Confessing to Yamato

After Ren stepped inside the fenced area with Rina, the rest of the group soon joined.

It became like a war between them as they started playing against each other and trying to paint the other groups more.

Yamato was naturally more competitive, so she chose to be on the team against Ren.

Isaki, of course, join her daughter, but that way Ren and Rina and she would be at an advantage against Robin and Yamato so they ended up joining together against just Ren and Rina.

"I got you, Robin," Ren laughed as he had scooped a bit of the slime monster he was standing on and threw it at Robin.

All of them were sitting on the bouncing slime and it was very stable as it would stick to your body very well. One could also do the same as Ren and just threw small balls of slime to throw at the others and it would have the same effect on dying people.

Robin tried to dodge the shot but she couldn't as Ren threw it at a difficult angle for her, so the ball of slime hit her midsection, and died it a light beautiful blue color.


"I got you earlier too," She complained while her hands went to scoop some too and started throwing them like a machine gun at him.

It wasn't really serious though since they were using just regular human strength to play, as if they did use their real strength, the fun would diminish and little Rina would be left out.

Yamato ran at Ren from the side, well more like bounced on her slime monster toward him as her hand continuously scooped the balls and threw them at him.

Isaki meanwhile targeted Rina her own daughter, while Robin and Yamato teamed up against Ren.

Isaki didn't give her daughter too much trouble and just threw floating balls that would fall slowly near her.

And little Rina would use the slime that she was sitting on excitedly to dodge them slowly by bouncing.

And then as she couldn't really throw very strongly, she would command the slime to shoot it.

She had tried to shoot it earlier, but her attempts were weak so she decided to do it definitely.

Little Rina was the only one who was clean right now. No one had touched her so far.

Ren was covered in green, blue, and white.

Isaki wasn't hit very much despite going easy on her daughter, but her hair was red and blue.

Meanwhile, Robin had a mixture of colors throughout her body, and Yamato was easily three times as much as her.

Seeing that Ren called for a timeout.

"Alright, alright, settle down first,"

When they all regrouped near each other on their smile rides, he finally said.

"It's clear to me that we are the winners, hehe" He grabbed Rina from the side and raised her until he put her on his shoulder.

Robin and Isaki nodded their heads and smiled.

But Yamato wanted to protest.

"What, no, we still-"

"Wait, did you take a look at your team?"

Ren interrupted her and asked her.

She did s he asked and then her face which wasn't colored red gained a red tint to add to the other colors.

"Alright fine," her team was practically painted with various colors. So, it was obvious they lost.


The grown-ups chuckled at the children. And for some reason, Yamato was annoyed as she heard them.

But the slimes that Ren was on, and the one belonging to Rina celebrated as the others from the other side deflated slightly as if depressed.

"Alright, time to change the place, we can't spend the whole day in here, right?"

At their nods of acknowledgment, they moved to the next area.


Right now, the place they had chosen was a jungle gym, and it was very spacious as it spanned almost the whole space.

However, for safety reasons, there were nets under it, so that children wouldn't fall off when they fell.

Another thing was that there were some special types of monsters that could make a person fly slightly, by canceling gravity in an area, and that was what was happening.

However, the gravity was canceled only until four meters in height surrounding this area, by a huge big mammoth looking type of monsters, which is why the safety net was put another meter bellow that just in case.

In a jungle gym usually, children would ply climbing up the steel bars from one area to the next, and there could also be slides installed.

And that was also what was here, but the different thing was how there were areas that were free of gravity due to the monsters' control, in which the children can float around and play. Some monsters also acted like trampolines, which were similar to the earlier slimes except they were bigger, and had only one color.

At any rate, there were many monsters that made the experience even more fun. Like one type of monster that acted as a big chair with its fluffy fur where children can sit to rest.

As for the group, although they played with Rina at first, it was only because she seemed slightly shy, so Ren whom she was very comfortable around led her to play with other kids, and joined them for a bit before he finally got back to the others who were sitting in the very middle of this jungle gym where a few tables were set.

They were enjoying tea, and Ren had just joined them.

Isaki poured him a cup of tea.

"It seems like she quickly adapted to them," Isaki after pouring told him.

And Ren nodded.

"Yeah, she just needed a little push," He smiled too.

And then he raised one eyebrow as he noticed the seating arrangement they had.

Robin was next to Isaki and Yamato was next to him.

'They did it on purpose…'

He looked at Robin and Isaki meaningfully, while they averted their eyes confirming his suspicions.


He just laughed it off and decided to speak to the blushing Yamato who most likely also realized it.

"Hey, Yamato, I forgot to say earlier, but you look very cute today,"

He complimented her attire as he smiled at her.

Yamato who heard him speak to her felt happy, and even more so as he complimented her.

"Thank you, Robin helped me choose them,"

"Oh, that's…"


After the group spent a while there, just chatting with each other while little Rina played with her new friends, they finally decided to go do another exercise. Or just go to another area.

The next area was actually the area of the fields where many racing games were conducted.

In this area, monsters shaped like horses, and other monsters that were bipedal and could run either on two legs or four were present.

And generally, it was chosen just for people to feel the thrill of running with a horse monster that was way faster than a regular one.

But to get here, since the area was very far to take the distance walking, they used another special type of monster and it was able to be rented by them.

Actually, when ren saw this monster he remembered seeing something like it in Avatar, except there were some minor differences.

It was a four-legged bison-looking monster that had a very flat and wide tail, and it was covered in fur.

They sat on top of it and it flew them the whole distance until they reached the area.

Since they paid for it, it would follow them for now, and Ren actually became very fond of it.

But now as they reached the area, he paid and they got their horses.

Robin and Yamato both took a liking to a rather weird-looking horse.

It was cool, but not something he would guess a woman would choose.

It had eight legs, and while it was white-colored, blue energy lit up through its body and legs.

Isaki surprisingly chose one that was very cute, but not something unexpected for her.

It was a winged horse that had the colors white, pink, and red over its body, with an added horn to cement the unicorn image.

But for Rina, who forced Ren to ride with her, she chose something embarrassing slightly for Ren but he put up with it for her sake.

It was a very furry pink-looking horse monster, and it could use its extra-long tail and hair to attack if it wanted, but it was a very gentle monster. One of the species that weren't harmful to humans like the other horses here.

Ren gently nudged the horse, and it started running.

'It's best I ride with her, as the air can be dangerous at this current speed,' He nodded to himself as he used his wind ability to make it enjoyable for Rina as they ran on the horse at a very high speed, even surpassing the girls who fell behind them on their own horses.

"Haha, me and Rina are always beating you,"

He taunted them from behind, and he could hear Yamato's annoyed snort even from here.


A couple of hours later.

The group spent their day just like that.

They moved from one area to the next. And tried every game they found interesting.

They interacted with many monsters and overall just had fun.

When they reached the flying area, they had fun with a few interesting games.

There was a type of monster that could grant humans the ability to fly as long as they held one of its feathers.

The catch was that it was only a meter or so above the ground so that in the unlikely and quite almost impossible case that something happened and they fell, it wouldn't be dangerous.

But Ren and Yamato and even Robin, when in such situations always had their observation on at any rate.

It was fun floating there by holding that feather and then paying tag or just chasing after each other.

Another type of monster there was a glowing elephant, and while it sat, it blew its trunk to realize waves of air that acted like the waves at the sea.

The group then used another type of monster that was shaped like a board.

It was very flat and tall, and they enjoyed the action and floating through the air waves as they released sounds similar to laughing.

The same type of monster actually was visible in the other area they went on to, which was the pools area, and it also was used as a board there, since this type of monster can survive in the sea and on land.

They didn't miss the chance and even tried it there, despite not bringing a change of clothes, they didn't care, since there was another type of animal that can dry your clothes easily by blowing air at you.

Overall, the experience on this was very memorable for the group members and they had fun with various games, and the number almost reached a hundred different types.


Throughout it all, Ren was able to notice that the girls as pushing him and Yamato to spend more time together and chat, and while h liked that, he didn't want that.

So, each time they did so, he made sure to reinclude them, and Yamato certainly didn't mind, she also had the same idea as Ren.

They can be together, at the same time, no need to divide his attention on one at a time.

They were supposed to have fun, and they could do it together.

When he felt the time was right, he would then confess to Yamato and the two can get closer that way.

The girls appreciated this gesture.

And now, they are in the picnic area.

Robin and Isaki were playing with Rina and keeping her company to the side while sat on a blanket and ate some sandwiches and drank juice,

Meanwhile, Ren had finally felt the time was right.

He brought Yamato to the side where there was a small spring passing through, and they sat on the railing of a bridge above that spring.

"Hey, Yamato,"

Ren drew her attention from the fish that was playing below them.

Yamato was very aware of what was going to happen, and her heart was beating in her chest.

She was also slightly blushing.

But she turned to listen to him.

"I'm sure you are already aware of what I'm going to say, but allow me to say it anyway, and please let me finish before you speak…" He started as he took a deep breath.

In his hands, a cup of warm tea was emitting fog.

"I will confess that I like you, and am starting to develop some deep feelings for you," His words made her heart throb and pound in her chest as she felt the wind push her hair. But she kept listening.

"But… I am not a good person, as you must have already known by the sexual relationships you have seen me in, with you and with other girls,"

He said everything how it was, hiding nothing from her.

"I am scum, I won't deny it, and I also am greedy…"

Yamato had a feeling she knew what he was going to say. She wanted to interrupt him but as she remembered his request she silently listened. Another important thing was how she knew about his abilities, and she already had a talk along this min with Robin before.

"I am greedy, I want to obtain all of your love and have it be just for me, and not just you, but also other girls now and in the future,"

She smiled slightly bitterly even though she already expected it.

For her, Ren was the absolute best mate candidate she can settle with, her very instincts demanded her to be with him. And she was going to do so, but it won't be a lie to admit that she wanted him just for herself.

But, it was sadly true, but she knew she can't. not just because of his dreams, but because like her, the other girls were also in love with him. And they already accepted such a situation, how can she come and wreck everything for them.

"I am aware it is a dick move but as I said I am greedy to fulfill my dream, and no matter what anyone would say, I am how I am and won't change"

Ren then turned to look at her straight in the eye.

"I know you also like me, Yamato, but this is how I am in reality, so, think about this a lot before you consider being with me, as you still have a chance to go and find someone better for you than me,"

Yamato as she listened to that sighed softly and didn't hesitate anymore.

She reached her hand forward and took his hand in hers.

"Tell me, Ren, if you got thirty girls who love you and whom you love… would I still be important to you?"

She asked him this question. Because, unlike the harem idea that she had already accepted, this was something that was weighing on her mind.

It was the thing she was scared about. As the concept of harm wasn't very strange in this world, and some powerful people be it males or females did practice it. The prerequisite for it was to be agreeable with from both parties, and that the person with multiple love interests doesn't treat them badly.

Otherwise, everything was left to the persons themselves as they can do what they wanted.

Ren smiled as he looked at her.

"You don't even need to ask that,"

"I would love you until I cease to exist… Once you claim a part of my heart, you'll never leave it, even if at one point you decided to break up with me, you'll still have that part in my heart…"

Ren sincerely said.

And he meant it, just as she was able to discern using her observation haki.

She then smiled.

"Then, I will agree to be with you, you silly guy, haha" She laughed a genuine laugh.

"After all, I have already chosen you as my mate,"



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-Special thanks to *"Arun"* ; *"ShadowFangus"* ; *"Coby"* ; *"John Dunkley"* ; *"Heitor Prado Bortoletto"* ; *"Ahmed"* and *"ThatEpicTragedy"*

-Read advanced chapters ahead of the public release: