Avia was discharged an hour later and she was taken home, the servants welcome their boss back home with few gifts which Avia appreciated with a smile.

"This was so thoughtful of you guys, I'm so proud" Mary said smiling. Everywhere became awkward when Avia notice her presence.

"I just wanted to be sure you are fine, I will take my leave now" Mary said feeling embarrassed

"You can stay the night" Avia said not wanting to embarrass her further and hoping they will solve their differences. Mimi help Avia to her room and Mary walk to her room.


In the room, Mimi sits next to Avia who has not been talking to her for since their last conversation.

"Avia"Mimi called and Avia look up at her as a sign of response.

"I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings earlier"Mimi continue feeling sad and uncomfortable with the silence between them.

"I really want to help them"Mimi added not looking at Avia who is now focused on her

"Why?"Avia asked looking at Mimi

"I feel like they could have killed me and own the entire property but they still gave me life"Mimi replied still not having the courage to look up at Avia

"Let me burst your bubble, they did not kill you so they can have access to the property, anything that makes you die means the property goes to charity. So who will kill the source of their wealth? No one Mimi. I'm not asking you not to help them but stop being naive.They are using you again because they know how fragile your heart is, they are trying everything in their power to win your heart and collect everything that never belonged to them back"Avia explained as calm as she could.

"Avi, I don't think that's what they are trying to do. Mum, won't do anything to hurt me again, we chatted for a very long time today and I can see that she loves me so much but did everything out of love for her husband"Mimi protested calmly and Avia laugh mockingly

"Matthew Manuel has heart disease, you won't believe how much I laughed inside when you said it. You are being stupid Mimi, that man you see on life support is perfectly fine and nothing is wrong with him. Ruby knows about it and it's all an act but if you don't believe me then it's fine. I will let them stay in their current house and recommend you to a company where you get good pay"Avia said not wanting to argue with her.

"Thank you Avia, I know it is hard for you to believe Mum has changed after all the terrible things she has done but people do change"Mimi said now smiling

"I will like to rest now"Avia said not happy that she's being fooled again by the same people who has fooled her once.

"Okay, the chef will make healthy dinner for you"Mimi said and leave happily. Avia watch her leave and shake her head in pity.


Madeline walks up and down the room thinking.

"Stop Sissy, you are making me dizzy"Rhea shouted angrily.

"Our plan didn't go as planned"Madeline said sitting beside Rhea

"It did, she was embarrassed. What else? If it is trust then that wasn't the plan"Rhea replied not seeing the reason for Madeline's panic

"So you don't know Mary is spending the night at the mansion"Madeline said holding her head in her palm

"So?"Rhea who is still not getting the reason for her panic asked

"I thought you are the smart one here. They will try to reconcile and Mary will be back in the mansion again"Madeline explained

"That can't happen!"Rhea said after realising the need for Madeline's panic

"Exactly and I've been thinking of what to do to stop it from happening"Madeline said. She and Rhea started brainstorming on what to do.

"I'm the smart one here. I have a plan"Rhea said and narrate her plan to Madeline who smile wickedly

"You're indeed the smart one"Madeline said and the two sisters laugh.


Mary is in her room sitting on the bed thinking of what Avia told her earlier and how she has embarrassed herself in front of Mimi. She pick up her phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, is this Mr Carl Gordon?"She asked

"Yes and who is this?"Carl asked from the other end

"Your worst nightmare. Let's meet at the restaurant down your house"Mary said and didn't wait for an answer before hanging up. She stands up from the bed and walk out of the room with her phone, handbag and a scarf, she met Madeline on her way down the stairs holding a juice.

"Are you leaving already?"Madeline asked with sarcasm

"I don't have time to chit chat with you"Mary said trying to pass by her

"Anyways, the maid was on her way to give you this orange juice so I asked her to give me so we can make peace"Madeline said smiling

"Peace? Never"Mary replied with hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Why never? You misunderstood me, you should be the one asking me to make peace with you but I'm the one doing it"Madeline said with hint of anger in her voice.

"Madeline, I have no time to talk to you, I need to be somewhere important right now"Mary said pushing Madeline off the way.

"You are really a bitch!"Madeline screamed angrily and Mary run down the stairs to the door ignoring her awful comment. Madeline walk back to the kitchen angrily and dropped the juice. On her way back to her room, she met Rhea who seems to be on a call with someone and ignored her.


Few minutes later, everyone in the mansion heard someone screaming and breaking things, they rush to the source of the noise. They were all surprise to see Rhea constituting nuisance and talking gibberish, Madeline ran to her and hold her in her arms.

"What's wrong Rhea?"Madeline asked as low as she could.

"I loved him so much Sissy, I really did love him but he chose that teenager over me"Rhea shouted with pain. Madeline move closer to smell Rhea's mouth and gasp.

"Is she drunk?"Avia asked sitting on the couch

"Seems so Avia"Madeline who knows what happened answered.

"Take her to the room, if she breaks anything else she will pay for it and leave this house"Avia said with authority.

"Shut up you teenager!"Rhea shouted drunkly and Madeline try to caution her.

"Sissy, the girl he chose over me is exactly her age. He bought her diamonds and if not that I hypnotised him, I might not get a single gold necklace but he still chose her over me"Rhea cried with pain

"Let's go to the room"Madeline said scared she will spill more than she's meant to

"No Sissy, I have inward hatred for all this teenager that pretends to be innocent. He celebrated her birthday and made her happy, he hasn't even had sex with her and he has done all this for her. I was like a sex doll, I let him have me anytime he wants until this crazy teenager came. He didn't look at me twice, Emmett has never done that. My body turns him on always until that girl came. I did the unthinkable by hypnotising him and he still chose her over me"Rhea said with pain in her voice and Avia who was enjoying the show before now knows that all the hatred is directed towards her and she's the crazy teenager she's venting about. She gasp hearing Emmett name and the fact that he was hypnotised but still chose her over Rhea, she suddenly felt guilty for not listening to his explanation and not giving him a chance to explain.

"Sissy, I did what you asked me to do, I chatted this girl up and she scolded Emmett, he went crazy and almost hit me but I still came back to him because I love him so much. He said I'm special but she's his life, which means I'm a sex toy. If I had known that night would separate us, I won't have drugged him to have sex with me, you know the worst situation that night, he still recognised that motherfucking bitch"Rhea continue saying drunkly, Avia became all sweaty and couldn't take all the insult and revelation.

"Aunt Madeline, please take her upstairs. Help Aunt"Avia said feeling uncomfortable. The bouncers walk closer to Rhea and Madeline.

"Sissy, do you know why I'm so pained? The girl that gave me the idea of hypnotising is pregnant for the guy she hypnotised even though he's back to his senses, Katy is pregnant for that guy but you know what Emmett did; he sent me packing and embarrassed me."Rhea said now crying. Mimi now noticed how uncomfortable the situation is making Avia.

"Aunt Madeline, please take her to the room, Avia seems uncomfortable seeing her like this"Mimi said, Madeline and the bouncers take her up, she was led upstairs to Madeline's room as everyone watch

"The show is over"Avia said with hint of anger in her voice. The maids run back to their various post.

"Are you fine Avia?"Mimi asked knowing the situation is meant to make her angry but not uncomfortable

"I am"Avia said leaving for her room.

"Maybe she remembers Rita and Mr Gordon betrayal, such a pity"Mimi thought to herself as she watch Avia leave.


Avia sits on her bed sadly, her hands now itch to call Emmett and ask him to explain himself, even if they won't get back together as they were even not together but at least forgive him after hearing explanation. She summon courage from the fear she never knew she had and dial the number she long ago added to her blacklist. After few rings, the receiver picked.

"Hello"Avia said softly with her heart almost coming out of her mouth

"Emmy, you have a call"A female voice called out

"Hello, he's in the bathroom"The voice said after receiving answer from Emmett. Avia got angry and hang up without saying a word. She felt sad and betrayed again, if she had known, she won't have called him just to hear a female voice. While in her thoughts, her phone rang and it was Emmett, after few battle between her mind and heart, her heart won and she picked the call.

"So glad you called Avia"Emmett said from the other end happily.

"I did not call to chit chat with you"Avia said sternly even if her heart was happy to hear his voice again.

"Chill Chameleon, I know you are still angry at me even if you did not give me a chance to explain myself"Emmett replied sadly.

"Don't call me that Alpha"Avia said and bit her tongue after the last word.

"Fine Chameleon"Emmett teased feeling happy she called him that after a long time.

"Rhea is my step-aunt and she spilled everything between you two"Avia said not knowing that Mimi was eavesdropping

"I'm sorry Avia, I should have told you about Rhea"Emmett said feeling guilty

"It's fine, you were only secretive at least not unfaithful on your own accord"Avia replied smiling

"Thank you for forgiving me, I know things can't go well between us anymore but I hope I can still be your Alpha"Emmett said hoping Avia would accept him back

"Emmett, I only called to let you know I've forgiven you and I know you weren't unfaithful on your own accord, the situation warranted it. My step-aunt Rhea is still hurt though maybe you can talk to her and clear things. She misunderstood the enjoyment for a relationship"Avia said and end the call before he could say anything. She heaves a sigh of relief and feels alive again, Mimi who unintentionally eavesdropped gasp as she is surprise to know Avia is the teenager.