Lecturing Tatsumaki

The following day after the group had fun at the Imaginarium Monster Exhibit.

Ren was about to start driving his car right now while he was in high spirits.

They had already separated from their outing, and everyone went to their own houses.

But for Ren, today was slightly special. He had worn good clothes, taken a shower, and ate well.

And now he was ready to leave with a specific destination in mind.

His mood was very good.

Due to yesterday's happenings, he was happy, Yamato was happy, and all were happy.

He confessed, he told her about all his shortcomings, and she accepted him.

What more did he need from this life? Haha.

'Well, there is the strength to protect them too,'

But that was coming on the way too.

He briefly checked his status.

It didn't change even though he had some fun with Isaki the last time, but he already knew that.

Rewards by repeated sex weren't always guaranteed, and he was feeling it would take him years to reach the SS rank if he took it that easy.

That was why he knew his trait was embodying him or vice versa.

He wanted a harem, and his road to strength was based on him getting more girls, as that way the rewards would be greater and his strength gains would be more quicker.

But… he wasn't actively choosing that path.

So far, he hadn't been going after any girl, and most of the time they came to him first. Which was soon about to change…

He didn't want to be a thirsty guy or rather a manipulative guy that would target the girls just for the rewards and the sex itself. But he will stay true to his self.

Before he started the car he first brought up the chatroom.

He was slightly annoyed as he had been getting notifications from a bratty child earlier.

Whether in private or in the chatroom.

When he took a look, he couldn't help but frown.

-Tatsumaki: Stupid fake leader answer already!

-Tatsumaki: @Ren

-Tatsumaki: @Ren

This was on his private chat.

But a quick look at the past messages in the chatroom and soon he was able to understand what was going on.

It was trouble between the psychic sisters, Fubuki and Tatsumaki.

And she was calling him to solve that. And to be honest, he didn't want to partake in this problem this time.

He reluctantly took part however as he had to, and finally said.

-Ren: Tatsumaki… stop tagging me it's annoying, and how do you want me to fix your situation? I won't change the decision 'We' in this group took just because of your little sister… besides what's wrong with her wanting to get stronger too?

But he sent his message in the public chatroom instead.

The problem was as he read before, related to Fubuki.

Tatsumaki as the bigger sister, and stronger hero, she didn't want her little sister to be part of the chatroom at all. So, she was slightly angry at Ren for adding her.

And it wasn't because she didn't want Fubuki to get stronger, but rather due to how dangerous stuff could be for her.

She had yet to fully come to trust this chatroom that could lodge itself in her brain after all.

But what was done was done, however now, her sister also wanted to take part in the missions.

And here lies in the decision Ren said they all had taken.

-Tatsumaki: … I'm not telling you to make the missions locked once again for all until you approve them.

That's right, the decision was to make all the missions open. Which was an option he could choose on the system.

Still, it wasn't like anyone can join those missions.

They first had to possess the corresponding strength to the mission taken or they won't be accepted.

Basically, nothing changed except he won't have to approve each mission personally.

This way the members can do missions to accumulate points.

But generally, these missions weren't a lot, and weren't always easy, still doing that made it easier.

And there was a mission currently for the A-ranked members of the group, and Fubuki wanted to go on it.

And Tatsumaki wasn't okay with that, especially as she couldn't join this mission.

The system was locking people of strength more than A rank, and presumably, that was to promote the strength of the individuals themselves.

The only case where it would be allowed for them to join would be if they were in danger.

-Tatsumaki: What I'm saying by fixing the situation, is to ban only Fubuki! I don't want her to participate in this…

-Ren: … You, are you serious?

He asked a rhetorical question but the idiot still went and replied.

-Tatsumaki: Of course,

-Ren: I don't know what's going on between you two, but as far as I'm aware, Fubuki is an adult too, right? She can make her own decision.

-Ren: She hasn't said anything like that yet, so I won't change anything…

Quite far from saying that, Fubuki this one time had stood her ground against her sister, and had quite clearly apologized to her sister and announced that this was the one thing she can't give up on… and had then proclaimed that she will become stronger and protect all those that are close to her, including her sister. Since then she didn't reply back to Tatsumaki. She focused on getting points.

And sicne she was in another city, Tatsumaki couldn't go grab her as it wasn't easy for her to leave the cuty and leave it unprotected. Not that she can stop the teleport function at anyrate.

-Tatsumaki: You! It was you in the first place who brought her to this place, and now she's in danger because of you,

She was acting quite irrationally right now so Ren felt slightly weird and hesitant about how to reply.

In the end, he steeled his resolve to break her outlook. Especially as he saw the rest of the members were clearly there but didn't say anything.

'Tch, bastards…' He wasn't really annoyed at them though, as he would have done his best to avoid Tatsumaki too.

-Ren: Listen, Tatsumaki, I didn't bring her into this, she was already a hero on her own and right in the center of all danger, what I did is just give her a chance to get stronger since she was stuck in the same place, or do you not want her to get stronger? Are you scared of something perhaps?

-Ren: Otherwies, what's wrong with her getting this chance? Besides, even if your worry was justifiable and something does happen to her in a gate, being in this group we can save her faster no? this function extendes even to regular gates unrelated to the system,

-Ren: Or do you wish to say that you can fly to her side faster than you can teleport if something happened in a regular gate Related/unrelated to this system?

Ren started breaking down the idiotic walls she was surrounding herself with. And he wasn't gentle about it.

He didn't like how manipulative she was being. And someone like her, she was that high because no one stood up to her before.

-Tsunade: … little brat, I hate to say this, well I would enjoy it usually, but as this is a family matter I will refrain from joking, but hear this… you are being too hasty… think carefully about what you are doing, and your sister knows what's best for her too, think of her as you do anything

-Tsunade: Don't treat her like a child…

Tsunade then stepped in to say her part.

All Might, Whitebeard, and the rest stayed silent on this. But it was apparent which side they'd take.

Tatsumaki wasn't stupid, what Ren said didn't just pass from one ear to the other.

And she read what Tsunade said with annoyance in her eyes, but also slight understanding.

Still, currently, she was too angry to think more.

-Tatsumaki: Bastard… don't let me catch you face to face…

She spit the words while being extremely annoyed as she considered the well-being of her sister.

But then as she tried to get out of the chatroom to cool her head and think some more, suddenly her eyes widened.

Someone quite dangerous had just set their eyes on her, and her body literally shivered.

-Iris Heart: …What will happen if you do?

-Tatsumaki: T-That… never mind I didn't say anything, hmph


Meanwhile with Ren.


He laughed as he saw Tatsumaki running.

Though he understood.

If an Ex rank person set their eyes on you… yeah, it's better to run. 'If' you can that is.

Otherwise, you're already dead.

Still, it was certainly a dose of humbleness for Tatsumaki.

The two sisters' troubles were quite deep, and he knew that even from the anime as Fubuki was quite controlled by her elder sister that didn't appear nor act like an elder sister.


He shook his head as he sighed.

'Well, no need to think about that anymore'


For now, he turned on the car and started driving.

'Let's go visit the legendary sucker, shall we?'

That's right, today was the day Tsunade had asked him to have a meeting with her.

For what, he wasn't aware.

But it didn't matter because he was excited to meet her nonetheless.

It can be said that from among the girls he was with so far, Ino was the one he consciously attempted to start something with.

And now… Tsunade.

'Haha,' He drove with a face full of excitement.


-Discord: https://discord.gg/vBTuBmapYP

-Please vote. The voting can help the fanfic grow up and reach more audiences.

-Special thanks to *"Arun"* ; *"ShadowFangus"* ; *"Coby"* ; *"John Dunkley"* ; *"Heitor Prado Bortoletto"* ; *"Ahmed"* and *"ThatEpicTragedy"*

-Read advanced chapters ahead of the public release:
