Mimi was surprised to receive a call from her new boss, she was still trying to register what her new boss said to her when another call entered and it was from her boss again.

"Hello Sir" She greeted

"I want a plan chart for a vacation in Japan and places to visit" Micheal said calmly

"For how many people sir?" Mimi asked excitedly

"Four people, three females and a male" Michael replied

"Okay sir, how many weeks is the vacation?" Mimi asked professionally as she has read from the internet earlier

"A week vacation and I need the chart tomorrow evening" Michael replied noticing how professional she sounds

"I will get it done as soon as possible sir" Mimi said and Michael end the call from his side. Mimi was happy to have received her first assignment from her new job, she walk joyfully to Avia who was busy in the study.

"Avia" She called as she enter the study

"Yes?" Avia answered looking up from the laptop

"You are suppose to be resting not working" Mimi said in front of Avia

"I'm almost done and is dinner ready?" Avia replied still working

"I'm not sure about dinner but I need your help" Mimi said and Avia focused on her after the last word came out

"With what?" Avia asked still focused on her

"Mr Simpson gave me an assignment I'm supposed to submit tomorrow evening" Mimi replied

"What assignment did he give you?" Avia asked trying to sound more professional

"He wants me to present a vacation plan chart to him" Mimi replied hoping Avia will help

"Write down all necessary information and we will see to it after dinner" Avia said with a smile

"Thank you best friend" Mimi said happily and she left Avia to work.


After Mimi left, Avia received a call from an unknown number.

"Hi Avia, It's Nathaniel" The caller said

"Oh! How may I help you?" Avia asked coldly ignoring the informal way she talked

"I'm getting married next week and I want you to grace my joyous celebration" Nathaniel said ignoring how cold Avia was to her

"Congratulations" Avia replied more cold, angry that she had the gut to tell her after what she did to her go to guy.

"Thank you. I told Michael about it and he wants me to send the invitation card to the mansion" Nathaniel said still ignoring Avia who is obviously angry

"Send it to the mansion then" Avia replied not understanding why she called when she could have sent it.

"He asked for four invite since it is strictly by invitation" Nathaniel said waiting for Avia's reaction

"Oh that means he's coming with his girlfriend and I'm bringing my nanny" Avia replied after calculating the main reason she called. Avia know she wouldn't call for the invitation if not that Michael told her something that triggered her.

"He moved on for real?" Nathaniel asked not believing her ears. She hoped to hear something else.

"Coming from someone who's getting married next week" Avia replied coldly making Nathaniel who has been acting strong shiver

"I'm not getting married because I love him so much" Nathaniel said defending herself

"But because you are pregnant with his child" Avia replied making her shake with fear

"Not that Avia. Michael is not ready for children now" Nathaniel defended herself

"Michael deserves better" Avia said coldly

"The wedding is in Japan" Nathaniel said not wanting them to come anymore

"That's great, a vacation in Japan and a wedding in Japan. Smart" Avia said more to herself than Nathaniel. She now understands Michael sudden assignment for Mimi.

"The invitation will be sent to the mansion then" Nathaniel replied and end the call not waiting for more cold response from Avia. Avia couldn't wait to find out how Michael was doing after hearing his once engaged partner is now getting married to another man who is not him.

"Michael" She called after he picked up

"My girl, you miss me so much?" Michael teased

"Been a while we had dinner together" She said ignoring his tease knowing he's hurt

"On my way to the mansion then" Michael replied with smile

"I will be waiting for you then" Avia said and end the call after hearing a response from Michael. She felt so bad for him because he loved Nathaniel alot and their love story was one to look up to. She wonder which man wants to marry Nathaniel after leaving her fiance.


It was time for dinner already, Avia leave the study and Michael arrived at that moment. Mimi was a little surprised to see her boss in the mansion even after finding out his relationship with Avia.

"The mansion looks more beautiful than before" Michael said looking around the mansion

"Hi Michael" Mary greeted hugging him

"Ever beautiful Ms Hart" Michael flattered her.

"Enough of the flattering let's have dinner" Avia said and they all sit at the dining table waiting to be served dinner. Madeline walk down the stairs and was surprised to see a man among them.

"Seems someone's boyfriend is around" Madeline said sitting on the chair

"Uncle meet my Aunt, she's grandmother's daughter" Avia said mockingly

"Uncle? Thought I was your only family" Madeline replied with surprise

"Unfortunately not! Michael here is Honorable Simpson's son" Mary said knowing how shocked Madeline is

"Your grandfather had a child?" Madeline asked with surprise

"Michael is your step brother" Mary replied as others keep quiet at the dining table

"And I'm just knowing about him? I've been in this house for a while now and I didn't know about him. And he has never for once come to the mansion until now, I don't believe all of you" Madeline said angrily and stand up to leave

"No one leaves till we are done with dinner" Avia said coldly, Madeline sit down and they eat the dinner quietly. After dinner, Mimi retire to the bedroom, Madeline left for her room angrily and Mary left the duo to catch up.