Avia booked flights for herself and Mimi, she still hasn't asked Mimi what the problem is. Mimi has also been avoiding her using school as an excuse for being busy. It was their last night in Philippine and they still haven't talked, Mimi is not back from her so called school yet just to avoid Avia.

"Sharon, I want you to order different dishes from the best restaurant around and set up a friendly but romantic dinner date"Avia ordered

"Yes ma'am"Sharon replied and leave to start the preparation.

An hour later, she was done with the preparation, she was lighting the blue scented candles she bought when Avia walk up to her.

"This is nice!"She complimented looking around

"Where is the flower I asked you to buy?"She asked looking for the flower

"On your side table ma'am with the blank note and pen"Sharon replied and Avia leave

As Sharon said she saw the flower and everything she asked for, she pick the blank note and pen, she wrote something on the blank note and attached it to the flower.

She stands up and dress for the night, while she was in the shower, Mimi came home and Sharon told her that Avia ask her to dress up in one of her best clothes. She also hit the shower to freshen up and dress up.

Few minutes later, the girls were done, Avia was the first to come out, she knock on Mimi's door and waited for the beautiful white angel to open the door. Mimi walk out of the room in a pink mini off shoulder dress, gold summer sandals heel, bubble gum gold handbag, gold quartz dangle earring, gold stacked Bangles and her hair was packed in bun with no make up on her face.

"You look so beautiful"Avia complimented with a blush

"Thank you the great Avia"Mimi replied with a smile.

"Let's go"Avia said and lead the way

Avia is never to be caught unfresh, she was putting on a leather black mini dress, black chain detail thigh high boots, black leather envelope clutch, black spike earring, black heart line leather choker, black punk leather cuff, she packed her hair in ponytail and no make up.

They reached the dining room where the surprise is waiting for Mimi, she was stunned and surprised to see everything prepared for her. Avia gave her the flower she had bought and Mimi read the note in the flower.

'Yellow roses symbolizes friendship, joy,

warmth, happiness and affection. I want

you to know no matter what you are going

through it will get half solved only by

sharing. Be happy always my friend.'

"Thank you for the flower and sweet words"Mimi said wiping her dropping tears

"I'm sorry for avoiding you all this while, it was not just working out well"Mimi added still wiping her tears

"Don't forget a problem shared is half way solved"Avia said with a smile

"Thank you"Mimi replied with more tears

"Do you like what you see?"Avia asked trying to divert her attention.

"A romantic dinner at home? All dressed up? I love it Avia"Mimi said and hug Avia with tears in her eyes

"Thank you for the surprise"Mimi added with more tears

"Hey crying baby, don't ruin your pretty face with tears"Avia said loosing the tight hug

"Let's sit down and eat, I'm really hungry"Avia said and they sit down to eat.

They ate quietly, no one talked to each other, they seem to be waiting for the first person to say a word. Finally, Avia broke the silence

"After dinner, let's have a walk all dressed up and tour this beautiful city. Our flight is early"Avia said after chewing her food

"I will love to do that. Anyways you look so beautiful, can I take a picture of you?"Mimi replied with a smile

"Sure, I will like to post on Instagram"

After their meal, they set to go out and explore the city, the girls look so beautiful that everyone on the street takes more than one glance at them.

"Wow, this place is beautiful"Mimi said looking at the garden which was light up perfectly

"Yes and a perfect spot for picture"Avia replied and they both laugh

Mimi took different picture of Avia with different pose and from different angles, Avia also did same to her. Avia posted her favorite from the pictures on her feed with the caption; 'Poison!'

She then posted the dinner preparation picture on her feed with the caption 'She's mine'. Her notification and phone became restless after the post. After her dinner date with Emmett, she hasn't update her social media. Mimi could not post the pictures to avoid her parents lecturing her about respect for the body and night.

"My notification is on fire, the comments are just crazy"Avia said showing the sad Mimi her phone

"Good for you"Mimi replied not looking at the phone or Avia

"And we are back to sulking"Avia said retracting her phone and kept it back

"I'm sorry, I can't just help it"Mimi replied with shaky voice

"Do you want to talk about it?"Avia asked

"Not yet Avia, I don't have the courage to tell you yet"Mimi replied and they started walking once again admiring the beautiful city but this time it was silently, no one was talking to the other.


Katy is in her room sulking over the loss of Carl and scrolling on Instagram when she saw Avia's new posts. She smiled looking at the picture of Avia but became sad looking at the dinner picture. The caption seems to be telling her to back off and that Rita is hers, her sadness became overload after her thought.

"You are indeed a poison, a deadly one of course but why claim Rita and not me"Katy said with tears, she tried controlling herself so her mum won't get worried.


Rita who has been home all day since Carl drove her back to her house after Katy's revelation, took her phone to scroll on social media and see latest update from celebrities when she saw Instagram notification for Avia's posts, she clicked on it and saw the picture of Avia, her hands were itchy to type a comment but she doesn't want to annoy Avia.

"If I was to comment then my comment would have been Deadly beautiful poison in the dark but I dare not comment if I truly love you"Rita said with sadness before scrolling down to see the other picture and this one broke her heart.

"I know this caption and dinner is meant for Mimi and not me, I fucked up big time"Rita said with tears rolling down her eyes.


Emmett who seem to have gotten over everything that happened between him, Rhea and Avia was scrolling on Instagram when he saw Avia's new update, he smiled looking at her picture and wondered how she was doing.

"I was not the best for you and I don't think I deserve you, I hope you can forgive me and let us be cool once again"Emmett said then kiss the picture and smile


It is five in the morning, Avia and Mimi were done packing and on their way to the airport. The friends were sad and not talking to each other till they reach the airport. They board the plane. After two hours of not talking to each other since they board the plane, Avia finally said something.

"I can't believe you still don't want to talk about whatever is happening to you"Avia said not looking at Mimi

"If you are in trouble don't hesitate to call me, I will be there in a sec"Avia added still not looking at Mimi.

Mimi felt guilty for not talking to Avia, she looked at Avia who was looking out the window before looking for the nearest flight attendant. She summoned the slender lady.

"Miss, can I change my seat?"Mimi asked as low as possible

"No extra seats ma'am but I can definitely asked if anyone will like to swap seat with you"The flight attendant replied

"Don't bother, I will manage"Mimi said not wanting too much drama. The flight attendant leave after confirming she was okay with managing the seat.

"You can swap seat, I don't mind as long as the person doesn't bother me"Avia said after the flight attendant left.

Mimi look at her then cover her face with the quilt to avoid conversations and stares.

The journey was seventeen hours long and they were like two strangers sitting next to each other even strangers would have said something to each other. Avia worked throughout the flight and only rested for four hours. Mimi covered her face crying under the quilt till she sleep and wake up again, she drink water, cry and sleep again throughout the flight.

Finally, they are in United States of America, a driver picked Mimi up before Avia, they hugged and departed. Avia called a taxi to take her home. She purposely didn't announce her arrival to anyone to avoid unnecessary greetings and drama.


The taxi drive into the mansion, Madeline and Rhea were sitting in the garden enjoying the fresh air when they heard the maid shouting that Madam is back. The sisters look at each other and run inside the mansion to see who was back, it can be Mary and not Avia.

Avia get down from the taxi, the bouncers help her with her load, she looks at the mansion and walk in majestically.

"Home sweet home"She said as she entered the house.

"Welcome ma'am"The servants chorused

Madeline and Rhea were in shock to see her back without them carrying out their plan, they snapped out of their surprise expression when the servants greeted. Madeline walk forward to greet Avia.

"Oh my darling Avia"She hugged her

"Hi Aunt Madeline"Avia greeted back with a fake smile

"I missed you so much Avia baby"Madeline said releasing her from the hug

"That's nice"Avia replied faking another smile

"Avia meet my stepsister Rhea"Madeline said and Rhea walks up to them

"Welcome back Avia"Rhea greeted with a smile.

"Thank you"Avia said and walk away from them hiding her anger. The sisters watch as she leaves and smile at each other.

"Finally, she's back"Madeline said happily

"We didn't even have to do anything"Rhea replied looking at the girl walking majestically to her room.


Mary enter the house and realize the atmosphere has changed from the usual way and it is now colder than before, only Avia can make the house like this. The chef saw her coming in and run to tell her that Avia is back.

She walk pass the chef happily after his information to see Avia. She knock her door and Avia's distance voice asked her to come in.

"My baby girl"Mary hugged Avia happily and was happier when Avia hugged her back. She stopped hugging her to look at her well.

"You've grown up princess"Mary said smiling happily

"I really missed you, you didn't want to talk to me if it is not work"Mary said with tears

Avia was looking at the over joyous Mary and tried to control her anger.

"Sorry about that Nanny, I needed space"Avia finally replied trying to control the anger in her.

"We have a guest, do you know about her?"Avia asked hoping she would say 'no'

"Actually Avia...."Mary replied but was cut off by Avia

"....This is my house Nanny and I have the right to know about everyone that stays in my house. I left you in charge of the house because I trusted you to take great care of things here and you know what I hate most is unwanted guest"Avia said as calm as she could

"I'm sorry Avia, the sisters went crazy when I was about to call you and broke my phone"Mary replied feeling sorry

"I'm not angry I mean I'm really angry but getting angry is not the solution"Avia said calming her nerves.

"What was prepared for dinner? I'm really hungry"Avia said cooling the atmosphere

"I will ask the chef"Mary replied and leave the room happily.

Avia watch as she leaves and call Mimi once Mary was out of sight.

"Hello Miss Cruz"Avia greeted jokingly

"Hi, this is not Miss Cruz, she's busy at the moment"A voice said and end the call

"Weird!"Avia said looking at her phone.


Home sweet home and boom an unwanted guest! I'm angry but acted like I wasn't, I don't want to show my anger to Nanny Mary, she's happy to see me maybe to complete her mission here but happy she's happy though. I still don't know what is wrong with Mimi, I'm really worried about her, she doesn't seem happy to be going back home, I hope she's fine and will call if there's any problem.


It was time for dinner, Avia, Mary, Madeline and Rhea were sitting at the dining table waiting for food to be served. The chef served Avia first then Mary, Madeline and Rhea, they started eating and everywhere was quiet.

"Sissy, the food is nice, the chef is such a great cook"Rhea who doesn't know the rule of the dining said after chewing her food

"Table manners"Mary warned and Rhea look at Madeline who gave her sign to comply.

After dinner, Avia asked them to meet her in the sitting room, she seats on the throne like chair waiting for them to come. Few minutes later, they were there.

"Aunt Madeline, what is your sister's name again?"Avia asked coldly sending shiver down everyone's veins

"Rhea"Rhea replied before Madeline could talk

"Miss Rhea, are you here to live or you are a guest of Aunt Madeline?"Avia asked

"She's a guest Avia"Madeline replied before Rhea could answer

"Hmm, that's no problem as long as her bills are on you, I don't mind"Avia said

"Her bills are on me don't mind"Madeline replied as calm as she could

"Sissy, I thought this was your mother's house why do you have to pay for everything you use? I thought you were kidding when you said it"Rhea said not been able to calm her nerves as she saw Madeline trying to please Avia

"This is her stepfather house and property, her mother who is my grandmother worked her ass out also after her stepfather's death but she is not even her stepfather's daughter. My father was adopted by her mother's husband which makes me the owner of this house and yeah granny gave everything to me. She worked morning, night for everything you can see here. And I worked my ass out to keep the record going and break every record, this is my house and my rules. Don't forget that Rhea"Avia said angrily and leave the sitting room

"Who does that bitch think she is?"Rhea asked loudly enough for Avia to hear. Avia turn back on the stairs she was and stare at Rhea

"I am Avia Simpson, the great Avia the owner of this house and if you are not going to obey my rules, the door is wide opened for unwanted guest"Avia said and leave without looking back

"Big sissy, I'm done staying just few hours that she is here, I'm suffocating already"Rhea said and leave angrily too. Mary and Madeline look at each other and leave also.


Madeline enter the room angrily and slap Rhea who was already packing her things

"What was that for?"Rhea shouted angrily

"Is this you being smart? I told you not to mess with Avia but what did you do?"Madeline shouted angrily

"Did you slap me for that girl?"Rhea asked angrily

"That slap was to reset your brain infact let me call father"Madeline said and dialed her father's contact

"Hello Father"Madeline greeted

"Warn Rhea to stay away from getting Avia angry if she wants to stay in this house and help me"Madeline said angrily not waiting for him to respond to her greetings

"What happened Madeline?"Mr Steve asked

Madeline explain everything that happened to him.

"Give her the phone"He said after listening to her explanation

"Rhea pressurize her but don't make it so obvious"Mr Steve said

"I'm sorry father, just angry sis is living like a slave in this house"Rhea said feeling sad

"That's what will push you to speed up the process"Mr Steve replied

"Okay Father"Rhea replied and the call was ended at the other end.

"I'm sorry Sissy"Rhea apologized and hug Madeline

"I'm sorry too"Madeline said with tears.

The sisters made up.