Avia was angry after seeing who was waiting for her inside her rented apartment, she stormed to her room angrily causing Mimi to run after her but before she get to her, Avia lock the door. Mimi knock for a while before going back to the living room to ask Sharon what happen.

"Sharon, why is she angry and who is this lady?"Mimi asked trying to control her anger, she hates seeing Avia like this.

"Ma'am, she's miss Rita, she's miss Avia's best friend"Sharon asked avoiding Mimi's eyes

"Best friend?"Mimi asked surprisingly, she didn't wait for an answer before running to her room in anger

"What's wrong with both of them?"The confused Rita asked. She knows what is wrong with Avia but not the girl she just met.

"I don't know ma'am, I don't think you should stay here anymore, the atmosphere is not friendly"Sharon replied not wanting to offend her boss or her best friend

"Where will I go? This is my first time here"Rita said rubbing her temple angrily

"I think you should call Ms Hart, she might have some connection or idea of where to stay"Sharon replied looking at the angry Rita who is trying to control herself.

"Okay thank you"Rita said and leave the house without looking back.

Sharon who knew she was in trouble pace up and down waiting for either Avia or Mimi to come out but none of them did.


Rita who was angry stand outside the house waiting for Mary who she called earlier to call her back so she can find hotel to lodge for the night. Few minutes later, her phone beeped and she pick up immediately

"Aunt, I was thrown out of the rented apartment, I know no one here please help me"Rita cried bitterly

"I'm sorry, wait for few minutes, a man will pick you up and take you to the hotel I prepared earlier"Mary said feeling sorry for the girl, she pushed her into doing this.

"I know you want to ask how Avia is, trust me she's doing fine and happy, seeing me destroyed all that so I won't be showing my face to her anymore, I will like to leave tomorrow ma'am"Rita replied controlling her tears

"We talk about that tomorrow, for now just have a peaceful night"Mary said and hang up without waiting for reply

Few minutes later, a man came, she board the car and it zoom off. Avia was seeing all this through her window even Mimi could see everything and hear the conversation. She felt bad for overreacting and not asking why she was here or even give her a proper welcome.


The next morning, Avia woke up after hearing Sharon's knock on her door, she opened the door and saw Sharon standing at the door with her loads.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry about yesterday, I know you hate surprises but since it was Miss Rita, I thought I shouldn't ruin the surprise. I will be on my way now"Sharon said looking at her feet avoiding Avia's glare

"You woke me up for this unnecessary talk, once I'm fully awake, we will talk about this"Avia slam the door and goes back to bed to continue her sweet sleep.

Sharon was happy because knowing Avia well she won't leave important matters just for her beauty sleep which means she is safe for now. Mimi comes out of her room feeling so hungry and she saw Sharon dancing in front of Avia's door with her loads.

"Is she happy Avia freed her?"Mimi ask herself as she walk closer to the joyous Sharon

"What's with the happy mood this morning?"Mimi asked which brought Sharon back to her senses

"Good morning ma'am"Sharon greeted looking at her feet

"Morning, how is Avia?"Mimi asked

"She went back to sleep ma'am"

"Is breakfast ready?"

"Yes ma'am, I will set the table"Sharon leave hurriedly

Mimi looks at her and shake her head, she knocks on the door and the door was opened.

"Good morning sleeping beauty"Mimi greeted walking towards Avia who was sitting on the bed

"Good morning Mimi, why are you here?"

"Here to talk to you"Mimi sits beside her

"About what?"Avia turn to look at her face

"About last night Avia."

"Last night? What happened?"

"You don't have to pretend, I know you can't erase that memory off easily."

"I can, actually, once I don't want to remember, I won't remember"

"Okay but we still need to talk about it"Mimi holds her hand

"What do you want to know about last night?"Avia removes her hand and turn her face away

"Rita is your best friend right? Why did you behave like that towards her? She cried a lot you know? She left the house late, are you not worried something might have happened to her?"

"Mimi as much as I will like to avoid this questions, I still have to answer cause it's you asking. First of all, Rita is not my best friend, she's an acquaintance. Secondly, seeing her gets me angry, I left yesterday to avoid drama. Thirdly, I cried a lot too when she messed up, serves her right. Lastly, she came here without an invite so for all I care she can go back to wherever she's coming from, she's not welcome here."

"This seems personal, do you want to talk about it?"

"It's nothing personal or serious , there's no need to talk about it"

"Okay, let's have breakfast"The duo leaves the room for breakfast.

Mimi could not stop thinking about what might have happened between Avia and Rita but she doesn't want to worry too much about it. They were still having breakfast when Avia's phone ranged and she picked up after looking at Mimi.


"Avia you don't have to be rude to your aunt"Madeline said

"I'm busy, can you please say whatever you want to say"

"Just checking up on you since you've forgotten your only family"

"Hmm."She hangs up

"Who is that?"Mimi asked

"Just some pest"Avia chuckles

They continue eating without talking to each other or make any sounds not even with the plate and cutlery being used. Few minutes after breakfast, Mimi left the house after telling Avia she's going to school.


Rita woke up having headache from crying too much last night, Avia's behavior to her the other night taunt her everytime she closes her eyes. She called Mary to know what she has decided.

"Good morning Aunt"She greeted with a cracked voice

"Morning Rita, why is your voice cracked? Did you cry all night?"

"Not at all Aunt, I have throat irritation from eating something bad"

"I'm really sorry for everything that happened yesterday, this is not the first time Avia has acted this way towards you, you giving up easily means there's something more to it. Do you care to tell me about it?"

"Aunt, there's nothing more to it, it is just obvious Avia doesn't need me, she has a new friend there, they were happy together and even went out so I think she doesn't need me. Seeing me will give her headaches and I don't want that, I've caused enough damage"

"I understand your plight, you can give it a try, it's not a must the two of you become close like before, you two can be cool. I want you to go back to her apartment and talk everything out."

"Okay Aunt, I'm doing this because you asked, I really don't want to bother her anymore"

"Just do it dear, no grudges just peace."

"Okay Aunt"She hang up

She dress up and leave for Avia's apartment. An hour later, she got there, walk into the apartment after summoning courage many times in the taxi. On getting there, she saw Mimi leaving the house, she was stopped by Mimi.

"Rita, I don't know what happened between you and Avia but trust me this is not the right time to see her, she doesn't look like she wants to talk about whatever happened between both of you"Mimi said calmly

"I don't think we know each other so you have no right to tell me what to do and not to do. Mind your business!"Rita replied harshly as she is irritated with Mimi's presence

"Avia is my business, she doesn't want to talk to you and you should respect that if you really care about her"Mimi said reciprocating the energy

"I don't know the kind of relationship you share with Avia but trust me I'm still her only trusted friend"Rita who seemed shocked tried to defend herself using her broken friendship with Avia

"If you are truly her friend, she won't have called you an acquaintance and seeing you makes her mad."The angry Mimi said before leaving the shock and sad Rita alone.

Rita stood there watching Mimi leave, she was really shock that no word came out of her mouth, she felt so low and sad. What Mimi said keeps ringing in her head, she could hear her voice over and over again.

"I have to end all this today whether I like it or not, talking to the horse herself will solve everything"Rita summon courage before knocking on the door. The door was opened by Sharon who seemed shock to see her again after everything that happened the other night.

"Is Avia in?"Rita asked bringing Sharon back to herself

"Yes ma'am but I can't let you in without her permission, will you please wait over here"Sharon replied as fast as she could and leave to talk to Avia, she came back within seconds and let Rita in.

"Sit here ma'am, she will be here anytime soon"Sharon said pointing to a couch for her to sit and run to the kitchen.

Few minutes later, Avia came out and walk majestically towards Rita who was now sweating on seeing Avia. Avia sits on a couch opposite her, she cleared her throat before speaking.

"Sharon!"She called and Sharon runs hurriedly to her

"Is the air conditioner not working? Or why is Miss Wolff sweating so much?"She asked sarcastically

"It is working ma'am, the temperature is 16°c ma'am"Sharon replied pointing at the air conditioner

"Maybe you should bring chilled water for Miss Wolff, she needs it, seems she's hot internally"She said and Sharon leave to bring the water she has been thinking on offering Rita but she couldn't. After she drop the water, she leaves the sitting room.

"Avia can you please stop this attitude?"Rita said with cracked voice and teary eyes

"Miss Simpson please"Avia corrected raising her index finger up

"Avia I'm not in for this behavior, I am her to sort out everything"Rita shouted angrily

"Oh, you think I'm in for this? Rita, let's stay the way we are for months now, I love my life without you in it. Please I'm begging let it stay like that"Avia shouted back angrily

"What exactly did I do wrong Avia? Just tell me what I did wrong and I will apologize"Rita said calmly with tears

"You think apology can solve all this? No bitch! Apology can't solve it."Avia replied angrily

"I know not all things sorry can fix but atleast let me know what I did wrong"Rita said walking towards Avia who stood up angrily few seconds ago

"You don't know what you did? You abandoned me for days bitch! You chose a new friend over me, I was sick and you didn't even call to check on me, people I didn't consider my friends or even schoolmates called to check up on me even the Katy you left me for called and check up on me and you think you did nothing wrong. If you didn't abandon me in camp, you would have known I and Carl share some intimate moments together, you would have known he liked me and I like him too but no you dated him without telling me who you consider your friend. And you are here claiming you don't know what you did, is it not obvious?"Avia explained angrily

"Oh my gosh! This is more than I expected. Avia I can swear with anything you want, I didn't do this on purpose. I and Carl are not together anymore, we broke up few days back, Katy played a lot of dirty games on us, please trust me. I accept I'm at fault for everything that happened, it is all my fault"Rita explained with tears

"I've forgotten about everything that happened, that phase of my life is gone now, the part of my life that involved you has been deleted long ago, I don't care if you are with Carl or not, I am done and over with that phase of my life."Avia replied calmly and the anger was still visible

"What can I do to make it up to you?"Rita asked with tears

"Stay away from me"Avia said with a cold and angry voice

"Okay, if that is what will make you happy then I will stay away from you. I want you to know the time I shared with you was the most special time in my life and you will forever be my best friend"Rita replied before leaving the house, she look back to see if Avia will call her back but Avia wasn't even looking at her, she open the door and leave without looking back again.

Rita called Mary to give her feedbacks

"Hello Aunt Mary"Her cracked voice said

"Hey darling, can you stop crying? What went wrong again?"Mary asked with concern in her voice

"I am a bad friend, I made her go through pains, what have I done to Avia? I made her the heartless human being she is right now, I hate myself!"Rita cried uncontrollably

"Rita please just calm down, I will ask someone to pick you up, come back home"Mary said with more concern in her voice before hanging up.


Mimi who was called by Sharon entered the house and saw Avia drinking whiskey, she looks like she's celebrating but with sadness.

"Will you stop harming yourself?"She shouted collecting the drink from her angrily

"I'm not harming myself, I'm celebrating"Avia said slightly drunk

"Celebrating what exactly? That you cut your best friend off your life or what exactly is the celebration for?"Mimi asked angrily giving Sharon the whiskey bottle and the glass cup

"No bestie, I'm celebrating the fact that I'm done with crying and remembering all those memories that broke me"Avia said smiling and crying at the same time

"Avia, I don't know what you're going through or what happened between you and Rita but can you please not hurt yourself in the name of celebrating, we both know how many antipsychotic and antidepressants you will take after this?"Mimi shouted at her angrily but with concern

"Mimi, I loved her, she was the only person that I trusted with my whole life, I don't mingle with anyone but she was an exception. She dated the guy I fell for, I never knew the hard me will fall in love but I did, just for my best friend to date him. She had another friend in a camp I paid for and sponsored, I'm not bothered about that, they were tents mates what do I expect enmity? But when I got sick she didn't check on me, my sickness was because of her but she didn't care. I don't want to trust anyone again because love betrayed me twice and friendship did me dirty."Avia explained with tears as Mimi console her

"It's fine my dear, stop crying, everything will be fine"Mimi console her

Avia cried for few minutes before calming down, Mimi didn't leave her side and console her till she fell asleep from crying too much.

Avia's phone rings continuously that Mimi had to pick it, it seems important.

"Hello, Miss Simpson is currently unavailable"Mimi said like a professional secretary

"Can you please put her on the phone it is very important"The feminine voice replied

"Ma'am, I'm her secretary you can convey the message to me, I will let her know"Mimi said calmly

"Her meeting with Perez group is scheduled for next week, the venue is Japan, all necessary information has been sent to her mail"The lady replied professionally

"Okay ma'am"She said and the call was ended from the other side after a thank you from the voice.

Two hours later, Avia woke up and Mimi told her about the call, why she picked it and the message sent to her.

"Thank you"Avia smiled. She open her mail to check the message and her face changed from slightly happy to angry. She call someone on her phone

"Hello Ms Hart, reschedule my meeting with Perez group if they are not ready to accept my conditions, let's delay them so they can know our worth."She said like the business woman she is.

"Okay, I will do that right away"Mary replied

"If they don't accept by next week then cut them off the list"She added before ending the call.

Mimi was looking at her all this while, she was amaze this teen is handling such huge business, Avia saw her staring with amazement.

"It isn't easy though, I have to do it wether I like it or not. Ever since my grandmother's death, living like a princess became a dream, I have to like a king and handle all the business like a pro. At some point I want to give up but who am I to give up? I feed over one thousand employee and this employees feeds their family, giving up is like killing their family source of income. I attend school so I can live the dream of being the princess I was when my grandmother was alive but I was treated like a demigod or should I say an alpha, it was pathetic but I got used to it."Avia said not making eye contact with the teary Mimi

"I don't envy you, I'm here to school because I want to get away from my father, he wants me to work in his friend's company and marry his son whom I always hated since we were kids. Had to look for a way to get off the arranged marriage and here I am with the strongest teen I've ever seen"Mimi replied wiping her tears.

The duo realize they both had things going one way or the other for them, they hug to console themselves.


I'm sorry famz 😩😭 CREATIVITY IS HARD!!!