Micheal went home that night while Avia help Mimi with the chart keeping it from her that the vacation is for them.

The next morning, Avia and Mimi got up early to prepare for the appointment they have with Dr Hailey.

"Are you still angry with me?" Avia asked as the car zooms off

"What can I say? You did alot of things yesterday" Mimi replied not looking at Avia

"Tell me things I did and I will explain if I can" Avia said smiling wanting her to feel relaxed

"I know you don't want to talk about your past relationships but atleast tell me something so I can be able to defend you" Mimi said still not looking at her

"Rita, Carl, Emmett and Rhea I'm confuse. I know Rita's case is totally different but with a man involved. I want to know about this things, you told me the deepest secret and you are hiding this from me" Mimi added with pain in her voice

"I'm sorry" Avia said feeling bad that Mimi is hurt

"I'm unfortunately and surprisingly weak when it comes to love and all this people are involved in my failed love life, I will tell you about it when I'm stronger. I did not send Rhea away because she's involved with someone I once loved or supposedly had a relationship with, I need breathing space" Avia explained as cold as she could trying not to let Mimi know she's sad and hurt.

"I'm sorry for pressuring you" Mimi who could hear the hurt in her voice said feeling guilty.

"I understand your pain too" Avia said smiling and the car stopped

"Seems we are here" Mimi announced and they alight from the car


Dr Hailey saw Avia's car from the window, her body shiver, she breath in and out heavily preparing her mind to meet the great Avia. She heard a knock on the door, she rub her hands together and breath out.

"Come in" Dr Hailey said sitting on her swivel chair. Avia and Mimi walk inside the office.

"Good morning Dr Hailey" Mimi greeted with a smile

"Good morning Miss Cruz" Dr Hailey greeted back with a smile

"Dr Hailey meet Miss Simpson" Mimi introduced in a way that pleases the two

"You are welcome Miss Simpson" Dr Hailey greeted

"Pleasure" Avia replied coldly making Dr Hailey and Mimi twitch their mouth

"Let's start" Dr Hailey said showing them where to seat

"I will love to run some test on Miss Simpson" Dr Hailey said more to Mimi than Avia herself

"What test do you want to run?" Avia asked sternly before Mimi could reply

"We would run a pharmagenomic test" Dr Hailey replied ignoring Avia's tone

"What test is that Dr Hailey?" Mimi asked before Avia could talk

"It is a medical test that analyzes an individual's genetic makeup to predict their response to certain medications" Dr Hailey replied with confidence and professionalism

"Who would run the test for her?" Mimi asked curiously

"We would run the test here at my hospital but we need samples of either her blood or saliva" Dr Hailey replied

"Anyone you need to run the test" Mimi said not wanting Avia to say a word to scare Dr Hailey

"We would also be running a test for which antidepressants fits her genetics because her past medical records says she's on antidepressants, antipsychotic and anti-anxiety" Dr Hailey said checking Avia's medical records sent to her earlier by the secretary

"My medical records?" Avia asked looking at Mimi with surprise

"It was needed Avia" Mimi said not looking at Avia

"Why is the antidepressants test needed? I'm satisfied with the one I'm using" Avia protested

"A DNA test for antidepressants analyzes an individual's genetic makeup to determine how they may respond to multiple psychological medications. Your depression disorder, along with your medical history and blood tests results, guides the type of treatment chosen" Dr Hailey explained even if Avia seems uninterested

"The pharmagenomic test covers that right?" Mimi asked

"Yes ma'am but will be testing the antidepressants differently with the CYP450 tests" Dr Hailey replied still checking Avia's medical records

"Any other thing?" Mimi asked wanting them to leave before Avia's pilled up anger burst

"We would be doing some blood test for depression, so I can know what to treat first before giving antidepressants" Dr Hailey said now looking at Avia

"What more test will I be doing?" Avia asked sternly

"Your medical record says you have complex post traumatic stress disorder, so I will be asking you few questions" Dr Hailey said now typing on the computer

"Go ahead and ask Dr Hailey" Mimi replied before Avia could

"Any past traumatic experience?" Dr Hailey asked not looking at Avia

"Yes, her parents were dead in a fire accident and she was there" Mimi replied scared Avia will get angry

"I would love if the patient can respond for better diagnosis" Dr Hailey said not liking how the section is going

"I don't know why I should tell you about my life and past traumatic experience" Avia said trying to stay cool

"It is for a better diagnosis" Mimi replied hoping they can go out soon

"The test is enough, treat whatever you want to treat" Avia said still trying to stay calm

"That's all for now then" Dr Hailey said not wanting to push it further

"I will ask someone to take blood samples" Dr Hailey said and dialed the telephone in front of her

"Confidentiality Dr Hailey" Mimi said and she drop the telephone to take the samples herself. She took the blood samples and went back to her seat

"Thank you for your time" Mimi said shaking Dr Hailey

"You are welcome" Dr Hailey replied with a smile

"Send the test result and next appointment to my mail" Mimi said and Dr Hailey nod. Avia and Mimi stand up to leave. Avia left before Mimi did.

"Thank you for being patient with her" Mimi said hugging Dr Hailey

"Anything for you. Take care Miss Cruz" Dr Hailey said and Mimi leave to meet Avia who she knows is very angry

"Avia wait a moment" Mimi said running after Avia who was walking angrily

"Avia, please be patient with Dr Hailey" Mimi said as she caught up with her

"I don't like anyone interfering in my life and that's why I'm satisfied with the drugs I'm using" Avia said as calm as she can trying not to shout at Mimi who was only trying to help

"I will tell her not to do that anymore if you don't feel comfortable discussing it" Mimi said understanding Avia's plight. The duo board the car and went back to the mansion.