The next day, the call from the private investigator woke Avia up from bed, she was not ready to pick up especially not in Emmett's house, she texted him really fast [Will call you later today, I'm pretty busy]. She freshen up, wear Emmett's shirt and shorts before going for breakfast. Emmett was already making breakfast for them "What are you making Alpha?"She asked trying to peep

"Jjigae(Korean stew) and Korean fried Chicken"He replied turning to look at the pretty girl

"Yummy!"She licked her lips seductively

Emmett got turned on just by looking at her, he couldn't control himself anymore, he move close to her and kiss her lips, he licks her lips seductively causing Avia to moan. Her soft moan turns him on more, he put his hand under the shirt and was about to squeeze her oranges when Emmett phone rang.

"Pick your call"Avia giggled

"Sure"He picked his phone and left the kitchen to talk to the caller.

Avia also called Mary who called her last night during her dinner date.

"Hello"She greeted coldly

"Avia, how are you doing?"Mary asked

"Good, saw your call last night but I was a little bit busy and couldn't pick up"She replied

"Oh just wanted to wish you a sweet birthday"Mary said with visible happiness

"Thank you"She replied and saw Emmett coming back to the kitchen

"Call you later"She hang up not even waiting for her response.

Emmett finish making breakfast after few minutes, they ate breakfast silently, just looking at each other with love.

"You are such a great cook"Avia complimented

"After going to culinary school, if I don't know how to cook then it's a waste"Emmett said proudly

"You studied history, went to culinary school, what else are you good at?"Avia asked jokingly

"I'm good at romance"Emmett replied moving his hand under her shirt

"Romance indeed"Avia blushed

The two look into each other's eyes before kissing passionately, the kiss lasted for some minutes before they break off to catch a breath. He hugs Avia in his arm and smile happily, finally he's sure she loves him and only him.


Rita went to visit Katy in her house, the house is big and looks almost like a mansion. The friends were discussing in Katy's room

"Babes, I saw Avia's birthday celebration yesterday, it was wow"Katy said with amazement

"I only saw the breakfast, did she celebrate it?"Rita asked trying to hide her sadness

"No girl, after the breakfast post, she posted diamond wristwatch, bracelet before posting the dinner, she also posted herself holding a man's hand, looks like he's her boyfriend, the caption says 'he makes me happy', I really can't believe my eyes when I saw it. The one she posted last was his back, babe, the guy is really tall and his physique is nice too, I'm sure he's handsome. Then she posted on her Instagram feed with the caption 'he surprised with everything I'm putting on. Happy Birthday to me', damn she was putting on diamonds even the clutch she was holding, the guy must be freaking rich, you really need to see the gown she was putting on. Picture credit was given to the guy, oh my gosh, he takes really nice pictures, I'm really gushing over those pictures, the last slide of the picture was picture of his shoe and her wedges"Katy explained with upmost happiness as Rita just watch her say everything she wants to say.

"That's nice, I'm glad she has a boyfriend now"Rita said with visible sadness and happiness on her face

"Why are you sad and happy at the same time?"Katy asked after noticing her emotions

"I'm really happy for her but I'm sad I was unable to wish her"She replied with a smile

"It's fine atleast she's happy"Katy cheered her up

"So how is you and Carl?"She asked changing the topic

"We are cool as always, we agreed on not visiting him at home anymore"Rita replied feeling happy she changed the topic

"That's nice"Katy said and they both smile


Oh my gosh, is she jealous of Avia? She can't be, I know she's contented with what she has. I really can't lie Avia's little birthday celebration was one to die, she's just nineteen years old and she has diamonds bought for her by a man, oh my gosh, I'm a little bit jealous. I feel sorry for Rita a little bit though, she could not wish her so called bestie and Carl's Father won't stop humiliating her, she's going through a lot of shitty stuffs, I really don't care all I want is to be friends with Avia, yeah the great Avia, I'm obsessed and that's why I became friends with this middle class in the first place. Less I forget I have to get Carl too, this middle class can't have my man never.


Wow, a guy really did all that for her? I am the happiest person right now just sad I don't even know who the lucky guy is, my best friend is finally in love, I mean my ex best friend. I am really happy for her


Avia is back to the mansion, Emmett dropped her off earlier before leaving for work. Avia rested for a while thinking about everything that happened between her and Emmett, the reaction on her post on Instagram and Facebook, she was happy that she's happily living her life with the man she loves. In between her thoughts, her phone rang, it was the private investigator, she is afraid to ruin her day with the news or update she's about to hear, she summoned courage to answer the call.

"Hello"She greeted

"Ma'am, I found out something you will love to know"The PI said

"Okay spill it"She replied after heaving a heavy sigh

"Mr Simpson which is your father has a mistress who became pregnant for him. The mistress was paid off by Lorea who is your grandmother. The mistress also works in the Simpson company and her middle name is Rose unfortunately no one knows her first name or middle name and there's possibility she killed your parents"The PI explained

"Any other thing?"Avia asked processing everything being said

"No ma'am"The PI replied

"I really don't know anyone with the middle name Rose that once worked in the company because I recently checked past staffs record to see the ones we can hire again"Avia explained

"Can I have the past staffs file?"The PI asked

"Yes sure, I will send it to you now"Avia said before hanging up.

That was a lot to process for her, she keeps repeating everything the private investigator told her.


Who could have thought that the father I idolize cheated on my mother? Why didn't anyone tell me about it? He was unfaithful to my mother, and this probably led to their death. Why did he have to cheat on my mother? Granny had to pay that lady off so she won't disturb their marriage. I curse the day I idolize my father.


Avia couldn't think straight after the first secret of her family was out, she went to a nearby bar to clear her head off things, she drank too much of alcohol, the private investigator's voice keep ringing in her head.

"I hate you Rose"She shouted diverting people's attention to her. The waiter came close to help her.

"Ma'am do you have anyone to call so they can pick you up?"He asked

"Yes, I will call my boyfriend"Avia replied drunkenly

"Okay call him, I will stay here with you"The waiter said helping her sit properly

"He's way better than my father"She cried

She brought out her phone to call Emmett but he wasn't picking up, she texted him [Hy, I m ourt hery waitun form yoi, thew barj nesxt ton mt hoyse, phick mw up] She sent the text not sure of what she wrote, after few minutes of waiting for him to call back or reply her text, she stands up

"I can go his place myself, just help me with cab"She said drunkenly

"Okay ma'am, let me get a cab for you"The waiter said and rush outside to get a cab for her. He walk her to the cab and it drives off.


Few minutes later, she was at his house, she opens the door, it wasn't locked, she walks to his room and the door was wide open. The scene she saw made her scream, Emmett was having sex with another girl on his bed.

"Emmett!"She screamed loudly causing the duo on the bed to look at the door. Emmett opened his mouth in surprise looking at the drunk girl standing by the door, Avia turn around to leave and Emmett use this chance to dress up.

"Babe, it is not what you think"Emmett said walking close to the girl staggering

"It is not what I think? What do you think I'm thinking?"She asked angrily without looking at Emmett

"Avia, I can assure you that was nothing"Emmett said holding her

"Leave me alone you son of a bitch"Avia cursed angrily pushing his hand away

"Emmett are you really going to stay over there trying to convince that girl?"The lady shouted from the room

"Go to your girlfriend Emmett, go now and leave me alone"Avia shouted angrily and leave the house.

"Avia! Babe please wait!!!"Emmett run after her but missed her.

"Oh shit, why didn't I lock the door?"Emmett lamented

Avia saw a cab immediately she ran outside the house, the cab took her back to the mansion. She entered her room, cover herself with the quilt and sleep off.

The next morning, Avia woke up having hangover from last night, she stayed in bed feeling unenergetic and sick, the view from last night flash back to her and tears flow down her cheek.


Do all guys cheat? Are they so useless that they think cheating is the next thing to do once a girl rejects you? I didn't even reject that bastard, I only told him I needed time to clear my head and mind. My father also cheated on my mother, Carl also did the same thing and now Emmett is walking the same path. Is this how shitty male life is? I hate every guy in this world no offense but I really don't think any guy is different.


Avia phone ranged and it was Emmett, she picked it up almost immediately

"Hey you son of a bitch! Don't you dare call me again, move on with your girlfriend, I really don't need you in my life. Fuck off"She shouted angrily then hanged up without hearing his reply

"How dare he call me? That bastard! What is there to explain? How he enjoyed fucking that shameless girl or what? So shameless"Avia said to herself angrily before using the quilt to cover herself up again.


Emmett look at his phone, he feels so sad for what happened and the current situation. The lady he had sex with the other night walk out of his room.

"Emmett why are you still sulking here? Is not as if you are dating that minor"The lady said touching his exposed chest seductively

"Get off me Rhea, I told you yesterday was bad timing"Emmett said pushing her away

"What can I do? I missed your rod, you've been avoiding me since you met that little bitch"Rhea said trying to suppress her anger

"Stop calling her a bitch you bitch!"Emmett shouted angrily

"Oh so now I'm the bitch. She's the one who stole my man from me. Is she even half beautiful as I am?"Rhea replied angrily

"Yes Rhea, she's the real definition of beauty and you see that girl, I love her"Emmett shouted holding Rhea's wrist

"Oh so you don't love me right? Who am I to you bastard? Who am I? Just tell me my place in your life and I will leave you right away if I own no place in your life"Rhea said angrily

"You own a place in my life but I don't love you"Emmett shouted angrily and leaves the house.


Oh my goodness! Who does this bastard think he is? After all the crazy sex with that over long and thick rod, he just wants to throw me under that girl's shadow? Oh no I won't let that happen, he either marry me or I kill that little bastard he's dating. I will take you back Emmett that's my promise to my dead mother.


Bad timing right? I hope our sweet Emmett and our fierce Queen solves this soon because WTF????