Avia got home and felt like her world had shattered, the guy she was falling for chose her best friend instead of her, she hugs her pillow tight trying to suppress her tears "Avia is strong and can't shed a tear for a man"She encouraged herself. Mary noticed something wasn't right with Avia but what can she do, the girl have been in her own emotions and world lately, she made up her mind to talk to Avia no matter the consequences. After knocking for some minutes, Avia finally let her in "I've been knocking for the past ten minutes, what's up with you?"Mary asked slightly angry "Ms Hart, I'm a little bit busy, why are you here? Just a minute"Avia said with cold voice, her voice is cold enough to freeze the listener "I'm not here to talk to you for a minute, I am here to talk to you for more than an hour"Mary said trying to hide the fact that she was scared of Avia's voice she sounded just like Lorea "Then I don't have time"Avia replied looking at Mary this time "I'm not asking you to have time, I am here to talk to the girl I took care of when she was small, the girl I was employed to be her nanny, the girl I always loved and cherished as my own, the girl I left everything called family for, I am her to talk to that girl"Mary tackled trying to make Avia emotional "Fine but just thirty minutes I have a lot of things to deal with"Avia said finally giving in "Avia my love, how are you?"Mary asked sitting beside her "I am fine obviously"Avia replied coldly "Avia, I nurtured you so I know when you are lying even if you are acting cold and heartless"Mary tackled "Avia, I know someone you love dearly has hurt you and that's why you are acting this way. I think it is Rita but I am really not sure because it can be me too, I really want you to confide in me and tell me everything, I might be able to help you get out of the difficulties"Mary said while reading Avia's emotions, even if she was emotionless, it was obvious she's holding her tears back. "Just more pressure and she will give in"Mary thought "I saw the message you sent to me about transferring from school to a better school, is there someone bullying you in school or is there a dirt found on you? We can take care of it for you"Mary said. Earlier after Carl left, Avia texted Mary [I want to transfer to a new school and I want one of the best in the country. Work on it as fast as possible], Mary was puzzled she called the school management(SM);

Mary: Ms Hart on the line from the Simpson mansion

SM: It's a pleasure to have you on the phone ma'am

Mary: Avia suddenly wants to transfer, is there any issue at school?

SM: No ma'am, we've been treating Miss Simpson nicely and made sure she was comfortable.

Mary: Okay, maybe it is a personal issue, I will get back to you on the transfer.

After the conversation with the school management, it shows that the issue is personal and not school related. Avia looks at her Nanny and smile, the smile was too fake to cover the tears she was hiding, tear dropped from her eyes on her milk like cheek, she cleaned it with her arm before Mary noticed but it was too late "I knew something was wrong, Avia please say something, this silence is killing everyone"Mary persuaded "Okay Nanny, I will talk but can I take a break for one month from everything first, I want you to manage the business and the house, I will go on a month vacation to Japan, the last time I went I was not able to tour the whole place"Avia finally said, she did not say what Mary wanted but she's happy she's taking a voluntary break and she's not being forced like always. "Okay, your wish is my command"Mary replied with a smile before leaving the room.


Carl took his girlfriend home, he wanted to introduce her to his parents and the workers since she will be visiting frequently. His parents sits in the reception-room where they receive visitors waiting for Carl who texted them earlier about bringing his girlfriend to greet them, he entered the mansion and walked holding hands with the nervous Rita, they went to the reception-room. "Hi Mom"Carl greeted pecking her "Good afternoon Dad"He greeted not even looking at his father who was reading a magazine "My son, how are you doing?"His Mum greeted back "I'm good and you Mum? You look pretty everyday"He complimented his Mum "Mum, Dad meet Rita Wolff my girlfriend, we became official today so I decided to introduce her to my parents"Carl said pointing at the nervous Rita "Good afternoon Aunt, Uncle"Rita greeted with a nervous smile "She's so beautiful"His mum complimented and Rita blushed "What does your father do?"His father who has been as if he wasn't paying attention finally said something "He's a driver at my brother's secondary school"Rita replied nervously "He owns a transport business?"He asked again trying to clarify what she just said "No sir, he drives student like a school bus"Rita replied holding Carl's hand tight "Dad, does this really matter?"Carl asked looking at his mum to control her husband "Carl is right dear, this are information we can know later"She said touching her husband hand lovingly "I understand, I just don't want my son getting attached to a nobody"He said and left looking at Carl and Rita. "Mum, I don't like Dad's attitude to my guest"Carl said trying to control his anger "You know how your father is, you should be used to his way of reasoning by now"She replied looking at the teary Rita "My child, don't mind him, he's just a little bit pissed"She consoled Rita who just nodded because saying a word will bring all the tears out "Thank you mum, we are going to my room now"Carl said and dragged Rita with him to his room. The room is really big and looks masculine, something is common in the room and that's the color yellow, the room itself is white and most of the things inside are white and other colors of course but a splash of yellow is in the room, yellow is Carl's favorite color, the bed is big enough for five people to sleep comfortably. "Your room is really big no wonder your Dad wants to know my financial background"She said looking around, analyzing the room. "Avia's room should be bigger than this"Carl teased "Yes sure, her room is bigger than my whole house, she has a closet that's bigger than my room and toilet combined, her toilet is like paradise, her bathroom is one to crave for always"Rita explained still looking around "Speaking of Avia, are you guys cool?"Carl asked making Rita sit on the couch "I can't really say we are cool, I'm cool with her but seems she doesn't want the friendship anymore"Rita explained sadly "Is it because of me?"Carl asked wanting to be sure his doubt are wrong "Not really but may be part, she has been so cold since Camp and today that I have the courage to talk to her she humiliated me so I guess the friendship is over"Rita replied with a sad tone "I'm really sorry. Katy is there to be your friend anyway"Carl said trying to cheer her up "Yes I know but I feel less now that we are not close anymore"Rita said resting her head on his shoulder "Don't feel less, she was not feeding and even if she was I am here to feed you"Carl replied stroking her hair lovingly "Awwn my baby is really amazing"Rita blushed. Their conversation moved from one topic to another till it was evening, time for Rita to go home, Carl asked his driver to drop her at home. He went up to meet his father knowing his mother is in the kitchen cooking for them, they have chef but she loves cooking for her husband. "Hey Dad"he greeted "Has she left?"His Dad asked and he nod "So how are you planning to get Avia?"His Dad asked looking at him "Through her, if her friendship with Avia is gone then Avia will be devastated and need a shoulder to cry on, I will send Smith to be that shoulder and make him say good things to Avia about me then boom we have our prey"Carl explained looking at his smoking father "You are wise but do it fast, Avia will gain full access to her properties soon, be the man in her life when she has that property"His father said with a devilish smile. Carl's Father, John Gordon is a successful businessman and the third richest man in the country but he's not satisfied with everything he has, he wants to be the first richest in the country and wants everyone to respect him more, he dragged his only son and child into his mess, he asked him to make he dates Avia so they can get married and all her properties will belong to the Gordon.