(NOTE: Names of places mentioned in the novel and this particular chapter has nothing to do with the original places, this is just to satisfy the readers expectation and excitement.)

Avia has been walking all day sightseeing as she said, she is finally tired and wants to relax before taking a cab back to the mansion. As she was walking along the road, she saw the Zeus Night Club, she read it on TripAdvisor that it is the best club in Roppongi, she decided to check the club out and have the time of her life. Immediately she entered the club, people's attention were diverted to her, she looks so beautiful under the club lightening, she look around to find a great place to sit then she saw a seat at angle 90, she sat there and ordered for Whiskey, soon the waiter brought her order and she tipped him. This is not her first time drinking, she might be eighteen years old but she became an adult since eight years old. She poured the whiskey in the glass cup provided and drank it immediately, within ten minutes she finished a bottle of whiskey, she was feeling tipsy but not drunk yet, she ordered for another one. "One more bottle of whiskey"She said trying to comport herself "Ma'am, you look drunk are you sure you want one more?"The waiter asked with concern "Who is the manager?"She asked trying to control her anger "I will be right back with your order"The waiter said ignoring her question "Mother f***er🔞"She cursed angrily. Soon the order was brought and she finished the bottle in the same manner she finished the first one. "Now I feel good"She said with a smile and stood up to leave "You haven't paid ma'am"The waiter said walking towards her "Oh! take this money, keep my change, I will be back tomorrow"She dropped a bundle of money and left "What a weird girl!"The waiter commented.

Avia stayed in front of the club waiting for cab but found none, she decided to walk down the road, she was staggering, her step was clumsy, her eyes were rolling as if they want to leave her socket. After walking for a while, she could barely see where she was going anymore, she cleaned her eyes with her palm and saw blur image of some guys walking towards her and smiling, she looked back to see if there was anyone behind her that they were greeting and she realize she was alone on the road. "Hey beauty"One of the men greeted as they move closer to her "Who are you? I don't know you!"She said loudly hoping someone will hear her "We are your friends and we just want to have some fun with you"Another one said smiling with lust all over his face "I have no friends, f*** off"She replied angrily as Rita image flash in her head "Oh that makes us qualify to be your friend"The first one said touching her hair "Don't touch me you son of a b****"Avia screamed angrily. They banter with her some more before finally thinking of carrying out their mission, the first guy was about to touch her left bosom, a hand stopped him and punched him hard. "How dare you?"The first man shouted angrily before standing up "Hey man, f*** off"The second man said trying to negotiate "You all are stupid for wanting to harass a girl"The new man said angrily "Scrap before I call the police"He said and the goons ran off "Who are you?"Avia asked touching his face "You are here to betray me right?"Avia laughed "F*** off you son of a b****"She shouted angrily as tears roll down her eyes, the guy moves closer to touch her and comfort her "Don't touch me you bastard"She said moving away from him, the guy forcefully grab her, carried her in a bridal style and left the scene.


Mary was worried after the head of the workers told her Avia has not come back yet and they don't even know where she went to. She kept on calling Avia and tried to calm herself down "She's fine Mary"She said to herself but she could not just calm down. As she was panicking and walking up and down the house, her phone rang and the caller was Princess👑❤️(the way she saved Avia's contact) she picked up instantly "Hello Princess, are you fine?"She said without listening to the caller's voice "All I can say right now is she's in safe hands"The caller said "Who are you? Give Avia back her phone."Mary shouted angrily causing Madeline and the maid to rush to her "She will call you once she's awake"The caller said and hang up "You son of a b****"Mary cursed angrily, she rubbed her temple to cool herself down "Is she fine?"Madeline asked with concern "For now, I can't really say"Mary replied before leaving for her room angrily


The next morning, Avia woke up with splitting headache, she was feeling reluctant to open her eyes because of the sun lightening, she forced herself to open her eyes and saw that she was in a different room, the first thing she checked was her clothes, she was not putting on her clothes, she was on a loose shirt which obviously belongs to a man. She struggled to remember what happened to her the night before but nothing seems to be popping up, she looks around the room again and the decorations "What a boring room"She said before leaving the room. When she entered the sitting room, it was big and no one was there, a sound of clashing plate and spoon can be clearly heard, she followed the sound and it was coming from the kitchen, she looks at the man in the kitchen, she can only see his back but was very sure he's well built and handsome. "Who is this guy?"She asked herself not knowing she said it out loud "Your savior"The guy replied without turning to her "You must be having bad headache right now, I prepared Miso soup with Shijimi clams."He said finally turning to look at her "Shijimi clams have an amino acid that removes liver toxins"He added before turning back to what he was preparing. Avia was not speechless, she just decided not to talk and stare at the alpha in front of her. "Call your Nanny, she was worried sick about you"He said without looking at her, Avia left to look for her phone, she finally saw it and dialed Nanny👩‍👧❤️(the way she saved her contact), Mary picked the call immediately "Hi Nanny"Avia greeted "Where are you Avia? I'm coming to get you"Mary said worriedly "I'm fine Nanny, I just drank too much last night"Avia assured "A man picked your call yesterday, who is he?"Mary asked "I don't know who he is for now but I will thank him for helping me"Avia said and hanged up not waiting for Mary's reply. The guy brings the soup and set up the dining for her, she drank the soup and felt better. "Thank you for helping me but what did you do to me?"Avia said looking curious "Don't you remember?"He chuckled "Remember what?"Avia asked frowning, she has believed he did nothing to her when she saw his shirt on her now she's having a different thought. "You were all over me last night, thanks to you after a while I had good time"He said eating the sushi in front of him "And you took advantage of a drunk girl?"Avia asked trying to calm herself "She asked me to violate her, what can I do?"He replied smiling at her "Shut the F up bastard!"Avia shouted angrily "Calm your nerves, you violated me yesterday be happy I am a good guy"He said looking at the angry girl, all he wanted was to tease her not to make her angry. "Anyways, don't drink more than you can handle, you should know your alcohol tolerance"He advised "Thank you"Avia said after calming down. They are breakfast quietly and stealing glances at each other, finally the guy broke the silence. "Who is Carl?"He asked looking at her expression "Carl? How do you know that?"Avia asked looking confused "You keep shouting his name yesterday"He said looking at the confused girl "Me? Carl? God forbid"Avia rejected "Carl I hate you. Fuck you playboy, I will come for you"He mimicked her and she was surprised she said that "What else did I do?"She asked "You did a lot, you cursed a certain Rita Wolff too and said everything you've done for her"He said reading her expression "Oh damn, that's much"She lamented "Thank you for listening though"She said and continue eating. "You are welcome"He replied smiling at her.

His smile is charming and can make a million girl fall for him at the same time.