it's three days since Avia travelled to the Philippines, she switched off her phone, cutting everybody off her even Mary was unable to get her. She has been staying in the hotel room all day, she only went to the boutique to get cloth to wear since she left the house with nothing but her phone. She decided to on her phone and check what is happening online, immediately she on her phone, messages keep popping in and most of it was from Emmett, she ignored them and continue checking the ones that are probably from business partners and she saw an unknown number.

[Hey Babe, this is the girl you caught with your man, trust me when I say I drugged him and it was not out of his will. He was just a one night stand and I didn't even enjoy him because I drugged him. Stole your number from him that same night, come back to your man and let him know I settled it so I can get my payment, he's being petty and I really need the money, pity my dying mother.] Avia hissed after reading the message, it was pure lie, she texted the number back out of curiosity

[One night stand? And you already know his name and me? Is that also the work of the drug? He was also clear-headed when he came to me and was talking to me with clear eyes, I'm not stupid dear] Message popped up from the unknown number immediately

[We got to know each other that same night and don't be surprise drugs can do and undo, his eyes became clear when he saw you and yes you screamed too loud. Anyways go back to that guy or he will die] Avia hissed seeing how shameless a girl can be, she blocked the number. She called Emmett

"Hello Avia, how are you?"He asked with concern

"I did not call you to discuss my welfare. Call that bitch and ask her to stop texting me, if she texts me again I will arrest her"She said and hang up not waiting for his reply.

She continue checking her messages and she saw a message from the private investigator asking her to call him immediately. She dialed his number

"Good morning ma'am, I've been trying your number for three days ma'am"He said

"I was off. So any update?"She asked

"Yes ma'am, I still don't know who Rose is from your company but I will definitely find her"

"The new update is that Rose visited your parents house before the fire outbreak but her purpose is unknown, it is possible she started the fire. She came in 7pm and left 8pm which means she stayed in the house for an hour, the fire started 8:15pm, just 15 minutes after she left. She was not there for work because Lorea paid her off a year before the fire"The private investigator explain

"Find who that lady is as soon as possible and how she is involved in my parents death"Avia said coldly

"I will ma'am"The PI replied and Avia hanged up

What she just heard now stab her like a deadly dagger, she wants to know the secrets but she's not ready for it.


I'm really devastated right now because what is all this the private investigator is telling me? Who can accept her father caused their death? No one. I really need to know who that Rose lady is, she has to pay for everything she did to my family because of her I don't have parents anymore. And as for me, I have to be strong and leave my love life aside and focus on my family.


Emmett drive to the hotel he lodged Rhea, he walk as fast as he can to the room, he open the door angrily and barged in causing Rhea who was in the shower to come out with towel, she was surprised to see him.

"Emmett, why are you here?"Rhea stammered

Emmett did not say a word, he moves closer to the girl who was shaking out of fear and grabs her neck with force pushing her to the wall and he throw her on the bed with greater force causing her to gasp for air.

"Emmett please calm down, I was just trying to help you"Rhea pleaded

Emmett look at her with anger and he left the room angrily without saying a word. Rhea called Madeline immediately he left

"Hey sissy"Madeline greeted and she heard Rhea crying "Babe, what's wrong?"She asked with concern

"Big sissy the plan did not work, he's more angry with me"Rhea cried

"I'm so sorry sissy"Madeline consoled

"Can you think of what I can do to please him?"She asked wiping her tears

"Let him miss you, don't run after him anymore. Let him know he lost his dear own"Madeline replied

"Why didn't I think of that? He can't do without sex. Thank you sissy"Rhea said happily and hanged up.


Who does that bitch think she is? Anyways I will make Emmett suffer for what he did to me today, thank goodness I'm use to him choking me or I would have died today. What does that teen has that I don't, I am literally more better than that nineteen years old. Watch out for me.


Rita has not been herself for three days now, everything still seems like a movie to her, Carl is not calling her or looking for ways to talk to her, Katy doesn't feel sorry what she did, now she feels lonely. She decided to visit Mary because she believes that's the only person that can help her with Avia. She got to the Simpson mansion and was directed to Mary's room after she asked her to be sent in.

"Hi Aunt Mary"Rita greeted forcing a smile

"My dearest Rita, have a sit"Mary said pointing to the couch. Rita sit and was waiting for Mary to say something.

"This one that you are here to talk to me, hope no problem"Mary finally said something

"Aunt Mary actually I want you to help me"Rita said not looking at Mary

"I'm all ears dear"Mary replied looking at the sad girl "Maybe she needs money"Mary thought

"I've offended Avia and I know you are the only one that can talk to her on my behalf"She breakdown

"It's fine just tell me everything so I will know how to talk to her"Mary replied feeling sorry for the girl "It wasn't money after all"Mary thought

"I neglected her during the camp which caused the distance between us, I had a boyfriend without her permission, I don't know what might have ended how friendship, I just know it was all my fault"Rita explained with tears

"It's fine. I noticed something was wrong but I don't want to interfere with your friendship. I will talk to her now"Mary said comforting her, she picks up her phone and dialed Avia's number which she picked almost immediately.

"Avia, how are you?"Mary greeted

"I'm good, any problem?"Avia replied

"Yes"Mary answered knowing she will hang up if she says otherwise

"I'm all ears"Avia said

"Rita was here and she said she has offended you, so I think you too should talk it out, she feels really bad"Mary explained

"You can always tell her to text me"She replied coldly and hang up

"This girl and her attitude"Mary commented

"Text her and tell me the outcome"

"Okay Aunt, I will"

"Will be expecting"Mary smiled

"Will be on my way"Rita stands up to leave

"Okay see yourself off"Mary said and she left after saying her good-byes.


Hey don't blame me, I thought she was here for financial help, yes I look rich and live rich but I don't own this money, hahahaha, Avia does. Every money leaving the house account is on her accord that's how careful that little girl is just like her grandmother. This friendship thing I really have nothing to say about it but I'm sure Avia is not ready for that friendship anymore, she just doesn't want to disappoint me or get angry so she agreed.


My lovers 😍 I'm really sorry for the delay, I'm really busy. 5k and we let you know what happened after the breakfast. Keep supporting this little girl 😩 Mimi I have a surprise for you 😘 I love everyone that reads, comment too so I can give you a surprise 🤗

This chapter is short, just accept me like that 🙏😩

The second secret though 🥺