Madeline is in her room sipping juice and eating snacks when her phone beeped continuously, she checked who it was and grumped angrily.

"Hi Dad"She greeted

"Don't hi me"Mr Steve said angrily

"What is it this time father?"Madeline asked angrily

"No positive outcome in whatever you are doing, you've been in that house for few months now enjoying and eating all the food"Mr Steve replied angrily

"Father, I'm not enjoying anything here, I pay for rent and every food I eat. I work in the company as a receptionist, don't you get? This place is no fun"Madeline said angrily

"More reason you should hasten up and let's get that property off that girl's hand"Mr Steve replied angrily

"Avia is out of the country, how do I manipulate her? I know nothing about the current situation of this house because Avia the reason I'm here is not here"Madeline said angrily

"Look for ways to bring her back, stop acting like a baby that has no brains"Mr Steve replied with more anger

"I'm trying my best Father"Madeline said trying to calm down

"And where on earth is your sister? That girl just wanders off"Mr Steve asked angrily

"She's in Japan"Madeline replied calmly

"Call her right now and ask her to go to the Simpson mansion, you need help, I can't trust you with this anymore"Mr Steve said angrily

"Okay Father"Madeline replied and hang up

She sigh heavily before dialing Rhea's contact

"Hey Rhea"She greeted

"Oh my love, I missed you"Rhea said happily

"Missed me? You little crab did not call me"Madeline replied angrily

"Hmmm passing aggression, who made you this angry?"Rhea asked

"Father wants you where I am right now, he's pissed I've not gotten anything done yet. He's not understanding that this thing takes a lot of plan"Madeline replied calmly

"Send address, I really want to get my head off whatever happened here in Japan"Rhea said with a fake smile

"What happened little crab?"Madeline asked

"A lot Sis, I finally got dumped, I will explain better in person"Rhea replied after heaving a sigh

"Okay, please be here by tonight, I can't take your father's insult anymore"Madeline said and end the call


Mimi is in her room, she's skipping class today, she's feeling sick but doesn't want to disturb Avia because it is obvious Avia needs all the help not her. Her phone ringed and it was her father Mr Cruz

"Hi sir"She greeted. She's not the type of girl that grew up to call her father; Dad, Papa, Father or any other name you can call your father. In their family they are to respect their elders, so she grew up calling her father; Sir and her mother; Madam.

"I want you back home in three days"Mr Cruz said with a cold and stern voice

"Sir, I have test in three days"Mimi replied with shaky voice

"Anything passing three days, you are disowned"Mr Cruz said and end the call

"Fuck!"Mimi cursed loudly

Her phone ring again and this time it was her mother

"Hello Madam"She greeted trying to suppress her anger

"What is that I'm hearing from Mr Cruz? If the time should hit 12am on Tuesday, you are done for"Mrs Cruz said angrily and end the call

"I hate this fucked up life"Mimi lamented angrily


In my family, there's nothing like disrespect, you can't even call your own mother; Mum, funny right? Even my mum I mean Madam can't call her husband any sweet name, her husband's name is Mr Cruz, another funny culture right? And my father calls her Mrs Cruz, another funny one right? Even my grandparents are all about this respect shit, I call them Old Mrs Cruz and Old professor Cruz. Arranged marriage is accepted in my family, they are a lover of alliance and they will do anything for the betterment of their company. I remember when I refused the arranged marriage, Old professor Cruz told me this is how it is done in my family, you can't escape it. I laughed and planned how to escape it, I told Sir even if I'm going to work in a company, I should be educated on whatever I will be working on and that's how I got here. Oh shit, they calling me back means the boy's family is coming, OMG I hate this life. We are in the 24 century for crazy sake.


Rhea was picked up at the hotel by Madeline, the taxi drive to the Simpson mansion, the two sisters were chatting and laughing loudly in the taxi. Few minutes later, they were in the Simpson's mansion, the taxi driver help them with their load and he drove off.

"OMG, your mother is so fucking rich"Rhea said looking at the tall mansion

"My mother?"Madeline laughed

"Yes, your mother"Rhea replied still looking at the mansion

"My niece is rich, my mother did little and she did more"Madeline reply as they walk towards the entrance

"How old is that girl again?"Rhea asked looking at Madeline

"Nineteen"Madeline replied

"OMG! I'm going to be her friend"Rhea said happily

"Friend?"Madeline laugh

"Yes Sissy"She replied with happiness

"You don't know who you want to deal with, let's be in our personal space first then I will explain things to you"Madeline said and they enter the house.

Mary saw them coming in, she walks up to them.

"Who is this?"Mary asked looking at the indecently dressed Rhea from head to toe

"Who are you to ask?"Madeline asked back rudely

"Who is this Sissy?"Rhea asked looking at Mary from head to toe

"My niece's Nanny"Madeline replied and the sisters laugh

"I will call the one to sort out this issue"Mary said and bring out her phone. Rhea collect the phone from her and hit it on the wall, the phone scattered on the floor.

"What have you done?"Mary asked angrily

"Oops! That was a mistake"Rhea replied mockingly and the sisters laugh

"Stay away from my sister, she's more dangerous"Madeline said and the two walk away.

Mary was still surprise by their attitude, she look at them as they leave, she wants to call Avia but decided to punish Madeline in a better way.


Mimi knocks on Avia's door and she entered after a response from inside.

"Hey baby girl"Mimi greeted as she walk up to Avia

"Mimi Cruz"Avia teased

"I have something to discuss with you"Mimi said as she sits on the couch in Avia's room

"Spill it"Avia replied

"I will be going back to America in three days, my parents said it's urgent"Mimi said playing with her fingers and avoiding Avia's eyes

"Okay, let's go together then. I have some work to do at home too"Avia said not wanting to pressurize Mimi, it's obvious she doesn't want to talk about it.

"Okay thank you"Mimi replied and hug Avia after heaving a sigh of relief. She was expecting Avia to ask her question but became happy when she didn't.


Rhea and Madeline are still laughing because of what happened earlier, Madeline help Rhea settle in her room.

"Did you see her face, she's definitely crying right now"Rhea laughed and Madeline burst into laughter

"Enough of the joke. That person is Avia's right and left hand"Madeline said sitting on the bed

"You can't be mean to her when Avia is around, be nice and treat her with respect when Avia is around"Madeline added

"Also don't get on the nerves of Avia, she's not like every other teen, she's really disciplined and crazy"Madeline explained

"Lastly, avoid using too much in this house, I pay for everything I use"Madeline concluded

"You must be going through hell"Rhea said shaking her head

"Hell is an understatement"Madeline replied and they both laugh

"Where is the Avia?"Rhea asked curiously

"She's out of the country and I don't think she's coming back anytime soon"Madeline replied

"Then how are we going to accomplish whatever we are here to do?"Rhea asked

"Exactly my point. I've tried calling and talking to her but she's never available"Madeline replied

"Since that nanny of hers is her right and left hand, let's do something that will make Avia come back because of her"Rhea said as low as she can

"Like hurt her? or what?"Madeline asked confusely

"Yes Sis, let's send her to the hospital"Rhea replied

"Nice idea, what should we do to send her to the hospital?"Madeline asked cluelessly

"OMG sis, we can do a lot of things to send her to the hospital. Let's push her off the stairs."Rhea replied

"We will get caught Rhea"Madeline said looking at Rhea cluelessly

"Sis, stop acting like a snail without brain. You are too slow. We will pour oil on the stairs to make it look like an accident."Rhea explained

"Rhea, we will still get caught, the kitchen is not upstairs"Madeline replied cluelessly

"Shit Sis! Father is right you've been enjoying here and doing nothing. You will ask the chef to bring olive oil to your room that you want to use it, you will pour some in a bowl before returning it to the chef, once the chef is gone, we can carry out our plan"Rhea explained

"Oh so the chef will get blamed. Now I understand, what a plan"Madeline said with a smile.

"Now I want to know everything that happened in Japan"

Rhea explained everything that happened to her sister and Madeline was surprised how mean her sister is.

"I'm an amateur beside you Rhea"Madeline hailed and the sisters laugh. They continue chatting about random things.


And we've come to the end of chapter 30

The author and book will be going on a break for now. School has resumed and I have to focus. We are pausing for now 🥰 Anticipate it!!! Wait for us here and don't go anywhere!