Carl teased "Hmm, good with your words, is that how you have Rita under your spell?"Avia asked looking at his reaction "Your sweet words made me think you were in love with me(laughs)but how can I forget who you are for a second (laugh again but harder this time)you are the great play boy, yes I've heard a lot about you but it is none of my business so I don't really pay attention to it"Avia said as low and as sweet as possible "Avia, I'm really sorry, I misjudged my emotions for you"Carl tried to explain "I will like you to stay away from me, you and Rita please"Avia said and stands up to leave before pausing "You came here to disturb my peace, can you please take your leave?"Avia asked politely before sitting down. "I'm sorry for any inconvenience I might have caused"Carl said before leaving.


Who does he think he is? Coming here to tell me sweet words? Does he want to date I and Rita together? He really is something else. For a moment I realize I liked him back but that's all in the past right now. I don't need any of them to be in my life.


I couldn't clear this out with her, this is bad though. My past life always catches up with me and ruins a lot for me, if she doesn't want to listen then I should just focus on my relationship and forget she once existed.