After Carl and Rita's breakup, he and Katy have been living fine, a lot happened within those periods.


Next morning after the scene between Rita and Katy, Carl found Katy in his bed, he doesn't look surprise instead he hugged her so close causing her to wake up. She smiled looking at how he wrap his hands all over her, she turned to look at him face to face and kissed him on the lips leading to deep kisses making Carl touch her all over, squeezing her oranges and touching her wet cooze. Katy stopped him from touching her further by breaking the kiss off.

"Good morning Honey"Katy greeted

"My Sugar"Carl kissed her lips and she move away pretending to be angry

"Are you angry Sugar?"He asked looking at her expression

"What else do you expect after everything that happened last night"Katy replied folding her arms and pouting her mouth

"What happened last night Sugar?"Carl asked trying to remember whatever she was talking about

"So you can't remember everything you did last night"Katy replied trying to hide her smile

"Yes Sugar, can you please tell me what happened so I can apologize for it"Carl said feeling genuinely sorry

"I saw you kissing that middle-class girl, that Rita Wolff"Katy lied pretending to be angry

"You mean I kissed that irritating girl? I must be drunk or on something"Carl said trying to think if he actually did it or she was lying. Katy seeing his expression faked tears

"If I know you won't believe me I would not stay here so you can see how angry I am"Katy said with tears making Carl emotional, he move close to her and hug her in his arms.

"I believe you Sugar, I just feel worse for treating you that way, it breaks my heart knowing I cheated right in front of you"Carl consoled her

"I love the perfume you are on, it smells nice and makes me fall for you"Carl complimented making Katy blush

"Thank you, I will keep using it for you"Katy flushed

Two days later, Katy who has been sleeping over at Carl's house was on phone talking to someone when Carl entered without her notice, she was about to say something when she looked in the mirror and saw Carl looking at her lovingly

"Please don't forget to bring the perfumes, I want a pack now. My boyfriend likes it and I have to look good for him always"Katy continued the call pretending not to see him "Thank you, just a thousand dollar? I will send it to you now"She replied after the receiver said something. She hanged up and turn to the back, she acted surprised seeing Carl standing there.

"Hey honey, have you been standing there for long?"Katy walk towards him like she's surprised

"Came in few second ago"Carl said hugging and sniffing the perfume she's putting on making Katy blush

"Carl, can we go on vacation? I just want to reduce stress"Katy requested with the puppy eyes

"Yeah sure, where do you want to go?"Carl asked lifting her up from the floor

"Japan Honey"Katy replied holding his neck as support

"Japan? Okay, let's book a ticket when you are ready"He said and drop her on the bed

"I am ready baby, let's just leave today"Katy replied holding his hand seductively

"Sure, book the tickets"Carl gave her his phone and he left the room


Hahahaha once I say someone belongs to me, trust me I try everything in my power to get them, I got Carl just in a day and I am sure I will get Avia in just few days due to the fact that she sees me like an enemy. Japan better be ready for me, here I come Japan.


Carl and Katy are in Japan, Katy's family have a cottage in Japan that's where they are both staying. The duo went to an english restaurant to have lunch when a lady walked up to their table, the couple were surprised before Katy finally recover from her surprise

"Hey Big sis"She said happily and hugged the lady who also happily hug her back. Carl was still looking at them in surprise, knowing Katy very well she doesn't have any sister, she's an only child.

"Big sis, why are you here in Japan? Really surprised to see you, my first day in Japan and it's fruitful"Katy said happily like a child

"I should ask you why you are here Katy and won't you introduce me to your friend"The lady said as they both sit down on the chair

"Oh sorry Big sis, I'm just really happy to see you. Carl meet Big sis Rhea she was my senior in school and yes my favorite senior, I see her as my big sis. Big sis meet Carl my boyfriend"The two shake hands

Katy and Rhea are like sisters, Rhea has always been Katy's role model, they went to the same school before Katy changed school, She was four classes below Rhea.

"Nice meeting you. Finally someone has a boyfriend after a long time"Rhea teased

"Nice meeting you big sis Rhea"Carl greeted with a smile before handling the menu to Katy who was crying that she was starving before they came to the restaurant

"Honey, let's order this and this, this is Big sis favorite please add it to the order. Can you please get the order instead?"Katy said looking at Carl with puppy eyes

"Sure, I will be right back"Carl replied and leave the ladies alone

"Wow, such a gentleman"Rhea complimented after he was far gone

"Big sis, he's not like that but I can make him like that"Katy laughed

"Ohhh, thought as much. You this little bitch"Rhea laughed along

"How do you do it though?"Rhea asked with curiosity

"Big sis, I just used techniques"Katy smirked and search for her something in her bag

"You see this perfume and contact lens, they are called small but mighty"Katy said showing Rhea who collected it to check it out.

"What are they used for Katy?"Rhea asked looking at them like ordinary perfumes and contact lens

"Hypnotize"Katy said as soft as possible making Rhea open her eyes wide

"Yes Big sis, he can't do without looking into my eyes and he also can't do without sniffing my perfume"Katy added smiling wickedly

"Can I have this? And you explain better on how to use it later"Rhea asked and Katy nodded positively


I'm in doubt, this can't be that little naive Katy I trained to be strong and brave, OMG, this little bitch was bullied every motherfucking day of her life, she's now so cunny and wicked if that's the right word to use. Hypnotizing her boyfriend with contact lens and perfume? What else can this little bitch do? She's not that little girl I once had control over. I had better watch out for this girl, she can be crazy.


No long cap, her face said it all, hahaha, yeah you had better be scared of me, I am now more dangerous than you can imagine, that little naive Katy is dead and this is the new me. Knowing I hypnotize Carl shouldn't be shocking to you, you all know what I am capable of doing now hahaha, what if big sis Rhea knows what I did to the person that considered me to be her friend then she will definitely run away from me but birds of a feather, flock together, cheers to big sis, hahaha.


Avia is in the hotel room she lodged in reading a document she asked Mary to send to her through mail when her phone ranged.

"Hello"She greeted coldly

"Hello ma'am. I investigated everyone that works for you and found some things. Mary Hart is not who she portrays to be, she knows a lot about the Simpson darkest secrets, she doesn't work for any nanny agency and she's somehow connected to Rose" The PI explained

"Hmm, you mean Nanny Mary is not from a nanny agency? How did she get hired?"Avia asked confused

"Your grandmother hired her"The PI replied

"She probably lied. Any other thing?"She asked

"Yes ma'am. Rose is your father's high school lover, they broke up due to difference in status and background. Few months after their break up, your father engaged your mother but he never loved her."The PI replied

"Okay I guess that's all"Avia said and hanged up without waiting for the private investigator respond.

Avia the strong girl fall on the bed with tears in her eyes, everything seems like a movie to her, her head start banging that she could hear it loudly, she hold her head in her hand before reaching out to a drug on the bedside table, she swallow the pill with the glass of water next to her and she was calm after few minutes.


I still can't believe this, that woman who I love so much and see as my mother seems to know more than expected, who is she exactly? Is she there for revenge? I even made her my company's CEO just because I trusted her more than anybody in this world except granny. Back to my father, why should you marry someone you don't love? Why? Status and background shouldn't matter in love that's what I think but now I guess my father who I call my hero is an example of arranged marriage, he now had the guts to even cheat on her, I don't even have a thing to say right now. Don't worry about my health, I will be fine, it is just small sickness.


Avia leave the hotel room to look for a house to rent, she feels like having an apartment to stay instead of staying in the hotel because it doesn't seem like she wants to leave the Philippines anytime soon. She searched for house agent around and finally saw one, he picked her up from the hotel and also picked another girl up from another hotel before taking them to an apartment.

"This apartment has two vacant rooms but one has been rented out and this is the only vacant apartment that suits your taste, others are not up to the league"The man explained as they are walking into the apartment

"Meaning what?"Avia who has been quiet asked coldly sending shivers down the man and the other girl's vein.

"I two should be roommates"The man stammer

"What's your name again?"Avia asked trying to suppress her anger

"Ma'am, please don't complain to my agency, I'm just trying to help you two out without losing the deal"The man pleaded

"How much is the payment?"Avia who was surprised by the man's behavior smirked

"Fifty thousand Philippine peso ma'am"The man replied shaking

"That should be around nine hundred dollar, will send it to you, get the room ready"Avia said looking at the big apartment "It should be enough for it if she can behave and mind her business"Avia added looking at the girl who remained quiet all this while.

"Thank you ma'am. Let me introduce you to each other"The man beamed

"No need, we won't be friends anyway"Avia said looking at the mute girl.

The man, Avia and the girl drive back to where they were coming from, on their way the man called some people and ask them to clean the house, paint it the way they want it and add some kitchen equipment, the money the duo paid covered up all this expenses.


Happy New Month 🎉 01/11/2022

We are moving fast and getting there🥰 5k views and we know what happened the other day during BREAKFAST 😝