The day went by slowly, night came and it was the next morning, Avia woke up early as usual after dressing up for the day, she woke Mimi to get ready for the day. Few minutes later, green tea was brought to the room by Mary who came to check if Avia was ready for the day's work.

"Good morning Nanny"Avia greeted immediately she noticed Mary's presence

"Morning dear, green tea for Mimi"Mary said dropping the green tea on Avia's mini dining table

"Oh thank you, will give it to her"Avia said taking the tea to Mimi who was dressing up in the closet.

"Your green tea ma'am"Avia said jokingly

"Thank you"Mimi said collecting the tea and Avia leave to meet Mary who was waiting.

"Nanny we are set for the day, Mimi will be following us to the office"Avia said sitting on the couch

"Why is she following us?"Mary asked as low as she could

"Because I asked her to"Avia replied knowing Mary is irritated

"Can't you let her out of your sight? Are you that obsessed to this friendship?"Mary asked as low as she could

"Nanny, there's no point talking about this matter, she's my best friend and she will be anywhere I want her to be"Avia replied coldly

"Fine, I will go before you"Mary said and was about to walk out

"We are going together or you are not allowed in the office today"Avia replied and Mary stopped, she looked at Avia and walk out angrily.

"I don't know what is wrong with them? Giving me rules in my own house and company"Avia said to herself.

Mimi who heard the argument cried

"Am I that irritating? Why does no one accept me? Everywhere I go I'm always rejected! Is there something wrong with me? My family can't accept me even a stranger doesn't want me. Am I that bad?"Mimi sob as soft as she could unknown to her Avia heard everything and was pissed at what Mary did.


After breakfast, the trio left for the office, Madeline wanted to follow them but was angry at Avia for the fight they had the day before.

They were finally at the office, Avia walk directly to the meeting room where La' Cruz company was waiting for them. Mimi and Mary followed her inside. Mimi was surprised to see who was inside the meeting room but she was calm knowing Avia hates distractions.

"Good morning Mr Cruz"Avia greeted as she sits down distracting the family drama

"Good morning Miss Simpson"Mr Cruz, Mimi's father greeted back still looking at Mimi

"I hate distractions. Let's start the meeting I have more better things to do"Avia said coldly and everyone emotion set back to default

"You called for us Miss Simpson"Mr Cruz said

"Yes Mr Cruz, heard your company is going through some difficult times"Avia replied passing a document to Mary who passed it to Mr Cruz

"We received the contract and meeting schedule, we are actually here to tell you that we are forming alliance with the Perez group and we are going through with it"Mr Cruz said collecting the document from Mary and looking at Mimi angrily

"I really don't care if you go through with it. Read the document I gave to you and if you can't, give your secretary to interpret it"Avia said with no emotions. Mr Cruz read the document, he was sweating profusely that his secretary had to collect it from him to read it too, they both look at each other and back to Avia.

"This isn't possible, Dr Darwin can't do this to me, we are friends"Mr Cruz said fanning himself with his hand

"Unfortunately he did"Avia smirk devilishly

"This is what I don't like about relationships or unqualified business partners, you all use your heart and not your head"Avia said coldly

"Anyways I'm sure you read the contract we sent, is it a deal or not? I have no time to waste, I have other great deal on the list"Avia added not giving them a chance to devour their sadness

"Actually changing of the person running my company means dethroning me"Mr Cruz replied sadly

"Yes Mr Cruz, I want to give it to a capable hand"Avia said playing with the pen she's holding

"I understand but what happens to me?"Mr Cruz asked sadly

"You can work under the person or sit at home watching your company bloom"Avia replied

"That can't happen. I build my company so I don't have to work under anyone and why will I sit at home while someone else runs my company"Mr Cruz said angrily

"The door is open Mr Cruz"Avia replied pointing to the door

"Mimi can't you see this lady disrespecting your father?"Mr Cruz finally said something to Mimi

"Father? Do you know him?"Avia asked looking at Mimi and she shake her head negatively

"Mr Cruz the door is open"Avia said pointing to the door again

"I will like to discuss this with the board members, their decision is needed here too"Mr Cruz replied sadly

"Finally, a good decision at last"Avia said sitting more comfortable on her chair

"We will leave now"Mr Cruz said and he leave with his secretary

"Breath of fresh air"Avia said after noticing they were far gone

"Avia, what's all this about?"Mimi asked angrily

"Calm your nerves dear, I'm just trying to help"Avia replied before drinking the water the secretary who entered after Mr Cruz left gave her

"Help? You made me deny my father in front of everyone. If it was just you and I with my father then I don't care but your Nanny who doesn't like me and his secretary was here"Mimi said angrily

"I would rather come from a lesbian than have him as my father"Avia replied and leave the meeting room angrily

"Avia!"Mimi called angrily

"It is Ma'am here in the office"Mary said and was about to leave when Mimi held her hand

"I don't work here"Mimi replied and leave angrily before she could.

"Who does this girl think she is?"Mary asked angrily


Avia is in her office, walking up and down angrily, she was pissed at Mimi for questioning her. Mimi who asked for Avia's office direction entered the office without knocking.

"Avia"She called

"Mimi, I really don't want to argue with you"Avia said as calm as she could

"I'm not here to argue with you, I want to know what you are up to. Avia that company means a lot to my family, the company is my grandfather's sweat, he was among the bricklayers that build the company, I know you are not going to do anything to hurt me but please leave my family's company"Mimi explained with tears

"Can you stop crying and be strong? Why won't they make decisions for you when you show them you are weak."Avia said angrily

"Mimi, I'm not doing anything to your grandfather's sweat or your family's heirloom. I'm only helping you, it's not as if you will inherit the company if your father is too old to work"Avia explained as calm as she could

"How do you know I won't inherit the company? Not as if I want the company but I'm their only hope or should I say heiress"

"I really don't know just a feeling, ask your parents if you have a chance to"Avia replied coldly

"I really want to know your plan"Mimi said going closer to her

"I'm only helping your parents company"Avia replied and they stopped talking about the company when they noticed Mary's presence

"Avia, we have other company with nicer deals on the wait list, why don't you accept a meeting from one of them?"Mary said trying to clear the sad aura in the room

"We talked about this yesterday Ms Hart, I want to partner with La' Cruz only, every other company can wait till I'm done and decide to choose my last five"Avia replied with her face devoid of emotions

"Apologies"Mary said leaving the office for her office.

"Why is everyone questioning me? Why?!"Avia shouted angrily making Mimi shake

"Avi please be calm"Mimi tried to calm her down

"Please leave"Avia said and Mimi leave the office without hesitation.

Avia opens her drawer, brought out the antipsychotic to use with the water on her table. She held her head in her palm after using the pill before sitting on the couch rubbing her temple hard. After few minutes, she was calm.

"What will I do without you?"Avia asked the pill before she continue working on the paper in front of her. Her phone beeped.....


"Hi ma'am, I've found out everything"The PI said

"Okay, explain in details"

"Margret gave birth to two girls on the same day, she was a poor teenager who got pregnant from rape, she has no capability to take care of a child not to say two. After weeks of deliberating on what to do with the twin, she finally sold one of them to the Lorenzo family who had no child due to low sperm count from the husband and infertility from the wife, Laura was sold to the Lorenzos while Margret kept Lorea. Margret died at the age of twenty one giving her best friend, Veronica, Lorea to care for. Veronica who was popular for being an expensive prostitute and gold digger went to jail after jilting a rich lawyer, she dropped Lorea at the orphanage hoping once she's back she will adopt her. After one year of serving jail terms, Veronica was out, she went back to the Orphanage and realized Lorea has been adopted by a rich family Kurt, Veronica watched over the family for two months before finally accepting that they love Lorea. She can't give Lorea the best life so she won't disturb her from having the best."The PI explained without missing a detail

"That was how the twin got separated and they were living their best life in their respective adopted family's house. Now how they met in Japan"The PI added.


Lorea entered a restaurant majestically, she sat at the far end of the restaurant, she was yet to order from the menu when a waitress brought food for her.

"Hey excuse me, I didn't order this"Lorea said pointing to the food

"You ordered for veggies only ma'am, did I by any chance miss anything?"The waitress replied checking the tab with her to be sure if she made a mistake

"I just walked into the restaurant, you are mistaking, you probably took me for someone else"Lorea said with a smile

"Is this some Tiktok prank? You ordered this ma'am, Mrs Lorenzo Laura"The waitress replied with more confusion

"Do I look like a prankster? I am Mrs Lorea Simpson not Lorenzo or whatever"Lorea said getting a bit angry

"Ma'am....."The waitress was cut off by a waiter

"Mrs Lorenzo Laura is waiting for her order"The waiter said

"How can one person be in different place?"The waiter asked with confusion after noticing Lorea, she looked at the other corner of the restaurant and saw a woman looking exactly like Lorea there

"What do you mean by one person in different place?"Lorea asked with confusion changing her gaze from the confused waitress to where the waiter was looking

"Are you a twin or something ma'am?"The waiter asked looking at Lorea who seemed shocked seeing someone who looks exactly like her

"She looks just like me"Lorea said standing up to move closer to her lookalike

"This will be amazing if they are not lost twin or pranksters because in this world even old people want to trend"The waitress said as they watch Lorea walk up to her lookalike

"Excuse me ma'am"Lorea said and Laura turned to look at her

"She looks like me for real"Lorea said looking at the surprised Laura with surprise


"That was how they met in Japan. After that day, they hanged out and in one of their meetings, Laura talked about her marriage"The PI explained

"What did she say about her marriage?"Avia asked hoping that will give her a lead

"Laura's marriage was an abusive one, her husband who refused to give his last name to her beats her up any single chance he gets, from the information I got from the neighbors, they've never lived a happy couple life and they all think that's why she did not give birth. That day she told her twin about her marriage, her husband somehow found out she has been leaving the house frequently which means Laura was sneaking out of the house. He beat her up that night and demanded to see who she was meeting up with, Laura told her twin about her husband's demand and she accepted. She set up a dinner date to meet her twin's husband but Lorea didn't show up that night which warranted another beating for Laura. Despite being beaten by her husband, she was worried about her twin, the little time she knows Lorea, she knows she never back off from her word. Two days later, the neighbors stopped seeing Laura who was always sitting at the terrace with a sad face. That's how Laura and Lorea went missing"The PI narrated and Avia was trying to connect the crime so it can make sense

"They both went missing? Do you think it was Laura's abusive husband?"Avia asked trying to connect the dots

"Thought of it too but I can't even find the man since Lorea was not using his last name, none of the neighbors have seen him before and he was not at home the day his wife was kidnapped and he was with his wife the day Lorea was kidnapped."The PI replied leaving Avia puzzled

"This is tough! Is that all you have for me?"Avia asked looking confuse

"Yes ma'am"The PI replied

"Keep investigating this matter, I don't want any secret for now except it is connected to my grandmother's disappearance"Avia said before ending the call

"I have a lot to do. Mimi's family, the hypocrites living in my house, this secrets and business."Avia said looking at the workload on her


Mr Cruz and his secretary has gotten back to the office, on their way back they already schedule a board meeting and the board members were waiting for them.

"Good morning everyone"Mr Cruz greeted as he sits on his chair

"What's the need for the emergency meeting?"One of the board members asked ignoring his greetings

"After everything that happened between my family and the Perez family which cause the alliance between us to be on hold. Yesterday my secretary received a mail from the biggest company headed by a teenager Simpson. They sent their proposal along with the mail, seeing their proposal frustrated me but still want to honor the invite, the proposal has been sent to your mail please check before I continue" Mr Cruz explained and the board members took their phone to read the mail

"What about the alliance with the Perez group?"One of the board members asked

"They were planning to cheat us, they've gone bankrupt and they are planning to use La' Cruz to grow their business back"Mr Cruz replied sadly

"I knew something was not right"Another board member commented angrily

"Now let's talk about Miss Simpson proposal, I can't do anything without hearing from you"Mr Cruz said sadly

"Why don't we vote? If you want the company to be ruled by Miss Simpson chosen CEO please signify"Another board member said and everyone in the room except him and Mr Cruz raise their hand

"It is decided then"Mr Cruz said and leave the meeting room

The board members discuss for a while before departing


Mr Cruz enter his office angrily, he throw the flower vase on his table on the floor.

"How dare they go against me in that manner? I've done everything for the betterment of the company, I was even ready to marry my daughter off just so the company can prosper. They are all hypocrite!"Mr Cruz said angrily

"This is all Miss Cruz fault, her friend is taking revenge on you."The secretary said as she walk in

"I really don't care about that useless girl, she's not my daughter. Call Mrs Cruz right now"Mr Cruz said angrily

"Okay sir"The secretary said dialing a number on the telephone

"Hi ma'am, Mr Cruz will like to....."The secretary said and Mr Cruz snatch the phone angrily

"That useless girl you collected from your boss years ago has now become a disaster for us, I told you back then that she will be the end of us but you didn't listen"Mr Cruz said angrily

"What's wrong Mr Cruz?"Mrs Cruz asked from the other end worriedly

"Alot is wrong! I'm going to lose my company because of that disaster you brought home"Mr Cruz replied angrily

"Her father's company but what did she do? Don't forget you accepted her?"Mrs Cruz said trying to calm herself

"I accepted her because of the money not because I wanted her as my own"Mr Cruz replied trying to calm down

"That's not even the problem now! The problem now is how I won't lose this company to that crazy teenager"Mr Cruz said rubbing his forehead angrily

"Which crazy teenager? Mimi?"Mrs Cruz asked

"Not her! Avia Simpson, she wants the company and all the board members accepted! Those hypocrite"Mr Cruz replied angrily

"I can't believe this. Does Mimi know about her family? Does she know her real identity? Is she trying to get back at us?"Mrs Cruz asked paranoidly

"I think she knows because that crazy teenager asked if I was her father and she nod negatively. I don't know what to say anymore. What next? What should I do?"Mr Cruz replied as his body shake in fear

"Let me talk to her about it, try to convince the board members"Mrs Cruz said

"The board members already made their decision, the only miracle that can happen is if Avia changes her mind"Mr Cruz replied sadly

"Let me talk to Mimi"Mrs Cruz said

"Give me feedback"Mr Cruz replied before hanging up


After leaving Avia's office, Mimi decided to visit her family at home to clarify things with them and let them know she knows nothing about Avia's plan. On her way to her mother's room, she heard everything she said on phone with her father, she felt betrayed and open the door angrily.

"My dear Mimi"Mrs Cruz who was shocked by her appearance greeted

"Your dear? Mrs Cruz who are my real parents?"Mimi asked angrily

"What are you talking about? We of course"Mrs Cruz replied trying to hide the fear on her face with a smile

"I want to know who my real parents are now before I do anything irrational"Mimi shouted angrily

"Fine! I'm not your mother and Mr Cruz is not your father, we found you and decided to help you. What have we done wrong?"Mrs Cruz replied angrily and Mimi leave without saying a word

"Oh my goodness, that was a close one, I hope she believes this story"Mrs Cruz said after checking if Mimi was far gone. She called her husband and explain what just happened between her and Mimi


Mimi who was still shocked because of what she heard Mrs Cruz said walks weakly on the road, her legs were numb and shaking. She was talking to herself as she was walking like a living dead

"What have they done wrong? Nothing indeed! All they did was give me a life and I've been ungrateful all this time. What more could they do for someone who is not their child? Food, Shelter and Education is enough already, if my parents really loved me then they won't have dump me. They did nothing wrong, all they did was help a homeless child and now Avia wants to take their means of livelihood from them, I have to save the company. If I talk to Avia calmly, she will understand my plight and forget about their company."

She stops a taxi to take her home where she decided to wait patiently for Avia to come back. On getting back home, she saw Avia who was outside probably waiting for her to be back.

"Where have you been? I was worried sick about you"Avia said with worry in her voice

"I have to talk to you Avia"Mimi said ignoring her question

"Have you been crying? Let's talk in my room"Avia said looking at her damp eye

They go to Avia's room

"About my family's company, can you please take your eyes off of?"Mimi asked calmly as soon as Avia close the door behind them

"What do you mean?"Avia asked trying to control her anger

"Those family have done more than enough for me, they are not even my real parents yet they gave me shelter, food and sound education. The only way I can repay them is to be obedient and not take away their sweats"Mimi explained as tears drop from her eyes

"I really don't want to laugh but this story of yours is funny"Avia said without emotions on her face

"Nothing about this is funny, I just found out from Mrs Cruz. After leaving the office, I went home to calm them down and I heard Mrs Cruz conversation with her husband, I asked and this is what she told me"Mimi explained crying

"Can you stop crying?"Avia shouted angrily

"Don't you have emotions? Can't you feel my pain?"Mimi asked with anger and tears

"Emotions for a fake story? Mimi you are not their daughter but you weren't dumped either"Avia replied angrily

"What do you mean?"Mimi ask calmly

"Your mother gave you to Mrs Cruz who was a maid in your parents house because your life was in danger, she asked her to take you to the park and she will be there with her soon. When Mrs Cruz came back from the park, your parents were dead, Mrs Cruz decided to take you home and make you hers for selfish reasons instead of informing the police. Her husband did not agree at first but after finding out that you are the only heiress to your parents property, he decided to take care of you due to selfish benefits. They even changed their family name from Manuel to Cruz which is your real family name so they will be able to deceive your family lawyer and take everything that belongs to your parents. This is your identity and not the crap they told you"Avia explained hiding her anger

"So everything I'm doing is for you, your family's heritage and name. According to my grandmother's past diary and note, La' Cruz was competing with Simpson which means it was a big company and not what it is now"Avia added looking at the devastated Mimi

"I know this is no way to break the truth to someone but I can't just watch you believe whatever they told you"Avia said comforting the crying Mimi

"You can't cry, you have to be strong! Great news, those greedy people forgot to adopt you. I'm still investigating your parents death and those that were involved will definitely be punished"Avia said still comforting the crying Mimi

"Now I know my identity!"Mimi said with tears and vegeance could be heard in her voice.