Emmett woke up having headache from having too much to drink the other night, he roll on the bed and hit something, he turn to see what it was, he was shocked to see Rhea beside him. He holds his head aggressively trying to remember what happened the other night that made them meet again. He stands up from the bed angrily, walks to the bathroom to wash his face before waking the woman sleeping comfortably on his bed up.

"Wake up Rhea!"He shouted angrily as he come out from the bathroom

"Wake up bitch!"He shouted more loud causing Rhea to wake up with shock

"What's wrong my love?"She asked holding her chest from the shock

"Who's your love? Get up from my bed bitch"Emmett said angrily

"Emmett please look into my eyes, please love"Rhea said opening her eyes wide for him to look into

"Why should I look into your eyes?"Emmett asked angrily before turning to look into her eyes

"I've done that and all I can see is desperation"Emmett said angrily

"Desperation?"Rhea asked before stylishly turning to look at the mirror behind her

"OMG, where did it go?"Rhea asked herself inwardly


Rhea and Emmett go to a club to enjoy the night, the waiter served them whiskey, they were drinking and displaying love, they look so happy together. Soon the drink seems to be intoxicating them.

"Hey waiter"Rhea called and the waiter that served them earlier rushed to her

"Is this more than a whiskey?"She asked trying to stay sane

"No ma'am, you ordered a whiskey and that's what I brought ma'am"The waiter replied and leave when she gives him sign to leave

"I take two bottles of whiskey and I'm not this intoxicated"Rhea said removing her contact lens and placing it on the table. She noticed Emmett has passed out, she call a taxi so they can go home before it is too late. The taxi came and took them to Emmett's apartment. When they got there, Rhea was looking for money to pay the taxi man from her clutch bag and didn't notice that her perfume had fallen off. She finally found money to pay him and with his help, they took Emmett inside.


"Oh shit! How can I be so stupid?"Rhea asked herself angrily not listening to Emmett's scream about her leaving his house

"Stop shouting, I only helped your drunk ass"She said angrily and leave the house after dressing up.

"What the hell is wrong with that girl? Something is not right here"Emmett said after she left. He took his phone to check if he will see any clue but found none, he turn to go to the kitchen when he saw another phone, it belongs to Rhea. He opened the pin with his date of birth and it opened successfully, he checked every nook and cranny of the phone, he found pictures of the dinner they had and other pictures of them. He checked her message with a particular Katy and the evidence of hypnotizing was right in front of him.

"OMG, I was hypnotized? How dare that bitch?!"Emmett screamed angrily.

Few minutes later, Rhea who realized she had left her phone run back to the house, she entered the house and saw Emmett sitting on the couch in the sitting room, she walks pass him to look for her phone, she couldn't find it and she came to Emmett to ask for it.

"Are you looking for this?"He asked waving the phone in the air before she could ask him

"My phone please"Rhea said with fear

"You evil bitch!"Emmett shouted angrily throwing the phone at her

"I'm sorry Emmett, I did it for love"Rhea cried

"Love? Rhea if you really loved me then you won't do this to me"Emmett said angrily

"I love you Emmett and you know it but you chose that teen over me"Rhea replied angrily

"And that's where you are wrong. Before I do what I will definitely regret please leave this house now"Emmett said angrily and Rhea leave the house angrily after picking her scattered phone up.

"I'm so angry with my stupid self, I got myself involve in all this mess in the first place"Emmett talked to himself


Katy became scared after listening to what happened to Rhea, her supplier of the contact lens and perfume has been acting weird, she has only one remaining. She walks up and down the room thinking of what to do next when Rita barged inside her room after the maids attempt to stop her.

"Let her come in"Katy said and the maids leave Rita. Rita walks towards her and slap her hard that the contact lens she was putting on removed

"That slap is for your conspiracy against me"Rita said angrily and slap her on the other cheek

"And this one is for hurting Avia"Rita added before pushing the surprised Katy on the floor

"And that's how your game will end"Rita concluded and was about to leave when she notice Carl was standing behind her. She slap him hard

"That is for lying to me"She said angrily and slap him on the other cheek twice

"That's for turning two friends against each other"She added and slap him again

"And that is for loving me"She concluded trying to control her tears

"Enough of your rubbish Rita"Katy shouted from behind

"Carl doesn't love you, he only loves me"Katy said walking towards Carl who is looking around

"I don't care who he loves, you or me or even Avia, all I know is he's a playboy"Rita said angrily pushing Carl aside

"Rita, I know I confessed to Avia but that was during the camp. I grew to love you and realize I only had lust for Avia"Carl who seems to be back in his senses said holding Rita's hand

"Don't hold her hand Carl"Katy said removing Carl's hand from Rita's hand

"It is me you love now and not Rita or Avia"Katy said holding his face in her hand. He move away from her hand and look at Rita who is crying

"Did you know she loved you and wanted you? Did you? Why didn't you tell me you once had intimate moments with Avia?"Rita asked with tears

"I will answer all your questions, let me clarify Katy first"Carl said after kissing Rita's forehead. He face Katy who was still looking surprise

"Katy, you know I can't love you even if I'm hypnotized it won't work, you are my friend and that's all you can be"Carl said holding Katy's cold hand

"Even if I hypnotize you?"Katy asked before laughing wickedly

"I hypnotized you Carl and you loved me with all your life, you did everything I want, you even broke up with this worthless middle-class girl, you gave me everything I want, for your information Carl, I am pregnant with your child and yes before I forget you promised to get married to me."Katy said touching Carl's face seductively

"You are wicked Katy! You shouldn't have done this to me, I thought we were friends, I treat you different from other girls, I was always there to protect you and gave you a crying shoulder, this is what you did to me. Is this my reward bitch?"Carl shouted at her angrily

"You are wicked Katy! You are this! You are that! I'm tired Carl! You made me like this Carl! Do you know how many times you've rejected me? I've always been here for you but what did you do? You friend zoned me everytime. What do those girls have that I don't?"

"I don't have anything to say to you, I will accept that child after DNA of course, you can't fool me again Katy. As for the marriage, you don't deserve me, I deserve better"Carl replied before dragging Avia out of the room, they saw a woman outside the room, they don't know who she was and they did not bother to greet her.

Katy throw the flower vase beside her to the mirror angrily and it shattered, her mother walks in and move close to the girl who was already sitting on the floor.

"Katy my love"The woman walks closer to her and hug her tightly

"Mother, am I not lovable? Why doesn't he love me? I did everything for him Mum"Katy cried hugging her mother back

"Don't cry anymore, he doesn't deserve you, you deserve someone better and too much tears will hurt your child"Her mother said and help her up.


Carl drive Rita to a park few meters away from Katy's house.

"Please give me a chance to explain myself"Carl pleaded with the angry Rita

"No explanation can mend the damages"Rita answered angrily

"I know. I proposed to Avia not because I loved her but because my father wanted me to, she was the hard girl so I decided to give up but my father keeps pushing me to do what he wants, he was involving me in his business and greed. Trying to get more close to Avia, I got close to you instead and fall for you effortlessly, my love for you was real. To avoid issues with my father, I had to tell him you were my key to get Avia, he's not so smart when it comes to planning so he believed me, on the long run he realized I was in love with you and did everything to send you off. As for breaking up with you before I was hypnotized by Katy, she came to me and told me you were cheating on me, you've been acting weird recently so I could not think straight, all I could think of was all the times you hanged up your calls when you see me coming towards you."Carl explained holding the crying Rita

"I've heard too much since yesterday, I just want to go home, please take me home"Rita sobs and Carl drives her home


Avia and Mimi enter the house laughing so loud.

"I enjoyed that comedy"Mimi laughed

"Can't believe I laughed so hard"Avia laughed too

Avia phone ring and she excuse herself

"Hello?"She greeted

"Hello ma'am. Ma'am Lorea is alive, she's been held hostage by the mystery man"The PI said

"Alive? How come? Whose dead body was that? We buried granny."Avia asked confusely

"The dead body is of Ma'am Lorea's identical twin"The PI replied

"Twin? Granny never said she was a twin, how come?"Avia said confusedly

"Ma'am Lorea found out she was a twin during her trip, she and her twin sister bonded for a while before she went missing, after a while a dead body was delivered to your house and it was that of her twin sister who did not die a natural death"The PI explained

"I still don't understand you, find out more about this twin, what happened to granny and where she's being held hostage. I might want to involve a detective soon, send evidence of her being held hostage to me so I can give a detective"Avia said coldly

"Okay ma'am, I will get back to you"The PI replied and Avia ended the call.

Avia dialed a number and the number picked immediately as if it was expecting her call

"Hello detective, I'm ready to take accept payback"Avia said coldly

"Anything for you ma'am"the detective replied

"I will send everything via mail. I need swift action"Avia said coldly

"Okay ma'am"the detective said and Avia end the call.

She walks back to Mimi so they can continue their conversation about the movie, they just finished watching. Her mood changed but she tried to maintain the smiling face.


What do you think about this??? Lorea is alive???? WTF!!!! Katy and Rhea are exposed💃