It was getting dark already, Avia set to go back to the mansion but she really does not want to go back, she enjoyed her day with Emmett and want to spend more time with him. Emmett could feel how reluctant she was so he thought of taking her out for dinner.

"Avia, let's go out for dinner"

"Oh really? I will love to"She beamed

"Let's go shopping first so you can have a change of cloth"

"Okay, let's go"

The duo left for shopping in a nearby boutique, they pick different clothes but Emmett wasn't satisfied with them, he was looking for a dinner gown. Avia went to the dressing room to try another clothes on, by the time she was back, Emmett was paying the cashier and what he bought was been packed by another lady.

"Did you buy something?"

"Yes, we are done shopping, let's go to the salon"He collected the package and took her to the salon area

They got there and he whisper something into the beautician's ear and she started working on the surprised Avia's hair. An hour later, the beautician was done with Avia hair, she looked at in the mirror provided and she smiled like a baby that got new toys.

"You look so pretty with this hair"He complimented

"Thank you"

They leave the salon to go back to his house, when they got there, he took his clothes and rush to one of the guest room to get ready. Avia was eager to unbox the clothes he bought for her. She unboxes it slowly and with doubt that she will like what he got her, she was surprised to see everything in the box.

"He's full of surprises"She smiled

After an hour of getting dressed, Avia walks out of the room majestically, the black silk layered gown she was putting on hugs her body showing off her curves, the glitter peep-toe wedges she's putting on did not stop shining bringing all the attention to her feet, the diamond beaded clutch she's holding is distracting the attention given to the feet, her jewelries called the attention back to them, the teardrop diamond choker sits well on her neck giving her milk skin a lighter color, the matching teardrop diamond earrings makes her earlobes kiss worthy, her elegant diamond bracelet makes her hand look sexy even the luxe diamond studded watch she's wearing is giving her all the attention she deserves. Her make-up was hot, it was the famous online make-up style, her hair complimented her make-up perfectly, she is on the long and free microbraids, she made them earlier at the salon. Emmett looks at her and swallow hard, her body is calling him to come closer to her and finish what they started earlier today(5k views and we go into details).

"You look so pretty"He complimented

"Thank you, it's all your handwork"She smiled

"The clothes is happy to be on your body"He said with a smile

"Shall we?"He asked bringing his hand forward for her to hold

"Yes"She put her hand on his hand and they left

Avia couldn't help but notice Emmett's handsomeness, his black suit makes him so elegant and the silver shirt he wore makes him have all the attention to himself, the diamond stud earring on his left ear gives him the street and office look, her heart skip a beat just by looking at him.


Rita and Carl are on a date in a restaurant close to Carl's house, she stopped visiting him in his house after constant humiliation from his father. The duo are eating silently without talking to each other, after few minutes of silence, Carl finally broke the silence.

"Where is Avia? Been a while I saw her"He asked after clearing his throat

"I heard she traveled to Japan"Rita replied not looking at Carl

"Oh, for business?"He asked wanting to get more information

"No, I don't think so"Rita replied not minding his questions

"Facebook brought it that today is her birthday, have you wished her?"He asked after a mouthful of food

"No, we are no longer friends"Rita replied finally looking into his eyes

"Not friends anymore? What's up with you guys?"He asked wanting to know more

"I really don't know but I think it is all my fault"She replied sadly

"I'm looking for ways to apologise but she's not even giving me a chance so I gave up"She added

"That's so bad, Avia can be difficult to talk to"He said not even reading her sad expression

"Maybe. Her aunt is really trying for her though"She replied with a smile

"Do you want to wish her?"Carl asked after noticing the sad expression on her face

"I really don't want to. If she doesn't want to talk to me then that's fine, I don't want to ruin her day"Rita replied with sad face

"I guess you saw her Facebook story this morning so you feel like she has another friend taking care of her"Carl said looking at Rita who stopped eating

"I really don't know who had the guts to surprise her but I'm happy he or she did. If it's he then maybe he's her boyfriend and I'm happy she found love. If it's a girl then I'm glad she found another best friend that can do things I can't do for her"Rita replied with tears in her eyes

"It's fine, once she's back we will visit her and talk to her about the two of you. Till then I want you to be strong and guess what caused you two to separate like this"Carl said feeling bad for her


Seeing her cry is not what I wanted, I just want to know how she and Avia are. Even if Avia is a celebrity, she doesn't post too much on her social medias but seeing her post 'Birthday breakfast' with a picture of the breakfast and the room design then a picture of her eating makes me know something is not right between this two. Rita did not bother posting her friend or even wished her. I hope I'm not the reason for their issue Or is it me?


I've been trying to get that image off my head since I saw it and now Carl brought it up, I couldn't control my tears. One part of me is telling me it's a girl that surprised her and the other part is telling me it's a man, I don't know which one to believe because she didn't even tag the person that surprised her with the breakfast. It can also be her who surprised herself but knowing Avia very well, she's not the one that did that surprise, she hated celebrating her birthdays and no one is allowed to wish her not even Aunt Mary but seeing that surprise broke my heart. I hope it was a man because if it was a girl I don't think I can take the heartbreak.


Mary was lying on bed with her phone in her hand, she was on Facebook checking people's story when she came across Avia's story, she was surprised to see her post, the Avia she knows never post even if she's a celebrity, most times she does the posting after much nagging.

"Wow so someone surprised her with a birthday breakfast"Mary said with surprise

She keeps checking the story and there was one she posted a minute ago, it was the picture of her hand with a diamond wristwatch and caption is 'What says the time?'. Mary looks at the picture all over trying to see if it was one of her old jewelry but realized it was new.

"Wow whoever bought this has eyes for jewelry"She said still looking at the picture.


If Emmett is the one doing this things for her then I am happy he came into her life. She seems happy but why didn't she wait for me to wish her this morning? Maybe she still doesn't like being wished. Thank you Emmett


Avia and Emmett are still having dinner in the restaurant, they were having random discussion, they talked about their favorite dishes, the day they met and many more. Emmett took his phone, scrolling on Facebook and he saw Avia's story.

"You posted on Facebook today?"He asked feeling happy

"Yes, any problem?"She replied noticing the happiness on his face

"No, just surprised you did"He said sincerely

"The replied are crazy"Avia replied with a smile

"That's nice"Emmett said


Hmmm, I'm surprised! Should I say she's changing or something is wrong somewhere. Wait, is she using me to make Carl jealous? No that can't be after everything that happened earlier I am sure she loves me(5k views and you know what happened). I'm still not convinced she didn't do this for a reason though.


I don't know what he's thinking, he seems surprised seeing my story, yes I don't post too much but today is a happy day for me so I decided to post on my story, I hope he's not thinking otherwise or the post is not that good. After everything that happened earlier (5k views and you know what happened) I am really sure I want him and I should say yes to him anytime soon. I feel like a new person, I feel so energetic around him and posting on my social media doesn't look stressful anymore. I love the comments too.


Avia and Emmett are back from having dinner, the duo look exhausted, Avia sleeps in his bedroom and Emmett sleeps in one of the guest room.


Thank you for 3k views 🥰🙏😩 5K views and I will fulfill my promise 🤗 Mimi_Ano thank you for rating us💕