Avia and Mimi got back home after the long ride, Mimi was stunned to see how magnificent the mansion is, they both walk inside the house majestically. Mary, Madeline and Rhea walk up to them.

"Good evening Nanny"Avia hugged Mary

"Hi my Avia"Madeline greeted

"Hello Aunt"She greeted back

"Meet Mimi, my best friend. She will be staying here from today"Avia said emphasizing on best friend

"Will she be paying rent too?"Rhea asked

"No! I own this house and this is my best friend"Avia replied walking away

"Good evening everyone"Mimi greeted

"Nice to meet you"Mary greeted and follow Avia

"Thank you"Mimi said looking at the house

"Know your place in this house"Rhea said and leave

"Don't mind her"Madeline replied and follow Rhea

"Weird people"Mimi said looking at them leaving and Avia that's coming towards her

"Why are you still here?"Avia asked, she came back after realizing Mimi did not follow her

"You did not ask me to follow you"Mimi replied

"You need invite? Are you not tired in this dress?"Avia asked as they walk away.


They entered Avia's room, Mimi look at the magnificent room with amazement, the bed was twice infact thrice her bed.

"Wow, I know I came from a rich family or should I say a okay family but damn girl, you are filthy wealthy"Mimi said still surveying the room

"Babe hit the shower"Avia said as she removes her jewelries

"You can keep your jewelry in my box till I get you a new one"Avia said walking towards the closet

"Thanks for today Avia"Mimi said hugging her

"You stink"Avia replied and they both laugh.

Mimi entered the bathroom while Avia off her dress. Few minutes later, they've freshened up, Mimi was in one of Avia's pyjamas.

"Do you want to have dinner?"Avia asked

"A snack will do"Mimi replied

Avia pick the telephone on the table and dialed a number, she ordered for snacks. Few seconds later, someone knocked on her door, she opened the door, a maid entered the room and drop the snacks on Avia's mini dining table before leaving the room.

"Thank you"Mimi said as she eats.

"Why didn't you tell me the arranged marriage was the reason your parents called for you?"

"I'm sorry Avia. I did not want to involve you"Mimi replied feeling guilty

"I thought we were buddies?"

"Yes we are! I thought I could handle it but my parents were not reasonable"

"Handle it? How do you want to talk to someone who wants to do everything for their business?"

"I'm sorry Avia. Why were you in the party?"

"Venessa invited me.The people you think wants to save your family are also looking for ways to save their company. Your family's company is like a strategy to save their company, if I don't sign contract with them, their company will go bankrupt."

"Wow! This is disheartening, I feel cheated"Mimi replied sadly

"Your parents are unreasonable, they only care about their company's rate in the city and country including the world, your company is richer in shares than the Perez group but greed of wanting to be among the top companies is what blinded your parents. The Perez group needs partners and shareholders to help their contact or they will go bankrupt"

"They betrayed my parents"Mimi said angrily

"Your parents should have made their research first before trusting them, this is business not a game"

"Thank you Avia. What could I have done without you?"Mimi hugged her with tears

"It's fine. I won't be signing the Perez contract if they are partners with your family's business"

"Why Avia?"Mimi asked surprisingly

"Because they are cheating your family, your business is doing well in the market, they just need it to be in more capable hands and Perez Darwin is not capable only Venessa is capable"

"There's fucking lot to business"Mimi said

"Yes dear. Let's rest now, it's a new busy day tomorrow"Avia said as she climb on the bed to sleep.

"Avia?"Mimi called


"Who is that girl beside your Aunt?"

"Rhea? She's my aunt stepsister and of course a guest here"

"Oh thought she was your elder sister"Mimi said and Avia laugh

"Hell no! She's not even a family. Why did you ask?"

"Nothing, just want to get familiar with everyone"

"I will introduce you properly tomorrow"



"Rhea, this isn't your house. What if that girl tells Avia what you said to her?"Madeline said angrily

"Not my fault your Avia answered me rudely! How can someone be that rude? Is this how she behaves? I will definitely teach that teenager a lesson"Rhea replied angrily

"How did she reply rudely? You were trying to mock her"Madeline said trying to calm down

"Are you going to support that girl?"Rhea asked angrily

"I'm not supporting you or Avia, don't just come here to ruin the good reputation I've been trying to maintain. Be nice to Avia and this new best friend of course, Mary not excluded"Madeline replied and leave the room angrily

"Be nice to this! Be nice to that! Are they nice to me?"Rhea shouted angrily


The next day, Avia woke up early as usual, wore casual clothes, went to the study to complete her work. She asked Mary to see her in the study

"Nanny"Avia called

"Yes princess"Mary answered

"I'm pissed at you for something you did"

"What's that baby?"Mary asked

"I know you sent Rita to Philippine"

"Not what you think"Mary replied scratching her hair

"Nanny, whatever happened between I and Rita might have effect on me but that's not the reason I was the way I was"

"I'm sorry I was looking out for the two of you"Mary replied feeling sorry

"I understand, is that why you acted coldly to Mimi?"

"You are getting it all wrong, I was surprised"Mary replied

"Rita is now part of my past, I put her in a high place and I was below in her life. I am not angry with her and I won't get angry at her as long as she doesn't come into my life. Mimi is my present, she place me in a higher place in her life, she cares about me even when I was cold to her. You have to accept her and be good to her, she has gone through a lot in the last few days"

"I understand you Princess but can't you be cool with Rita? She has been there for you all your life"Mary said

"I was there all her life and I am willing to be there if she needs me but the friendship is done and over with"

"Okay if that's what you want"Mary said realizing that no matter what she says Avia yes is yes and her no is no.

"Remove the Perez group from the list of companies we want to be their shareholders"

"What? Why?"Mary asked surprisingly

"They have the best proposal except from their request which they are trying to mend"Mary added

"Ms Hart, those people are frauds, I went through their contracts again yesterday and I found all this hidden writings under"Avia said giving Mary the document

"Oh my gosh, this people think they are smart"Mary said surprisingly

"They've forgotten I am the great Avia"

"I want you to award the contract to La' Cruz company, call them for meeting tomorrow"Avia said as she continue working

"But they are not among the waiting list"Mary replied checking if by any chance the company is among the wait list

"Yes, I know. I will send my contract after lunch, call them before lunch"Avia said not looking at Mary

"As you wish"Mary replied knowing she won't change her decision

"I want a very healthy breakfast, don't forget Mimi is staying here too. She likes green tea in the morning, it should be taken to her every morning. After breakfast I want to meet everyone working here, Madeline and Rhea included"Avia said and Mary leave the study


After breakfast, everyone gathered in the lounge, Avia as usual sit on the throne like chair. Madeline, Mary, Rhea and Mimi sits on the couch while the employees stand.

"First of all, I'm impressed with the way I met my mansion except for an uninvited guest of course, to compliment your hard work, I will be adding fifty percent of your original salary to your salary. Secondly, the purpose of the meeting, I'm sure you can see a new face here, Her name is Mimi, the same respect you give me, I want you to give her."Avia said

"Now, our food routine will change, you cook more and every morning I want you to bring green tea to my room for Mimi and milk every night. You miss a day, fifty percent of your salary will be deducted. I also want you to clean the guest room, I will call some people to work on it."Avia added

"Let's all continue to work hard, everything we do now, we reap in the future. Meeting dismissed"Avia concluded and all the employees leave murmuring.

"Mimi, this is Aunt Madeline, my grandmother's daughter and my father's younger sister, that is her stepsister Rhea and this is my nanny Mary"Avia introduced pointing at them

"Everyone this is Mimi, cherish her the way you cherish me and if you don't cherish me then don't cross her path. I don't joke with her"Avia said coldly

"You are welcome to the family Mimi"Mary said faking her smile

"Yeah welcome the wanted guest"Rhea said and leave the lounge

"I want Rhea out in three days"Avia said as loud as possible

"Avia please I haven't even spent quality time with her"Madeline pleaded

"Aunt Madeline, you can spend your quality time else where"Avia said and leave angrily

"Mimi, please help me talk to Avia, please"Madeline said folding her hands

"I will talk to her"Mimi said holding Madeline's hand

"Don't involve yourself"Mary said and leave the lounge too

"I will talk to her don't mind them"Mimi said and leave the lounge too


"Avia my love"Mimi called out as she enter Avia's room

"Don't bother, it was a threat"Avia said knowing why she was there

"Less I forget, you will follow me to the office tomorrow"Avia said

"Okay but I have nothing to wear"Mimi replied

"Oh that's true. Once I'm done with work in the study, let's go shopping"Avia said and Mimi nod

"Thank you for everything Avia"Mimi said looking at Avia

"I did nothing girl"Avia replied with a smile

"You did a lot"Mimi said as tears drop from her eyes

"Why the tears?"Avia asked

"I've been thinking of what I did in my past life or in the past that made me meet a friend like you."Mimi replied with tears

"Your kind heart and meddling"Avia said and laugh

"You refuse to leave my life alone dumb girl"Avia added and laugh again

"Do you know how many times I pushed you away? But you still come back to meddle in my life"Avia said as she sits beside her

"You refused to leave me, you are always around to help me even when I did not call you and when I do you are just a call away."Avia added

"No one can stand me when I'm cold, they say you are cold but emitting fire. You were there even when the fire was burning you. Till now you don't know what is wrong with me or why I am like this but you seem to understand me more than I understand me. You are my one true friend and you deserve more than this"Avia said while Mimi was crying softly

"You are making me emotional"Mimi said wiping her tears

"Dumb girl, go to the closet and wear something nice, we are going for shopping"Avia said pushing Mimi away

"You are a chameleon"Mimi said and laugh

"Don't call me that, I hate the first person to call me that"Avia replied coldly

"I'm sorry"Mimi apologized and leave for the closet

"I will be in the study"Avia said and leave the room


"You are crazy"Madeline shouted at Rhea

"That girl is too much"Rhea shouted angrily

"This is her house bitch!"Madeline replied angrily

"And I am a guest here, I deserve some respect"Rhea shouted angrily

"You are my guest not Avia's guest"Madeline said angrily

"I'm living in Avia's house and not your house"Rhea replied sitting on the bed

"Why are you not understanding things? This is not the right way to do all this things, we need her trust not her hate, don't you understand?"Madeline said as calm as possible

"Sissy, we can't be gentle with this girl, it will be hard to gain her trust, if we can't gain her trust then we must do something else"Rhea replied calmly

"She has begin to trust me, you are slowing down my progress"Madeline said

"Sissy, we have no time to waste."Rhea replied

"I know but patience is virtue, wether you like it or not, her trust is what we need not any harsh attitude"Madeline explain

"Okay, do it your way and I handle it my way"Rhea replied before leaving the room angrily

"This girl is joking with Avia"Madeline said to herself.


Avia and Mimi go shopping in the most expensive boutique in the city. Mimi opens her mouth wide immediately they drive into the VIP parking spot.

"Don't tell me I'm shopping here?"Mimi asked as the car park and Avia nod

"No Avia, I'm saving up for something. I know my parents are rich but this will cost us a fortune, I mean me"Mimi said trying to convince Avia

"Did I ask you to pay?"Avia asked coldly

"Don' daddy"Mimi stutter

"Then keep quiet"Avia said and the driver open the door for her to alight, Mimi did same.

They walk into the boutique, one of the attendant walks up to them.

"Good day ma'am"She greeted with a bow

"Office wear area"Avia replied not responding to the greeting

"This way ma'am"The attendant lead the way and they follow her.

The office wear area was filled with different type of clothes to wear to the office and have a graceful day. Avia picked seven different wears for Mimi and asked her to try it on, she liked four on her.

"Pack this four up"She said giving the attendant the clothes.

"Pick any three of your choice, I will be waiting"

"Avi my love, I think four is enough for now"Mimi suggested

"Don't let us embarrass ourselves here"Avia replied coldly and Mimi choose the three she likes, try them out before giving the attendant to pack it up.

"Casual wears area"Avia said and the attendant lead the way. On getting to the casual wear area, Avia picked the first twelve casual wear that drew her attention, Mimi tried them out and they all fit perfectly before she asked Mimi to pick any wears of her choice, she did so and the attendant packed it up.

"Footwear area"Avia said and they were led to the area.

Soon they were done shopping every necessities, they had twenty shopping bags with them. They went to the cashier to pay.

"Total?"Avia asked

"$999thousand"The cashier replied

"Take my card, $1million"Avia said and the cashier take her card

"Here's your change ma'am"The cashier said giving Avia a thousand dollar.

"Your tip"Avia gave the attendant who was just coming back from packing their stuffs inside the car.

"Thank you ma'am but tips aren't allowed"She said with a bow

"Your manager"Avia replied and another attendant rush to call the manager

"Good day ma....."The manager said but stopped midway realizing it is Avia

"Miss Simpson, she's really sorry, I will ask another attendant to attend to you, I can fire her immediately if you want"The manager said as fast as he could

"What if I fire you?"Avia asked coldly

"I'm sorry ma'am"The manager replied with his head down

"What happened to the rules of tip?"Avia asked

"Nothing ma'am, I allow them to collect tips from customers"The manager replied shaking

"I want you in the company tomorrow 2pm, don't dare come late"Avia said and leave angrily. The manager, the attendant and the surprised Mimi watch her leave.

"You are fired!"The manager shouted angrily

"I did nothing wrong sir, I was following the protocol"The attendant begged

"Avi!"Mimi shouted before Avia could leave the boutique, she looked back and walk back to Mimi after her hand gesture.

"What Mimi?"Avia asked on getting there

"Are you firing the attendant?"Mimi asked looking at the attendant packing her stuffs to leave

"No, who did?"Avia asked back looking at the crying girl

"The manager of course"Mimi said and Avia walk towards the manager office angrily.

"Please be calm"Mimi added

On getting to the office door, she opened it angrily and saw the manager sitting on his chair.

"You are fired! Don't come to the company tomorrow"Avia said and leave angrily, she met the attendant on the way.

"You are not done for the day, continue working. Come to the company tomorrow 2pm, I hate lateness"Avia said and leave before the attendant could say a word.


The driver drives them home, the maids help them with the shopping bags, they were surprised the bags were much and they all belong to one person Mimi, the boss's best friend. Rhea and Madeline saw them coming in with all the luxury.

"Someone she probably knew few days got all the luxurious life and what about you sissy?"Rhea asked looking at Avia and Mimi walk in majestically

"She was able to get that because Avia trust her, use you brain more and not your empty skull. Avia is hard outside but can only be soft when you please her."Madeline replied before leaving to greet Avia.

"Hi Avia"Madeline greeted

"What did you get for Aunt? I can see Mimi is enjoying all the luxury"Madeline asked acting like a child

"My best friend deserves all the luxury in the world"Avia said

"Your Aunt should deserve a little luxury too"Madeline replied

"Obviously Aunt. Living in the Simpson Mansion is luxury"Avia said giving Mimi signal to leave

"I'm happy you understand I need to talk to you"Madeline said looking at Mimi who was a little far from them

"What is it Aunt? I need to get some work done."Avia asked looking at the wristwatch she's wearing

"Avia darling, can I take a break?"Madeline asked slowly

"I would have loved to give you all the break you deserve but you took the break when I traveled, I have record of you not going to work and chilling at home"Avia replied coldly

"Avia, it is not what you think, I was sick and decided to rest, Mary refuse to understand"Madeline explained

"No probs Aunt. You take the break you want now and you won't be paid for the month you missed"Avia said looking at her with annoyance

"Avia! I'm your Aunt not a slave"Madeline shouted angrily

"Aunt, I work for every luxurious life I have and everyone around needs to learn to work if they want to enjoy luxury and comfort"Avia said looking into her eyes without blinking

"Is Mimi paying for the luxurious shopping?"Madeline asked angrily

"She's my best friend and deserves every luxury in the world, I think I said that earlier."Avia replied coldly

"I've been doing everything just to be on your good side but it doesn't worth it"Madeline said angrily

"Ask Rhea to leave and I might consider a vacation without deducting the month you rested"Avia replied and walk out on her majestically. Madeline was left speechless.


Mimi who heard their conversation was pacing, when Avia opened the door, she walks up to her.

"Are you fine?"Avia asked looking at her worried face

"Can I go back home? I'm sorry if I'm causing issues between you and your family"Mimi replied sadly

"Family?"Avia smirked

"They are not my family! They suck at being one"Avia said angrily

"Why would you say that?"Mimi asked with concern

"They are all here for a motive including Nanny Mary. I don't know what their motive is yet but I'm digging it up"Avia said coldly

"Oh! They are here to hurt you?"Mimi asked

"Not sure but one thing I'm sure of is they want everything I've worked for. I don't know about Nanny Mary, I have this instinct of her having good intentions but I can't be so sure"Avia replied

"I will help you find out. You can hire a private investigator"Mimi said as the duo sit on the couch

"You should know I'm smarter than waiting to hire an investigator, I already did and for another motive at first then their secrets were having connections with my search and that's how I got to know"Avia explained

"Okay that's good, I am here to help incase you need any"Mimi said holding her hands in hers

"Thanks Best friend"Avia said.

"Thank you for today's shopping even if the money is going back to your account"Mimi said and they both laugh

"You are really humble"Mimi complimented

"What's there to be proud of? Once I hit the richest teenage entrepreneur then I might add a shoulder pad"Avia said and they both laugh

"I have things to do in the study, arrange your stuffs into the closet and every other thing in the appropriate place, I will ask a maid to help"Avia said standing up to leave

"Okay thank you"Mimi replied and Avia leave.

"What a girl I have as a best friend"Mimi said with a smile.