One hour later, the doctor came out of the ward with a smile, Mimi, Mary and the others were present waiting for the doctor.

"Her health is stable"The doctor said with a smile

"Is she awake?"Mimi asked seeing how happy the doctor is

"Yes but she's weak"The doctor replied and Mimi smile happily after heaving a sigh of relief.

"When will she regain her strength?"Madeline asked before the overjoyous Mimi could talk.

"In two hours, she needs proper rest. That's when you can visit her."The doctor replied.

"I suggest we should all go back to the mansion and I mean people living at the mansion so Avia can rest"Mimi said with a smile.

"I concur"The doctor replied feeling amazed by Mimi's care.

"Any other thing?"Mimi asked wanting to be sure there's nothing for them to worry about.

"I have some prescription for her, you should drop by my office to get it"The doctor replied and leave after confirming that Mimi will get the prescription.

"You all should go home, I will get the prescription and visit Doctor Hailey. Aunt Madeline please make sure food is prepared for Avia, it should be healthy and no junks. Miss Secretary you are going out with me"Mimi said and everyone dismiss.

Mary walk out of the hospital frustrated, she felt embarrassed and humiliated. Madeline and Rhea who have been waiting for them to be alone laugh so hard at all the scenes in the cab on their way home.

"You don't know how happy I am Sissy"Rhea said laughing

"If it was me or you that was humiliated the way Mary was, we will definitely go back to our father"Madeline replied laughing hard too

"But Sissy, Mary overdid. She could have comport herself after the first insult and I'm sure Mimi already insulted her before our arrival."Rhea said

"Yes, immediately Mimi insulted us we knew we were wrong and this is not the situation to act foolish."Madeline added

"That's smartness and avoiding ridicule. A nineteen year old giving her insults of her life"Rhea said mockingly

"Funniest part is till she left that place she did not for once check on Avia even I stretched my neck after Mimi said she's fighting for her life"Madeline added

"The girl Mimi slapped is another case of avoid embarrassment, I'm pretty sure Mary invited her to the hospital"Rhea said

"Yeah! I love the fact that she ran as fast as she could avoiding Mimi's wrath and Mary's nonsense"Madeline laughed

"Sissy, today was a movie!"Rhea said and Madeline agreed with a nod.


Mimi walk to the office of Doctor Hailey with the secretary.

"Good evening Dr. Hailey"Mimi greeted as she walk in.

"You are welcome Miss Cruz"Dr. Hailey greeted with a smile

"So nice to see you"Mimi said with a smile

"Same here Miss Cruz. Have a seat"Dr. Hailey replied pointing to a vacant chair for her.

"Thank you. Can you please wait outside for some moment?"Mimi said and the secretary left the office.

"Dr. Hailey, I'm sure you know who Avia Simpson is"Mimi said and the doctor nodded positively

"She needs psychiatric help, I will love it if you can help her out with it."Mimi added after the confirmation.

"Miss Cruz, I don't think I will love to work with Miss Simpson"Dr. Hailey replied

"I'm a hundred percent sure I know why but I can tell you Avia is not like that. You can't let Avia's toughness kill your professionalism, I'm sure you've dealt with people with worst personality"Mimi said hoping she will accept

"Miss Cruz I respect Miss Simpson a lot but I don't think I want to be the one to carry the responsibility, I have seniors I can refer you to"Dr. Hailey replied standing her ground

"For confidentiality sake, we only want you. I trust you alot and that's why I asked Avia's secretary to schedule a meeting with you"Mimi said still hoping she will accept

"I owe you one and that's why I'm involving myself with Miss Simpson's case, she has been tough to care for since she was a child, my closest professor tried to help her when she was eight years after her grandmother's death but nothing was yieldful"Dr. Hailey explained. Mimi saved her child from jumping off the rooftop a year ago and that's why she's still married with a child alive.

"I'm really not asking you to pay me back for Hale, she's my little girl but I'm really grateful for this. If it is to follow Avia to her sessions with you then I don't mind."Mimi said with a smile

"Miss Cruz why are you doing this for Miss Simpson?"Dr. Hailey asked, she knows Mimi is a kind person but she doesn't want her to be too involved in Avia's life.

"She's my best friend, that's what friends do for each other right?"Mimi replied with a smile

"Yeah! I don't want you getting hurt, take care, the Simpson's life has always been a mess"Dr. Hailey said with a smile.

"Thank you, please check this prescription if it is safe for her to use"Mimi replied giving her the prescription she collected earlier.

"They are painkillers, she's safe to use it"Dr. Hailey said after checking the prescribed drugs thoroughly

"Okay, thank you, I will get going. Send her schedules to me and I will get her here"Mimi said as she stand up to leave. She and Dr. Hailey hug each other before she leave. She dismissed the secretary and went back to the hospital where Avia was admitted.


Mary was back at the hotel she was staying, she ordered different brand of alcoholic wine. She was staring at them on the table with a smirk of disgust on her face.

"What did I do in my past life to deserve this insult? Why did she have to humiliate me so much? I've always been so happy with being a nanny for Avia and working at the company, I never for once complained, I don't have a family of my own so why did I deserve this insult?"Mary asked herself with tears before pouring a brand from the wine and drank it at once.

"Mimi Cruz, you will surely pay for this humiliation you caused me! I will make sure I humiliate you every little chance I get, you can't humiliate me and live like nothing happened."Mary vented drinking another glass of wine

"As bitter as this wine is that's how I will make your life, I will make sure I make you shed uncontrollable tears, that's a promise I make to myself"Mary said breaking the glass on the floor.


Madeline and Rhea are back with different healthy food for a sick person, Mimi is waiting for the doctor to attend to Avia since two hours has passed. The doctor finally walked inside the ICU and came out few minutes later.

"Any progress?"Mimi asked calmly

"She will be transferred to a private ward or you have any personal preference?"The doctor replied

"VIP ward please"Mimi replied knowing Avia loves comfort

"She will be transferred there in few minutes now"The doctor replied and he gave the nurse next to him instructions before leaving.

"Thank you Lord for making this possible"Mimi said with a smile. Few minutes later, the nurse told them they can go and see Avia in the VIP ward at the sixth floor. Mimi rush to the elevator and press the sixth floor, Madeline and Rhea had to run to catch up with her before the elevator goes up. Finally the elevator is on the sixth floor, she walks to the only VIP ward on the floor, takes a deep breath before going inside.

"Mimi"Avia greeted with a smile

"You scared me"Mimi said wiping her tears

"Oh you scared cat, I'm good"Avia teased and they both laugh

"Hi Avia"Madeline and Rhea greeted

"Aunt Madeline, Rhea"Avia greeted back

"I hope you are feeling better now?"Madeline asked with a smile

"I'm better now"Avia replied

"We brought food for you"Rhea said dropping the food basket with them on the side table.

"Thank you"Avia replied

"Now let me serve you food, you have to eat as much as I want you to"Mimi said serving Avia different dish.

"Thanks best friend"Avia said eating a mouthful of vegetable. Mimi, Madeline and Rhea watch as Avia eat all the dish like she was starving. Few minutes later, she was done with all the dish she was served making Mimi smile.

"Do you want more?"Mimi asked packing the plate in front of her

"Is there more?"Avia asked after drinking water

"They can bring more if you want"Mimi replied

"Okay I want more"Avia said with a smile and Mimi go to Madeline and Rhea

"Aunt Madeline can you please bring more food for Avia?"Mimi asked nicely and they nod before leaving with the previous food basket.

"What happened exactly Avia?"Mimi asked after making sure the door was locked.

"I don't want to talk about it"Avia replied sadly

"What did Rita and Mr Gordon say to you?"Mimi asked leaving Avia shocked.

"How did you know that?"Avia asked still shocked.

"Simple. You have a meeting and fainted after the meeting, definitely something about the meeting pissed you off"Mimi replied sitting next to her.

"How do I explain this? I've never said anything about this before, I don't think you can understand"Avia said sadly

"Is it the reason you fell out?"Mimi asked

"Not exactly the reason, just a part of it that hurts me alot"Avia replied rubbing her temple

"Is Mr Gordon part of this hurtful story?"Mimi asked looking at Avia with pity.

"Yes. He caused it"Avia replied blinking her eyes to hold her tears.

"You will have to tell me about it but for now I have something to tell you"Mimi said after seeing how hurt Avia looks.

"What's that?"Avia asked looking at how Mimi expression changed. Mimi explained everything that happened between her, Mary, Madeline and Rita.

"So where's Ms Hart?"Avia asked looking pissed

"She left, I'm sorry I disrespected her"Mimi replied feeling sorry

"You did what anyone would have done"Avia said with a smile.

"I have another thing to tell you"Mimi said and Avia give her a go on look.

"The doctor asked me to let you see a psychiatrist, he recommended few and I picked the best. I talked to her and she agreed to be your psychiatrist. I'm sorry for making a decision for you, I did what was best at that time"Mimi explained not looking at Avia.

"When is the first meeting with her?"Avia asked not happy with Mimi's decision and not angry either.

"In three days"Mimi replied not looking at Avia. Her voice shows she's displeased with her decision but doesn't have a choice.

"I'm not happy with this decision but I know you will do whatever is best for me"Avia finally voiced out not wanting to keep her emotions.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have decide."Mimi replied sadly

"It's fine, I'm happy that you are doing everything you think is best for me"Avia said with a smile that didn't go unnoticed.

"Will you call Ms Hart?"Mimi asked knowing she might be missing her

"She will come when she feels like"Avia replied with a smile.

"How are you feeling now?"Mimi asked stopping the previous conversation

"I'm feeling better and will love to go home"Avia replied with a smile

"Home? When the doctor says you are better then you can go home for a week rest, no office, no unnecessary meetings, no phone calls, just you resting on your gigantic bed"Mimi said smiling

"You know that's not possible"Avia replied smiling

"It is possible if you make it possible"Mimi said

"I will take care of everything I have to take care of and take the rest you request"Avia replied smiling

"That's great! You need total rest and care"Mimi said and there was a knock on the door, she stands up and open the door. Madeline and Rhea walk in with food basket, Avia ate again, They left for the mansion while Mimi spends the night with Avia whom the doctor asked to stay for a night more to see if she's stable or not.