Mimi breath in and out continuously before knocking on the door of her father's hospital room, she was so scared and didn't know how to face them since her help isn't needed. She summon all the courage in her and knock on the door, Ruby responded from inside with a tired voice. Mimi walks holding her breath. The sight she saw scared her, Matthew seems to be in coma.

"Good morning Mum" Mimi greeted with shaky voice and Ruby who is yet to notice her look up

"Why are you here?"Ruby asked with puffy eyes that shows she has been crying

"What happened to him?"Mimi asked looking at Matthew fighting for his life

"He had another heart attack last night"Ruby who doesn't have the strength to argue said

"Did he hear any shocking news?"Mimi asked now sitting beside Ruby who is about to burst into tears

"His son and wife are on the street, the house belongs to the company"Ruby said with her voice fading away

"I can swear on my life Avia didn't do this"Mimi said knowing Avia is the blame target. Ruby looks at her with disbelief

"You are defending that devilish and heartless teenager"Ruby said as tears drops down her puffy eyes

"Avia was in coma till late hours yesterday and she's still on the bed waiting to be discharged"Mimi said and Ruby shake her head slightly

"Anyways, they are at the motel I took them to with the little left with me"Ruby said not wanting to argue with Mimi

"Grandpa and Grandma will be the next to be thrown on the street, please mum, let me help you"Mimi said holding Ruby's hand in hers

"How do you want to help me if you are living off that girl?"Ruby asked supressing her anger

"I can talk to Avia to let you retain the house and give him a job in the company with good salary to sustain you"Mimi replied still holding Ruby's hand

"Thank you but I don't need your help"Ruby said removing her hand

"Mum please, if not for you or him, please pity the innocent child with that lady. I know that is his sign of infidelity but don't forget your vows; for better, for worse"Mimi said holding her hand back

"Thank you my child even if I was never a mother to you"Ruby said and burst into tears

"It's never too late Mum, we can still live the best memories"Mimi said hugging her tight

"But Matthew can't work anymore, I have to feed the family"Ruby said with more tears

"Why? What's wrong?"Mimi asked looking at the man that made her go through a lot of pain fighting for her life

"He has heart disease, I don't know what the doctor called it but he said he has constantly be having heart failures, his heart doesn't pump blood as well as it should to meet his body's needs"Ruby explained with shaky voice

"I will list names of heart diseases that cause it; coronary artery disease, thyroid disease, high blood pressure, heart muscle disease also called cardiomyopathy"Mimi said waiting for the sad Ruby to reply

"The last one"Ruby replied shaking

"Keep calm Mum, he can manage it as long as he listens to the doctor's advice and take his medication"Mimi said assuring her

"The doctor said so but I'm scared"Ruby said fidgeting

"Don't be, he will be fine"Mimi assured her. She stayed with her for another hour discussing Matthew's health condition, some precautions he will have to take now and how different his life will be now.

"Mum, I want to go back to Avia now"Mimi said with a smile

"Sure, you can leave. Send my greetings to her"Ruby said feeling more relieved than before. Mimi smile at her word and hug her before leaving for Avia's room.


Mimi was about to knock the door when she heard Avia arguing with Mary, she waited eavesdropping unintentionally.

"That girl has never wronged you Nanny and you know what, I'm seriously not asking you to like or accept her just don't show it to her you detest her"Avia said as calm as possible

"I don't hate her, I don't want her in your life"Mary said as calm as she could

"Why? Why Nanny? I need five reasons you want her out of my life and I will let her go"Avia said angrily

"Seriously? What happens to Rita if you make her your best friend?"Mary asked ignoring Avia's question

"Now I've confirmed why you are doing all this. Did Rita tell you why we fall out or did she keep saying she doesn't know? Ms. Mary Hart, your favorite girl Rita left me during the camp and after I left due to health issues, my own best friend didn't check up on me till after camp while her new friend emails me daily as if that was not enough she dated a guy that confessed his love to me without telling me. I know she doesn't have to but this guy is the same person I shared my camp tent with, anything could have happened in the tent which did. As if that was not enough, they came to my office yesterday asking me to bless their relationship, so what do you have to say?"Avia explained bitterly making Mary weak in the knee and Mimi who was eavesdropping gasp for air. They didn't know Avia has been going through betrayal for months and she has been trying to forget it.

"I didn't know this is what you've been going through, I was clueless"Mary said feeling sad and bad for ignoring Avia's feeling and supporting Rita. Mimi who knows the room is about to be filled with tense aura, walked in pretending not to have heard a single thing said.

"How are you feeling now Avia?"Mimi asked pretending not to see Mary in the room. Avia nods not wanting to say anything.

"I want to discuss something with you"Mimi said changing her expression to concern. Before Avia could say a word to Mary, she left the room.

"Mr Cruz's secretary was thrown in the street with her son and mum took them to a motel since she doesn't know when they will be thrown out of the house too" Mimi said hoping to get positive reply from Avia before she continue with her request. Avia who knows what her request will be after calling Mrs Cruz 'Mum' smile.

"Once we get home remind me to make some calls. How's Mr Cruz health now?" Avia replied as cool as she can.

"He had another attack yesterday after finding out that his son and Secretary were thrown out of the house" Mimi said feeling sad for him

"He will be fine" Avia comfort her

"Avia, is there any vacancy available in the company?" Mimi asked not looking at Avia

"Which of the companies?" Avia asked knowing she's about to request something that will make her angry

"Any one" Mimi replied still not looking at Avia

"At the Simpson, the only vacancy available is my personal assistant and I'm not looking for one. At the other company, there will be lots of vacancy by the time the bag eggs are thrown out" Avia said waiting for the request

"The thing is....actually....I mean....hmm....Mr Cruz has heart disease and....he won't be care of the family thinking of working and....I don't want her'm thinking....of....hmm....getting a job to support know they are still my family"Mimi said stammering as she is scared of Avia's response and does not want to hurt her feelings in anyway.

"I understand and your parents can still work if they want to at least your father will be getting percentage off the company's earning. It is enough to sustain them but if you insist on working instead of studying then you can start to search for a well paying job because I can't let you work in your own company at least not until the bad eggs are flushed away and the company is flowing well. The only help I can do is to recommend you" Avia replied as calm as she can trying not to hurt Mimi's feelings or sound too harsh or with hatred for her request.

"Thank you, I understand" Mimi who is not happy with Avia's response said not wanting to drag the matter too much. The room became silent and tensed, the tension she was trying to avoid between Avia and Mary happened between she and Avia.