Mimi, Mary, Madeline and Rhea are at the front of an intensive care unit of the hospital. The mansion was called earlier to inform them about Avia's unconsciousness.


"Hello, this is the Simpson's mansion"A maid said after picking the phone which rang continuously

"This is the office, Miss Simpson just fainted and we are on our way to the central hospital"The caller said with broken voice

"I will inform Ms Hart"The maid said trying to calm down, she hangs up the call and look around nervously, Mary is not around so she's clueless on who to tell.

Mimi who was sitting in the sitting room saw her expression after the call and walk up to her.

"Is anything the problem?"She asked on getting to her

"It is a call from the office"The maid replied nervously

"Oh, it might be for me"Mimi replied after realizing she left her phone in the room

"Ma'am fainted"The maid finally said. Mimi ran out of the mansion after hearing the hospital details from the maid. she was about to enter one of the cars when she remember she can't drive and waiting for any of the drivers that work in the mansion is delaying, she walk as fast as she can to the mansion gate which is few miles away from the garage. Outside the gate, she board a cab packing close to the mansion checking its battery, it was like a blessing in disguise, off the cab went. She couldn't believe the fact that Avia had fainted, she kept thinking of what might have caused it, she put her hand in her pocket in search of phone to look up at Avia's condition with a doctor she consulted while at the Philippines when she remembered her phone was in the room.

"What might have happened? She was fine this morning, I have to call her Nanny but I don't even have her number. I acted too irrational, I should have calm down and call all the necessary people."She said to herself forgetting she was in the cab with someone.

"We are here Ma'am"The cab driver announced bringing Mimi back to her senses.

"Keep the change"She said as she alighted from the cab hurriedly. She walks as fast as she can inside the hospital straight to the reception.

"Avia Simpson?!"She asked more like saying.

"A moment please"The nurse at the reception said searching for the name of the monitor in front of her.

"ICU"she replied not looking up at Mimi who already left with tears. She walks as fast as possible to the ICU where she saw the secretary panicking.

"What happened to Avia?"She asked walking to the ICU to check on her

"She fainted ma'am after a meeting"The secretary replied

"Who did she have a meeting with?"Mimi asked turning to the secretary controlling her emotions

"Confidential ma'am"The secretary replied looking at her shoes

"You care about confidential right now? Do you want to lose your job?"Mimi shouted angrily forgetting she's at the hospital.

"Mr Gordon and Miss Wolff"The secretary replied with fear

"Miss Wolff? Isn't that Rita Wolff?"Mimi asked surprisingly

"Yes ma'am, I found Miss Simpson on the floor few minutes after the meeting, she said she was checking out five minutes after the meeting so I wanted to ask why she hasn't come out yet if she was expecting someone, I called her office phone but she didn't pick so I was forced to go to the office"The secretary explained shaking

"Has the doctor come out at all?"Mimi asked and the secretary shake her head

"Do you have Ms Hart contact?"Mimi asked calming her nerves.

"Yes ma'am but we are not allowed to call them with our personal number"The secretary replied

"Is it that you don't know the gravity of this? Or you are dumb!"Mimi shouted angrily

"I'm sorry ma'am, the company's policy"The secretary replied standing her ground

"Shut the hell up and give me the phone"Mimi said angrily and the secretary gave her the phone after unlocking it and searched for Mary's number.

"Hello Ms Hart"Mimi greeted after calling her twice

"Who is on the phone?"Mary asked rudely after realizing it's Mimi's voice.

"This is Mimi and I'm calling to let you know Avia is at the hospital"Mimi replied coldly, the aura she never knew she had, the influence of Avia.

"What have you done to her?"Mary shouted angrily

"Central hospital, ICU"Mimi replied ignoring Mary's rants and end the call.

This period is hard for Mimi, she has to act strong and not breakdown for the sake of Avia. Few minutes later, Mimi saw Mary walking hurriedly towards her with a range she could feel in the air, the sound of slap was the first thing she heard before realizing Mary had slapped her.

"What did you do to her?"Mary asked angrily

"This is not the right time to blame anyone and if you want to blame someone then blame Rita Wolff she was the last person Avia saw before the incident"Mimi replied controlling her emotions, she can't afford to loose it right now.

"How do you know that?"Mary asked calming her nerves.

"She's right ma'am, Mr Gordon scheduled a meeting with Miss Simpson yesterday and today he brought Miss Wolff along to the meeting"The secretary explained everything that she knows to Mary who hasn't even asked about Avia. The doctor came out in the middle of the conversation.

"How is she?"Mimi asked making Mary realized she hasn't asked of Avia.

"Her health is deteriorating, she is not taking care of her health and if she's not careful she will have brain tumor which will be bad for her mental conditions. She's in coma right now"The doctor explained.

"When will she wake up from coma?"Mimi asked before Mary could say something

"She should be awake atleast in three days because she needs all the rest she can get."The doctor replied.

"Thank you doctor, is there anything we need to do now?"Mimi asked

"Find her a good psychiatrist, I can recommend few if you want"The doctor replied

"She will follow you for the recommendation, I'm really grateful for your help"Mimi said with a smile she forced and the doctor walk away with the secretary

"Why are you acting like you are her family?"Mary asked angrily after feeling humiliated

"I really don't want to argue with you Ms Hart"Mimi replied as soft as she could

"Why are you acting all nice? What's your mission? Why are you friends with Avia?"Mary asked angrily

"I don't know what you are talking about but whatever it is, you are hallucinating"Mimi replied keeping her cool

"I will make sure I expose you and clear Avia's eyes"Mary said and leave angrily

"What a woman, she didn't even check on this person she's fighting for"Mimi said to herself as she watch Mary leave.

An hour later, Madeline and Rhea who heard the news from the maids come to the hospital to check on Avia, they saw Mimi sitting in front of the ICU with tears

"Don't tell me it has happened"Madeline said faking her sadness

"Oh sissy! Take heart, you have to be strong"Rhea consoled corresponding to Madeline's acting

Mimi who has been looking at them since they arrived hissed angrily.

"Nothing will happen to my best friend, if you think she will die anytime soon, get the thought out of your head"Mimi said angrily making Madeline and Rhea realize how stupid they acted.

"Your tears is more for someone who just fainted"Rhea said trying to justify their actions.

"And your acting was poor, you need to take acting lessons"Mimi replied angrily.

"Don't piss me off you little crab"Rhea said angrily walking towards Mimi to hit her before Madeline held her back.

"Let her come shameless thing"Mimi said angrily, she's pissed about the fact that Avia is sick and all the people she considers family are fighting. She never had a family but she remembered when her grandmother fell ill and they were all worried about her, this seems new to her.

"How's she?"Madeline asked trying to divert everything that's happening

"She's fine and doesn't need your fake care"Mimi replied showing her dissatisfaction

"You are not her family"Rhea said angrily

"What y'all keep saying. I know I'm not her family but I'm more of a family than all of you"Mimi said pointing from Madeline down to Rhea and Mary who was walking towards them.

"In your dreams!"Mary replied as she walk closer to them. Madeline and Rhea who hadn't notice Mary's presence look back.

"The real best friend is here, you can leave now"Mary announced showing Rita to them. Mimi who was shocked walk towards Rita and slap her.

"What did you say to her? She asked you to stay away from her, why were you there? And who is that guy you followed to her office?"Mimi asked angrily but not loud

"Why did you slap her?"Mary asked pushing Mimi away from Rita who is still holding her face.

"I wasn't talking to you Mary Hart"Mimi snapped back angrily leaving Mary and others shocked.

"Back to you Rita, she clearly stated that you should leave her life, why did you keep coming back to cause her pain? She left the friendship for her peace of mind but you keep coming back to destroy her happiness. Do you even know her that well? Do you know repeating things more than once makes her head bang? Do you know she can't be stressed? Do you? No and you've been her best friend for years! She's fighting for her life because of your presence. Leave her alone Rita, if you really cherish the friendship as you said then let her be, she does not need you! Your presence will make her health deteriorate more, just leave."Mimi said with tears and Rita left with tears after listening to her.

"Rita! Rita!! Don't listen to her"Mary called and run after Rita before turning back to look at Mimi who was crying uncontrollably.

"Stop shedding fake tears"Mary shouted angrily and Mimi look up at her.

"You should stop showing fake care, you've been here for more than an hour and you haven't even seen the condition Avia is. Do you know how many machines she's connected to for survival? Avia is there fighting for her life and you are here fighting for who deserves to be here or not. If there's anyone who doesn't deserve to be here then it is you."Mimi said with range that she has been bottling up

"You know nothing, I've cared about her all my life, I've been with her since she was a child, who are you to question my love for her?"Mary replied angrily feeling guilty but won't give up without a fight.

"Who was there when she was a child is not what matters, who was there with her when she needed someone the most is all that matters"Mimi said not giving up. Mary became speechless and everyone could feel the air becoming stiff.

"Ma'am, these are the doctor's recommendation"The secretary who left to get the doctor's recommendation said. She could feel the tense air but thought it was normal since Avia is in coma.

"Have you called any or check up on any?"Mimi asked sternly

"Yes Ma'am. Doctor Hailey is the best psychiatrist in the country"The secretary replied

"Give her a call and schedule a meeting with her in three days"Mimi said sternly

"Okay ma'am, I will be back"The secretary replied and left

"You have no right to decide for Avia"Mary said angrily

"Your anger won't do anything! I will decide what's best for Avia, do whatever you feel is right"Mimi replied controlling her emotions.

"As Avia's nanny, I don't want to see you anywhere near her"Mary said

"I would have left if only you are still living in the mansion, that's when all this right comes. You are not working in the company anymore so you have no right to say who should be next to Avia or not"Mimi replied after a chuckle.

"I think Mimi is right"Madeline who has been analyzing the situation said. It is better to be on the winning side than the losing side. Mary look at Madeline and hissed angrily before leaving. They watch her leave, Mimi was about to sit when the doctor who attended to Avia earlier rushed inside the ICU.

"Doctor what's wrong with her?"Mimi asked with fear

"Be calm, I will stabilize her in anyway I can"The doctor replied calmly

"What do you mean by stabilize? What happened to Avia?"Mimi asked with tears but the doctor ignored her and enter the ICU with three other nurses.

"Lord please save Avia from any danger, I promise to serve you and walk your path as long as you make Avia healthy"Mimi prayed silently but Madeline and Rhea could hear her.