Mimi could not sleep well throughout the night, she kept checking on Avia to be sure she's getting better and no need to call the doctor. The sun ray coming from the window blind woke Mimi up, she did not know when she fell asleep. She stands up and check on Avia before calling the house to bring healthy meals for her.

"Avia will soon wake up and she needs healthy meals"Mimi said on the hospital phone

"What should I cook for her Miss?"The receiver asked

"Chicken soup, coconut water, banana, salmon, some veggies"Mimi replied

"Is Ma'am Madeline to bring it or the driver?"The receiver asked

"The driver because Avia will be discharged today"Mimi replied

"Okay ma'am."The receiver said waiting for her to end the call

"One more thing, please clean Avia's room and put soft color bedspreads"Mimi said and end the call after the receiver respond.

Mimi sits on the couch she slept off on watching Avia as she sleeps peacefully without a worry in the world whereas she has a lot to worry about.


Mary woke up the next morning having hangover, she holds her head in her hand and flinch all of a sudden, she picks up her phone and drop it back.

"OMG! I totally forgot about Avia. Who will I call? I definitely can't call that girl"Mary said fidgetting with her fingers. She stands up pacing up and down thinking of what to do, she holds her splitting head in her palm.

"This is not the right time for hangover, I need to think of what to do. Yes, I need to know what happened between Rita and Avia"Mary to said to herself.

She walks to the telephone and dial the hotel reception

"Coffee, bacon and eggs with fresh fruit"Mary said and end the call.

She walks to the bathroom to have a cold shower and wipe off all the insult she received the day before. The room bell brought her back to her senses, she leaves the bathtub with a towel on her body and open the door for the hotel attendant who brought her order and leave after a nod from Mary. She eats the food hungrily and finished it in few minutes, she relaxes for another few minutes before picking up her phone to call.

"Good morning Rita"She greeted in a low voice

"Good morning Ms Hart"Rita greeted back in an unusual manner

"Distancing yourself right?"She asked then chuckle

"Anyways, I want to know what happened between you and Avia. You did not tell me the full story"She continued not waiting for Rita to answer the first question

"Ms Hart, I don't want to discuss about Miss Simpson"Rita said formally

"Miss Simpson? Are you going to leave your best friend for that dirty Mimi?"Mary asked shocked

"I've never for once disrespected you Ms Hart and that's why I'm telling you to stay away from me. Anything that concerns the Simpson's heiress, I don't want to be involved"Rita replied

"I know all this is coming from anger, I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. But I really want to know what happened between you two, Mimi seems to know more than I do"Mary said calmly while standing up

"Then ask her"Rita replied and end the call angrily

Mary was shocked, she has never for once thought Rita will be rude to her or distance herself from the Simpson family. She dial her number again after giving it one or two thought but Rita did not pick up.

"I will deal with you later, I need to know how Avia is doing"Mary said to herself dialing another number. After few rings the receiver pick up.

"Hello, Mary on the line"She said with panic visible in her voice

"Good morning Ms Hart"The receiver greeted

"Is Avia back?"She asked ignoring the greetings

"Not yet ma'am but she will be back today"The receiver replied

"How sure are you?"Mary asked sitting on the bed

"Miss Cruz called few minutes ago and said so"The receiver replied

"Alright. What are you preparing for her to eat?"She asked shaking her legs like someone who just lost a battle

"Few healthy foods, vegetable and fruits inclusive"The receiver replied

"Add almond to the list and I will pick it up in few minutes"She said standing and walk to her suitcase

"Miss Cruz specifically asked the driver to come so he can bring Miss Simpson back home"The receiver replied with a shaky voice

"Do you want to defy me?"Mary asked with anger visible in her voice

"Do you have the gut to do so?"Mary asked again after a short silence that seems like forever

"No ma'am. I'm sorry ma"The receiver who was scared answered against her will

"Better! Get the driver ready, we will leave together"Mary said rubbing her forehead as if she wants to release her anger to vanish

"I will do so ma'am"The receiver replied hoping she will end the call

"Don't keep me waiting"She said then end the call after hearing an answer. She looks through her wardrobe to pick something to wear, she picked a floral pencil skirt and a chambray shirt. She brings out her mini jewelry box to pick accessories to compliment her look. She picked hoop earrings with floral pattern and a charm bracelet given to her by Avia. She put on flats and carried a satchel bag, she made herself up lightly and leave for the mansion.


At the mansion, Madeline who was ready to take food to the sick queen of the mansion walks majestically from her room down the stairs then the kitchen where Avia's food is being prepared.

"Good morning ma'am"The maids greeted with a bow

"Is my neice food ready?"She asked walking towards the chef

"Almost ma'am"The chef replied

"Get the driver ready"Madeline said and turn to leave

"Excuse me ma'am, Miss Cruz said it isn't necessary for you to come since Miss Simpson will be discharged today"The maid who receives the call said

"Really? I will be going with the food and the driver so?"Madeline replied not giving up

"Ms Hart called few minutes ago and said she will be picking up the food and will be going with the driver"The maid informed

"Did Mimi ask her to come?"She asked feeling defeated

"No ma'am. Miss Cruz specifically said no one should come but Ms Hart insisted"The maid replied

"Insisted? Oh I see"Madeline said and walk out angrily from the kitchen making the staffs look at each other.

Madeline went back to the room to meet Rhea who is on a call

"Congratulations dearest!"Rhea said smiling from ear to ear

"Atleast you succeeded in your mission"She added not noticing Madeline

"Unlike me who got kicked out"She said sadly

"Rhea!"Madeline called

"I will call you later Katy"She said after seeing how furious Madeline is

"What happened?"Rhea asked with worry written all over her face

"Mary is trying to outsmart us"Madeline said pouting

"Outsmart us? How?"Rhea asked still not understanding their involvement with Mary

Madeline explained what the maid said downstairs.

"Oh sissy, she's not trying to outsmart us"Rhea said calming her down

"So what do you call her attitude?"Madeline asked not knowing what she should call Mary's attitude

"Seeking favour or should I say forgiveness from Avia"Rhea replied folding her arms

"How?"Madeline asked still not getting it

"Sissy, it's so simple. Yesterday, when Avia woke up she wasn't there, going there this morning is like making up for yesterday"Rhea explained and Madeline nod her head agreeing.

"So we should give her the chance to be a good girl?"Madeline asked

"Not at all Sissy. We will take the food before she comes to pick it up then make her come to the hospital barking like the dog she is"Rhea replied with a wicked smirk

"Avia will get angry and send her away"Madeline said

"Yes Sissy. One rule of this plan is we have to be the good girl, no matter what she says we will let her bark while trying to explain we did not mean to hurt her"Rhea added smiling wickedly

"And that's how Avia starts trusting us"Madeline said happily

"Enough of this trust shit, I'm only trying to get Mary out of the picture"Rhea explained

"Oh! Let's go, the food should be ready by now"Madeline said and they leave the room

When they got to the kichen, the chef just finished packing the food in a food basket and handed it to the driver. Madeline and Rhea followed the driver without saying a word. When they got to the garage, they enter the car the driver opened, the driver who was informed on who will be following him was surprised.

"Ma'am, I was told I will be taking Ms Hart along"He said

"Mimi needs us there right now and we can't wait for Mary to be here"Rhea said before Madeline could say anything.

"Sorry ma'am"The driver said and enter the car to leave. He starts the car and zoom off. Rhea and Madeline saw Mary's cab pull over but urge the driver to accelerate or Mimi will get angry at them.


Mimi takes Avia who is now awake to the bathroom to have a clean bath and brush her teeth with the toothbrush and toothpaste provided by the hospital.

"How are you feeling?"Mimi asked as she walk Avia back to the bed

"Better"Avia replied smiling

"Your meal should be here soon"Mimi said helping her sit up on the bed

"Thank you"Avia replied with a genuine smile

"Anything for you sweetheart"Mimi replied and hug her

"Don't forget you owe me an explanation"Mimi said smiling

"I know I do and I will definitely tell you everything once I'm better"Avia replied with a forced smile

They continue discussing when they heard a knock on the door.

"Come in"Mimi said and the doctor comes in

"Good morning Doctor"Mimi greeted with a smile

"Good morning Miss Cruz"The doctor greeted back with a smile

"How are you feeling this morning Miss Simpson?"The doctor asked moving close to Avia

"Better. And I want to be discharged"Avia replied with a frown

"After our cross-examination and we find out you are better then you are free to go today"The doctor said still smiling

"Do the cross-examination now so I can leave by afternoon"Avia said and the doctor nod. He examined her, sigh and turn to Mimi who was watching closely from behind.

"She will be discharged today but only on the condition that she will rest well and see a psychiatrist"The doctor said

"Trust me to force her to have the rest she deserves and about the psychiatrist she will be visiting Doctor Hailey next tomorrow"Mimi replied

"You made the best decision by choosing Dr. Hailey, she's the best in the country and very accomodating"The doctor said with a smile

"Thanks for recommending"Mimi replied shaking the doctor. The doctor left and another knock came from the door.

"That must be the driver. Come in"Mimi said turning to the door

"Good morning sweet niece"Madeline greeted with a broad smile

"I thouht I asked only the driver to come to the hospital since Avia will be discharged today"Mimi said looking at the two problematic step-sisters

"That's definitely not a good way to welcome an elder or someone who decides to help when the driver arrived late due to family emergency"Rhea said guilt tripping Mimi

"Sorry about that. Was only surprised"Mimi said and collected the food basket from Rhea

"How's my sweet niece doing this morning?"Madeline asked smiling

"I'm good aunt Madeline"Avia who has been looking at them with disgust said

"Is the driver here yet?"Mimi asked clearing her throat

"Yes, we met at the gate so we waited for him to get the car and bring us over here"Rhea replied with a playful smirk

"Okay"Mimi said and face Avia to dish the food brought for her. Avia eats the food slowly, she wasn't as hungry as yesterday, she was halfway her food when the door opened aggressively startling everyone.

"You stupid step-sisters"Mary shouted angrily leaving everyone surprised except Madeline and Rita who are faking their expression

"Excuse me?"Madeline said with a shock expression

"Excuse you? You both are aware of what you did"Mary said angrily

"Ms Hart, please you can discuss whatever it is that happened later"Mimi said trying to calm her

"Shut the hell up Mimi, I wasn't talking to you"Mary shouted angrily

"I know Ms Hart but all I'm doing here is caring about Avia's health"Mimi said calmly

"What are you trying to imply? That I don't care about her?"Mary asked more angrily

"I'm not trying to imply anything. I just want you to calm your nerves and sort whatever it is out without having to shout"Mimi replied trying to reason with her

"Are you trying to make me look bad? Are you in this together? Are you trying to make Avia send me away? Look outcast, I've been taking care of Avia now for more than eighteen years now and you can't come from nowhere to destroy what we've shared"Mary said angrily

"And that's where you are wrong Ms Hart"Avia who has been looking at all the drama unfolding. Everyone attention goes to her after hearing her voice.

"Mimi is not here to destroy whatever we've shared over the years and no one is making you look bad. You are paranoid and scared"Avia said as calm as she can

"And as for aunt Madeline, what happened between you and na...Ms Hart?"Avia asked coldly sending shivers to their nerves. Madeline and Rhea looks at each other acting confused

"Sweetheart, I'm as confuse as you are"Madeline said acting confuse

"Avia please. Ms Hart she said she's unaware of what she did"Avia said coldly

"Okay, the thing is to make up for not spending the night here after outcast here...."Mary explains but was cut-off by Avia's palm signalling stop

"Mimi or Miss Cruz"Avia said not liking the word outcast

"After she insulted I and Rita yesterday, I wanted to bring your breakfast even after out...she asked only the driver to. On getting to the mansion, the driver had left and they were nowhere to be found too"Mary explained bitterly

"Aunt Madeline, is this true?"Avia asked wanting to get to the bottom of the issue

"To be sincere, I only wanted to see how you are doing and that's why I came here not to make Mary look bad"Madeline replied sadly

"Ms Hart, you heard what she saisd, it wasn't intentional"Avia said

"I don't believe her, she knows I was coming"Mary said feeling wronged

"She did not deny knowing you will be here but she came here to meet her niece who is on the sickbed. I'm not meant to be here because I have personal issues to attend to, I'm only here to check up on her"Rhea explained looking offended by Mary's behaviour

"Enough of all the fights. I'm grateful you all care about me or seems like you do but I will like to be alone now"Avia said knowing if she keeps digging deep the issue won't end

"The meal is cold, I will take it back to the mansion and bring fresh food"Mary said walking close to the food basket

"I will order food from the hospital cafeteria"Avia said rejecting the offer as polite as possible

"But princess it can't be as healthy as the food from the mansion"Mary said insisting

"I want to be alone please"Avia said holding her head

"Please for the sake of the one we claim to love let's leave peacefully"Mimi said sadly

"Who are you to tell me what to do?"Mary asked angrily

"Avia, I want to visit my father, I will be back later"Mimi said ignoring Mary and leave with Mary and Rhea after a nod from Avia and close the door behind them. Avia lie on the bed not wanting to talk to Mary yet, Mary looks at the child she has been taking care of for years get angry at her and leave to give her the space she needed.