After the breakfast with the stranger, Avia left without asking for his name and he didn't even bother to tell her his name, when she got back to the mansion, she had a hot bath because she still stinks of alcohol and puke, coming out from the shower, something pop into her head.


Avia was holding the guy's shirt tight, the guy was trying to calm her down but she's not listening. "Don't you dare betray me"She said drunkenly "I promise I won't betray you, just stay put"The guy said calming her down "Don't be like that bastard, he chose that ugly girl over me"She said with tears "He lost a gem, just be calm"The guy replied kissing her forehead and she slept off without saying anything again.


"Oh shit!!! That bastard really did take advantage of me"She cursed angrily then dry her hair "No outing today, I just need to rest all day"She said looking at her phone "I thought I was over this issue but got drunk last night because of it, I really don't mean whatever I said about Rita, yes I feel betrayed but was it really her fault? Carl can be manipulative and she fell for his manipulative mind"She talked to herself.

She relaxed on the bed all day thinking about how stupid she might have looked in front of the guy after all she said and she can't even remember half of what happened the night before, the one she remembers disgust, she was still in her thoughts when her phone beeped, it was Facebook message and it is from the username Emmett Wales, she opened the message and its contents was:[What's up drunkard? Are you up for dinner tonight at my house? I am a good cook, you can judge from this morning food] She smiled at the greeting before replying [Hey savior, are you hitting on me? You can come over for dinner at my mansion, see it as reward for saving me yesterday], she waited for his reply then a message pop up, it was from him [oh sure! Send address and I will be right there], she sent him the address before going downstairs to ask the chef to prepare food. "Good evening ma'am"The chef greeted "Good evening, what are we having for dinner today"She asked trying to hold her smile "Sashimi for main course, Tako Tamago as side dish, orange juice for drink and cake for dessert"The chef replied "I want to have a visitor, will the food be enough for us to fine?"She asked looking at the time on her phone "Yes ma'am"The chef replied and the head of the employees Mr Hinode joined them in the dining room "Good evening ma'am"He greeted "Good evening Mr Hi..."She greeted back not knowing how to pronounce his name "Hinode ma'am"He corrected her respectfully "Anyhow, I'm having a visitor today, he's a friend"She said ignoring his correction "Madam Hart strictly asked us not to let you have visitors"Mr Hinode said and the chef walked away avoiding their conversation "I employed you not Ms Hart"Avia said coldly and Mr Hinode started sweating under air conditioner, he has heard about Avia's strictness and coldness but since she came to Japan she has been friendly "She's indeed a chameleon"He thought "I'm sorry ma'am"He said cleaning the sweat on his forehead "He will be here soon and I want everyone to be in their best behavior, no mistake"She said with no expression and left. Immediately she left, Mr Hinode called Mary "Good evening ma'am, Madam Avia wants to have a visitor"He said as low as possible "Let her have the visitor, once he's there I want a picture of him"Mary replied and hung up immediately.


Mary wondered who the person visiting Avia is, during her thought her phone beeped the caller was Rita, she picked up "Good evening Aunt Mary"Rita greeted

"How are you dear?"She asked

"I'm fine Aunt, I've been trying to reach Avia but she's not picking"

"Oh! She's not at home right now, not even in the country"

"She traveled for business, that girl and business"

"Always working. She's currently on a vacation in Japan"

"Oh okay, thanks Aunt"She hanged up

Mary wondered what happened to this two friends, they are apart now and Avia don't even pick her calls.


The man arrives at the Simpson mansion, Avia welcomed him and invited him in, the workers greeted him. "Welcome to my little home"Avia greeted with a smile "Little? you are kidding"He laughed "Let's go to the dining, you must be really hungry"Avia said leading him to the dining "Hmmm, this smells delicious, did you make this?"He asked on getting to the table "No, I can't even boil water"Avia laughed and he joined her in laughing, they sit down to eat the delicious food prepared by the chef. After dinner, they sat down in the living room to talk "You haven't tell me your name yet"Avia said looking at the man who came to visit her wearing a sky blue shirt with the first two button opened, showing small part of his chiseled chest and the black trouser looks good on the shirt, he's an alpha no doubt. "You don't remember my name and the nickname you gave me"He asked then laughed "Me? Nickname? I can't remember"She said looking confused "You were really drunk last night. My name is Emmett and your nickname for me is Alpha"He said reading her expression, it changed from happy to cold "She's indeed a chameleon"He said inwardly "You liar"She said coldly not wanting to believe she said that "Anyways my nickname for you is Chameleon"He said and laugh at her change of expression "I gave you a cute nickname and this is what I end up being called"She pouted "It suits and qualify you well, you can change mood within a second"He said still laughing at her "You just met me yesterday and you already have a lot to say about me"She said with amusement "You are easy to study"He said sitting upright "Hmm if you say so"She replied expressionless making Emmett laugh out, Avia understand she changed her mood again and that's why he laughed. While they were chit chatting, Mr Hinode snapped Emmett before asking the chef to serve them dessert. "Thank you"Emmett thanked the chef "The food was delicious maybe you can teach someone how to cook too"Emmett said looking at Avia's expression, the chef saw that her face was cold, he left immediately without a world and Emmett laughed at both the Chef and Avia. "Let's tour Japan tomorrow"He said waiting for her expression to change "Why should I go on a tour with you?"She asked looking straight into his eyes like she's about to tear him apart "I just want to know you more"He said calmly "Know me more? Why? Are you here to break my heart?"Avia asked with visible Anger showing on her face "You need to calm down, I was just teasing the chef earlier, I didn't mean to annoy you"He said trying to make her calm "Excuse me, I need to use the washroom"Avia said and left angrily. Emmett was surprised at her sudden change of mood but calm himself down "She's a chameleon, you know this already, you are just not use to the angry her"Emmett said calming himself down. For a moment, he was scared of Avia, he has heard a lot about her back at home and he knows she doesn't even smile so seeing her smile with him is like a gift and he doesn't want to make her angry. She came back to the living room and sat down with him "I'm sorry for getting angry at unnecessary things"Avia apologized "Is this a dream? Why am I apologizing? Avia never apologizes to anyone not even someone she just met."She said to herself inwardly "It's fine Chameleon"Emmett replied with a smile. There was now awkwardness in the room, the cold room became hotter as every second passed by, the two of them were not talking to each other, they just keep staring from one thing to another. Emmett decided to break the long silence, it was becoming more uncomfortable for him "Avia, are we going on a tour tomorrow?"He asked "Yeah sure, who will be the tour guider?"Avia asked smiling "I've been to Japan many times for vacation so I will be your tour guide tomorrow"He said with a smile "Okay, see you tomorrow then"Avia replied with smile "In between, you look pretty tonight"He complimented and Avia blushed. She's putting on a pink crop top and a high-waisted jean trouser, she tied her hair in ponytail so her collar bone can be visible, she's not on make-up. "Thank you Alpha"She replied with a cute smile. The awkwardness in the room disappeared and they started talking once again. It was finally time for Emmett to go home, he said his goodbye to the workers and kissed Avia's forehead when leaving. Avia blushed a little before running to her room to register everything that has happened tonight, as she was thinking about it and smiling, Rita call popped up, she looked at her phone angrily before picking up.

RITA: Avia thank goodness you picked, I've been worried sick about you

AVIA: What do you want?

RITA: Checking up on you since you've been off school

AVIA: Your care isn't needed thank you.

Avia hanged up and the smile on her face earlier couldn't come back, she literally forgot about Emmett and the amazing dinner.


Mary received the photo Mr Hinode sent to her, she was surprised to see who it was, it is Emmett Wales Sternberg the only male child of the Sternberg Family and the second richest in their country. "I thought Avia said the vacation was for her to relax not business"Mary asked herself. She decided to call Avia the next day and ask about Emmett.


After Rita called Avia she finally concluded that her friendship with Avia is done and she has to focus on her boyfriend and Katy.